Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love


I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love

Love; I Love to Love, I am completely in Love with Love. At this moment in time there is but one question that I have concerning Love. What Sacred Woman will be led to open up to, and share in the abundance of Love that I possess and seek to share? I feel a need to share a song written by Van Morrison with you that I enjoy listening to. The song that I will one day share with the Beauty-Full Sacred Woman I will share the rest of my life with; “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?”

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

For the morning sun and all its glory
Meets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter, somehow you make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's defined
And it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the ONE, to the ONE

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's defined
And it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the ONE, to the ONE

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness, take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

I am a romantic, one who was taught in The Old School of Everlasting Love. Do you know that Love is the most powerful energy known to humanity? That is right, Love is the most powerful energy there is. Loving each other unconditionally is the ultimate way to acknowledge our oneness and commitment to each other. Love is not just an intimate relationship between a woman and a man. A Love relationship is the relationship two or more people share between each other in a pure selfless way. However, the Unconditional Love relationship between two individuals through intimacy is the ultimate in the gift of sharing Love. Such a wonderful relationship gives hope to the hopeless, it likewise gives life to the lifeless, and restores us to our Sacred State of being. Nevertheless, before we can experience such a Love, such a relationship, we must learn to Love ourselves in a pure unconditional way. I could not Love someone outside of myself when I have not learned the art of purely and sincerely Loving myself.

It took me many years to learn this very necessary and important lesson. I wondered many long years lost in the wilderness of loneliness and hopelessness, trying to Love and be Loved in return unsuccessfully, because I had missed the first very important step of all, Self Love. To Love ourselves is to Love GODDESS/GOD, is to Love the Pure Essence of LOVE ITSELF, because GODDESS/GOD is the Pure Essence of LOVE and we are one with GODDESS/GOD. Now that I am conscious of this Divine Reality, I am ready to Love honestly, openly, fully, and unconditionally. When I consciously became aware of this, I immediately opened up to, and received the major revelation that what I give will in turn be reciprocated back to me, in even a greater measure then I could ever give out. Everything in this experience we call life, is all about Love. If we think not, we deceive ourselves, and commit ourselves to living a life full of lack of every kind imaginable, as well as overwhelming confusion. Love is the answer; we must open up to Love before this lifetime reaches its end, because openly giving and receiving Unconditional Love, is one lesson we are to learn while here on this physical plane. I will never give up on Love.

As I stated before, I Love to Love, I am in Love with Love. Now the question for me is this; who will I share this Love with in an intimate way. Love and intimacy go together hand-in-hand, it is the natural progression of life. We do not fall in Love. To fall means that one is out of control. There is nothing out of control about Truly Loving another Sacred Being. When we Love another, we must consciously choose to Love that person. To Love another in the here and now, is to take what we have, the Eternal Will of Spiritual Love, and translate it in such a way that we can share the energy and experience of Love in its fullness with another precious being on this temporary physical plane. We have to find a way to give more of ourselves to the purity of Love in as many honorable ways as possible. I want to, and must give more of my Precious Love to GODDESS/GOD, I must also give as much of my Love as possible, to the Sacred Woman I will come to know as my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Intimate Spiritual Mate, also to the Whole of Creation. Have you not noticed that the Glorious Sun of Love shines brightly on the cloudiest of days, just as it does on the clearest of days? There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that can stop the brightly Shining Light and Energy of Unconditional Love. We all can share in that Wonder-Full experience of Unconditional Love. The key to opening the door to doing so is to open up fully to Loving Ourselves Unconditionally, and without question, Loving Our Beloved Creator MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. This goes far beyond our intellectual awareness; it must be comprehended Spiritually, and become our overriding and abiding Spiritual Reality.

Love has been perverted for such a long time that many no longer see it as being the Sacred and Divine Experience that it is. Love is due the utmost reverence and the utmost respect. Love is no less then the Sacred Life-giving Waters of our Spirit that we must all drink. We will never truly experience life, if we have not quenched our thirst from the Sacred Life-giving Waters of Unconditional Love. We must awaken from our sleep; we must individually be shaken and awakened from the ongoing nightmare of life without True Unconditional Love. We must stop leaving our true reality behind. I remember how it felt to have my dad embrace me and say, I Love You Son. I desired that from my mother, however, for some reason she refused to surrender to Love. I believe it was out of fear. I know she Loved me, however, for some reason she just did not feel comfortable yielding to the awesome amount of Love that was within her Spirit, and share it with me freely. I Love You Mom!

I missed the Love from the most important Sacred Woman in this lifetime, my mother. However, I now open myself completely to experience Unconditional Love from the Sacred Woman that I am now ready to receive into the remainder of my life that will be spent here on Earth Mother. I do not know who she is, whether I have met her already or if she is about to enter into my life. Nevertheless, I believe deeply within my being, that we are going to consciously connect in the very near future. Then there will be a marriage between GREAT SPIRIT, Her Spirit and My Spirit. I am open to and ready for the beginning of this Sacred Relationship, which is Everything Divine. Then we will sail on the Wings of Glory, sail on the Wings of Unconditional Love. Which Sacred Woman is going to step forth and share this Sacred Love Relationship with me? I pledge to give more of myself through Love.

I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love.

My Most Beloved Sacred Woman, Come join me in Love.

My Beloved Sisters and Brothers, we must follow this Spiritual Path.

To Make Love Is To Partake in A Holy Experience.

I Am Living Inside of Love.

So It Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Feb. 2011

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