Is Authenticity an Endangered Species?
Authenticity in the world and the affairs of people today, seem almost non-existent, because almost everyone has hidden alternative motives in almost everything that they do. The attitude of deception and selfishness seems to be the prevailing attitude in the world today, in governments and even in major religious institutions. It is so disheartening to sense and understand that this as a major part of the currant human reality, however it is a part of humanities path that is in need of change.
I have always been one who believed what I was told, until what I was told was proven to be completely the opposite, completely proven to be false. However, because of the overwhelming prevalent amount of deception in the affairs of so many people today, I am starting to have many doubts about the first impressions of most people. Many people honestly believe that lies and deception are the necessary means to get to the desired results, in just about every situation. Authenticity is defined as genuineness, the truth of something, undisputed origin. There is nothing genuine, and no truth in deception, self-centeredness, and outright lies.
I find myself continually examining what I think, say, and do, to make sure that I am in line with being authentic in everything associated with my existence here on this dense physical plane. Sometimes it seems that if someone says, I guarantee satisfaction, I am a very religious person, I am a very spiritual person, honestly that is how it is, and you can trust me, you had better not be to quick believing what was said. What has the world come to? For example, here are two sayings you should be very familiar with, “Change You Can Believe In.” and “Yes We Can.” does any of that ring a bell? We are deceived and lied to on all levels, most of us over look it, because they do not wish to stick out, they want to fit into the crowd. It just takes one carrying and holding fast to the truth to bring about eventual change. Yes, change may take time, it took time to get in the mess we find ourselves and in many cases, and it will take time to correct things. However, there must be some willing to seek and speak the truth, even with the possibility of being ostracized for doing so. Speaking the truth is more important than being liked, honored, and praised.
I must be authentic in all that I do, even authentically wrong in all of my errors. If I think, say, follow, or do something that is wrong, I must be sincerely wrong by way of believing that what I was doing was the right thing to do at that time. It is not easy trying to lie your way through life. It takes more effort and energy to tell and maintain a single lie than it does to live ones entire lifetime in an honest and upright way. There is something called Maya, which is the Great Deception. Maya is the negative energy that is being allowed to rule throughout the world today. When deception comes to me in any shape or form, as a point of recognizing it and the reality that it has no power over me, because I do not give it any power, I say the following to myself and sometimes out loud. Maya is a liar. Negativity only has the energy that we give it. We must be aware of the energies that we possess and the energies that are around us in the form of people, things, and situations, which are trying to mislead, possess, and control us.
When a loved one is coming from a place that is not authentic, it is our responsibility to point out their error when we are first made aware of it. That will not only help them, it will also help whole of creation and us, because the Divine Reality of our oneness with the whole of creation, what an individual does, affects the whole. The lyrics to the old song No Man Is an Island, says it all. “No man is an island, no man stands alone. Each man’s joy is joy to me; each man’s grief is my own. The world is grieving because of the outright lies and deception perpetrated against each other merely for selfish gain. When selfishness is allowed to grow within our psyche, we will get to the place that not a single person is exempt from our selfish lies and deception, not even immediate family such as our parents, children, and grand children, that person subject to do in absolutely everyone for personal selfish gain. That is why some human beings are destroying this planet with no concern at all for the future, which their children, grand children, and all generations to follow will suffer from alike.
Look around the world today, in Egypt they are protesting against what I am speaking about here. The only thing that concerns me about their protest is this, them falling for the old bait and switch. The bait and switch is being orchestrated by the authorities as I type this. We here in America are victims of the bait and switch right now. Bush blatantly did his evil for eight years. Then we were given Obama, same plan different player with a different mask, the old bad cop good cap maneuver, and most Americans swallowed it all, hook and sinker. How sad it is. That elaborate hoax was planned and set in place many years ago. I am not at all surprised at anything that is done when it comes to the lies and deception of those who have given themselves over to living an unauthentic life. The world needs to wake up and smell the horrendous stench that is going on in our midst, because of it Earth Mother and the Whole of Creation is suffering. One percent of the people in the world are now estimated to own between forty to fifty percent of the wealth of the world, and that wealth was gotten through lies, deception, and the overwhelming abuse of others and everything that makes up this Beauty-Full planet. That is the main reason why there is so much suffering going on around the world today.
Beloved, we can stop all of this. All we have to do is stand up as individuals and stop taking whatever is handed to us. We must do the right thing at all times. We must do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. We must always come from the Sacred Place of Unconditional Love. There is no doubt that Love Conquers All, and we must start to use the All Powerful Conquering Energy of Unconditional Love. We can and must change the dominating energy and mentality of the world, starting with ourselves. If each individual works exclusively on changing herself and himself, the entire world will change back into the Paradise that it has always been. We have not seen it as Paradise because of our narrow vision that is focused in on our selfish needs. Change only comes from within. Matter of fact, everything comes from within our Spirit. If we are looking outside of ourselves for anything, we are functioning in and through pure human error. It is time for action; this is just the beginning, only the tip of the iceberg.
Am I the only one who is tired of seeing Earth Mother and my
Beloved Sisters and Brothers deceived and destroyed?
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011