Sunday, October 12, 2008

Compassion vs. Judgment

Compassion vs. Judgment

Around 4:00 am this morning I awoke from a dream and I was speaking out loud what I was saying in the dream. In my dream I started off talking with my daughter, she was a little girl and was complaining about something a friend had done. When I woke from that dream I was talking out loud, and simultaneously this thought came to mind. What you are saying is for you, not your daughter. After hearing that I got my tape recorder and started to record that which was coming to me. I am not saying that someone or something was speaking through me. I am saying that what came to mind I spoke aloud and recorded it so that I would have it all to contemplate and digest fully. This is what I received this morning concerning compassion and judgment.

Compassion, I must start showing as much compassion towards others as I would like to be afforded myself. I must also offer much less judgment towards others and their actions. I may witness someone performing a very horrendous thing, and see them continually doing wrong towards others, and then directly confront them for all of their actions. However, I must ask myself the following questions concerning my judgments and actions towards them. Is my reaction to their action proper? Is what I am saying and doing necessary at that time to correct the situation? If all they are getting from me is how bad they are, and I am not offering them direction on how they should accomplish that which is proper, how can they ever learn what is proper and start to believe that what I am saying is possible? How can they ever believe that change is possible in their lives, especially if all they ever receive from me and others is condemnation because of their ignorance and bad judgment? How could they ever start to believe that change is possible and there is good to be found within themselves, if all they ever hearing from others and myself is you are such a bad person? If what I am saying to them is offered correctly, it possibly could help them see that their actions are appalling. They should already know and feel that because of how everyone is responding to them, but it is possible that they have not comprehended that reality. They probably feel that because they are always doing the wrong thing and being called on their wrong doing, that change is hopeless for them. But if they are confronted properly with the wrongs they have committed, and it is said something like this. What you have done wasn’t the best thing that you could have done, matter of fact it was wrong to do what you did. But even that being the case, I know deep within me that does not accurately represent who you are and what you stand for. I know that there is a tremendous amount of good in you because you were created a by GODDESS-GOD a good, caring and loving person, and that is who you still are today. No matter what you have gone through or what you have done in the past you are who you were created to be. All of your negative actions were faulty reactions to some of your life experiences, and you are responsible for each and every one of them. However, forgiveness for your faulty actions is yours for the taking, if forgiveness is that which you seek. Saying something as simple as that can give the hope they need to believe that change is possible. There must be hope before change can take place within anyone.

Take a seed for example; a seed has a rough hard and sometimes ugly outer shell of protection that wraps around its tender core which is full of the gift of life, Light, and the Love of GODDESS-GOD. The core of that seed is a potential beautiful flower-bearing or fruit-bearing tree. It takes a lot of tender loving care for the beautiful radiant life that is inside of that seed to break free into the Light from it’s currant hard and dark existence. If all I do is criticize another for their wrongs, I am never taking the time to give them the Life Giving Waters of Love that will assist them in breaking free from their seeds hard shell of darkness, negative emotions, and unloving actions so that they can become the Beauty-Full positive young sprout that will eventually grow into a Beauty-Full Love and Light bearing adult. I must always be aware of what I do, and understand the repercussion of all of my actions, there has to be balance in everything. I must always speak the truth, but I also must speak and project Love, Hope, Faith, and endless possibilities to others, no matter what there actions may be. I must also do that same thing for myself when I fall short of the mark, because I can be my worst out of balance judge. There is an old song that says; “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way.” Sometimes we have to add a little sugar coating to the truth by speaking the truth in Love. That way it is more palatable to the person we are dealing with.

From 1969 to 1979 when I was fifteen to twenty-five years of age I was strung out on drugs. I lived the lifestyle that went along with drug addition. For ten long years I struggled with that addition. I never would have been able to pull out of that downward spiral, pull out of that hell that I had created for myself if I did not have a number of people continue to point out the potential that they saw in me, and the good that they knew I possessed. They did not just point out the things that I did wrong. At first I rejected what they said about my potential and the good that was supposed to be in me, because I was the witness of the fruits of my actions back then. 1969 to 1979 was definitely my hell on earth. But because of the hope that others had in me, and because they watered me with their Love, hope, and tolerance, one day almost thirty years ago my seeds shell finally got soft enough for the potential that they saw in me to brake through, spout and become the Beauty-Full Creation that I always was. That does not mean that there is nothing that I struggle with today, because there are some things that I am still struggling with in my life at fifty-four years of age. However, there is always hope and a possibility of change in every area of my life. I thank GODDESS-GOD that drug adduction is no longer a struggle for me. All of us have issues that we are dealing with. Some of our issues simply do not stand out like others. However, even with our issues we must remember that we are whole beings that receives motivation and nourished by way of GODDESS-GOD’S LOVE, and many times that Love come to us through each other. If we are ailing in any way, our whole being suffers to some degree. Our whole being needs more Love, especially that part of us that is ailing. We must always see and deal with the whole person. That which is in us that is negative is only a small percentage of what we possess. I know that some people may seem like they are pure evil, but they are not because they can’t be. They have just temporarily allowed the deceptive appearance of evil to rule their lives due to fear and ignorance of their true existence, their Spiritual Higher Self.

Maybe and operation is needed so that they will stop yielding to a lifestyle of negativity. But just as it is in the physical realm, when an operation is needed and performed on someone, they must first receive the appropriate amount of anesthesia. We are not operated on without anesthesia because anesthesia desensitizes us to the pain when the diseased area is cut out. Our Love and Compassion is the anesthesia that others need when the negativity is being cut out of their lives. However, what you and I do so many times is start operating on people without preparing them for the procedure with Love and Compassion, the anesthesia that is needed to remove most of the pain from such an extensive operation. I must always remember that Love conquers and soothes all. If Love conquers all, and it most definitely does, it also heals all situations and all manner of problems.

The thirst quenching water of Hope from others is what helped me become who I am today. It helped me break free from my shell and be able to communicate with others as I am now doing. To some I am uneducated because of my lack of formal schooling, and because I dropped out school. But because of the hope of others, which caused me to look deep within myself and eventually tap into the Divine LOVE of GODDESS-GOD within, I changed and became the man I am today. And because they told me continually that I am intelligent and I can do whatever I set my mind to, I have been able to get to the place where I can communicate with other and be understood even when my grammar and spelling is a little off. I may not read and write as well as most, but I read and write well enough to comprehend what I am reading, and that is much better than I used to. From time to time I am still a little concerned about what others think of me, but not as concerned about that as I once was. I am grateful that I am still growing in all areas of my life. One day in the near future what others think of me will not even be a passing thought. The Faith and Hope of others has done so much for me. I am extremely grateful to everyone for that. School is still in session, and I am learning every single day that I Am Blessed to be a small part of the Whole of Creation.

In the school of life I have learned that to communicate with others, because there has to be an even flow one to the other. To communicate with others I must travel on a two-way street. That is why those of you who know me usually hear me say, I would like to speak
with you, or can I talk with you. But I do not ask you can I speak to you, or it was nice talking to you. Communication can only be done properly with equal participation of all parties involved. We can only exercise true communication when our conversation goes both ways. That is a very valuable lesson that I have learned from others over the years. That brings me back to the principle of balance. If someone is saying all of the right things but not allowing others to contribute, they are not having a conversation with others. No one likes to be talked to or talked at; everyone likes to be a part of what is going on. Everyone likes to feel the positive energy of participation, and to know that they have contributed to the conversation or contributed to whatever it is they are supposed to be a part of. We should get as much joy out of giving as we do from receiving. But because some of us have not learned that valuable lesson yet, we are out of balance. Sometimes we only like to give when it comes down to communicating with others. But when it comes down to material things, some of us would rather receive, and hold back on our giving. We should get as much pleasure from giving as we do from receiving. If we don’t we need balance in our lives.

Simply because someone does something over and over again, does not mean that they do not want change to manifest in there lives. Neither does it mean that they are not trying to bring about change in their lives.

There Is Only One Love Known To Mankind, Unconditional Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala



I Am Changing In A Positive
Way Each and Every Day

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 2008



Monday, October 6, 2008




1. lack of knowledge or information
2. unawareness of something, often of something very important


Is there such a thing as separation when it comes down to the human race and the Whole of Creation? Absolutely not, there is no such thing as separation; there is only Divine Oneness because we are all connected by way of our Spirit, which is Pure Eternal Energy. That Pure Eternal Energy is the same energy that gives our physical being life, the same energy that created the Earth and the Cosmos. Each and every human being is one with SPIRIT, which is the same as saying, We Are One With GOD. We are also one with every single thing that has ever been and ever will be created. Anyone who believes that mankind is separate from SPIRIT/GOD and any other form of creation is living a lie, they are living in a state of pure illusion. Most are living that lie and living in that state of illusion out of ignorance of Divine Truth; they are also haphazardly following what they have incorrectly been taught by those who are following a deceptive man made path. Every single molecule that is a part of this world including humanity, and every single molecule that makes up the entire Universe is part of one enormous Sacred Body of Divine Energy that is designed and orchestrated to flow together in one accord as one Sacred Harmonious Body of Unconditional Radiant Light and Love.

The above paragraph is an excerpt from Divine Oneness
written by Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Dec. 2006


Today every single human being is operating to some degree from a base of ignorance. On top of that a number of people who have been fortunate enough to take advantage of higher education and acquire one or more degrees, seem to be operating from what I call a state of superior ignorance. They actually believe that they are better than those who are considered to be un-educated common people, not to mention those they have labeled as people from third world countries, as if they the highly educated ones live on another world altogether. That is definitely an erroneous belief that does not contain one speck of truth or reality. Every human being is created equal, I thank GOD that mankind is finally waking up to that Divine Reality. No matter what level of education we have acquired during this lifetime, we remain equal one with each other. All of us are going through the process of awakening to the reality that every answer we seek rests deep within the nucleolus of our being. That is the Sacred Place in our Spirit, where our oneness with SPIRIT ITSELF rules supreme. Each of us are going through the awakening process that I have labeled Total Spiritual Re-Call. Total Spiritual Re-Call is the Divine process that we go through that gradually causes us to awaken to the True Spiritual Essence and Power that has been placed within our eternal selves, which is our Spirit.

The attitude that we are individuals is birthed out of our ignorance of our Divine Oneness. Many of us misinterpret our individuality, because of that we believe that we are not connected to each other. Our ignorance causes some to believe that they are superior to others because of their race and their level of education. That is one of the most negative perpetuating attitudes that saturate the atmosphere of our world wide family/community/society today. That attitude has given birth to all of the suffering and negative conditions that mankind is experiencing in the world today. No matter how much education, or money a person may have, none of us stand above any of our sisters or brothers. We must find a way to get back to the place of truly understanding this reality, and once again start living through our awesome reality of Divine Oneness. We must also learn how to follow one of the most powerful directives we have been given since the beginning of time. A directive of great wisdom that was found above the entrance of the Ancient Mystery Schools in ancient Egypt, “Know Thyself.” To know ourselves is to know that we are one with each other as well as being One With The Whole of Creation. The most important reality of all, We Are One With UNIVERSAL ONENESS, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, the one who created everything and daily supplies us with sustenance as we sojourn through this dense physical plane in the here and now.

Ignorance of self and our oneness is a major problem. However, top that ignorance off with arrogance and you have the perfect formula for egotistical self-destruction, and also global destruction. In error mankind believes that it is the most intelligent creature on the face of the earth simply because mankind is educated, and mankind is the creator of many things. However, mankind's actions have proven that it is not the most intelligent creature on earth. Man-made education has replace common sense, it has also replaced natural intuition and instinct. That has caused all manner of dis-cord in individual lives, families, relationships, businesses, countries, and the entire world community. Global warming is a minor consequence of the physical and psychological disorder that mankind is experiencing. Individual separation from the whole of creation is one of the most dangerous conditions mankind will ever experience. Negating the reality of our oneness with our CREATOR and The Whole of Creation is the key that has opened Pandora’s Box. Opening Pandora’s Box has allowed all manner of evil, illusion, deceit, and confusion to enter into the hearts and minds of individuals, and in turn it has gone through a metamorphosis and become the consciousness of the new world.

This separation has caused some to feel the need to lord themselves over others and direct them on how they should live their lives. But how can the blind lead the blind to the apex of the Mountain of Divine Awareness, Truth, and Understanding? A prime example of the blind leading the blind is the so-called leader of the United States of America, George W. Bush. His overwhelming ignorance has destroyed the economy of America, and in turn that has caused tremendous stress and strain on the entire world economy. His ignorance, arrogant ego, and outright stupidity has caused many other serious problems around the world today such as hunger, war, and the death of tens of thousands of innocent children, adults, animals, and the contamination and destruction of nature in a multitude of forms. Ignorance is most definitely not bliss for individuals, Americans, or the entire population of the world.

A superior attitude is a very dangerous attitude for one to possess. Such an attitude clouds ones thinking and distorts ones comprehension, it also dulls ones intuition and completely eliminates the ability to access and use common sense. When an individual feels superior to another, eventually they start to feel that they can do no wrong, and their actions can never be questioned or judged by anyone. In essence, they develop a god complex and start to feel that they are the voice and direction of god to the world. That superior attitude has birthed many dangerous cults throughout the history of the world. It has also mis-educated, mis-used, mis-guided, and destroyed the lives of many of many people. Without a shadow of doubt every human being is one, we are equals one to each other. For those who believe in GOD and profess to follow GOD'S ways, they must understand that GOD does not speak to only a chosen few. GOD speaks to all of us in equal measure, and when GOD speaks to us we all receive the same Divine Guidance. There is no such thing as sheep and shepherd's when it comes down to mankind and it’s relationship one-to-the-other. The sheep and shepherd syndrome is a major part of the deception that mankind has created in an attempt to control and use the masses for selfish gain. Sheep are completely helpless creatures without their shepherds guidance. Sheep can’t survive without the direction that their shepherd provides them with. The sheep and shepherd syndrome only works for us if we are the shepherd’s of our sheep, and our sheep are our thoughts, actions, words, and deeds. Those sheep most definitely need our constant guidance and protection. Unless we are perfect and every area of our lives is in order, we do not have the time to shepherd anyone outside of ourselves. If we desire to bring change to others and the world, we need to get our lives in order and allow our lifestyle and actions to be the Living Book that others can read from if they choose to do so.

Those who believe in GOD must understand that religion is man’s attempt to define what GOD is to him or her by way of their human intellect and understanding. We must also understand that some religions were designed specifically to control the masses. Religion for the most part was not designed for the purpose of bringing freedom and power to those who choose to follow it. Religion is man’s feeble attempt to define who and what GOD is through a limited human mentality, a mentality that believes in separation and the superiority of one man over another. In error some religions teach that women are deceivers because it is taught that Eve deceived Adam into partaking of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. If man was so powerful and so superior to women how could he so easily be deceived? Can it get any more ridiculous than that? Our Sacred Women have been give the most precious gift and awesome responsibility of all, giving birth to Loving, nurturing and teaching mankind.

Man in his ignorance has placed the human attributes of anger, revenge, jealousy, and fear on GOD. How is it that we are supposed to Love GOD who we have been taught is Love, and fear GOD all at the same time? What does an All-Knowing and All-Powerful GOD have to be jealous of? Jealousy is defined as feeling or showing envy of someone and their achievements and advantages. Please answer this question for me. What achievements and advantages do human beings have that GOD would be jealous of? Would a loving parent want to get revenge of his or her child because that child did something they were told not to do? Also, would a loving parent condemn his or her child to a state of never ending punishment and torment, or even death because their child did something deemed wrong? When does Love and Forgiveness enter into the picture? Can you understand the magnitude of control and deception that has been played on the entire human race through religion?

In every area of our lives we have been mis-lead by those who profess to posses and know the Divine Truth. Those who profess to be the chosen ones. Beloved, We Have All Been Chosen, and We Are Equal and One! Until we find a way to consciously understand that Oneness and enter into it, and until we learn how to treat each other respectfully and honor each other as we should be honored, we will continue to experience the overwhelming fear and turmoil that we have experienced up to now. The one and only way to GOD and the Divine Truth, is to go within and commune with GOD within our Spirit. Learning to go within, and tapping into the Divine Energy and Truth of GOD is our only hope. That is our only salvation. It is also the only thing that will bring peace back to this planet and do away with the separation mankind has created and has experienced since nearly the beginning of time. Mankind is in this situation due to laziness and self imposed ignorance.

This was written on September 29, 2008. At that time I was on a five day fast of television and radio news that started on the September 26th. There was to much negativity and lies in the so-called news and I needed a break from it all. After I finished writing this article a friend informed me that the bill that was voted on for 700 billion dollars to rescue this country financially had failed. I was also informed that the stock market had dropped 777 points, and that was the lowest it has ever dropped in a single day. All of that is directly related to mankind’s ignorance and belief that we are separate from each other, and what affects one does not always affect everyone else. The time for absolute truth and change is at hand; the time for change is NOW!

“Everything Is In Divine Order When We Follow Our Souls Melody!”

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Sept. 2008



and The Whole of Creation!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Sept. 2008



Friday, October 3, 2008




1. a quality that is acceptable but not very good
2. somebody who is not particularly good at anything
3. of only moderate quality; not very good : mediocre



In America and in the world today mediocrity has become the norm, it has become the acceptable standard. However, at one point in time on this beautiful planet, doing our best and giving our best was all that we did and all that we would accept from others. But somewhere along the way we lost that very important quality that we cherished. Life has become a self-centered game of win at any cost and by any means necessary. That means that all honor and pride in doing the right thing has been thrown out the window, and now anything goes. Human beings used to operate from a base of Unconditional Love and follow a maternal instinct, and because of that our children were always looked after and cared for in a loving way. But now the children and their future is of little to no concern, because of mankind's selfish focus. There is a song called Save The Children by Gil Scott-Heron from the 70’s that speaks to this issue.

Save The Children

If you're driving through the country on a lazy afternoon
Or you're watching your children playing after school
They seem to be so unaware of I know I know
The things that they soon have to take care of

We got to do something yeah to save the children
Soon it will be their test to try and save the world
Right now they seem to play such a small part of
The things that they soon be right at the heart of

My little Tommy he said he wants to be a fireman
And little Mary she said she got to teach at school
If we know or we say we know about the problems
Why can't we do something to try and solve them

We got to do something yeah to save the children
Soon it will be their test to try and save the world
We got to do something yeah to save the children
To save the children

Sir Water Scott said; “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Deception in government and many other areas of life is the first course of action for so many in this day and age, even when it comes down to how we deal with our loved ones. It has gotten so bad that people even practice a form of deception on themselves. The so-called leader of America George Bush is a total disgrace and an object of ridicule, he is the laughing-stock of America and seen as an evil man by many around the world because of his deceptive and evil ways. But nevertheless he is still accepted, tolerated, and allowed to continue to run America and the entire world into a devastating rut of hopelessness and despair. Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care?

It is not about male or female, black or white, rich or poor, God He or Goddess She, it is about the well-being of our children, the future of the world, and honoring whoever and whatever created us and blessed us with this Beauty-Full Planet Called Earth that provides for our every need. We should be caring for this planet and each other with everything that is within us. If mankind continues on the course it is on, we will be purged from this beautiful creation just like a dis-ease. The human race is terminally ill, but that does not mean we are without hope. There is always hope and room for correction and positive change. However, the longer we put off correcting our wrongs, the harder it will be to stop this run away horse, turn around and start heading in the right direction. How much suffering does the human race have to experience before it understands the mess all of us are waddling in?

There is no rest or peace for those who do not take responsibility for their actions. If you are riding down a mountain road and you see a sign that says road out ahead, do you continue riding down the road at 55 miles per hour and disregard the sign? Of course you don’t continue riding down the road. So why is mankind riding head on into disaster when the handwriting has been and still is clearly written on the wall for all to see? If mankind continue on the path it is on we will be headed for the sure destruct for most, if not all of mankind? Because we are governed by natural laws ignorance is not bliss. Let someone grab a fallen high voltage power line that does not know what it is and see what happens to them. They may have been ignorant of what they were about to grab, but their ignorance could not save their life.

We have been given everything we need to live life in harmony with each other and the whole of creation, and when we do not follow the laws of co-operation and harmony we will eventually pay the penalties for braking those laws. Pay now and pay less, pay later and pay a price that might bankrupt us materially, physically, emotionally and most importantly maybe even Spiritually. Can we afford the debt that we are creating for ourselves and the future generations? I do not believe in a physical hell as many do, but deep within me I know that we do not get away anything. It may seem like we do however, we will always be held accountable for our Spiritual debt, and we will pay it in full at the Divinely appointed time. John F. Kennedy said this to America; “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country.” I would say it this way. “Do not ask for more Blessings, be a good steward of the Blessing you have already been given, because they will continue to Bless you and your children for years to come.”

Beloved, we have been Blessed with everything that we could possibly need. The major problem is, we have not been good stewards of those Blessings. That is why it seems like there is lack in the world today, and why the world is experiencing so much confusion. There is no lack in the world even with all of mankind’s abuse and misuse of our Blessings. However, the only way we will see things as they truly are, and be able to take advantage of the abundance that we have been blessed with is to be honorable in everything that we think, say, and do. We must once again be good stewards of the Blessings we have been given.

The system that mankind is operating from is purely man-made, it can not work in the way that we need it to because everything mad by man is temporal. We must work from the only perfect system there is, and that is GOD’S System. It will not come through religion, because religion is one of man’s feeble attempts to define GOD/SPIRIT through a faulty limited mental understanding. And it will most definitely not work through man’s government. It will take time and a lot of effort, but we must learn once again how to go within and tap into GOD/SPIRIT within our Spirit. Within our Spirit we will find the Divine Direction we need. When the time is right we will find the answers to every question we have. However, what needs to be done must be done on an individual personal basis. It is not something that we can receive and then tell others what to do, that is how we got off base and in the mess we find ourselves today. It is about having and maintaining a Personal Intimate Relationship With GOD/SPIRIT. Think about it, we would not be here today if our parents had not had at least one intimate relationship with each other, they had to have inter-course for us to enter into this world. We must have inter-course with GOD/SPIRIT. That inter-course will happen within our Spirit and cause us to tap into GOD/SPIRIT in such a way that we will produce New Life within our Spirit. Actually, we will just be awakening ourselves to the Spiritual Life that we have already been Blessed with.

To truly be who we are created to be and maintain that state of being, we need to engage in an ongoing Personal Intimate Relationship With GOD/SPIRIT. That is the only way we will receive the Eternal Source of Energy we need to survive on this physical plane, without that we are no-thing and we have no-thing. There was a song years ago that said; “......shake me, wake me, when it’s over. Somebody tell me that I’m dreaming, and wake me when it’s over? We must wake up before it’s over, or we will be in for a rude awakening. Because of the Love of GOD/SPIRIT we have been given everything that we need to live a life full of Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, and Complete Satisfaction. We simply must re-educated ourselves and learn how to access that which we have already been Blessed with.

Beloved, it can not be done in the way that we have tried to do it in the past. We must get self and all outside influences out of the way and exclusively follow the Divine perfect direction of GOD/SPIRIT, our one and only Spiritual PARENT. Man’s direction has gotten us into the big mess we find ourselves right now. I believe that in the beginning man had good intentions, and was possibly trying to make it easier for others by telling others what to do. But as you know, we can not have an intimate relationship with another if someone is between us and the one we seek to have that intimate relationship with. An intimate relationship can only take place one-on-one. The turmoil we are experiencing in the world today is the result of a non-existing or lacking Personal Intimate Relationship with GOD/SPIRIT. This can only be turned around on a personal level. No religion, no system, and no government can do it for us. It is all about the individual work we do. What we do individually will affect our surrounding world, and our surrounding world will have an affect on the entire world.

“Everything Is In Divine Order As I Follow My Souls Melody!”

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright ©



I Have, I Maintain, and I Cherish My Intimate
Relationship With GOD/SPIRIT.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 2008
