Thursday, October 28, 2010

Learning To Be Me, Without Any Hesitancy


Learning To Be Me, Without Any Hesitancy

Over the fifty-six years that I have lived this present lifetime, I have learnt and am learning, how to be me without hesitancy. Doing so, entails being open to receive and follow the Divine Direction that comes to me by way of SPIRIT, within my Spirit. We humans have gotten so out of touch with that which is truly spiritual, that we now see the Spiritual as being spooky, weird, and outright crazy. To see that which is truly spiritual, in less than a Divine way, is extremely detrimental to our overall survival and existence as conscious beings.

As I think back on my life, and review experiences when I was led here and there by others, and a multitude of outside influences of every sort, I can see the imbalance in me, that was caused by such actions. I can also see the pain brought on by such choices. I believe that everything that has happened in my life, happened exactly how it had to happen in order that I would truly appreciate being who I am and experience the True Blessing of being me, and living life without any hesitancy. My true self, which is my Higher Self, has always been connected and yielded to SPIRIT. Nevertheless, that has not been a part of my daily comprehension, because I had many valuable lessons to learn in the School of Life, through my experiences. Some very valuable lessons have been learned; with there are many more lessons to come. Nonetheless, what I have already learned, has blessed me tremendously. I no longer worry about what people think of me, or believe about me, none of that really matters to me any more. Actually, none of that ever really mattered; I just thought it did, because of my mis-education and disconnection from SPIRIT, my disconnection from my higher conscious of Absolute Divine Reality.

At present, I still must monitor myself to make sure I am not loosing footing and slipping back into the old ways of thinking, believing, feeling, seeing, and doing things. Sometimes old programs can be hard to break away from, especially when we allow ourselves to operate on automatic pilot, as humanity has done for to long now. Going through life on automatic pilot is not, and has never been a workable option for anyone. I am to do everything, and experience everything, in a conscious state of being. I am to be conscious of every thought, word, belief, and action, that is a part of my present now time reality. Along with that, I am to consciously stay focused on only that which is a part of the now, a part of the present moment. Why is that so? That is so because, that is all there is for me at this conscious junction in my present development and existence. The only way I am not able to be free, not able to be me without hesitancy, is to trust that being me is the way the SPIRIT designed me to be, and then simply be.

I am not to be led around by outside influences, especially not led around by the outside influences of what others say SPIRIT has told them is the direction I should follow, because they are one of the chosen ones humanity must go through to get to The DIVINE. My only savior comes in the form of me, through my Personal Intimate Relationship with The DIVINE. That means that I am hearing and comprehending the Divine Direction from my Sacred Relationship with The DIVINE, and following that direction to the tee. Now, what does follow it to the tee mean? To me, following it to the tee means, following it to the Cross of Divine Reality. The Cross of Divine Reality I am speaking of is the original cross that represents life, which has and opening like the eye of a needle, that cross is called an Ankh. It is the Sacred Symbol of the Eternal Truth of Humanities Divine Oneness, through our Sacred Spiritual and physical manifestation, it represents the Divine Union of the Woman, the top opening of the Ankh, the Man, the vertical shaft of the Ankh, and the child, the horizontal cross member of the Ankh. The Divine Truth of life is this, we are all one by way of our Sacred Relationship with GODDESS/GOD The DIVINE and each other. If I cannot fully comprehend that reality, I am unable of knowing any reality whatsoever. In recognizing my True Self, my Higher Self, coupled with recognizing my Oneness with GODDESS/GOD The DIVINE, means that I must also recognize the need to be me, to be who I am created to be, and my Eternal Oneness with the Whole of Creation. That Sacred Reality is eternally a conscious part of my reality.

“I Have Learned To Be Me, Without Any Hesitancy.”

Baba-Kundi Ma`at Shambhala


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Love The Sacred Union


Love The Sacred Union

Love is the Sacred Union responsible for all of the beauty found within us, also all of the beauty found in the world

Love is the Divine force that speaks to us, and comforts us in our time of need

The two most important outward manifestations of Love are, the Sacred Union of two Loving Souls in Holy Matrimony, and the birth of a child as a result, of Love The Sacred Union

Within our Sacred Women, we find Unconditional Love in its fullness; we also find our physical heaven where we waited nine months to spring forth into this physical existence

Just as life comes forth through our Sacred Women, Love as a tangible living energy, comes forth through them for all of humanity to share, enjoy, and learn from

Love is shared with the world in all of its glory and grandeur, through the witness of the Beloved Sacred Union of a Woman and Man in Love

Many have forgotten the beauty of Love The Sacred Union. Love is our Eternal Birth Right and we can regain conscious possession of it, in all of its magnificence when we open up fully and surrender once again, to its Beauty-Full Life Giving Energy that resides within our Spirit

Marriage is the physical expression of Love The Sacred Union, a gift that must always be respected, cherished, and honored, because GODDESS/GOD has blessed all of us in equal measure with that Precious Gift

Love, The Sacred Union blesses everyone and everything it comes in contact with

Love conquers all, and dissolves every conflict ever known to mankind when yielded to properly through faith and unconditional acceptance

If we keep our eyes on the Wonder-Full Gift of Love The Sacred Union, there will always be Divine Order within our Souls

When we consciously accept and yield completely to Love The Sacred Union, we are saying I do to Everlasting Unconditional Love, Eternal Peace, and Joy Unspeakable

What is joined together in and through the Divine and Sacred Union of Love Is Eternal, Nothing is strong enough to separate or change that Holy Union

What GODDESS/GOD Has Joined Together, Is Joined Together Forever!

Love The Sacred Union

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © 09.13.08

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life is a Mountain Climbing Experience


Life is a Mountain Climbing Experience

These scripted words are motivated by my journey through this rollercoaster like experience we call life. Usually when we think about climbing a mountain we envision one humongous formation of rock with a summit. However, to get to the summit of many large mountains you first have to climb the peaks of many smaller mountains. In addition, once you start to climb the actual mountain of which you want to reach its summit, there are still many small formations with peaks and valleys, which you must ascend to and descend into before reaching the main summit. That means that there will be many highs and lows before you reach your desired destination. Actually, that is not the way we envisioned the mountain from a distance. It will not be a straight climb up the side of the mountain to the top, as we thought it would be. Well, as I think about my journey through my present lifetime, I see a mountain with a multitude of peaks that I must ascend up to, and a multitude of valleys that I must descend down into, before I can actually start my Sacred Final Ascension to the summit of the Spiritual Mountain of Divine Awakening.

I cannot honestly say, that I understand why each one of us has to travel the life paths that we do, up and down so many different mountains with their vast array of peaks. Some say we choose all of the experiences we go through in our lives. Others say our life experiences are pre-destined by a SUPREME BEING called GOD. Who truly knows that at this time and place in our existence? At this point in my journey through life, I believe that most, if not all of the explanations and reasoning are pure speculation. Matter of fact, most of what we believe, and most of what we have been taught is actually nothing more than pure speculation, based on others beliefs, and then they are taught to us as fact. That is why I strongly believe that we must find a way to go within and tap into our True Sacred Self, what some call our Higher Self and have a Sacred Time of Meditation. During that Meditation, which is the process of concentrating on our inner vibrations, those inner vibrations could come to us as feelings, visions, fragrances, or words, as in advice spoken to us in a voice that could sound like our voice, or a voice that we are not familiar with at all. I believe that we can learn some things from each other, however that is not good enough. If we were in school and we only had each other, and no teacher, we would not fair to well in what we were studying and supposed to be learning. I believe and would even go as far as saying that most of what we need to learn and come to truly know must come to us by way of going within, and tapping into our DIVINE SOURCE. That is how and when we will get what we truly want and need.

My life has been full of mountaintop and valley experiences. Now I am starting to believe that a great deal of my life I have not even begun to climb the main part of the mountain that lead directly to the actual summit. Another error I have made countless times is taking my eyes off the present moment, the now, and that caused me to loose footing and tumble backwards and loose major ground that had been gained. This journey up the mountain of life can be difficult and very challenging, in the exact, same way that a climb up an actual mountain is difficult and very challenging. I am not sure where I am on the mountain right now. However, I do know that it is a very difficult place. I could be trying to make it over a protruding ridge leading to one of many apexes that must be reached before I start the final climb to the glorious summit of the mountain. Alternatively, I could actually be headed into one of the many valleys I have to go through on my sojourn. Here is something that just came to me as I was thinking about valleys. In most valleys, you will find plenty of vegetation for food, and water for drink, all of which will sustain us perfectly while we are in the valley, and prepare us for our next journey upward. A valley is not a bad place to be, a valley should be seen as a pit stop, a rest area, and a place where we map out our next journey up the mountain. Every leg of our journey up the mountain is designed to make us stronger.

One very important tool that we need as we make our individual climb up the mountain is our Goggles of Focus. Goggles of Focus are of the utmost importance during our climb, because if we loose our focus, we are subjected to fall and experience serious injury. The Goggles of Focus help keep dust and other particles made up of illusions and deception out of our eye. A lack of focus has been the main cause of most of my set backs on my lifelong journey, up my Mountain of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation. Another tool that we need as we climb up the mountain is the Rope of Faith. The Rope of Faith will suspend us in thin air when we slip and otherwise would have fallen to the ground. Having the Rope of Faith also gives us the courage to reach out and grab that which we would normally feel is completely out of our reach. The climb up the Mountain of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation cannot be made without the Rope of Faith; it is absolutely impossible, to make such a climb without it. In addition, we need the Harness of Hope. The Harness of Hope is wrapped securely around our waist so that we can loop the Rope of Faith through its ring for support. When we get tired of climbing and we have not reached a place where we can sit down or lay down to rest, and we are wearing the Harness of Hope that is connected to the Rope of Faith. We can just lean back and allow the Rope of Faith and the Harness of Hope to support us while we rest. Another very important piece of our climbing equipment are our Shoes of Stability. Our Shoes of stability gives us sure footing on the rugged terrain we are climbing. As they help us maintain sure footing, it also protects us from the sharp edges, which are life-threatening experiences. Next, we have the Axe of Creation. We can use the Axe of Creation to chop away at the mountain like a chisel and create footholds that we can use like a step. We can also use the Axe of Creation to wedge in a crack of understanding and pull ourselves up. These are just the major tools we have at our disposal as we climb our Mountain of Spiritual Awakening and Transformation, which is one in the same with what I sometimes call Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Personal Post About My Life


Have You Ever Felt Like Giving Up On Life?

I have been struggling to keep my head up my entire life, and it sometimes seems like no matter what I do, I can never seem to keep my head above the troubled waters life brings my way. I know, it is said that I should not think or say things like that, because I will only draw more of the same to me. Well I have tried just about everything that others have said, shown, and taught me, and I still end up in the same situations, alone and lacking in just about every way possible. If I do not face the reality that is staring me right in the face, how can I adequately deal with it and correct it. I have tried positive thinking and affirmation and still end up with the same results. I could understand it if I were lazy, used people, and treated others with intentions of harming them. However, I am a hard worker that enjoys working, I Love people, and I always do everything that I can to make sure everyone is happy.

I have consciously been perplexed over Love since I was five years old. I remember at five walking back and forth on the sidewalk on the street I grew up on, and asking GOD why are people so mean. I had two sisters that did not like my dad or me. Their father had died when they were very young, and my dad met and married our mother sometime after that. Both of my sisters were extremely cruel to both of us. The cruelty they did to my dad hurt me more than anything they did to me over the years. I even experienced my mother being emotionally cruel to my dad. Well, I experienced cruelty from many people over the year, even those that I would bend over backwards to make happy. Nothing I did ever seemed to be good enough.

All of my life people have complimented me on how nice, loving, talented, spiritual, and kind I am. I was always the nice guy to the ladies. You know the old story, I was the nice guy that was always like the brother, and the bad guy was always their lover. I would tell the true and be myself, and it was said that I could not be the way I project myself to be. I was always trying to prove myself to others. Every time it seemed like I was on the path to turning things around, once again I would be knocked flat on my face.

I have been seeking direction in every way I could think of, trying to find the right things to do. I have not been looking for handouts, or for someone to do what is needed for me. Right now, I am 56 years old, and I am starting life over completely once again. I do not even have a place of my own to lay my head. I can not get a job because I have bad credit from the time when I was deathly ill after my marriage came to an end and my children who mean the world to me were kept away from me. Now days before you can get a job they do a credit check on you, and if it comes back bad, you do not get the job. If your credit became bad because you were out of work, how do you turn it around if you cannot get a job because your credit is bad? I have been doing home improvements on my own, but the work is not consistent enough to give me what I need to get back on my feet. On top of that I owe child support $13,000.00 for back payments missed when I was in the hospital and out of work when my children were young. All four of my children are grown and two of them have children of their own. Right after getting out of the hospital I was locked up and put in jail, and had my drivers license and tags suspended numerous times because of the arrears in child support, and I am constantly harassed by the Child Support Administration to this very day.

Try to imagine being 56 years old and not even have a place you can call your own to lay your head. I have children and even grand children that I cannot help if they need my help. From when I was a little boy I dreamt about being married and having a family I could love and take care of. However, that was not to be. What is one to do? Since getting sick and having to have major surgery, I had my large intestine taken out and have to wear a pouch for the rest of my life, when it come to trying to get in a relationship I constantly get rejected, when the reality that I had an operation and now I have to wear a pouch is revealed. Sometimes I feel like an invisible man surrounded by people. I love everyone, even those who have abused me and used me. I could not hold a grudge even if I wanted to.

My question to GREAT SPIRIT and my Higher Self is; what must I do to turn things around and be able to live without always struggling. I am not looking for GREAT SPIRIT or someone here on this physical plane to do for me. Just show me what I must do and I will do it myself. As I stated before, I Am Not Lazy, I enjoy working and helping others. Being of service to others is what I call my motivational gift and that is what gives me the greatest joy in life. Unconditional Love is my motivation and my strength. If it were not for the Love within me, I would have absolutely nothing.

I am now looking for a place to move, preferably in a rural or semi-rural area. It would be nice if it were a place with people like me, who were consciously on a Spiritual Path like me. Who knows, maybe I would even connect with a woman that I could share the rest of my life. Is that asking too much? All I want to do is Love, be Loved in return and be able to take care of all of my responsibilities and help others in need. Sometimes I feel like giving up on life. However, I just cannot do that. If nothing else happens, I will at the least die pursuing my lifelong dream of companionship and Love. Whether I like it or not, all of my experiences are a part of that which is called my life.

Please support me during this trying time with your prayers. I still believe that prayer helps.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Monday, October 18, 2010

Radiant Love


Greetings on this Wonder-Full Day of Creation

"It is far more powerful to live your truth than to preach it."

These words of Divine Wisdom came to you today for a special reason. May they empower you and support you throughout your journey to Oneness.



Radiant Love and Divine Oneness reside deep within your Beauty-Full Spirit. You are the Physical and Spiritual Manifestation of the Creative Power of Unconditional Love!

Everything Is In Divine Order As We Follow Our Souls Melody.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Friday, October 15, 2010

Logical Mind


Logical Mind

Last night I randomly opened my book entitled Oneness as I sometimes do with my books. Now I am going to share with you, the Precious Gem it had in store for me last night before I took another journey into my Wonder-Full Dreamland of Divine Ecstasy where Unconditional Love and Pure Delight rule supreme.

The answers you seek do not come from the logical mind. They are sourced when you recognize the wisdom in defying logic. They are realized when you understand that there is no need to reach out for guidance from others. They are made manifest when you risk trusting that you hold the answers—all of them.

To break the patterns of dependency upon the influence of others is necessary to understand that the answers themselves do not matter at all. The act of seeking those answers is merely an exercise you have devised in order to guide yourself to the path that leads within. Ultimately, the life altering choices you have created to confound yourself fade into obscurity, along with the very crossroads that prompted them. And you emerge in a place of knowingness that the questions—and the answers—are unimportant. They are simply vehicles that deliver you to a place of unconditional trust in your own ability to derive a sense of inner directedness in any circumstance. The dilemma that may be at hand merely illustrates the point.

I am going to meditate on this daily until it becomes part of my new program for my life experiences here on Earth Mother. Everything that comes to me in life, be it through a book, thought, word from a friend, or an experience just to name a few, does so ultimately for my benefit. Even that which may be deemed as a negative, can and will benefit me tremendously. I learn and grow from every life experience. In doing so, I transform the so-called negative into the positive. Life may have its challenges, however, those challenges must and will be used as tools that clarify my knowing and direction. The challenges in my life, ultimately make my life that much more enjoyable. Each challenge causes me to open my eyes wide, especially my First Eye, which is my Eternal Spiritual Source of Vision. Challenges cause me to turn up the light so I can see things and people as they truly are. I see much clearer now that I am consciously on the Path of Divine Truth and Oneness with All!

In The Light of Everlasting Unconditional Love!

I See You.


Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Woman/Man Is An Island


Live Life Fully

Greetings on this Wonder-Full Day!

Life is given to us to be lived, not for us to put on hold. We cannot receive the entire blessings intended for us from life, if we fail to participate fully in it, and open up completely to receive all of the blessings life has to offer us. Without a doubt giving is a very good thing to do. However, giving cannot be what it is meant to be, when it is not coupled equally with the act of receiving. We need someone other than ourselves to be able to give to and receive from. Two of the most important things in life are Balance and Love. Life is all about Balance and Unconditional Love.

Do you know this song?


No man is an island,

No man stands alone,

Each man's joy is joy to me,

Each man's grief is my own.

We need one another,

So I will defend,

Each man as my brother,

Each man as my friend.

I saw the people gather,

I heard the music start,

The song that they were singing,

Is ringing in my heart.

No man is an island,

Way out in the blue,

We all look to the one above,

For our strength to renew.

When I help my brother,

Then I know that I,

Plant the seed of friendship,

That will never die.

Actually, it should say; No Woman or Man Is An Island. We are created to be together in an Intimate Relationship of Unconditional Love and Support."

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Ten Indian Commandments


The Ten Indian Commandments

1: Remain close to the Great Spirit.

2: Show great respect for your fellow beings.

3: Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.

4: Be truthful and honest at all times.

5: Do what you know to be right.

6: Look after the well being of mind and body.

7: Treat the earth and all that dwell there on with respect.

8: Take full responsibility for your actions.

9: Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.

10: Work together for the benefit of all mankind.

Author Unknown