Sunday, December 11, 2011

Personal Notes on Creating


Personal notes on: Lover’s Path to Enlightenment

As long as I allow my beliefs and feelings to line up in total agreement with situations in this physical world that I define as reality; those situations will become and remain an integral part of what is known as my current created reality; that is due to the fact that I have allowed it to be such. Nonetheless, everything is always subject to, and held in submission to change; that is because that which I call my reality, is held in submission to my individual will by way of all of my beliefs, actions, and most importantly all of the true insights I have opened up to, and fully yielded to.

Ultimately, I am the 'only' designer and the ‘only’ creator of my surrounding world, which is known as my reality. In essence that means that change is held solely within my hands; no one and no thing can supersede that, because that is Divine Universal Law, it is also my Divine Reality as the Creator of my surrounding world. This is in complete accordance with the Sacred Oneness of UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE, GODDESS/GOD the AUTHOR and CREATOR of all things that have been created, and all things yet to be created. There is no blessing greater that anyone can speak of. I am humbled and yield completely to GODDESS/GOD for placing such trust in me.

I know without a shadow of doubt, that GODDESS/GOD placing such responsibility on me means only one thing; I am more than capable to handle it in a timely fashion and in appropriate ways. I step up to the awesome challenge of being a surrogate creator of GODDESS/GOD, here on this dense physical plane with absolutely no hesitance. I can be nothing less than an impeccable creator of my reality, which includes my surrounding world, because I yield completely to the Sacred Oneness of The DIVINE, which dwells all around me and within my Spirit.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala