Over the years, it has gotten progressively clearer to me that I should not be impulsive in my actions. I have learned that it is best that I am very deliberate in what I think say and do. Doing so will produce more of a flow, and produce more harmony in what I am doing. To act impulsively, is to react and to be sudden in my actions, and many times that means that I am forcing things to happen, instead of allowing things to flow in the way that they should. I should be spontaneous in what I do from time to time, sometimes life calls for spontaneity. However, not everything that I do should be solely driven by the energy of spontaneity. Most of what I do should be thought through and planned out to maximize a beneficial outcome. Life must have some order, it must be planned out to avoid chaos, and assist in producing harmony and natural flow.
I find that living today verses a few decades ago; just about everything is expected to happen instantly, patience is becoming a thing of the past. The state of patience, being a state of virtue is quickly fading because human beings are forcing and rushing just about every life experience. I must always envision this experience called life, as it truly is, a part of a greater whole. As I drive through the streets of Washington, DC the Nations Capital, I witness how self-centered most people have become. I have even noticed that same condition within myself. That is one reason why I must not be impulsive, because being impulsive usually means being selfish, thinking only of my personal needs, and not the needs of other and the Whole of Creation. If what I do is based in what is pest for the Whole of Creation, not only will I benefit, the whole will benefit.
I believe that living life from a collective perspective, recognizing the Oneness of the whole, is the original and only way I should be living, because everything that I do affects everyone and everything around me. In addition, living life from a collective perspective puts form to my thoughts and words of Love for the Whole of Creation. When I live life in and through Divine Oneness, which is collective living, I am showing my family of creation that I Love them and I recognize my Oneness with them. I believe that two of the most important things I am here on this physical plane to do, are to project Unconditional Love and Sacred Harmony to the Whole of Creation in everything that I think, say, and do. Those are the two most valuable and most tangible things I could ever offer.
As I focus on, and avoid being impulsive, I balance it off with not becoming a procrastinator. Because being a procrastinator is the other extreme, it is the opposite of being impulsive. They are two extremes; nevertheless, there is a fine line between the two. Over the 56 years of my precious life here on Earth Mother, I have found that it is very easy to go from one extreme to the other. Talking about living in a time when everything is instant, I have gone from one extreme to the other in a split second. Talking about going from one extreme to the other simply shows that every thought we think, every word we speak, and every action we take becomes part of our present moment reality. It also shows that it becomes a part of the collective reality of Whole of Creation. I must be careful what I create, because it surely will become a part of our Collective Consciousness, it will become a part of the Collective Oneness. If I am going to be impulsive about something, I am going to be impulsive about sharing my Unconditional Love with the Whole of Creation, and that includes being impulsive about Loving You. “I Love You We Are One!”
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Dec. 2010