Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Truth Will Set You Free!

The Truth Will Set You Free!

We must find out who we are and stop trying to be who others say we are. Man, Woman Know Thyself. The truth surely sets us free. We must tap into our true essence that resides within us.

Belief: We Must believe in Ourselves.

When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, the world, will know Peace.

~ Sri Chinmoy Chose

The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious chauvinism, to rabid nationalist fervor are beginning not to work, a new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed.

A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed.

~ Carl Sagan

"Life is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you go on it you think its real, because that’s how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and around and around. It has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored. And its very loud and its fun for a while.

Some have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question is this real or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered and they come back to us and say "Hey, don't worry don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." and we kill those people. "Shut him up, I have a lot invested in this, shut him up. Look at my big bank account and my family. This has to be real."

It's just a ride.

Why do we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that? Did you ever notice that? and let the demons run amuck.

But it doesn't matter because it's just a ride. And we can change it entirely, it's all in the choice, no effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a choice right now between FEAR and LOVE."

~ Bill Hicks


Think Different!

The Power of ONE!

The 2010 Update of "Zeitgeist: The Movie", which expanded and updated the work, is now available for free viewing. It is of the utmost importance that you watch this entire movie with and open mind.

Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph from on Vimeo.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Divine Birthright


Divine Birthright


a basic right that everyone is entitled to from birth

a particular right of possession or privilege everyone has from birth

GREAT MYSTERY, please help me to see what has already been given to me before I could physically see, because that will set me free from lifelong intellectual slavery and mental poverty.

Help me to use my Divine Birthright wisely and efficiently as it is meant to be.

I know that YOU will never leave me or forsake me, I also know that YOU are guiding me every step along this journey called life, full of humanities inconsistency.

I possess complete free will, and it is as follows. THY Will Be Done In and Through Me Completely.

I can only see my True Divine Reality, as it should be, when I trust completely in THEE.

Life can and will be peaceful and easy, when I simply allow it to be, deep within the very core of me.

All I have to do to experience life in an Unconditional Loving and Peaceful way is to surrender all to THEE.

Now I can clearly see that I Am One with THEE, that means I am free to stand tall and be who I am Divinely Created to be.

All I need to possess this Divine Reality is total faith that YOU are always with me; I do have complete unshakeable faith in THEE, GREAT MYSTERY.

I have totally been set free to be me, because I have faith in THEE, I also have faith in me because I Am One with THEE.

It feels so good to once again be able to see clearly as YOU have Divinely Ordained it to be.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


Day-by-Day Is the Righteous Way for Me

Day-by-Day is the Righteous way for me, to see and comprehend that which I need to be.

Day-by-Day I am set free, to exclusively be only who I am Divinely Created to be me.

I will venture to go as far as saying the following. Most people in the world today would do just about anything within their power to know what the future holds in store for them. They would do that because they want the advantage of being able to control and plan their future properly. In addition, they would do whatever they felt was possible, and do whatever was within their power to change the future, if that future did not resonate with them to their liking. The problem is this. We do not know how every experience in this lifetime will work together and guide us. Because we are not omniscient, we do not know how any given combination of situations will direct us, and how they will assist in molding us into who we truly are. Entering into the true understand of what I am supposed to do Day-by-Day, is more than adequate for me.

One of the most important things in my life is being and doing what I was created to be and do. Because doing what I am supposed to do, will benefit the whole of creation. How is it that what I do will benefit the whole of creation? What I do will benefit the whole of creation because I am one with, and a part of the whole of creation. Everything created in the entire universe and beyond is created by the Force/Energy known as GODDESS-GOD and SPIRIT. It does not matter if you, me or anyone else does not accept that Divine Reality, it is our Divine Reality whether we accept it or not.

Day-by-Day I step deeper and deeper into my Divine Reality, and my Personal Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT is consciously becoming more realistic to me with each passing minute. That is causing my Spiritual comprehension to expand beyond ordinary belief, and I recognize that as a true blessing bestowed upon me by GODDESS-GOD.

Day-by-Day the Unconditional Love responsible for life here on Earth Mother that fills my Spirit is growing and maturing as I share that wonder-full blessing of Unconditional Love with the whole of creation freely with great satisfaction and joy. I take that Sacred Energy and add it back to the pool of Divine Energy that is supporting and restoring Earth Mother and the whole of creation to its original place of Divine Oneness.

Day-by-day, one step at a time, I am get closer to my final destination, and closer to the end of my sojourn through this dense physical plane. With each passing day, I am getting closer to my home going, which is the reunion of my Spirit and SPIRIT. When that day comes, I will lay down the physical vehicle I have been using to travel through the earth plane and become Pure Spirit.

Day-by-Day I seek Divine Insight and Divine Guidance as I surrender my narrow limited human intellectual understanding to the Refining Fires of Divine Will. I consciously place everything that would hinder or stunt my Spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical growth into the Refining Fires of Divine Will.

Day-by-Day I merge deeper and deeper into my Divine Relationship with my Heavenly Creator and Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Finger Pointing


Finger Pointing

Have you ever taken the time to notice, that many times when we have a problem with others is when we have a number of pressing issues of our very own that we should be dealing with? Try to envision pointing your finger at someone, notice how your hand is formed, you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. What a coincident, or is it? I three fingers pointing at me as a sign that there is so much more attention needed on myself and my issues, and because of that fact alone, I do not have the time to be focusing on and pointing out to others the shortcomings of another. Whenever I get the urge to point a finger at someone, I need to quickly find the closes mirror and then start pointing my finger to my hearts content.

It is said that we recognize things in others as well as we do, because that same thing we recognize in them is present within us, or at the least, it used to be. It is also said that we attract to ourselves those who are like us in some way. On the other hand, an old negative program/habit may be trying to sink its long dark tentacles into us once again, so it can draw those energies we used to entertain back into our surround world. Could it be that we are allowed to see something in another so that we can examine ourselves for that same thing, and correct our error? We need to be aware of our every feeling, thought, and motivation, that requires a lot of time. In addition to that, we are still getting to know who we truly are. That leaves us with absolutely no time left to take on the self-appointed duties of judging and convicting others of their shortcomings. It is said that Jesus said, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone....” I do not adhere to all of the teaching in the bible, or any other so-called Holy Book for that matter. Nevertheless, I believe that we cannot point a finger of scorn and disapproval at another when we are not clear of all of our blemishes that some have labeled sin.

My sisters and brothers, it is way past the time that we should recognize and understand how closely related humanity and the whole of creation is. We are one, just as the many members of our body are one. We would not never think of doing away with a member of our body simply because it was wounded or ailing in some way. We would not cut our finger off simply because it was hurting. We would not turn our back on our child because he or she just could not seem to get something and continued to make the same mistake. We would not point a finger at our child to expose all of their shortcoming to one or more people. We would do everything within our power to help our child correct their problem.

We must start seeing each other, as we truly are. We are members of the same Sacred Body, members of the same Sacred Family. If we are one with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, then we are one with each other. As members of the same Sacred Family, we must understand that our roles will change from time to time as we travel through this dense physical plane. There will be times when we are the student and others are the teacher, and there will be times when we will be the teacher and others will be the student. Whatever our roles, we will always be one; we will always be members of the same Sacred Family. What helps or hurts one helps or hurts all of our sisters and brothers; it also helps or hurts the whole of creation. So let us pledge this day, not to point another finger at any of the members of our Sacred Family, in which every human being is. In addition, we must pledge to lighten up on our own shortcomings, understanding that all we can do is give our best every moment of every day. In doing so, we will successfully accomplish everything we set out to accomplish in Divine Time.

I must say; this journey has not been easy. Maybe it has a lot to do with the length of time we have been functioning on this physical plane in error, and following the deception and illusion created by both men and women. Every now and then, I have caught myself at the tipping point of sliding down into the negative dark space of pointing my finger at others. In no way am saying that we should not address and confront troubling issues we are faced with in life, because we should. However, it is not about proving that someone has made a mis-take, to make them look bad and us look good. It is about helping our sisters or brothers see an error when it is there, and then helping them find a way to correct the error, if, and I must say again, “if” it is meant for us to do so.

Some feel exhilaration when pointing out others problems. However, when the same standards are used against them in judgment they protest vehemently. They simply do not know true exhilaration, the exhilaration one receives from helping another support the weight of life, and the exhilaration of helping a sister or brother turn a negative into a positive. To experience the Joy, Satisfaction, and the Love and Power of Oneness, we first must be willing and able to journey to the top of the mountain as well as travel down to the valley with them. The valley is not always a lonely and dark place. The valley can turn out to be just like an Oasis in the middle of the desert. It is said that we must taste the bitter before we can truly appreciate the wondrous experience of tasting the sweet. Bitter is good for us just like sweet is good for us; they are just two different experiences. Duality such as bitter and sweet, balance and flow are essential parts of this sojourn we have chosen to take through this dense physical plane. Going with the flow of Oneness and Unconditional Love is far easier than trying to swim against the current. Do not be fooled, there is only one current we can follow, the current of Oneness and Unconditional Love. The only factor is time; one day in one of our many lifetimes, we will choose to follow the current of Oneness and Unconditional Love.

I Only Point My Fingers At Others When I Reach Out Both Hands To Give Them A Hug.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Intimate Relationship


Intimate Relationship

Everyone is looking for an intimate relationship of some kind. The only problem is many of us do not know or understand how important it is to have a healthy intimate relationship. Being in a healthy intimate relationship is not only a major contributor to our physical well-being and all around good health; it is also a major contributor to our Spiritual well-being. To desire and seek a healthy intimate relationship is a good and natural thing to do. All human beings are created to be together in intimate relationships. Without such a relationship, we are not truly living life. Some do not desire having any part of an intimate relationship, due to past painful relationships. Nevertheless, even those who are not seeking an intimate relationship with another human being for whatever reason, still has the desire to connect in an intimate way, even though it may be subconscious, it is and always will be a part of who we are. The first and most important intimate relationship of all is the intimate relationship we have with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. We may deny having and/or desiring such a relationship however, without it, we would cease to exist, within that relationship resides our existence.

All of us are seeking to connect intimately with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, even though some of us are not aware of that extremely important fact. We have always been intimately connected with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, but on a conscious level, many of us have lost that connection. The conscious awareness of that Divine Relationship is needed for us to be the active Ambassadors of Unconditional Love that we all are. Yes, all of us, including you and me are Ambassadors of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD’S Unconditional Love, we help awaken others to this Divine Relationship as we have been. Consciously being aware of our intimate relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD as we move through this physical experience called life, affords us the privilege of communing in balance and harmony with the Whole of Creation (creation in all of its forms). Without conscious awareness of this, we will always find ourselves in conflict, such as is sweeping the world today.

Intimacy with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is the blessing that surpasses every other blessing and experience known to humanity. If we do not have the kind of intimate relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD that we are designed to have, we must do everything that we possibly can to open up to and develop such a relationship. Beloved, let me tell you from personal experience, you will feel the lack of Unconditional Love within your Spirit if your personal relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is not what it is designed to be, and that will affect every relationship you have in a negative way. The only way we can feel hatred towards anyone is because of the lack of a Personal Intimate Relationship with GODDESS-GOD. The lack of a Personal Intimate Relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is the cause of every form of the turmoil found in the world today. If the President of America and all of the other so-called world leaders would truly open themselves up to the Unconditional Love that is within their Spirits. Then develop their Intimate Relationship with GODDESS-GOD in their own private and special way. They would then see, know, and completely understand what to do to allow Peace, Prosperity, and most importantly Unconditional Love to rule supreme in their country and around the world. The suffering that we see in the world today does not have to be. If only humanity would stop being so closed Spiritually and hear that small still voice of SPIRIT within.

It must be perfectly clear, what I am speaking of here has absolutely nothing at all to do with religion, because all religions are man made. Matter-of-fact in some cases, religion has been a very poorly executed attempt at defining what True Spirituality is, and who our Spiritual Parent MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD is. However, religion does and has served its purpose throughout time. Nevertheless, religion is just one of many rungs on the ladder to Total Spiritual Re-Call. Some of us think that we know a lot and possess a lot. I am sorry, but I have to inform those of you who feel like that, you know nothing at all, and have nothing at all if you do not have the kind of relationship that you should have with SPIRIT. Having a Personal Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT teaches us how to use all of the knowledge that is housed within our Spirit/Higher Self. Some people completely negated the Spiritual; they believe that the amount of things, their financial profile, and their status in professional life speaks of their wealth and gives them a sense of worth. Financial wealth only bares witness to the ability to possess material gain on the temporal physical plane. I am speaking of that which is a part of us eternally. That is why the following was said; “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of GOD.” Exclusive focus on that which is material is the downfall of the human race. Money is not the root of all evil; the love of money, the love of material things is the root of evil. The story of Adam and Eve was telling us that also, when it talked about how focusing on the material (taking and eating the apple) and not following our Spiritual direction and Personal Intimate Relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD would guarantee turmoil in our relationships one with each other, and the downfall of humanity.

My Beloved Sisters and Brothers, we must shake and wake ourselves up Spiritually. If we do not fully wake up Spiritually, we will have to repeat every lesson in life that we have already gone through over until we do. Why is that so? That is so because without our Personal Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT, we do not have the glue that eternally bonds everything together, we do not have the Spiritual sight to see what we need to do, and we do not have the Unconditional Love we need to Love ourselves, our sisters, and our brothers. Loving another is the act of giving Life to another. If we do not completely wake up from the deep dark unconscious sleep that we have been in, this lifetime will pass us by before we know it, and it would have amounted to nothing compared to what it should have. Everything that we need is within; it is within our very own Spirit. We must take as much time as necessary to learn how to go within and tap into the wealth of Spiritual Knowledge and Unconditional Love that has been planted deep within the very core of our being. The core of our being is the place where GODDESS-GOD dwells. Within the core of our being is also the place where GODDESS-GOD embraces and Unconditionally Loves us. If you are a parent, more than likely you know how it feels to Love your child or children unconditionally. Well guess what? Our Love for our children does not even rate on a scale of 1000 as a one, compared to the amount Love, and the magnitude of Love that MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD has for us, IT’S Precious Creation. If you are not already doing so, I invite you to join me on the Eternal Sacred Path of a Personal Intimate Relationship with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 14, 2006

Revised Aug. 1, 2010