Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Soaring On The Wings of Rhythm (revised)


Soaring On The Wings of Rhythm

Revised from Floating On The Wings of Rhythm

Feb. 22, 2012

When I am soaring on the Wings of Rhythm; which are the Sacred Rhythms of Life and Unconditional Love; I ascend far above the erroneously troubled, and egocentric illusionary reality that has been created and maintained by way of the ignorance of the human intellect. Because I have regained my conscious connection with the Sacred Rhythm within, I once again have entered into the Divine Awareness of my Sacred Divinity, and I flow freely and boldly with that Sacred Divinity that dwells within my Spirit. 

The Sacred Melodic Rhythms, and the Divine Beats that are birthed within my Spirit, continually awaken, soothe, and heal me on all levels of my existence, as I sojourn through this dense physical plane, I affectionately call and respect as my Earth Mother.

Countless times the warming inner rhythms of SPIRIT, have rescued me from the imminent threats of depression, despair, hopelessness, and overwhelming doubt; allowing the Divine Energy and Light of SPIRIT to reveal to me the never ending Presence and Glory of DIVINE ONENESS.

I have tried to understand humanity and myself, and the many schemes that have been set in motion to deceive and destroy our Divine Flow. Hence, I have come to realized that most of it is due to mankind creating SPIRIT in it’s image, and having the nerve to falsely dictate what they call the Will of GOD/SPIRIT to the world.

The deception and schemes of the human intellect, can be mind-boggling and unbalancing to our Spiritual Flow; because they infect our true human understanding; the precious energy within us, and disrupts the pristine atmosphere of Unconditional Love that is created and gifted to us so that it can flow freely within us and through us, the pristine atmosphere of Unconditional Love that we are supposed to share openly and freely with each other, and the Whole of Creation.

When flowing with the nefarious current of human thinking and understanding, little thought is given to how the Whole of Creation will suffer, due to individual selfish desires and wants; yet deliverance is to be found in the Sanctuary of SPIRIT’S Holy Temple of Unconditional Love within my Higher Self; so I yield to the Inner Rhythmic Guidance of SPIRIT’S Holy Temple of Unconditional Love.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm saved me from the troubled human creation of deception.

I continually thank UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE for faith, hope, and the Eternal Vibrant Sparkling Light of Unconditional Love; which is the sole foundation of my Eternal Sacred Holy Inheritance and my Eternal Existence and Vibration.

When I find myself in such a state that I erroneously feel as if all hope is gone, the Rhythmic Vibrations of Faith and Hope consistently rescue me from all human ignorance, and all of the self inflected situations that have the potential of turning into my very own personal hell, here on earth; which is being designed by my human ignorance and not the Sacred Resolve within my Spirit. Faith and Hope are the Sacred Vibrations that are specifically designed to help rescue me from the depths of Spiritual ignorance, when I allow them to do so.

The Rhythmic Vibrations of SPIRIT consistently pump the warm invigorating crimson life force through every vein in my body, and blessings continue to unfold in the presence of all manner of worldly turmoil.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm saved me from the troubled human creation of deception.

The Sacred Rhythms within my Spirit has caused me to correctly and consistently re-call who I am and what my eternal purpose truly is on this awesome journey, through the School of Life.

Every single part of creation is motivated and exclusively driven by SPIRIT’S Sacred Rhythmic Heart Beat, it is the Omniscient Driving Force of our Eternal Existence, it is the Ancient Rhythms that will not and have not change since before the existence of time; it is SPIRIT’S Glorious Eternal Heart Rhythm.

Every single time that I close my eyes to pray and meditate, I feel SPIRIT’S Glorious Eternal Heart Rhythm sharing its Eternal Life Force with me, and I experience it permeating my surrounding world.

Nothing is more precious than the Sacred Rhythms of Unconditional Love, which is the Divine Vibration of SPIRIT, our SACRED PARENT MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

I now know without a single shadow of doubt that Peace, Light, and Unconditional Love is found alive and flowing freely in abundance within the Melodic Eternal Rhythmic Beat in my Spirit.

Soaring on the Wings of Rhythm has saved me from the troubled creation of deception.

Are you in search of the Truth, Peace, Light, and the Unconditional Love of SPIRIT?

Be still, pray, meditate, yield to, and live in accordance with the Sacred Rhythmic Beat within.

Soaring On The Wings of Rhythm!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © Sept. 2008

(Revised Feb. 22. 2012)

Please visit my blog Inner~G by clicking here


Sunday, February 19, 2012



I wrote this in 2011 but I am just getting around to posting it.


Hypocrite: one who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise.

During your lifetime, have you ever felt like you were guilty of being hypocritical? At this moment I am feeling somewhat hypocritical. The following has been said to me by a number of people that know me; you have a wealth of knowledge, you are very wise, you have a broad understanding of many things, and you are a very mature spiritual man. I have also been told that I am one of the most loving and patient people they have ever known. All of that sounds great; however that means absolutely nothing, if the knowledge, wisdom, understanding, patience, spiritual maturity, and love within me, does not cause me to be a living example of that which I possess. If all of that is not being put to practical every day use, and creating my surrounding world and my ongoing reality accordingly, it is as dirty rags. Knowledge must be put to use in such a way that it benefits the individual that possesses it, as well as benefiting the whole of creation. I deeply enjoy reading to acquire knowledge and understanding, as well as doing other things to gain insight into a wide variety of beneficial things in life. However, I am the same as the christians I have criticized in the past, for not practicing that which they preach and teach. It is of the utmost importance that I express what I am sharing with you in perfect clarity. I do not feel hypocritical because I devised a plan to deceive others, or planned on living a life contrary to that which I know and believe in. I feel hypocritical due to the fact that many times, I struggle unsuccessfully to fully translate that which I know to be Divine Truth and Divine Direction consistently into a part of my tangible physical surrounding world, as frequently as I should.

My mission in life is to be all that I am created to be, to serve others, to love and bring some degree of joy into the lives of everyone I encounter as I sojourn through this physical plane. That is my mission, and that is what truly makes me happy. I must do everything that I possibly can think of to love and assist others. When I am unable to do that which I know and feel I should be doing for others and myself for whatever reason, the end result is always the same; me ending up in a place of great disappointment and overwhelming need, coupled with intense struggle and heavy anxiety. Many times I have been ignorant in how to implement that which I know, nonetheless in my ignorance I have not tried to intentionally deceive, hurt, or abuse others in any way for selfish gain. Due to my current spiritual awakened state of being, I could never intentionally do such to another, and I never will be able to do such to another. I know of people who have intentionally done such, have attained great wealth by doing so. However, I would rather die of starvation, thirst and utter loneliness before I would do as they have done. A few years ago an older woman who was very interested in me, propositioned me with taking care of all of my needs; all she wanted from me was for me to move in with her and satisfy her physically and emotionally. I did not love her in that way, so I could not be with her intimately. To be with her just for her money would say that everything that I profess and believe in, were just empty words. If I did what she wanted, I would have been communicating to the entire universe that I am no more than a prostitute and user; I would have also been an abuser of the most precious gift ever given to humanity, and that is the Precious Gift of Love.

So, today as I sit back and look over my entire lifetime and everything that my Beloved Earth Mother is being put through by humanity; I grieve over all of the abuse and negativity humanity produces in each passing moment; what am I to do about it? As far back as five years of age I have been asking the following questions. What must I do to make things better, and what must I do to give Love and be Loved in return? Year after year throughout this lifetime, I have asked over and over again for divine direction, in order that I could correct all of the horrendous problems that have been assaulting me since childhood. Nevertheless, as some can see, the saga of unrelenting suffering continues in my life. Yet I must continue to move forward doing all that I know to do, with whatever energy I can muster up to stay afloat in my current temporal physical world of reality. Hope has kept me alive and given me the ability to hold on and know that I am worthy of so much more than I have received from this lifetime. I used to totally discount the following saying; “Keep Hope Alive!” That was a major error on my part. Because, if hope is not kept alive within my being, I can do absolutely nothing successfully, I must keep hope alive and connect it with faith. That is the only way the energies of the Universe of Abundant Life can be set in place within my spirit, to create in a positive way from that which I have been blessed with over the years, the acquisition of spiritual and intellectual knowledge. I must be word in action, and not just word in knowledge. My intention is to fully live life in the way that completely reflects Divine Truth at all times, and not be the hypocritical person who says and lives life the following way; “do as I say and not as I do”. I know that I am placed here on this physical plane to be A Living Example of Divine Truth, and that is exactly what I am doing.

There is an old saying that goes like this; “either you are a part of the solution, or a part of the problem”. I am a part of the solution not part of the problem, because I am a part of, and one with Universal Intelligence, and I am completely committed to all of the direction I receive from Universal Intelligence. Because of that, hypocrisy can no longer be a part of me.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © June 2011

My Sacred Declaration


My Sacred Declaration
My Formal Statement

Universal Infinite Source, Creator of all things, You are Sacred and Divine in every way. I bow down within my Spirit before You and offer You my undivided Love, Devotion, Honor, and Praise.
You are Benevolent and Glorious in every way. Your Sacred Energy is made real within my Spirit; because of that I live within Your Sacred Presence Eternally.
Your Divine Energy, Perfect Will, and Sacred Precepts reside deep within my Spirit, and Your truth and fullness is made manifest in and through all that I am, and all that I do.
Your Perfect Will is personified within my Spirit, and within my Heart and Soul, and within my entire being.
Universal Infinite Source, You have abundantly blessed me, and I am humbled and eternally grateful for Your blessings. Through Your Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love, I openly receive Your Divine Provisions in abundance, as they meet my every desire and need.
Daily You show me that I Am One with You and likewise one with the Whole of Creation. Further more, You forgive me and Love me even when I do not forgive and Love myself, and when I fall short of Your Divine yet reachable goals.
Because I Am One with You, I mirror Your Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to my sisters, brothers, the Whole of Creation, and most importantly to myself.
Your Divine Wisdom and Guidance shields me from the permanent damage that could be caused by the illusions, temptations, and deception that is found in overwhelming abundance on this physical plane.
Because of Your Divine guidance, I can never be tempted to the point of total failure; nor am I fooled in any way to continue to follow that which looks good at first glance, but does not produce the Sacred and Precious Fruits of Unconditional Love, and Abundant Everlasting Life.
Following Your Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise; and Paradise is the Promised Land where You my Glorious Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and the Sacred Energies of Peace, Divine Light, Sacred Power, Unconditional Love, and Inexhaustible Radiant Spiritual Glory reside and Rules Supreme throughout Eternity.
Paradise Is Your Eternal Sacred Dwelling Place within my Spirit, It Is Our One and Only Sacred Place on this physical plane of Unparalleled Oneness and Unconditional Love.
Universal Infinite Source, my Eternal Reality rests within Your Glorious Presence.
Mama-Baba Goddess-God I Surrender All To You!
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © November 8, 2006
(Originally My Sacred Petition - Revised Feb. 18, 2012)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dwelling Place of Wisdom


Dwelling Place of Wisdom

We all are seeking wisdom of some sort, as we travel through this dense physical realm of our current existence. In order for the seeds of wisdom that I possess, seek, and acquire during this lifetime to be truly useful as intended by what I will call Divine Intelligence, I must provide those seeds of wisdom with the proper energetic fertile soil that is needed for them to grow tall and strong by divine plan. Doing so, they will be able to establish their roots in that energetic fertile soil, so that the precious life-energy of the plant that resides deep within the roots will stimulate growth in the way it was divinely designed. Then the plant can and must only be used in ways it originally designed to be used, so that it will bring abundant praise and honor to Divine Intelligence. However, if I contribute in any way to the degradation of either the seed or plant; or if I allow the energetic fertile soil in any way to become contaminated with unhealthy energies and other lifeless vibrations, it will surely cause the energy within the wisdom to become distorted, weaken and less than what it was created to be. Following that, the wisdom will cease to possess the power necessary to do what it was originally created to do. For example, if I plant a rose bush, and neglect to care for it as I should; that rose bush will get weak and have to struggle to barely stay alive. In such a state, there would be a probability that the rose bush would not produce any roses, and one day it would simply fade to the point of complete transition. That is just the pure and simple basic reality of reaping what one sows. This example is meant to point out how crucial it is that I learn how to go within and prepare my mind in the proper way, so that it will always be the valuable energetic fertile soil it was created to be, and must remain being in order that the seeds of wisdom will grow strong and tall, and serve the Whole of Creation which includes me as it should.

What is it that is sure to contaminate the precious energetic fertile soil of my mind? Past pain, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, and negativity of every sort are the multitudes of contaminants that spoil the precious energetic fertile soil of my minds consciousness. I ask that you please try to understand this very important and obvious part of reality I am sharing with you; unforgiveness is most definitely spiritual poison. Bitterness and resentment are also extremely dangerous energetic poisons that weaken and distort our spirituality. Proper reasoning and my true comprehension of this momentary journey, through this dense physical plane, and this temporary experience called life, are of the utmost importance. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for me to hold onto the energies of past injustices experienced, negative outlooks; and critical beliefs about others, life, and myself. If what I am holding onto, thinking about, believing in, focusing on, and practicing does not produce and radiate the Sacred Energies of Light, Love and Oneness, I must discard them; that is of course if I want to live a fulfilled radiant life of true spiritual comprehension and abundance. I can learn and retain lessons of the past without holding onto the negative energies that many of those experiences possessed and are driven by. Matter of fact, it is of the utmost importance that I retain in memory alone not energetically, small portions of my past experiences in order that I do not repeat the same mis-takes in the now as I sojourn through this dense physical plane. I am not designed to house within my being any form of negative energy such as bitterness or anger because it is contrary to my nature, which is Love.

I must always understand that I am a perfect creation right now. I am also a precious and sacred spiritual being, and negativity in its myriad forms of existence is to me in the non-fiction world, what kryptonite is to Superman in the fictitious world. Negativities affect on me causes me to create and experience a severely weakened spiritual reality. In addition to that, the constant remembrance and embracing of past negativity, clouds my ability to see things clearly, then I cannot see this experience called life as it truly is. When I live in that way, I poison the spiritual energetic fertile soil of my mind, making it less than desirable and what it needs to be to produce the kind of fruitful abundant life I am intended to have and live. How is it at all possible for me to say this with such conviction? It is possible for me to say all of this with absolute conviction, because I have personal firsthand experience with the poisoning of ones spiritual energetic fertile soil due to holding onto past negative actions and thoughts. Actually, I am still going through the process of replenishing the spiritual energetic fertile soil of my mind; which I had allowed to become depleted by all of the negativity that I invited in and entertained. In the past I have wondered and asked myself, why it takes so long to turn negative situations around in my life. The process was lengthy sometimes because I was guilty of allowing the negative filth of the past in, from time to time. Because of that, it sometimes takes a while for me to get to the place where I can cleanse myself of the filth I allowed to accumulate within me.

What is the solution to this mega-problem? The first step that must be taken in order to resolve this mega-problem is something that I did not use to believe in; and that is to fake it till I make it. Let me explain that in a little more detail. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between non-fiction and fiction, it simply picks up on and interprets the energy that is generated by that which is non-fictitious and fictitious as reality in the current moment. Here is an example. I am watching a movie that I know is strictly fictitious. Nevertheless, when watching a very sad scene in the movie I start to experience a deep sadness come over me, so much so that a few tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. What happened? Even though I knew without a shadow of doubt that it is not reality, I experienced that because my subconscious does not differentiate the energy behind reality and make believe. That understanding helped me to see and better understand how I can use the process of faking it till I make it to my benefit.

True Spiritual understanding delivered me to the doorstep of a very useful tool, that tool is called affirmation. If I affirm in thoughts, words, and even some of my actions what I know is best for me, even if I do not yet possess it, one day I will possess it if I do not waver in my beliefs. The power of affirmation rests within my sub-conscious mind. Another very important fact about my subconscious mind is as follows. My sub-conscious will take the negative life distorting thoughts, actions, and deeds in my life and turn them into my reality if I continue to focus on them. That is why it is said; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It has nothing to do with what I am told I deserve, or what I am told I do not deserve. I create my reality by way of what I focus on, think, believe, say, and do. It can’t possibly be that simple can it? Oh yes, it is that simple. The difficult task is the reprogramming of my current thoughts and beliefs, the acceptance of this Divine Reality. I think things must be difficult, I think that I must struggle and deny myself of things before I am worthy to live abundantly, so that is what I get. Some of us even believe that we cannot and will not live abundantly until we die and go to heaven. Guess what? We are not going to heaven or hell. We create both heaven and hell right here on earth in this current moment of time, we create heaven and hell right here in the now.

The ultimate conclusion is this; you and I are the creators of our reality, we are the creators of our surrounding worlds. Our surrounding worlds consist of our physical vehicles (our bodies) we have taken on to house our Eternal Spirits, also our surrounding auras of energy. Now, my aura which is the energy I have created that is held and maintain by way of my beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions influence and help to create my physical surrounding world, such as the places I have chosen to dwell, as well as my career and other activities that make up who I am. The surrounding world I have created tends to overlap with the surrounding worlds of others, that is how the world-at-large has become what it is today. If we work on re-creating our individual surrounding worlds, to make them what they should be, that will start the process of changing the world-at-large. When two surrounding worlds overlap each other, change will occur, with the positive usually but not always trumping the negative. That is why it is so important that we focus on only the positive, all that we think, say, and do. When they experience the positivity in our surrounding worlds, it is possible that they will be motivated to make needed changes in their surrounding worlds to open up to and bring in more positive energy. That is proof that one person can make a difference and assist in changing the world.

It is so important that we understand that we do not have time to focus on what others are doing in their lives, and focus on telling them what they need to do with their lives. We are not equipped to do such, because we do not know all of the experiences that have cause other people to end up in the positions they are in. All we have the time to do is work on ourselves. Then when others who are open and in need come in contact with us, and we have been diligently working on the process of refining ourselves spiritually, they will be motivated by the positive spiritual energy that is emanating from deep within our spirits. That is how true change is divinely orchestrated within us and shared with others for sure.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 5, 2012


Monday, February 6, 2012

Universal Connection Affirmation


Cat's Eye Nebula

Universal Connection Affirmation


I See IT With My First Eye,

I Am One With IT,

I Fully Comprehend IT,

I Am IT In My Total Essence,

I Am Living Through IT,

I Am Eternally One With UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE, That Is All There Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 6, 2012


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Belief and Knowing


Belief and Knowing

The following scripted words were stimulated by something said to me by a Facebook friend Jack, after discussing with him the reason why genetically modified foods must be stopped. I shared with Jack how genetically modified foods crops are killing bees and other insects that help pollinate the crops; and without them there is no us.

Jack: “You really sound like you believe what you’re talking about; I think you have studied more than I have before you speak. So I enjoy listening to you. I love hearing other people’s opinions. You are right about the bees, all the insects are here for a reason. I always said that when they take enough oil out of the earth, it will throw the earth off its axes. I believe that oil is there for a reason.”

I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, speak that which I believe in and know, also that which comes to me by way of my hearts wisdom. I also speak from that which I have experienced and studied over my 58 years of life. However, what I know is minuscule compared to all there is to know about life and creation. I am joyfully learning new things every day. Understanding comes to me when I am truly open to receive it from all sources. I stand tall and strong on what I believe in. However, I have learned to always be open to change when I am shown a better way. That is why I always reserve the right to change my mind in a split second when I am shown I am in error. That is likewise why I tell people the following; do not get upset with me if I am saying one thing today and something altogether different tomorrow. That is what living life is all about; change. How long was it professed by the scholars that the earth was flat? One day that was changed. Truth, belief, and change all stand together as being extremely beneficial and necessary in our lives.

Now concerning what we are doing to Earth Mother. Oil is housed within Earth Mother for many reasons, most of which we are yet to understand. I call oil, Earth Mothers blood. It is a very simple comprehendible fact, that a void is created when all of the oil is removed from the core of Earth Mother. It is the same thing when it comes to man removing the water that is within Earth Mother. If humans had not polluted just about all of the pure surface water, and had not started to unnaturally deform the structure and environment of Earth Mother, as it continually is doing to this very day, there would absolutely be no need to drain the water out of the core of Earth Mother, for any reason whatsoever. We are out of balance, and in turn we are burdening Earth Mother with our negative energy. Please believe me when I say this; we cannot afford to continue to do as we have been doing; that is of course if we want life to continue here as it should. If we do not change our ways, the environment will no longer be able to remain as it is; and that means that it will no longer be able to support human life.

When we create a void by removing oil, water, and all of the other precious substances that we remove from Earth Mother, we create the energy for sinkholes to form, along with other forms of trauma to Earth Mother's core; that results in an upsurge of earthquakes and a host of other very serious avoidable situations. It would be different if humanity weren't so greedy and did not always try to take all of which it finds, and simply take that which it needs; if what they say they need is a true need after all. Even when all of that which is found is known to not be needed, and cannot possibly be used, many of us still take it all, or at least try to. Humans seem to almost always take that which it finds to simply hoard, not to use or share with those in true need of what they possess. Humanity in its greedy self-centered egotistical state of mind, and existence is making our Beloved Earth Mother extremely sick. We had better stop our assault on Earth Mother before it is to late, and she starts to completely purge her system of the vicious infectious virus, which is known as humanity; because we are surely guilty of infecting her with our filthy negativity and causing her so much dis-ease, illness, and pain. For our own sake all human beings on Earth Mother, better wake up real soon, and right all of our wrongs, and completely turn from our wicked ways forever. If not, we might as well kiss this Paradise that was gifted to us to enjoy, and eternal good-bye.

I am not one who is only speaking gloom and doom; I am speaking the truth; and ultimately saying the following. The human race has scripted and created a big mess; nonetheless there is still hope, because it is a mess that can and must be cleaned up by us. However, we do not have a whole lot of time to do what must be done. We must stop seeing ourselves as being to small and to insignificant, to do what is needed to correct all of the problems we have created in the world today. Here is what needs to be done by each of us. If we individually work on ourselves; meaning Loving and Respecting ourselves as being the Spiritual beings that we truly are, and stop seeing ourselves as being less than One with our Beloved Spiritual Parent, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE, we can do whatever we are called to do. If all of us honestly worked on ourselves, we would once again consciously become the Eternal Spiritual Beings that we have always been, and then we would be able to radiate outwardly from within our Spirits the Transformative Energy of Divinity to our surrounding worlds. Someone may be asking, what are our surrounding worlds? Our surrounding worlds for the most part are the energetic aura that surrounds us. However, it also consists of that which we have created and drawn to us; that which we have influence over such as the place where we live. If we all did our due diligence, and followed the Divine Direction that is coming to us from within our Spirits, everything would be in Divine Order at all times. I know that some will say, everything is in Divine Order right now; because it that were not so things would not be the way that they are. I respectfully disagree; Oneness, Love, Peace, Harmony, and Unimpeded Spiritual Flow is the state of Divine Order that we are supposed to be living in, not the state of chaos we find the world in today. Hope is still alive and doing very well within our Spirits. So we must now tap into that hope and weave it into that which the world and all of us needs.

Here is the very first thing I believe we all must do; we must start to always see ourselves as we truly are, Spiritual Beings, going through a temporary physical experience. For that to happen as it should, we must go through the process that I have labeled, Total Spiritual Re-Call. Here is what Total Spiritual Re-Call is; it is the Sacred Process of fully remembering who we truly are, and living as such. If we open our First Eye as wide as possible, and view everything through that Sacred Vessel of Divine Sight as we should, we will see clearly that we the human race have been sleepwalking through this experience we call life, for thousands upon thousands of years. What I prefer to call our First Eye, because it is everyone’s first and Eternal Spiritual Avenue of seeing reality. However, most everyone else calls it her or his Third Eye. Nothing that we use which is physical is first or eternal, because of that, I always yield to that which is Eternally Spiritual, and One with our Eternal Existence. Due to our zombie like state of being, we must go through the process of re-calling who we truly are; that is due to how deeply rooted we are in the deceptive human programming that we must overcome. We have willingly become a part of the Matrix of Deception and Control. However, it is only constructed of smoke and mirrors. We can clear the smoke, and break all of the mirrors in many different ways; two of which are Prayer (talking to The DIVINE), and Meditation (being still and feeling and hearing from The DIVINE). We can and must rewrite the script we have been following during this and many past lifetimes. I know all of this to be Absolute Truth.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 5, 2012


Friday, February 3, 2012




What we need today around the world is the establishment of True Communities. Not more of the Government Controlled Concentration Camps where the people are deceived, controlled, and manipulated through the rationing of thoughts, attention, comprehension, awareness, beliefs and focus. What we are witnessing on Earth Mother today is the controlling of the masses by a small wealthy minority, of the population. That is mostly because we have received and accepted the lie that we are like flocks of sheep, which need shepherds to lead us around, because we are not wise enough to live life on our own. True community is the only solution to this very serious pandemic situation we are faced with today.

I like the play on words that some do with the word community. I have heard people say community in these ways, come-unity, and common-unity; as for myself, I really like and feel common-unity much more. Both plays on the word, are very good expressions of community however; common-unity really resonates within my being. Common-unity causes me to think of the eternal state of unity, that is divinely designed and resides within each of our Spirits; that state of Divine Oneness. To me common simply means, that which belongs to or is shared by two or more people or groups, something that is done, used and/or held by most people, without special privilege, that which is standard and equal in all relationships. Common-unity is the first cousin of common sense. However, most people no longer practice common sense, which almost makes common-unity an impossibility, and that is what we must recapture today.

There are individual spiritual people, as well as spiritual groups of people, who have started communities around the world. However, the problems with those communities happen to be this; they’ve added to the mix the use of the other negative word I mentioned concerning community, and that is control. In all of the communities I have seen or been involved with, function under the heavy negative energy of control, not allowing the people in the community to think for themselves; a leader dictates to them everything they do. Some communities function just like the christian religion, and indirectly and directly teach that their path is the only way, the only path; how ludicrous. Just as you will find many variations in the individual personal characteristics of the human being, you will find many variations in the different communities. Yet all of us still are fortunate to have our Eternal Sacred Connection through our Eternal Sacred Oneness. Likewise does the kind of community (common-unity) I am speaking of. There should and must always be individuality and personality in all organizations and communities.

We can call a people that are under the control of a dictatorship a community; however that does not change the reality that it is a dictatorship. A dictatorship actually has nothing at all to do with a group of people that have come together in common unity in the positive sense of the word. The words of major importance here are, unity and positive. Everyone must understand that I am speaking of the kind of unity that is fully positive, Sacred Unity; that must be clearly understood because people can and do have unity of negativity. We must also understand that the name given to something does not always change what it is and what it does; the energy emanating from things more accurately speak the truth of what they are. Because of that, we must test everything that is presented to us, not because everyone is trying to deceive us, but because everyone does not always hold the same interpretation of all words. Words carry there own energy, however even though words can add some of their energy to the mix, words can not always change the entire energy of that which it has been connected to. That is why examination of everything presented to us is of the utmost importance.

Are you aware of the reality that the planet earth, more affectionately known to me as my Beloved Earth Mother, is a part of the Universal Common-Unity? Yes, She is a part of that Wonder-Full Universal Reality. Because of that Divine Reality, that makes us Citizens of The Universal Sacred Common-Unity. One day if it hasn’t already happened to you, there will be a meeting between one or more Sacred Beings from the Universal Sacred Common-Unity and all of us here on the Sacred Common-Unity on Earth Mother. I can imagine how Glorious and Uplifting that Sacred Occasion will be. That is Sacred Time when we all will consciously become members of the Off-World Eternal Sacred Universal Colony some call Heaven.

Welcome Home!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 3, 2012
