Friday, February 18, 2011



This is something that I wrote and put together in 2004. I wish to share with you now. Enjoy!

Word for Today: Perfection

1 : the quality or state of being perfect: as a : freedom from fault or defect : Flawlessness b : MATURITY c : the quality or state of being saintly 2 a : an exemplification of supreme excellence b : an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence 3 : the act or process of perfecting


Good Morning Beloved, Life is simply marvelous. For the benefit of the Whole of Creation, and ourselves we need to do everything that we possibly can to further our Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical growth. We Must Be All That We Have Been Created To Be!

The Power of Love Is Within Us.

We Must Not Waste It.

We Must Use It, Also Share It Freely and Openly.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © 2004



A number of times I have shared with you that I reserve the right to change my mind concerning my beliefs as soon as I see that I have been in error. Well, this is one of those times. Yesterday a companion of mine helped me see perfection clearer and how it pertains to the entire human race. I used to believe and say, "We are not perfect; we are working our way back to the state of perfection, and the day that we reach that perfected state of being, we will no longer need to exist on this physical plane." I've also said the next statement many times, "We were originally created in a state of perfection, however due to all of the outside negative influences, and all of the negative programming mankind has received since the beginning of time, we lost our state of perfection." What I expressed both times was incorrect.

My second statement was partially accurate in that we were created in perfection. If people do not act like human beings, that does not mean that they are not human beings. It simply means that they do not know who they are, or they are in denial of who they are. If we were created in perfection, and we are, we are still a perfect creation no matter how out of character we may be acting. By acting out of character, we have covered up our Divine State of Perfection. SPIRIT did not make a mistake when creating us. We were not created in sin or any other state of being outside of Divine Perfection. The entire human race was created in the Divine Love Filled Image and Likeness of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. So, let me ask you a question. If we are created in the image and likeness of GODDESS/GOD, and GODDESS/GOD is the Pure Manifestation of Perfection in every sense of the word and energy, what does that make us? That makes us Manifested Perfection.

GODDESS/GOD not only does not make mistakes, GODDESS/GOD also never has to even think about changing what IT has created, because GODDESS/GOD is definitely without a doubt all seeing and all knowing (omnipotent), everything that is created by GODDESS/GOD was and is created in ands through perfection, and that includes you and me.

It is time that we start seeing ourselves in our true Light of Divine Perfection. Then we must start to lives our life in that same way. It may take a little time for us to get out from under all of the stuff we have been buried under for many lifetimes. However, we will be successful in doing so if we apply our entire being, Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit, to the greatly needed recovery process. The veil is being removed from the eyes of those truly wish to see. We have entered into a dimension where the truth is being brought to the surface rapidly and clearly. We must open our Spiritual eyes and ears so that we can align ourselves with our true Spiritual reality once again. We are created in the Image and Likeness of GODDESS/GOD. That makes us one with SPIRIT. Taking that one step further, that translates into our being a perfect creation in every sense of the word and energy.

In Light, Peace and Unconditional Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © 2004


Create A Beauty-Full and Prosperous Life.

One Day At A Time!

"I Love You!"

Baba Kundi



"Whatever your circumstances, always remember to analyze yourself so that you know what you are doing, and especially how you are doing it. For example, every day you are obliged to do certain tasks that are more or less interesting or pleasant. But, pleasant and interesting or not, they have to be done. So, observe carefully how you set about doing a job you do not like very much: you sigh, you grumble, and you go at it without conviction or love. You do not realize that your attitude makes the work even more difficult; and then, not only do the efforts you are required to make bring you nothing inwardly, but they destroy you. Whereas if you learn to consider things in another way, if you decide you are going to use this boring work as a chance to train yourself and to make progress, you will change your state of consciousness and the task will seem less hard."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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When we love, we reap precious blessings for ourselves. Our bodies function better on all levels. Our natural healing processes can accelerate, causing the spontaneous remission of the most difficult of diseases. Love-inspired minds become clearer, lighter, and positively directed. Because love enhances flow, when we love all of our emotions come easier and we use our energy-in-motion well.

We can learn to purposefully and intentionally practice love. Love must become more than something that just happens to us, if we get lucky, or that we fall into and out of according to some unfathomable whimsy.

We can and must learn to actively make love: to cause love-energy to stir and swell and flow out into meaningful connection with others; to gratefully open to and receive love whenever it comes our way; and to create with others a world in which such conscious loving is the sole abiding reality.

Excerpted From: Connecting with Love

Michael Sky



In Every Sense of the Word and In Its Sacred Eternal Energy,

I Am a Perfect Creation!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © 2004

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