One with ONENESS
There is a sacred Oneness between my Spirit, heart, mind, and body; a Sacred Oneness that produces and releases the Divine Sacred Flow within me of abundant prosperity in its fullness. My Spirit is one with SPIRIT ITSELF, which causes the Universe and everything that is a part of it to flow in Divine Accordance with my Higher Spiritual Self. I take hold of that abundant flow of prosperity and use it to better the Whole of Creation as well as myself. There can be no lack found within me, because I Am One with Divine Prosperity. I am Eternally One with SPIRIT; that means that I Am One with DIVINE SOURCE ITSELF. I naturally flow with prosperity because to be prosperous is my inherent birthright. Nothing and no one can deny me of that birthright, or take that Divine Birthright from me. I cannot even give it away because it is a part of my Eternal Spirit, just like my heart is an integral part of my physical body, and they must stay together to exist.
Abundance and I were created together, and are Eternally One because of Divine Plan. As long as I am here on Earth Mother, there will always be a Divine Oneness between my Spirit, heart, mind and body. That is ordained by way of Divine Design, Universal Intelligence the Creative Guiding Force of Creation. I absolutely refuse to allow the deceptive illusionary manipulation of any distorted human intellect to guide me astray. Absolutely nothing can rob me of my Sacred Birth Right. The Oneness of The ONE is my Source, and I stand tall in the ONE and that Oneness as IT teaches, guides, comforts, and loves me. I refuse to allow the deception from anyone or anything to sidetrack me any longer.
The veils of deception and ignorance have once and for all been removed from my True Sight; which is the Spiritual Sight of my Eternal Spiritual First Eye. Through my Eternal Spiritual First Eye I see all things that my physical eyes cannot see; and through my Higher Spiritual Self I do all things that my physical body cannot comprehend or do in and of it self-alone. Nothing that flows in harmony with Divine Oneness is out of reach to me. I Am One with Divine Flow, because I Am Divine within my Eternal Sacred Spiritual Nature.
There Is No Lack In Me.
All of My Needs Are Met Daily because GODDESS/ GOD Dwells In Me.
I Have Been Eternally Set Free, To See The True Spiritual Me!
I Am Eternally One With ONENESS!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Dec. 2011