Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hell Is an Invention of the Church

Hell Is an Invention of the Church

To control the masses the church created most of what it teaches and preaches, than what is actually truth. This retired bishop is speaking the truth. The big question is this. Is anyone really listening to the truth he is speaking?

Did you really hear what he said? I mean did you really hear every single word that he said. Listen carefully and comprehend the truth that has been spoken. Do not believe and stand on what you have in the past, simply because that is the way your parents and grandparents believed, and what they say or said is the gospel truth.

It is time to step out from under the control and illusion of church doctrine and time to step out from under the fear-mongering controlling governments of the world such as America. Wake up my sisters and brother and smell the roses, a few of their delightful fragrances are truth and freedom. I hope this will translate into liberation and freedom for many.


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Am Changing the World


I Am Changing the World

I am famous because I am changing the world in a positive way. What I mean by famous is, I am known and recognized by others for well doing, positivity, faith, and hope. Are you famous because you are changing the world in a positive way, or are you infamous because you are changing the world in a negative way? My meaning for infamous is, having an extremely bad reputation, and being well known for your negative choices, negative qualities, negative deeds, faithlessness, and hopelessness. Each of us bears responsible for changing the world. Either we are changing it in a positive way, or we are changing it in a negative way. Here are some questions we must ask ourselves. Are we changing the world for the better or for the worst? Are we a part of the solution or part of the problem?

I recognize that as I work on and change myself I am bringing the same energy of change to my surrounding world. My surrounding world is me, and everything that is intimately connected to me, my immediate surroundings. The environment that I live in is a part of my surrounding world. The things that I use are a part of my surrounding world. Everything that I think, say, and do which is full of energy is a part of my surrounding world. Everything that I create is a part of my surrounding world, and my aura; the energy field that radiates from deep within me outwardly is a part of my surrounding world. Everything that makes up my surrounding world has a transforming affect on the entire world. Because everything that I do changes my surrounding world, and the energy generated in my surrounding world goes out into the rest of the world, as waves of energy, like ripples from a stone that has been thrown into a pond. The major question is this. What ripples am I producing that are going out to the world, and what kind of change are they producing. Will they be added to the column of famous positive change, or will they add to the column of infamous negative change? Either way it goes, we all change the world in some way.

The world is in the condition we find it today because the majority of humanity is creating and changing their surrounding world unconsciously in negative ways. Because of that, humanity is continually producing negative creations, and more negative change than positive creations and positive change. Humanity is being fed so much negativity through the many forms of media provided. And because of the fact that humanity is digesting all of the media’s negativity, humanities creations are exactly like that which it is feeding on. The negativity being put out by the media is purposely orchestrated; it is purposefully orchestrated by the powers that be. Why is it that way? It is that way because the powers that be, are operating from the destructive mode of selfish control. They want to control the masses because they assume that controlling the masses will give them power and wealth they desire. That assumption is totally false, fear weakens and disempowers, and that is their ultimate plan. They partook of the Tree of Knowledge so to speak before they were ready to handle the power it wielded, and the awesome power called knowledge corrupted them, driving them out of the Garden of Eden, actually driving them their minds. It is sad to say; they cannot see their own insanity.

Speaking of the Tree of Knowledge, this is what I believe was meant when the story was told in the beginning of the bible, when Adam and Eve were told that they should not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. They were forbidden to eat from the Tree of Knowledge because they were not Spiritually prepared to consciously eat from the Tree of Knowledge at that point, just like our children are not ready to go out and live on their own when they are toddlers. Humankind cannot help but to loose its mind when it steps into Absolute Spiritual Wisdom and Power, which is exactly what humanity is experiencing today. Humankind has tapped into things that it is ill prepared to fully comprehend and handle. Humankind cannot swallow all of the water of wisdom behind the floodgates that it has opened. In total ignorance, humankind actually believes that it can harness and control the Sacred Power of Creation. Pandora’s box has been opened. Woe is me, to those who have reached into Pandora’s box and take from it. There is a saying, “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” That is true because humankind has not taken the time to be fully conditioned and prepared itself to handle such an Awesome Power of Creation. Partaking of such power wipes out what little sense one has. That is why common sense is no longer common.

Even though it may seem hopeless when looking at all of the turmoil in the world today, there is still hope and a whole lot of power remaining within us. Matter of fact, all of the power and wisdom that is found in the Tree of Knowledge is implanted within the Personal Temple of our Spirit. Our Temple is our Spirit; it is the dwelling place of GREAT SPIRIT, our Spiritual Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. That means that we are full of the Omnipotence of GREAT SPIRIT. However, properly accessing such awesome power must be gradual and systematic. On one hand, if it is accessed properly, it will produce great creations. Yet, on the other hand, if it is tapped into all at once or to fast, it will surely produce destruction such as we are seeing in individuals and the world today. Nevertheless, we have been given a way to safely access that awesome creative power. We have been given Holy Communion. The Holy Communion I am speaking of is Prayer and Meditation, the Sacred Communion of talking to and listening to MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. When done the proper way we become glorious co-creators with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD the CREATOR. Then we are authorized and sent out to change the world.

Because I know that I cannot do anything alone because of the Oneness of Creation, I start every day with the Holy Communion of Prayer and Meditation, which is where I get the direction and power needed to positively sojourn through this dense physical plane. Many years ago during that Sacred Time, I began to learn my boundaries. The only person I am to work on for the purpose of bringing about change is numero uno, me, myself, and I. Then the positive energy generated by the alignment of my will with Divine Will affects everything in me and everything around me in a positive way, and that could translate into someone else coming to understand and establishing Holy Communion in his or her life. No matter how we appear to each other, we are all on the same path of awakening, and we recognize that we are equal one to the other. No one is better than another is because of Spiritual Maturity, material gain, or any of their other actions, achievements or lack thereof. All of us are on the same Spiritual Path of Awakening, on the same Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call. We are all awakening to the Awesome Positive Power of Creation, the same awesome power that is responsible for creating the Whole of Creation, and that Awesome Power is Unconditional Love. Everything known to humankind was created by, and to this very day is being re-created by way of the Awesome Power of Unconditional Love.

Now lets get busy, start changing the world and becoming famous because of our partnership with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD and Unconditional Love.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2010

"You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is,
so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny."

– Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Friday, April 23, 2010



Art by Gregory Colbert / Ashes and Snow

Hush little one, let the wind move through you.

Feel the sun against your skin kissing you.

Feel mother earth embrace you as her own child.

The air around you touches everything near and far.

Let us close our eyes and touch the silence.

~~ Casey ~~

Sunday, April 18, 2010



Sometimes when I seek deeper harmony, I listen to different compositions of music. Music is the Universal Language that the Whole of Creation responds to through the Sacred Energy of Love. Music’s melodic vibrations and energies cause my Spirit and heart to take flight into the Sacred Realm of Divine Harmony and Eternal Oneness. That is possibility because music is saturated with the Sacred Energy and synchronicity of Love, Joy, Peace, Gratitude, and the Eternal Natural Flow of SPIRIT. Music is a wonderful combination of energies that resonate deep within the core of every living being on earth. Actually, the same energies responsible for music are responsible for the creation of all life, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial alike. Even the wildest of animals are soothed by the harmonics of nature’s music, which flows from deep within the Sacred Energy of Creation that dwells in every living creature. Because musical vibrations flow from deep within the Sacred Energy of Creation, in its purest form it is completely positive in make-up and nature. As birds sing their melodic songs, they sooth everyone who has ears to hear and whose consciousness is open to receive such blessings. An instrumental orchestration can express a composers deepest emotion of Love without using a single word, that orchestration can touch and sooth the hearts and minds of those that take the time to truly hear and receive it’s positive vibrations. The harmony and energy within our Spirit, likewise can touch and sooth us. It also can touch and sooth those who enter into conscious contact with our energy when their surrounding worlds overlaps with our surrounding worlds. Our surrounding world consists of everything we believe, everything we create, and everything that is in our aura and in us. Our aura is the energy force field that surrounds our bodies.

If you are traveling across a scorched desert, periodically you may come across a cactus plant that may be adorned with a beautiful blossom. That cactus plant seemingly has sprung up from nowhere, and it houses a wonderful surprise. Deep within the core of the cactus, which is its place of balance and harmony, can be found a refreshing drink for those who thirst and desperately need water. That is a wonderful reflection of the beauty to be found deep within the harmony of the deserts. It is a wonderful surprise from a desolate place, which at first sight seemed to be completely barren and lifeless. No matter what we are looking at, or how things may seem to us at first glance, there is always an inner core of Harmony, Oneness, Light, Peace, Joy, Beauty, Wholeness, and the greatest harmonizing energy of all, Unconditional Love. The key is for us to be completely focused, and utilize enough patience to be able to see, and tap into the awesome harmonizing energy of THE DIVINE within, and give our complete attention to the Sacred Vibration of Harmony. Especially as we are experiencing challenges as we temporarily sojourn through this dense physical plane experiencing physical life.

In many musical compositions, you will find natural notes, sharp notes, and flat notes. When heard separately they may sound like they would conflict with each other if they were to be played in the same song. However, when played together in accordance with musical law, they flow together and create beautiful music. Notes that are natural, sharp, and flat can be placed together properly in a musical score and create beautiful music. Music that is full of harmony and rhythm, creating an atmosphere that is Wonderfully Divine. All notes in Spiritually conscious musical compositions are designed within the composers Spirit by way of his or her Higher Spiritual Self. All music created in that way produces harmony and creates magical and beautiful musical vibrations that sooth the hearts and minds of those who are open to receive such a mystical experience. It is essential that we allow the harmony and oneness of differences to come together, enhance each other, and work and flow together as intended. That is one way that different vibrations produce harmony. The bitter and the sweet come together in the Oneness of Harmony; they are a delightful compilation of contrasts that are Simply Divine when they come together, even though they may be total opposites. Experiencing the sour helps us to appreciate and know the difference between sweat and sour. We have grown accustom to dissecting and judging just about everything we encounter. That in turn has caused us to consciously disconnect from the Oneness, Power, and Harmony of Creation in its many variations, the Oneness, Power, and Harmony of Creation that SPIRIT created for our complete enjoyment.

Opposites are designed to compliment each other, Not Disagree with each other.

Duality is an ongoing Sacred reality.

If I only focused on the first word of every sentence, I would never get the full message the sentence was created to express. Here is a good example of what I am saying in the following sentence.

Darkness gave birth to the glorious sunlight of a new and fabulous day as Earth Mother continued her majestic and graceful rotation.

If I stopped while reading that sentence and only focused on and digested the first word which is darkness, and did not read the entire sentence, I would have ended up creating and holding onto a faulty concept that is completely different from that which was actually being communicated. I might start thinking something like this. Darkness, oh how gloomy, heavy, and depressing it is. So many people in the world today are full of dark energy. Then I might possibly conclude with something like this. There is no hope for the world because it is full of an over abundance of darkness. That conclusion could not be further from the truth when speaking of what was being communicated in that sentence. We tend to latch onto words and phrases, and distort the true meaning of what is being said to us, when we have not learned how to utilize the art of listening.

We need to seek harmony in every area of our lives. There must be harmony and balance between talking and listening to each other. There must be harmony and balance between giving and receiving. There must be harmony and balance between the bitter and the sweet. There must be harmony and balance between women and men. There must be harmony and balance between the young and the old. In addition, there must be harmony and balance between Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and all other religions. If humanity is going to reap the most beneficial results possible, there must be harmony and balance between women, men, girls, and boys alike. There also must be sincere respect for this planet and every form of creation found on it, within it, and in the atmosphere and universe, that surrounds it.

Differences are created to Spiritually trigger an awakening, to teach us and facilitate growth on every level of our existence, and to initiate our essential Spiritual and intellectual evolution and expansion to the point of creating an atmosphere of Spiritual Oneness and Harmony. Differences were never created, or allowed to exist for the purpose of dividing and/or destroying relationships and Universal Harmony. If we have a different viewpoint than someone else, our viewpoint does not have to be right and take away from his or her viewpoint and their viewpoint do not have to be right and take away from our viewpoint. All viewpoints should compliment each other by encouraging the expansion and evolution of each other’s viewpoints. When different viewpoints are looked at equally together, that can cause everyone to see the broader picture in a much clearer and more enlightened way. There is a melodious way of hearing, and a crystal-clear way of viewing, receiving, and comprehending all opposite experiences that enter into our lives.

It takes two opposing electrically charged energy poles, one that has a positive charge and one that has a negative charge working together in harmony in order for a battery to work the way it is designed to work. That is a good example of opposites working together to produce a positive outcome. If a material object, such as a battery can accommodate the Divine Flow of Harmony between two opposites, why does it seem so difficult for so-called intelligent human beings to do the same? We must once again bring harmony back to the forefront of every single one of our relationships. Only then can the energy that we produced be constructively utilized to the fullest. Because of a lack of harmony, we are only utilizing a very small percentage of the positive creative energy that is available to us. Opposites can and do work very well together in harmony with the assistance of it’s cousin balance. I like something Louise L. Hay say’s about harmony.

When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives. The inner creates the outer. Always.

Yes, that’s it! The inner always creates the outer. We must continually go within and focus on the Divine Direction SPIRIT is providing us with in our Spirit.

Harmony Is The Divine Design Created For The Whole of Creation.

One Love!

One Light!

One rhythm!

One Harmony!


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © Jan. 2009

Moon Woman

Moon Woman


Moon Woman bows her head to her heart, she knows the source of her being. She embraces all possibilities of her desires and then releases them to an all giving universe of love. She is clear about her journey, as her course is set for her highest good. Her message is clear: “I am and always have been, the breathing heart of my Creator”

~~ Casey ~~

My Beloved Sister and Moon Woman Dejana Denda,
hank You!" for sharing with with me, likewise I am sharing it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Led By Inner Guidance

Led by Inner Guidance

Before I get started, I want you to know that what I am about to share is based on a combination of my Spiritual Beliefs, also my Spiritual Practices such as Prayer, Meditation and Devotion, coupled with all of my life experiences. In addition, I would like for you to understand that beliefs are always in the process of expanding and evolving, that is of course until they reach their maximum clarity and purity. That is when they cease from being beliefs and become Sacred Knowledge and our awesome Divine Unadulterated Eternal Reality.

We should never be led to do anything by anyone or anything outside of our Higher Spiritual Selves. We are awakened to Divine Reality and Divine Guidance as we turn within to the dwelling place of Unconditional Love, the place where our Spirit is eternally connected to and one with SPIRIT. That which others say and do should stimulate us in such a way, that we turn within and search for truth, understanding, and guidance from SPIRIT. True revelation and understanding comes to us through our Higher Spiritual Selves within our Inner Sacred Temple, which is the Divine Dwelling Place of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. Once we learn how to consistently go within to our Inner Sacred Temple, be still and meditate on all of the Spiritual Insights that have been placed within our Spirit, we will seem to be doing greater things than the Spiritual Masters that came before us.

Important Note: The greater things I am speaking of will not always manifest in physical form, or in ways that everyone will recognize, see and/or consciously be aware of at first.

The reason why I said; “seem to do greater things”, is because we individually, apart from everyone and everything else do absolutely nothing by ourselves, and that which we do that seems great or miraculous actually is not, even though it may seem so. The so-called great and miraculous things actually should be the norm for us. However, they are not because we are consciously disconnected form our true Higher Spirituals Selves. When one of us does something positive, the whole of creation benefits from our positive actions because of our Eternal Oneness. Therefore, in reality, when one of us does something, it is as if we all did it. That is reflected through both that which we do that is positive and that which we do that is negative. Here are a few examples that will make my point. If I go on a trip to Arizona, every member of my physical body must go on the trip to Arizona. If five people are in a car and it is in an accident, all five people will experience being in the accident. However, the degree of injuries may vary person to person in that car. We are all One with SPIRIT, that likewise makes us all one with each other. It does not matter whether we believe it, accept it or not. The deception and the illusion of separation is the biggest problem the human race has ever experienced. The belief in being in a state of separation from SPIRIT and the Whole of Creation is the cause of all of the mis-education, mis-understanding, and con-fusion experienced amongst us. Don’t Believe The Hype, because if you do, you will be one of the victims of the con.

Unconditional Love is a part of our Eternal Reality. Everything that humanity is seeking was placed within our Spirit before the foundation of this planet was laid. Everything that we seek that is life giving was made a part of or being before we took on the temporal physical form we relate to so well and call our body. We are going through the process I refer to as Total Spiritual Re-Call. Each and every one of us has equal Spiritual abilities and powers. We simply must slow down and focus within on that which is Spiritual. We must do that long enough to enable us to see through all of the carnal physical needs and appetites that contrast the Spiritual, and the heavy dark stuff we have picked up and created in this lifetime. All of the stuff I am speaking of includes all of the negative energies we have allowed in by seeking Spiritual direction outside of ourselves; Spiritual direction we sought from those we determined to be Spiritual Masters, or the one(s) we see as our Savior. Such actions are blocking our Spiritual reception, and severely diluting our view and comprehension of Sacred Reality. When our Sacred Reality is diluted, it is no longer Sacred or true reality. Without Pure Sacred Reality, humanity will always find itself in a big mess, a big mess exactly like the one humanity finds itself in today.

Once again to everyone reading these words, these are my personal beliefs. If you believe differently from me, or if you agree, please share your beliefs with me. That is how we learn and grow. It is all about coming together and sharing openly and honestly from the very depths of our Spirit, especially when we disagree.

The Whole of Creation is One!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © April 9, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Handicapped and The Seven R's


Today in the so-called civilized world that we live in, there are many who have been negatively labeled as being handicapped. Because of that label, some of their lives have been turned into a living hell. Let the truth be told, we all had or still have one major handicap. From the far reaches of the very distant past, to the present moment that is staring us right in the faces, that is a reality that rings true within us.

The major handicap that I am speaking of is Spiritual in nature. Yes, almost every single human being on the face of Earth Mother is or has been Spiritually handicapped. Almost the entire human race is living the illusion of being separate from GODDESS-GOD/SPIRIT, and separate from each other. On top of that horrendous misconception, it was devised in the little hearts and minds of a few men; that we need and must look to a savior, someone outside of us that they created to be our surrogate god. They teach humanity that the savior is needed so that we can make our way back to our Spiritual home heaven, which is the place where we can experience a deep personal relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. As if that were not enough, through man’s lies and deception we were also made to believe that our Beloved Creator and Spiritual Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD was just FATHER GOD, depriving us of the balancing energies and insights of the DIVINE FEMININE. That was done in an attempt to rob our Precious Sacred Women of their equal power and position next to man. Little did those feeble men know, that their scheme would throw them and the entire human race out of balance, and that would cause total chaos to ensue in the minds and hearts of humanity for thousands of years to come.

The most outrageous and serious deception humanity has internalized, and is living as it’s reality to this very day is accepting, feeling, and believing that there is separation between humanity and SPIRIT. As if that were not enough, they coupled that hellish belief with the erroneous lie that I mentioned earlier, the belief that we need a savior, a man who they say is God come down in physical form, a physical being outside of ourselves that will save us from our sinful selves. It was also said that this savior would save us from this horrible carnal world. Humanity was intentionally told these lies by a few greedy individuals, in order to place us in a state of disempowerment, also to separate us from the reality of our Oneness with GODDESS-GOD, which is the ultimate experience of Divine Power.

No matter what is said or done, it is impossible for the creations of perfection known as woman and man to be created in any state that is less than perfection, such as being born into sin, and to starting out completely separate from our Divine SOURCE. Every human being was created by, and one with PERFECTION ITSELF. Please tell me this. How could our Beloved Creator who is also our Sacred Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, who is the Pure Personification of Perfection, create anything that is less than perfect? Every human being is created in and through the Sacred Oneness, Perfection, and Unconditional Love of SPIRIT, that makes us a creation of perfection. Speaking of Oneness, our bodies are perfect examples of oneness with all members working together in Divine Unity. However, we see ourselves as a single physical entity, and that is not true reality. We are a perfect physical and Spiritual example of the unity of many members flowing together in Divine Oneness. Within our Divine Makeup is found the Unity and Oneness that is witnessed throughout the Universe. Every particle of our being, down to the very smallest particle, flows together in the Divine Reality of Eternal Oneness and Harmony. Yet, some of us wish to believe that we have been given dominion over the earth and everything therein because of our individual superiority over all other forms of creation, because believe that all other forms of creation do not possesses the wisdom or the power to have dominion over themselves. We do not even possess the conscious will or the Undivided Sacred Commitment to Oneness and Divine Flow in which every cell in our bodies possess. That sounds like a major handicap to me.

Now, let us take a closer look at the belief that we are individuals, and we are separate from each other and the remainder of creation. Many of us feel that we are individuals and we stand-alone; we stand totally as independent beings that need no one outside of ourselves. We believe that we definitely do not need another to live life to the fullest and to be successful as we live life. Nevertheless, at the same time many people with such beliefs also believe that they need Jesus or someone else as their savior to rescue them from their sinful nature and everything else that is negative all around them. They do not realize that needing a savior is actually negative in nature itself. Such would be an unfair and unjust hardship placed on humanity by a Fair, Just, and Loving CREATOR. Primarily, there is absolutely no way for us to separate ourselves from our CREATOR, or to separate ourselves from each other and the rest of creation. Humanity is not made up of independent individuals as we erroneously believe, and that includes believing that we are separate from every particle that makes up the entire universe. If we see ourselves as being separate from everyone and everything around us in the world, how can we possibly expect to experience the harmony that we so desperately are seeking? In addition, how can we have harmony in the world when we do not have a true understanding of the harmony that already exists within ourselves?

The first thing we must do to begin the process of waking from this dangerous unconscious state of confusion, illusion, and deception, is to quickly cast away the destructive illusion of being superior to the rest of creation. It is time that we completely step into the Sacred Recognition that we are not created by GODDESS-GOD as impure, imperfect sinners as so many of us wholeheartedly believe and steadfastly teach. Every human being is created in the likeness and image of GODDESS-GOD, which automatically means that we come from and are a part of the fullness of Unconditional Love and Perfect Oneness. We are the perfect physical manifestation of Sacred Perfection and Divine Oneness, temporarily housed in physical form. Eternally we are Spiritual Beings that are one with our Sacred Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

The second thing we must do is flow with the Divine Oneness of SPIRIT in everything that we think, say, and do, which connects us intimately and equally to every form of creation in the entire universe. The Whole of Creation in which we are a part, is comprised of Pure Sacred Energy. That Pure Sacred Energy is none other than the Eternal Omniscient and Omnipotent Energy of Unconditional Love. In addition, without a doubt, that is the complete essence of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

The wonder-full thing about fully experiencing the Awesome Energy of the Oneness of SPIRIT is, the blessing of The Seven R’s, Recognition, Reconciliation, Restoration, Rectification, Rejuvenation, Resurrection, and last but definitely not least Relationship. Here is another R that was brought to my attention as I typed the last sentence. I must introduce the precursor of Recognition to you; it is Renunciation. We must deny and completely reject every single one of the falsehoods, illusions, and deceptions that have been taught to us and placed within us by individuals and institutions alike. That includes some of our loved ones and the many varied religions of the world. All of the religions of the world were birthed through limited intellectual human mental reasoning. That is not to say that there is no good or truth to be found in them, because there are some good Spiritually teachings to be found in religion. However, every teaching espoused by religion must be thoroughly examined against the Pure Uncompromised Wisdom of SPIRIT, and the Pure Uncompromised Wisdom of SPIRIT resides within our Spirit. Without equivocation we must denounce the man-made handicap of separation completely from our consciousness and belief system.

Let the truth be told, we all have or had a major handicap.”

It is said that the truth will set us free. Spiritually, we humans have become handicapped due to our personal and collective nonchalant Spiritual laziness. We want everything done for us by someone else, especially that which is difficult. We must once and forever, do away with our beds of laziness, pride, and self-centeredness. Then we must start the extremely important process of shaking and waking ourselves from our self-imposed nightmare of separation and superiority, and once again fully step into our Sacred Sanctuary of Divine Oneness, and then we are to step into the Eternal Spiritual Flow of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the skeleton key that can unlock every door. Likewise, it is the key that can lock those doors that we should not pass through.

Something just entered my consciousness that I must share with you. I strongly feel the need to call what I have shared with you, am sharing with you, and will share with you through the written word Literary Annotations. I am not totally aware of the reason or reasons why at this moment. However, from here on out I will call myself a Literary Annotator, or simply an Annotator, not a writer and/or poet. I understand that which I share with you and others is merely what I have skimmed from the surface of vast Spiritual Reality. Yes, it is a very small percentage of Spiritual Reality. I also understand that some of it is no more than my self-interpreted beliefs. However, for my Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Growth, what I have skimmed is a mighty revelation that is shaking, waking, and expanding my Spirit within this physical vehicle second by second, it is also in the process of correcting all of the inconsistent beliefs I have been standing on and espousing over the years. Day by day, I am being directed deeper and deeper into the intense process that I have labeled Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Beloved, you will find my Literary Annotation entitled The Seven R’s following the completion of this offering. Please always feel free to get in touch with me and share your beliefs, understanding, and your personal realities with me, especially if they differ from mine. That is how we are awakened, learn, receive correction, grow, and expand Spiritually. I do not think that what I believe and feel to be the truth is absolute, and without error. That is why I always reserve the right to change my mind in a split second, once I find out that I have believed and practiced something in error. So please do not get upset with me, if tomorrow I espouse something altogether different with just as much conviction and vigor. I must stand tall and strong for what I believe, until I am shown that I am in error. My sojourn through this dense physical plane we call life, is all about Spiritual awakening, expansion, correction, and growth. I am sharing as much of that with you as I can. Please share yours with me as well.

Remember, We Are One. Because of our Oneness, we should commune openly and honestly with each other as much as we possibly can. Learning to do that is more important to our survival than working and pursuing material things. It is always about relationship; every interaction we have with family, lovers, friends and everyone else we come in contact with is about relationship. Moreover, a relationship is about giving and receiving equally. Some of us have a problem with giving, others have a problem with receiving. We must reach a balance between the two. Oneness, Oneness, Oneness, I cannot say that enough. It is all about ONENESS.

Our Handicap Will Be Healed By The Pure Energy of

Unconditional Love!

Our Handicap Can and Will Be Transmuted When

It Is Exposed To The Sterilizing Light of Divine Truth.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © April 8, 2010


One day in August 2003 after my daily Sacred Time of Prayer and Meditation six words came to me. Following the reception of those words, I set and meditated on them in depth for a while. Deep down within my Spirit I knew I was supposed to compose something that contained those words and share what they mean to me on my journey through this dense physical plane. However, I had not quite formulated the personalized definition that I believed should accompany those extremely important words/energies. So I decided that I should simply write down the words and just set them aside, knowing that I would re-visit them in the very near future and compose something with as I was being led to do. Along with not being sure how I would communicate what I was feeling, deep down within the very core of my Spirit, I was also feeling there was still one more word that had yet to be clearly revealed to me.

One morning a few days later, I awoke from an extremely good night of peaceful sleep and went immediately into my Sacred Time of Prayer and Meditation. During Prayer and Meditation I felt that now is the time to compose something using the six words I had received. As I sat down at the computer awaiting the inspirational guidance to write, the seventh word came to me. Following the reception of the seventh word, I started to receive the accompanying text for each of the seven words. I will now share with you what I received.

May everything that you think, say, and do bring you face-to-face with your
Sacred and only True Reality. May you follow every step that SPIRIT directs you to take on the Path of Light and Love with Great Joy and enthusiastic anticipation, knowing that a Divine Outcome awaits you.

In Peace, Light and Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

1. Recognition

To be all that we have been created to be, we must first enter into the state of Spiritual Recognition. In that state of Divine Being and Divine Knowing we start to recognize that we are not this physical body that our Spirit is temporarily inhabits. In addition, in the state of being we will come to know that this physical body is simply a vehicle we are using to house our Spirit as we travel through this dense physical plane of lower vibrational energy. Because of this ever-increasing awareness, one day we all will fully recognize that “We Are One with
SPIRIT and likewise one with each other.”

Recognition is our 1st step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

2. Reconciliation

To be in our Sacred Place of Divine Order, we must be restored to our original State of Inner Spiritual Harmony. That does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we think, say and do as we travel through this dense physical plane. However, it does means that we are perfect in our inner knowing and our inner understanding that we are Spiritual Beings, and we are one with
SPIRIT, which is the same as being one with our Spiritual Parent and Creator MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. After entering into that Divine Reality, we must start the very important work of resolving all of our Spiritual mis-education and Spiritual mis-conceptions, and enter into complete agreement and oneness with Divine Truth and Divine Reality. That means that we must submit to SPIRIT’S Divine Will in every area of our lives.

Reconciliation is the 2nd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

3. Restoration

To see and hear, as we should, we must make allowances for the re-instatement of Divine Law in our lives and affairs. Divine Law must rein Supreme in every area of our lives, which comes through our conscious restoration of Divine Truth within. Divine Truth comes through restoring ourselves to an un-impaired state of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Submission. We must re-instate our Higher Self to its rightful place of authority on our Inner Sacred Throne, and allow our Higher Self to rule supreme over everything that we think, say, and do, without any exceptions.

Restoration is the 3rd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

4. Rectification

To set right, remedy, correct and counteract all of the deception and control we have been taught over the many lifetimes we have existed, and rectify ourselves Spiritually. For rectification to fully take place within us, we must purify our Spirit by Spiritually re-calibrate ourselves so that we can see, speak, hear, feel, and function in the way we were created to. We must and will set things right on the Spiritual plane within ourselves. At first it may seem to be to great of a task for us to accomplish, however that is definitely not the case. Whenever
SPIRIT calls us to do something, we can rest assure that we are already fully equipped to carry out the task that is set before us. We do not always see clearly because we tend to react to that which we are faced with, and when we re-act, that blurs our vision and understanding. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we take time, every single day of our lives to be still, and quite our noisy minds. We must learn how to gently, gracefully, and sometimes even forcefully go with the flow and allow SPIRIT to guide us safely to our Divinely appointed destination.

Rectification is the 4th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

5. Rejuvenation

To function as the Vibrant Spiritual Individuals that we are, we must follow the Divine Sacred Guidance of
SPIRIT. In addition, we must fully take on and live through our youthful childlike nature. No matter what our age, we must find new childlike vigor within ourselves, that vigor can be found deep within our Spirit through Meditation. We must step completely out of the illusion and all of the deceptions created by the human intellect, and once again consciously enter into the Divine Flow of SPIRIT. We must find as many ways as possible to stimulate all of our Spiritual Gifts so that we can help uplift our sisters and brothers and ourselves, when we have the need to be uplifted.

Rejuvenation is the 5th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

6. Resurrection

To be Spiritually alive we must shake ourselves and wake up that dormant being within us that has been sleeping for to long inside of this physical shell that we call our body and identify so well with. We must raise ourselves from the dead Spiritually. In reality, we are Spiritually the walking dead when we are not consciously connected to and flowing with the Divine Guidance of
SPIRIT. We must raise ourselves from Spiritual inactivity and start to walk amongst the living (those who are Spiritually awake) once again. After we are resurrected from the dead, we will enter into the Divine State of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Resurrection is the 6th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

7. Relationship

Now is the time for us to enter into the Sacred State of Divine Relationship. It is time for each of us to consciously enter into the Ultimate Union known to humanity, our Divine Union with
SPIRIT. We are now ready for the Divine Marriage between SPIRIT and ourselves. Actually, I am speaking of the marriage between SPIRIT and our True Self, Spiritually known as our Higher Self. Following our marriage comes the Sacred Time of consummating our Sacred Relationship by consciously entering into a one-on-one Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT. After the marriage and its consummation, we will once again find ourselves consciously woven tightly together with SOURCE/SPIRIT. Then we will be able to say that we have once again entered into the Divine State of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the place where we can fully recognize who we are on every plane of existence.

Relationship is the 7th and final step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

This is another R that was just revealed to me that I must introduce as the precursor to Recognition.


To completely reject and formally do way with that which is untrue and out of synchronistic flow with Divine Reality, Divine Order, and the Sacred Rhythm of SPIRIT. We must renounce and totally do away with everything that does not originate from within the Divine and Sacred Realm of SPIRIT. We cannot move on as Whole Spiritual Beings until we have formally gone through the process of renunciation. To do so is a mighty testament of our commitment to our Spiritual destiny, our destiny of Eternal Oneness and our Unconditional Love towards the Whole of Creation. It is of absolute necessity that we reject that, which is not in perfect agreement and precise alignment with Spiritual Reality. We must speak the truth at all cost. Doing so will guarantee us an Eternal Reward that is unrivaled.

Renunciation is the one of the eight steps on the Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Our Only True Mission Here On Earth Mother,

Is To Consciously Start and Complete The Process of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © Aug. 2003

(Revised 04.09.10)