Saturday, April 17, 2010

Led By Inner Guidance

Led by Inner Guidance

Before I get started, I want you to know that what I am about to share is based on a combination of my Spiritual Beliefs, also my Spiritual Practices such as Prayer, Meditation and Devotion, coupled with all of my life experiences. In addition, I would like for you to understand that beliefs are always in the process of expanding and evolving, that is of course until they reach their maximum clarity and purity. That is when they cease from being beliefs and become Sacred Knowledge and our awesome Divine Unadulterated Eternal Reality.

We should never be led to do anything by anyone or anything outside of our Higher Spiritual Selves. We are awakened to Divine Reality and Divine Guidance as we turn within to the dwelling place of Unconditional Love, the place where our Spirit is eternally connected to and one with SPIRIT. That which others say and do should stimulate us in such a way, that we turn within and search for truth, understanding, and guidance from SPIRIT. True revelation and understanding comes to us through our Higher Spiritual Selves within our Inner Sacred Temple, which is the Divine Dwelling Place of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. Once we learn how to consistently go within to our Inner Sacred Temple, be still and meditate on all of the Spiritual Insights that have been placed within our Spirit, we will seem to be doing greater things than the Spiritual Masters that came before us.

Important Note: The greater things I am speaking of will not always manifest in physical form, or in ways that everyone will recognize, see and/or consciously be aware of at first.

The reason why I said; “seem to do greater things”, is because we individually, apart from everyone and everything else do absolutely nothing by ourselves, and that which we do that seems great or miraculous actually is not, even though it may seem so. The so-called great and miraculous things actually should be the norm for us. However, they are not because we are consciously disconnected form our true Higher Spirituals Selves. When one of us does something positive, the whole of creation benefits from our positive actions because of our Eternal Oneness. Therefore, in reality, when one of us does something, it is as if we all did it. That is reflected through both that which we do that is positive and that which we do that is negative. Here are a few examples that will make my point. If I go on a trip to Arizona, every member of my physical body must go on the trip to Arizona. If five people are in a car and it is in an accident, all five people will experience being in the accident. However, the degree of injuries may vary person to person in that car. We are all One with SPIRIT, that likewise makes us all one with each other. It does not matter whether we believe it, accept it or not. The deception and the illusion of separation is the biggest problem the human race has ever experienced. The belief in being in a state of separation from SPIRIT and the Whole of Creation is the cause of all of the mis-education, mis-understanding, and con-fusion experienced amongst us. Don’t Believe The Hype, because if you do, you will be one of the victims of the con.

Unconditional Love is a part of our Eternal Reality. Everything that humanity is seeking was placed within our Spirit before the foundation of this planet was laid. Everything that we seek that is life giving was made a part of or being before we took on the temporal physical form we relate to so well and call our body. We are going through the process I refer to as Total Spiritual Re-Call. Each and every one of us has equal Spiritual abilities and powers. We simply must slow down and focus within on that which is Spiritual. We must do that long enough to enable us to see through all of the carnal physical needs and appetites that contrast the Spiritual, and the heavy dark stuff we have picked up and created in this lifetime. All of the stuff I am speaking of includes all of the negative energies we have allowed in by seeking Spiritual direction outside of ourselves; Spiritual direction we sought from those we determined to be Spiritual Masters, or the one(s) we see as our Savior. Such actions are blocking our Spiritual reception, and severely diluting our view and comprehension of Sacred Reality. When our Sacred Reality is diluted, it is no longer Sacred or true reality. Without Pure Sacred Reality, humanity will always find itself in a big mess, a big mess exactly like the one humanity finds itself in today.

Once again to everyone reading these words, these are my personal beliefs. If you believe differently from me, or if you agree, please share your beliefs with me. That is how we learn and grow. It is all about coming together and sharing openly and honestly from the very depths of our Spirit, especially when we disagree.

The Whole of Creation is One!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © April 9, 2010