True Abundance
Just about every place that we go, and everywhere we turn, we here a lot about abundance. What is true abundance, and who has a right to that abundance? I will tell you what I believe true abundance is. True abundance starts with the gift we call our human body. Within our human physical body, you will find over 100 trillion cells that are working together in perfect harmony, that is the beginning of our abundance. That is our first taste of true abundance. Now, abundance must be maintained to assure its continued existence. That which maintains abundance must possess the same if not greater energy, so in many cases that calls for more abundance in a different form. For example, our already abundant bodies call for an abundant energy source that can maintain it and assist in the rebuilding of it from time to time. So, in comes another kind of abundance, a source of abundant nourishment in the form of fresh live food. That abundance of food supplies the abundant body with and abundance of energy, fresh live food is actually charged with electrical energy that is shares with us, as well as a host of nutrients. Those energized nutrients give our bodies the abundant energy it needs to pump an abundant continuous flow of blood throughout the massive avenues we call veins, which extend through our entire body. That in turn produces another form of abundance, and abundance of life that is generated in and through the abundance of different members of the body that produce an abundance of different actions, such as moving our fingers, walking, talking, seeing, hearing, tasting, and a vast array of other abundant actions. So just in this short paragraph, you and I can see how abundant we truly are. Well, the abundance does not stop there.
You and I are the full spiritual and physical manifestations of Divine Abundance here on this dense physical plane I affectionately call Earth Mother. The abundance that I am speaking of always starts within its nucleus. From within the abundant powerful nucleus comes an abundant pristine spiritual energy and physical form, and it is continually creating more abundance after its own kind as we accept it and allow it to flow freely to us and through us. No matter what you and I look at, the abundance of energy and form in all of its varied magnificent manifestations, always start within its precious nucleus. In the case of humans, the nucleus is our Eternally Abundant Perfected Spirits, which temporarily is housed within the physical vehicle we call our body. By the way, if you do not already know it, our Abundant Perfected Spirit comes directly and exclusively from the MASTER NUCLEUS of all nuclei, SPIRIT ITSELF. Is there anything greater than that? Of course there isn’t anything greater than that to be found anywhere.
Now the major question we are faced with is this. Why are we creating a life filled with lack? We are creating a life filled with lack, because we have stopped going within our Spirit, to connect with the unlimited supply of abundance that resides within us, for the sole purpose of fulfilling our every need and meeting or every desire. There is no limit to our vast supply of abundance, the only limits are the limits we place on going within, and consciously tapping into our unlimited supply of abundance that has always been there awaiting our every request. Big problems begin when we look outside of ourselves for anything. Would you go to a fresh water spring to get everything you need to start a fire in your fireplace? Of course you and I would not do something as ridiculous as that. Therefore, why do we continually look outside of our precious Spirits for the many kinds of abundance you and I need as we are sojourning through this dense physical plane. That is the equivalent of a bank account designed in such a way that it could never be depleted, and it would always meet our every material need yet we are maintaining a lifestyle of homelessness as we proceed to starve to death. Obviously, that is a senseless lifestyle. Many people are consistently practicing such a senseless lifestyle day after day and expecting different results each day of their life. If we are seeking electricity, we request electricity form the source of electricity. Therefore, if we are seeking abundance of any kind, first we must go directly to the source of all abundance. The source of all abundance is SPIRIT ITSELF, and SPIRIT’S dwelling place is inside of the Spirit of everyone.
You may have noticed that I used the words abundant and abundance an awful lot. I did that on purpose, because I know that with repetition comes understanding and acceptance. In the world today, we are programmed on a regular bases with a repetition of negativity by way of every form of media there is. So in order to offset and neutralize that, and to set things back on the path of positivity and infinite possibilities, I intentionally used the words abundant and abundance as often as possibly could without venturing down the road of getting obnoxious with it.
I Am One With The Divine, There Is No Lack In Me
All of My Needs Are Met Daily Because The Divine Dwells In Me
I Have Been Set Free, Now I Can See There Has Never Been Any Lack In Me
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 2010