Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Knowledge Is Power


The above symbol is known to many as OM or AUM.
By some, OM is said to be the word uttered that spoke creation into existence.

Knowledge is Power, and the knowledge of what words are capable of doing, is extremely important concerning what type of reality we will create for ourselves. Words are the substance responsible for the creation of everything in this physical realm. Humanity of ancient times knew that Sacred Truth; that is why you will find in just about every religion, a statement that goes something like this. God spoke the world and everything else into existence. Here is a very famous quote from the bible known by many; “And God said, let there be light: and there was light.GODDESS/GOD, and those created in IT’S image and likeness create physical reality with words. Like everything, words have a dual nature, a positive energy and a negative energy. Both positive and negative energies together in a balanced way produce free flowing harmony. When either of the energies is out of balance, a blockage is created that stops the flow and things become stagnant, that produces chaos and all manner of discord. A very good example that I like to use is a battery. When there is a balance between the positive and negative charges of a battery, it produces power that can be harnessed and used for many things. When the balance of energy is no longer maintained, the battery stops working. There is no more chaos created when things are out of balance due to an overwhelming amount of negative energy, than is created from an overwhelming amount of positive energy. An imbalance is an imbalance; such produces the same result every time, which is Universal Law.

Every single one of our words and thoughts, written and spoken actually adds an additional building block to the creation of our current reality; another energy is added to our individually created surrounding world. What are we saying, and what are we creating each and every single second of our lives? We must be ever so conscious, and ever so careful of every word we think, write, and say, because they are seeds that we plant in the most fertile soil there is, our minds. Our minds are our personal gardens that produce a bountiful harvest after the word-seeds we plant in them. Our minds are also likened unto our personal factories. The materials we supply the factory with, is manufactured into a product, and that product is then delivered to, and made a part of our surrounding reality. We must never forget about the creative power that rests within us. We are creators, and we are creating something every single second of our existence while we sojourn through this dense physical plane.

We must slow down; everything that we do must be done consciously and deliberately. Everything; every thought, word, and action must be given the proper time it needs to germinate. If the gestation time is not appropriate, everything will be thrown out of balance, and the creation will not be what it should be. In baking a cake, the proportioned ingredients used must be right. If you are one who likes sweets, and you add double sugar to the cake, the sweets will be out of balance with the rest of the ingredients and the cake will be ruined. Some think that you cannot have to much of a good thing, and they see the positive as being good, and the negative as being a bad thing. Positive and negative are not good and bad, they are positive energy and negative energy, that is all they are, and properly used in a balanced way, they do what they are created to do, create after their own kind. One is absolutely no good without the other.

This is an excerpt from my up and coming book.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2011