. The Creator Must Have; A Master Plan
I am a Creator of my life and also my surrounding world; and I must have a Master Plan for my creations. One of my favorite songs is The Creator Has A Master Plan, by Pharoah Sanders, also done in a more contemporary style done by the Brooklyn Funk Essentials. Here are the lyrics to the song.
The Creator Has A Master Plan
There was a time, when peace was on the earth,
And joy and happiness did reign and each man knew his worth
In my heart how I yearn for that spirit's return
And I cry, as time flies,
Om, Om
There is a place where love forever shines
And rainbows are the shadows of a presence so divine
And the glow of that love lights the heavens above
And it's free, can't you see, come with me
The creator has a master plan
Peace and happiness for every man
The creator has a working plan
Peace and happiness for every man
The creator makes but one demand
Happiness through all the land
This song is so inspiring to me; it touches me deep within my Spirit, and places me in a state of a deeper relationship with GREAT SPIRIT. “There was a time when peace was on the earth.” I must bring peace back to the earth in everything that I think, say, and do. Peace comes by way of Unconditional Love, sincerity, reliability, honesty, dependability, consistency, and the reality of me being who and what I truly am, The Physical Manifestation of GREAT SPIRIT. In addition, I like to refer to The CREATOR as The DIVINE. Every day, to the best of my ability, I consciously do my part to bring peace to the world and the whole of creation. There once was a time when humanity collectively felt and totally embodied peace in all that was thought, said, and done. However, somehow and somewhere humanity lost it’s way. I cannot be held responsible for the whole of humanity. However, I am held responsible for my every action, and lack thereof. Therefore, I must consciously do everything within my power to be the full manifestation of peace in the world today. Peace can manifest when the energy being projected and received is that of Unconditional Love and Trust. Today, there is a severe lack of Unconditional Love and Trust in our relationship. Such a situation results in chaos and confusion on a grand global scale. Humanity and Earth Mother can not go on like this much longer. That is why we are seeing cataclysmic events such as we are seeing in the world today. All of which are controlled by my energy, and the energy of all of my brothers and sisters of the human race, being projected out into the atmosphere in the present moment. We can change the condition of the world through individual change. Yes, it is just as simple as that. If we want Peace, We Must Be Peace in all that we think, say, and do.
Next, I am focusing in on, the Joy and Happiness of our True Divine Reality reigning, and each woman and man knowing her and his Sacred Worth. How is it that we find ourselves and the Beautiful Abundant Creation I call Earth Mother, in a condition that is less than pleasing, and less than Pure Perfection with Joy and Happiness abounding in every part of this Fantastic Creation? We find it is such a condition because we have accepted and believe that this is how it is supposed to be. How can we believe any different, when we start out believing that we are imperfect beings that are born into this Fabulous Abundant Perfect Creation, as mere little filthy unworthy sinners. Being in such a lowly state of mind, makes us feel unworthy of experiencing Joy and Happiness. The nerve of anyone who believes that we are worthy of any form of abundance, especially the abundance of that which produces such Glorious Energy as Pure Joy and Pure Happiness. Beloved, I am exposing that deception, lie, and myth for what it is, a dark deceptive illusion designed to rob us of our Sacred Creative Power, Divine Birthright of Perfection, and Abundant Unconditional Love, which gives birth to every form of good imaginable. Human beings are not helpless imperfect beings, which are in need of a savior outside of ourselves in physical or other form, we have not been created and placed into this physical existence, as imperfect corruptible miserable sinners, we were created by PERFECTION ITSELF, so we can be no less than perfection in our total being. That tells me that Joy and Happiness has no choice but to be an integral part of our ongoing life existence and experience. In and of my Divine Being, my Eternal Spirit I Am Joy and I Am Happiness.
“In my heart how I yearn for that spirit's return.” As far as SPIRIT’S return goes, there is a correction needed here. GREAT SPIRIT has never left us, so there is no need for IT’S return. However, there is a need for our return to the reality that GREAT SPIRIT is eternally with us. There is a need for our return to the Divine Reality that GREAT SPIRIT has always been with us and eternally will be with us, in and through the Divine Reality of our Spiritual Oneness. There may be a yearning in our hearts, however, that yearning is not for GREAT SPIRIT’S return. That yearning is for our return to GREAT SPIRIT. Humanity has turned it’s back on the Divine Reality of our Spiritual Oneness, we have turned our consciousness away from our Eternal Lifeline of Power. Humanity has turned its consciousness away from The DIVINE. Our hearts actually yearn for that Divine Connection. The ridiculous thing is, we are yearning for something that we eternally have. We are simply in the insidious state of grand denial. How does the old saying go? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. As for myself, I choose to drink continuously from the Living Waters of Divine Truth that I am speaking of here. Does anyone care to join me in a Sacred Toast to our Divine Spiritual Reality?
“I cry, as time flies.” I believe that the only tears we should be shedding are tears of relief, tears of joy and relief over our Spiritual Awakening and our longed for return to Divine Reality. However, many are crying due to their overwhelming ignorance of their Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT. In and through such ignorance we set ourselves up for all of the turmoil we are experiencing in the world today. God is not doing any of the horrendous things that are happening the humanity and occurring in the world today, man has, and is creating all of it. We are the creators of our reality, what a reality humanity has and is creating. Just look around the world and see what humanity has created. GREAT SPIRIT created a Paradise for us all to share in together, in equal measure. Is that the reality humanity has created? Sadly, I must say no, humanity has created the opposite. Nevertheless, it is not to late to turn all of this around. We must go within our Spirit and tap into our Higher Selves, and get the Divine Direction needed to make the changes needed to turn all of this around. To start that process we must first come to grips with and recognize our Sacred Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT, and the Whole of Creation.
"There is a place where love forever shines, and rainbows are the shadows of a presence so divine, and the glow of that love lights the heavens above, and it's free, can't you see, come with me." The place where Love forever shines is the place within us, the place within our Spirit where we are one with The DIVINE, one with GREAT SPIRIT. Allowing such a Glorious Vortex of Sacred Energy to rule supreme in our lives, creates Rainbows of Sacred Energy and transforms the darkest most negative energies known to humanity. Then we are able to sit back and enjoy the Love Lights of Heaven that are all around and within us. Talk about freedom and seeing clearly, that is total freedom and clarity.
"The creator has a master plan, peace and happiness for every man." The CREATOR’S Master Plan for every woman, man, girl and boy is the Divine Oneness and Sacred Harmony of a Love Supreme, and a Love Supreme is none other than the free flowing energy of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the author of Light, Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Oneness. Time and time again, men have totally overlooked and discounted the Universal Awesomeness and Power of Sacred Women, and the need to have them be an equal part of this thing called life. Sacred Women are not the footstools, exclusive servants, or the pleasure instruments of men. Sacred Women are definitely equal and valuable to GREAT SPIRIT as men are. What is the most outstanding difference between men and women? The most outstanding difference is physical strength. However, physical strength is only a temporal attribute of macho men. A major part of being a conscious positive creator is being able to see things as they truly are, and humanity has had Spiritual and reality vision deficiencies almost since the beginning of time. However, the first step towards recovery, is seeing things as they truly are. It is time for us men to collectively wake from the hellish nightmare of superiority. For that matter, it is time for everyone who feels superior to another in any way, to shake themselves and wake up from their nightmare of self-pride, fake alter ego, and insidious deception. No matter how much wealth we have, our occupation, religious or Spiritual beliefs, sexuality, or gender, is we are all equal on the scale of Divine Reality. The macho man bubble was burst the minute it was inflated with all of the masculine hot gas. The main reason why I say gas and not air, is that gas smells, and so does every form of a superiority complex.
"Peace and happiness for every man." When I meditate, I sometimes chant Om Shanti. The origins of Om are lost in the mists of time. Om is considered to be the primeval sound, the sound of the universe, the sound from which all other sounds are formed. Some believe and say that Om is the sound that was uttered by The DIVINE, and caused what we see as our physical reality to be. Om was the Divine Sound, the Divine Energy that created the universe and our Precious Earth Mother. Shanti simply means "peace". It is a beautiful meaning and also a very beautiful sound. There is Peace and Happiness for the whole of creation. Humanity has just neglected to grab hold of it and partake of its Amazing Wonder-Full Gifts. We have been enticed by those things which have no true substance at all. We have been following the direction created in the minds of those who are Spiritually derelict and morally deranged. We must stop trying to create peace and happiness through the energy and substance of our human intellect. Both the energies of Peace and Happiness are Spiritually based energies, they can only come to us and manifest in and through our lives from the Sacred Space within our Spirit. It is no way that we can manifest true Peace and Happiness by way of our human intellect, our limited human reasoning. Peace and Happiness is a part of our original state of perfection, and we must consciously re-connect with that part of our perfection, as we must do so with every other element of our Sacred Perfection. There is no doubt that we will. The only question is this. How many lifetimes and how much negativity will we have to experience before we choose the Sacred Path of Divine Spiritual Perfection?
“The creator has a working plan.” GREAT SPIRIT’S working plan for humanity and the whole of creation is always in motion; it is a plan that is always working and creating new Divine Beauty such as Earth Mother and the whole of creation through the Supreme All-Power-Full Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. The Divine Working Plan is behind every form of creation there is. You will even find it in every negative creation humanity has produced, because GREAT SPIRIT’S Working Plan is the substance that holds everything together, even that which we classify as negative. There is absolutely no existence without it. Men in their ignorance have tried to ignore it and outright destroy it. However, it is eternal just like our Spirit is eternal. Our ignorance and our denial of something does not make that which is reality disappear and become non-existent. It simply shows how stupid we can be when we turn away from the Perfect Direction of GREAT SPIRIT.
Finally and most important; “The creator has but one demand, peace and happiness throughout the land.” That does not just mean peace throughout the physical land we know as the earth. It means peace and happiness within every human being. Beloved, that peace and happiness is within our Spirit, it has always been there because Peace and Happiness is a major part of our eternal existence. Humanity acting out in ignorance does not negate, or diminish in any way that Divine Reality. We are creators of our reality and other minor temporal things. Nevertheless, we cannot re-create that which GREAT SPIRIT has created. We can choose to act as if it does not exist, and act contrary to it in every way we can think of. However, we cannot change the Eternal Divine Reality that Peace and Happiness resides eternally within our True Selves, our Spirit. We are Eternal Spiritual Beings of Perfection, and we were created by none other than PERFECTION ITSELF, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.
The Creator Has A Master Plan,
Peace and Happiness Within Humankind!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2011