Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are We Truly Living Life?


Are We Truly Living Life?

Are we truly living life, as we should be? The answer to this very important question according to my life experiences is this. Without equivocation, we are absolutely not living life as we should be. The proof that we are not living life as we should, is in the way we go about our lives each and every day here on our Beloved Earth Mother. That is perfectly clear to us if we look at that which we have made our overriding priorities. Additional proof is what we have accepted as our truths, and the paths we have chosen to follow outside of our True Eternal Spiritual Reality. We are giving the majority of our energies to all of the wrong things; also, we desire all of the wrong things and make them intricate parts of our daily practice and existence. In essence, the way we live our lives is the opposite of, and the equivalent of committing physical suicide. I am speaking of a temporary condition I have labeled PSS, Propensities of Spiritual Suicide. We focus in on, and do that which is not meant to be, and cannot be a part of our Eternal Abundant Spiritual Existence. We associate and live in unnatural, unbalanced, unproductive, and unrealistic ways, yielding our allegiance to that which is physical and material in origin and nature. Our lives are motivated and regulated by work, the acquisition material things, and money; one of man’s biggest vises and claims to fame, all of which are manufactured out of Earth Mothers natural resources, to Her and our detriment. However, those natural resources in their natural state of being were truly valuable. Because of all of the self-manufactured distortions in our lives, we act as if we are physical beings, which could not be further from the truth. We are Eternal Spiritual Beings, not the temporal physical vehicles we are using to sojourn through this dense physical plane.

It is believed and/or accepted by most, that we must live by the sweat of our brow, and our primary focus must be on making money, the financial and material support of our families, ourselves, and our man-made institutions. We are so focused on that inaccuracy, that we end up neglecting our physical health, our relationships and most detrimental to our being, we neglect our Spirit and Spiritual health, all of that is done in the name of security. Most do not comprehend, that one day, everything material will rot and return to the void of nothingness, from which it came. Our only true security rests within our Personal Spirituality, and our Sacred Relationship with DIVINE SPIRIT. If we put our Spirituality first as we sojourn through this dense physical plane, everything that we feel we need, will open up to our consciousness and existence in a balanced and productive way. That will happen without detracting from our quality of life. Because of its life giving energies, it can only add to our quality of life during our temporary existence as we travel through life in these physical vehicles, we call and relate to so affectionately as our body. That is the True Revelation, and True Revolution every Spiritual Master came to this physical plane to teach and show us. That is Divine Truth!

Are we truly living life? We are not truly living life if we are not primarily driven by our Higher Selves, and always prioritizing that which is Spiritual to come first. To truly live life to the fullest, we must first understand that we are Spiritual Beings, then we must do all that we can to feed and sustain ourselves Spiritually. As I am always saying, everything we need is within us and all around us, yet we are seeing lack of every kind all around us, and we fail to see the ever-present abundance that is a part of our existence, and has always been, here on Earth Mother as a major part of our reality. We are constantly working towards acquiring that which we have already been given. We are creating many counterfeit realities when we already have that which is authentic, within us as well as all around us. We choose to ride the Merry-go-round of life we have created, and it makes us dizzy and unable to enjoy all of the Blessings we have been gifted since the beginning of time. How much more can we take? That is the question. If we continue to live this lie, we might as well look for our supply in the by-and-by. Live your true reality, and Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance of every conceivable and unconceivable kind is freed to be a part of our overall reality. Do we have to plant and maintain the forest? No, of course we do not have to plant and maintain the forest. Likewise, we do not have to live our lives in the way we have been living them to survive.

We must change our focus if we want to truly live life as intended. We are Royalty, because we are one with GREAT SPIRIT, and no good thing is out of our reach, or can be kept away from us. So why do we go around acting like paupers, working for, and going out and paying for that which has already been given to us? We have been hoodwinked and bamboozled over and over again, and we cannot even see it. We must change our ways. Matter of fact, we will change our ways, either now or later. When the change takes place is totally left up to us.

I choose to live life fully and make that which is Spiritual my only priority.

I Remember That I Am An Eternal Spiritual Being.

I Am Love, I Am One With SPIRIT!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © Nov. 2010