Monday, August 23, 2010

Divine Birthright


Divine Birthright


a basic right that everyone is entitled to from birth

a particular right of possession or privilege everyone has from birth

GREAT MYSTERY, please help me to see what has already been given to me before I could physically see, because that will set me free from lifelong intellectual slavery and mental poverty.

Help me to use my Divine Birthright wisely and efficiently as it is meant to be.

I know that YOU will never leave me or forsake me, I also know that YOU are guiding me every step along this journey called life, full of humanities inconsistency.

I possess complete free will, and it is as follows. THY Will Be Done In and Through Me Completely.

I can only see my True Divine Reality, as it should be, when I trust completely in THEE.

Life can and will be peaceful and easy, when I simply allow it to be, deep within the very core of me.

All I have to do to experience life in an Unconditional Loving and Peaceful way is to surrender all to THEE.

Now I can clearly see that I Am One with THEE, that means I am free to stand tall and be who I am Divinely Created to be.

All I need to possess this Divine Reality is total faith that YOU are always with me; I do have complete unshakeable faith in THEE, GREAT MYSTERY.

I have totally been set free to be me, because I have faith in THEE, I also have faith in me because I Am One with THEE.

It feels so good to once again be able to see clearly as YOU have Divinely Ordained it to be.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2010