Sunday, December 19, 2010

Heaven, An Inside Job


Heaven, An Inside Job

Did you know that heaven is an inside job? Yes, we have been duped into believing that heaven is out there somewhere in the by-and-bye, in our very distant future, and heaven is only available to those who follow certain christian principles. I do not know the origin of that lie, however I do know that it is just that, a lie. Our first conscious experience with heaven through our human consciousness was in the heaven of our mother’s womb. Yes, our mother’s womb is one of the most precious places known as heaven. I may not know the origin of this lie, however I do know the reason for this lie. We are taught the lie that heaven and God is somewhere off in the bye-and-bye, that lie was designed and told to us to rob us of our Precious Sacred Innate Spiritual Creative Power. We are told that we should look to heaven, look to the sky for the Divine Guidance we seek and need. I agree 100% that we should look to heaven, or in other words look to the sky for Divine Guidance. However, the heaven and sky I am speaking of is, the heaven and sky that is within our Spirit. The heaven within us is the Sacred Place where The DIVINE our most Sacred MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD dwells.

“SACRED WOMAN, Your Womb Is Heaven, and every human being must enter into this physical realm through the “Gates of Heaven.” Every SACRED WOMAN that has forgotten this Divine Reality is being shaken and awakened to it, as we all enter into this Divinely appointed Age of Spiritual Awakening.”

This excerpt comes from: Sacred Woman (A Sacred Man’s Perspective)

The reason why we are experiencing life in the way that we are today is very simple. We have unplugged ourselves, from our most Precious and Omnificent Sacred Power Source, the most Precious Omnificent Sacred Power Source I am speaking of is none other than the Divine Intelligence of GREAT SPIRIT that resides within our very own Spirit. Within our very own Spirit is the only authentic Spiritual dwelling place. Once again, I am speaking of Heaven the place of Divine Reality. We must embark on a Sacred Journey of the Heart, our Spiritual Sojourn, and consciously return to that Sacred Dwelling Place that we call and know as Heaven.

When it comes to that which is Spiritual, that which houses our True Inner Inexhaustible Spiritual Power, we have been sold a boatload of partial truths, and a form of pure deception. That deception is, we are sinners in need of a savior, and we can do nothing for ourselves outside of submitting to that savior which is outside of ourselves. We have accepted the following. We are powerless little beings waiting to be saved from our ugly sinful selves by the coming Christ. A major deception that totally derails our journey through this dense physical realm is as follows. We need to confess and accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior to save us. Then we must wait for his physical return. What we are taught about the Christ is an intentional deceptive half-truth, which was specifically designed for the sole-purpose of disempowering us, robbing us of our Spiritual Awareness and Creative Power. If a thing is not whole, it is impossible for it to be what it was created to be, and impossible for it to function in the way it was intended to function. That is why humanity and the world is in the condition we find it here in the year 2010.

We have been taught by some, that God is out of reach of us while we are in physical form here on this physical plane. That is one of the main reasons why Jesus had to come to earth. God in the form of a man come to earth to commune with its human creation. A very important thing was left out. A creation will always be a part of its creator, especially when the creator is the Eternal Spiritual Energy known to us as GREAT SPIRIT, the Oneness between the Creation and The CREATOR goes far beyond being Precious and Powerful, in its nature alone it is DIVINE. This reminds me of something written in chapter 24 of the book, oneness the teachings, a book that I believe everyone should read.

The inclination to place the concept of God in an exalted position within the framework of a personal philosophy is at the root of all that holds one back in one’s experience of God. For God is not within you to be worshipped, or feared, or even to be understood, but rather, to be experienced and known. The very act of the exultation of the Divine creates a delineation between that Divine presence and oneself—a state of separation that constitutes a barrier to the very connection that one most fervently wishes to realize.

The God within all life does not seek to be placed on a pedestal, but hopes to be discovered as the source of one’s own essence. The God to whom you pray and from whom you beg mercy or miracles is no more capable of manifesting the answer to your prayers than you are. The only difference between you and God is that God knows it—and you don’t.

This excerpt comes from: oneness the teachings

To exalt The DIVINE above ourselves is just as bad as placing The DIVINE far off out of reach somewhere in the bye-and-bye. The DIVINE is not above us or outside of us, because we are one with The DIVINE. Just as it is so clearly points out in the book oneness the teachings. The DIVINE is not within us to be worshiped or feared. GODDESS/GOD is LOVE and because LOVE is the most powerful of all, it can have no association whatsoever with the negative inadequate energy known as fear. So that tells me that the teaching that we are to have the fear of God in our hearts, is a false teaching, designed specifically to mislead and disempower us. There are similar faulty teachings such as the wrath of God, and the vengeance of God. All of that nonsense, as well as other things like that, can only be associated with limited physical human characteristics and the finite human intellect. Humanity has tried its best through its shortsighted feeble human mentality to define GODDESS/GOD in such a way. Self-centered human beings are the only creatures that seek to be placed on a pedestal above all other forms of creation. Take a close look at nature in its vast array of forms and you will see how nature fully embraces oneness. If you ever find a part of nature that does not embrace oneness, it is due to the unnatural influence of humanity upon it.

Human beings go around seeking, praying for, and begging for that which is already a part of us. To paraphrase what I shared with you from the book oneness, the only difference between GODDESS/GOD and you and me, is as follows. GODDESS/GOD resides in the Divine State of the Oneness of the Whole of Creation. However, even though that is our Divine reality, we humans still seek oneness while we are smack-dab in the middle of the Sacred Relationship of Oneness. Such an attitude is reflected in almost everything that we think, say, and do. We go around feeling needy, because we are not focusing on the eternal abundance that has always been a part of our eternal being. If we are part of the Oneness of The DIVINE, we are part of the Unlimited Spiritual Abundance that is within our Spirit, as well as the physical abundance that is all around us.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2010

* This is a work in process, more to come..........