Cleansing and Re-calibrating Our Total Being
Each of us has a need to cleanse ourselves Spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually from time to time. We need to clean away that which does not align itself perfectly with THE DIVINE, our Spiritual Path, our Spirit within, and that which fully supports the upliftment of the Whole of Creation in it’s many forms of Magnificent Glory and Sacred Oneness. That which is Spiritual is Pure, because it comes from and is a part of THE DIVINE, which is Absolute Eternal Purity. We easily become covered with a dense dark film of impure negative energy and darkness when we do not cleans ourselves Spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually on a regular basis. Would you feel comfortable being around someone who has not cleansed his or her body in ten, twenty, or more years? Of course, you would not feel comfortable around them, because they would reek with an extremely foul odor, and that would have a negative affect on you because of its unpleasantness. Well, when we do not cleanse ourselves Spiritually on a continual basis, we start to reek with the very unpleasant stench of negative filth, and negative filth is one with negative thoughts and vibrations, which cause us to act in out in very negative ways.
I also feel that each of us has a need to re-calibrate ourselves every now and then. It could also be called fine-tuning and aligning ourselves with the Eternal Spiritual Life-giving Energy and Unconditional Love of THE DIVINE. THE DIVINE is our Sacred Parent, our Spiritual Teacher and Guide, that Sacred Energy that dwells within our Spirit, also all around us. Just as with many of our creations, we need maintenance and tweaking from time to time. When I say that we need to re-calibrate our total being, I mean that we need to test and adjust the accuracy of everything that makes up whom we are in a wholistic way. Some of the areas that must be re-calibrated from time to time are our mind, beliefs, emotions, diet, actions, people we associate with, how and where we live, our profession, and the most important one of all, our relationship and commitment to THE DIVINE.
Cleansing and Re-calibrating ourselves are a few ways we are re-born during our present lifetime. It is a regular maintenance program that we must develop and keep up if we want to function in the way we are created to function. When we do not cleanse and re-calibrate ourselves wholistically as we should, we will experience something similar to clogged arteries. The channels of Spiritual Awareness and Comprehension within us are designed to facilitate the natural flow of Unconditional Love, and many other forms of Positive Energy. When those channels of Spiritual Awareness and Comprehension are clogged with the dark negative life detracting sludge of discord, deception, lies, and confusion; our Spiritual insights, comprehension and awareness, do not flow freely as they should. Such a state of being creates discord within us, and the end result is a state of Spiritual dis-ease. Therefore, it is for the benefit of the individual, and the Whole of Creation, to develop a system that can be used to cleanse and re-calibrate that which makes up who we truly are Spiritually and physically on a regular basis. That can be accomplished through prayer, meditation, visualization, and affirmation. We must go within and receive guidance from THE DIVINE for the way that will work best for us individually.
Here is something, you can try to see if it works for you. Visualize yourself standing under a waterfall, and see that pure crystal-clear water flowing over your entire body as the Sacred Cleansing Energy of THE DIVINE washing your entire being clean, all the way to the inner depths of your Spirit deep within you. Then visualize yourself standing as straight as possible in the middle of a beautiful meadow full of radiant colorful flowers. Then out of the heavens above beams a brilliant light, and it shines down on you, and the energy from that brilliant beam of light enters into you through your crown (the top of your head) and flows through your entire body. The brilliant light re-calibrates (heals) your entire being to its original state of being at your creation by THE DIVINE. The brilliant light then proceeds to penetrate through both feet and enters into Earth Mother, grounding you with Her and making the two of you one. Now you realize and fully comprehend your Oneness with THE DIVINE and the Whole of Creation. That is the ultimate cleansing and re-calibration our Spirit is seeking. Some will say, that is only visualization; it is not reality. That is not so, visualization is a part of our reality; it is a part of our Spiritual Reality, and it is based in the Eternal Spiritual Realm of THE DIVINE.
It has been proven that every form of creation needs some kind of maintenance program. Even Earth Mother has means of performing maintenance on herself, through her many different forms of creation that inhabit her. If maintenance is not performed with cleansing as a major part of the process, the creation will eventually deteriorate to the point that it can no longer be of any use. Many times a creation without maintenance will simply deteriorate to the point of crumbling to dust. Our physical bodies will eventually return to the same dust from which it was created. However, our goal should be to make our transition from this physical plane back to the Spiritual plane, an intentional orchestration by us, so that it will flow within the Sacred Parameters of Divine Order.
Cleanse and Re-calibrate Your Total Being
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 2010