Monday, March 29, 2010

Transforming the Creator

Transforming the Creator

Everything on this physical plane is made up of a combination of energies and vibrations. The differences that we see in the vast forms of creation all around us is due to the variable rates of energies and vibrations within the individual forms of creation. That is simply a Universal Reality. Because of that Universal Reality, when the energy of a creation is changed, so is the form of that creation. A good example is a simple seed. A seed’s energy is changed by exposing it to the energies and vibrations of fertile soil, water, and sunlight, and the energy and the vibration of the seed start to increase when exposed to the appropriate kinds and amounts of energies and vibrations. Because of the increased energy and vibration of the seed, its actual physical form begins to change. That is when it starts to transform into a new living moving growing creation that we call a plant. The change of energy and vibration produces a total transformation from one physical form to an altogether new physical form. That is one of the many wonders of creation.

I had a dream one day about a scenario involving a man who was the creator of a number of human-like beings. Every one of those beings was created from less than favorable energy and vibrational substance. That was due to the laziness of their creator and many short cuts he took during the creation process. Because of a lack of discipline and no commitment to the perfection and purity of his creation, the human-like beings acted out in ways that were completely disrupted, chaotic and in some cases extremely dangerous to the entire community. They produced confusion and discord in just about every way imaginable. Because of their dark negative energy, they disturbed everyone and everything they came in contact with. Eventually a few people figured out that all of his creations were the way they were because of the negative energies and vibrations transferred to them by their creator. His slacking lackadaisical way of creating, coupled with his contrary negative energy and vibration caused overwhelming amounts of negativity to be transmitted to everything he created. Because his human-like creations were causing such discord throughout the entire community, everyone was fearful of the effect more such creations would cause in the community. So a few got together and decided to do away with the creator. However, adequate thought was never given to what would happen to his creation once he was killed. Neither was adequate thought given to whether or not what they were planning on doing was the appropriate thing to do according to the Spiritual Laws that governed them. In their urgency to correct the problem they failed to realize that out of fear, their energies and vibrations had become as out of balance and negative as the creator they were plotting to do away with. Because of that, they found themselves completely out of order and in violation of their Spiritual Laws.

The day finally came when the plot against creator was carried out and he was killed; the second that happened his entire creation disappeared. Even though his creations were disruptive and caused a multitude of problems, the people did not want them to be totally done away with, because they had become an integral part of the community. Many of the creations with all of their negative energies were still loved by most, and those who loved them still had hope that it was possible they would change. They thought, if only their energies could be balanced so that they would be able to function properly in and through Spiritual harmony and oneness, and they would contributed to the community in more constructive and fruitful ways. Then it finally dawn on them, if we had only work with the creator and got him to understand and see, that balancing his out of balance negative energy into balanced positive energy, his creations would have been transformed as well, because his creation was connected directly to him. Once his creations were transformed, they would start to function through the Sacred Synchronicity of Universal Balance and Spiritual Order, and in turn that would have restored order to the community, glory to him, and harmony and oneness to all. When the creator is transformed, that which he creates is likewise transformed.

The situation in my dream is a little different from the way it is in real life. If you and I the creators of our surrounding worlds cease to exist, many of our creations will continues to exist long after we have transitioned to our next destination. Nevertheless, there are still similarities to be found. If we the creators of our reality, which includes our surrounding worlds, change our energy to match the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love and the Divine Harmony of Oneness, we will automatically create an atmosphere of Love and Oneness in and all around us. In that Pure Sacred Atmosphere of Love and Oneness everything that you and I create, will be created in and through the transformative powers of Unconditional Love and Divine Harmony, and what we create will flow as it should in perfect unity with the whole of creation as originally intended by GREAT SPIRIT.

If a tree does not receive the proper amount of nutrients needed to grow strong and fruitful, the fruit that tree produces will be deformed and lack the nourishment it should possess. That is of course if the tree produces fruit at all. However, if that same tree is given the proper nutrients and water it needs to be healthy, strong, and productive, it will then start to produce beautiful, bountiful, and delicious nourishing fruits. Humanity is exactly like that tree; the nutrients and energy we feed our Spirit determines the quality of our lives, the quality of our creations, and the types of fruits we will produce that others may enjoy. You and I must always bear the following in mind. Being the individual physical beings that we are means we may not always bear the same fruit as our sisters and brothers. That is due to the fact, that all of us are not called to carry out the same functions in life. We are like the many different members of our bodies; we are united in harmony and oneness, and flow together in that harmony for the good of the collective members of our bodies. Likewise, the many different members of the collective individual bodies of humanity are designed specifically to carry out many varied tasks. In addition, as our different tasks are carried out, humanity will function smoothly and efficiently in Love, Oneness, and Harmony, in exactly the way that GREAT SPIRIT created us to function.

We must learn from the examples that our bodies give us as units of oneness and harmony. As individual human beings, we can embrace our differences and be who we are as individuals, and yet at the same time, flow together in one accord and absolute harmony as the collective units of Positive Energies and Vibrations that we are. We Spiritual beings traveling in physical form, have been disconnected from our Divine Reality for a very long time now. Because of that, many if not most, believe that it is impossible for the majority of humanity to ever experience true harmony, and once again have relationships that flow smoothly and harmonically together in Pure Unadulterated Unconditional Love and Reverent Gratitude. We can and must reach the awesome state of Universal Perfection and the unchangeable Sacredness of Divine Oneness. It is true that we have not experienced such in this lifetime, however, that is a major part of our heritage that can and must reclaimed for the benefit of the whole of creation. Oneness and Harmony are essential parts of our birthright as Eternal Spiritual Beings. If you and I want true Love, Oneness, and Harmony to be a part of our daily conscious reality, we must start seeing ourselves as we truly are. We are Spiritual Beings taking a brief physical sojourn through a dense physical plane, and not the opposite, human beings going through an occasional Spiritual experience. All we have to do is open up fully, choose and to do the right thing and the transformation process will begin.

It is time to allow the

Transforming of the Creator

to fully manifest in us and through us.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 17, 2010


Out of the mouths of babes come the pure unadulterated truth.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Beauty of Oneness

The Beauty of Oneness

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

-- Albert Einstein

Monday, March 22, 2010

Creators of Our Reality

Creators of Our Reality

Is it true that you and I are the creators of our individual realities? Yes, you and I are the creators of our individual realities, however, it goes much deeper than that. We are actually the creators of humanities collective reality, we are collective creators of everything we see happening in the world around us today. A small percentage of the entire human race consciously creates what our reality is in our local governments and communities, and the same goes for the creative realities of the world at-larger. It does not take the majority of humanity to mold the form for the vibration of the reality of the world. That is a testament of the innate power and energy of an ordinary individual. Nevertheless, the power of a conscious positive creator is the most powerful creative energy known to humankind and the entire physical plane.

In the bible it says, “Five of you will chase a hundred of them, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand of them. You will defeat your enemies, and your families will be pleased.” It is said that with GOD all things are possible. Even though GOD seems to be exclusively associated with christian and other religious organization, this is humanities absolute individual and collective reality. Let us say it and look at it this way. GODDESS-GOD/SPIRIT within each of us, gives us the ability to create and change our current and possible future realities, through the positive and negative energies that we decide to open up to, yield to, produce, and radiated from within our being outwardly to our surrounding worlds. The best way that is done is by using the Positive All Powerful Selfless Universal Energy of Unconditional Love. The worst way that is done is by using the life distorting dark and negative energies of ego and selfishness. Everything that produces Pure Love, Life, Light, and Positivity must be done in and through the Energy of Unconditional Love, the Power of Unconditional Love Conquers All, when yielded to and allowed to create after its own kind.

So lets recap what was said. A few individuals united in one accord in and through the Awesome Positive Power and Energy of Unconditional Love can create and alter our individual and collective realities in Fruitful and Positive Life-giving ways. In addition, a few individuals united in one accord in and through the dark negative power and energy of ego and selfishness can create and alter our individual and collective realities in fruitless, negative, life distorting, and life draining ways. The bottom line is this. In some way, we have chosen and created the energy that we carry and transmit outwardly to our surrounding worlds, and we are guaranteed to draw like individuals and energies to us. Thoughts, words, and actions are seeds planted in the fertile soil of creation. We continually draw more of what we focus on to ourselves.

Our saving grace while we sojourn through this dense physical realm is thus. A few enlightened positive people generating the All Powerful Positive Energy of Unconditional Love can transmute all negative situation created by those creating through dark negative sources. A few dedicated to Unconditional Love can cause thousands who mean the Whole of Creation no good to flee. The Ultimate Power of all resides with the Eternal Sacred Energy Of Unconditional Love.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Copyright © March 2010

The Journey Within

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Exchange with the Universe

Exchange with the Universe
By: Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov was a Master in the tradition of what is termed the Great White Brotherhood. His teaching is largely rooted in the Christian path but especially from an esoteric aspect - the inner teachings of Jesus the Christed One. Following are some words of his.

Today I will reveal to you the greatest truth, for we need to know how things are in reality. We all wish for happiness, harmony, joy, music, and beauty. Why do we want so many things? Moreover, how can we get them? We have to behave differently and think differently. That is all! Then things will begin to happen…

There is no other way! If this message could be published in the entire world, even the simplest people would understand because it is so obvious. Nevertheless, it has never been explained like this. The situation will never improve as long as people all want to do things their way, according to their own tastes and opinions, and ignore the fact that we are immersed in an environment, that we live in the atmosphere and we need to give and take something from it, that there must be an exchange…

We need to breathe the air that is all around us, for example. If we do not breathe, we die. In addition, why should this not be equally true on a higher, much higher level? We are part of the universe. We are dependent on the universe. Moreover, since the universe nourishes and sustains us we have to respect it and abide by its laws. If we do that, we shall continue to receive and to grow. Otherwise, we block things, we close off communications and we wither and die. There, this is all we need to know, that we are not independent, that we cannot dictate to GOD, we cannot refuse to abide by the laws of the universe. We live thanks to cosmic life. We breathe thanks to the air; we live thanks to food and drink. People do not understand this, and yet everybody eats; everybody drinks, and everybody breathes… and everybody wants to be independent, to be violent, to impose their own way… even on GOD. Yes, and this is why they disappear; because they cut off all exchange.

Disciples Understand this. They know that their life, their health, their happiness, and their light all depends on the nourishment they receive. So they begin to receive to reflect, to breathe and to love, and in this way they are nourished and continue to grow, whereas the others become weaker and weaker.  Yes, because they have stopped nourishing themselves. Is that clear now? 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In Lakesh

Today I have the privilege and honor to be able to share with you a poem that is full of the Love, Light, and the Beauty of SPIRIT  written by a Precious Sacred Woman/Shaman her name is Robin Tekwelus Youngblood, Okanagon/Tsalagi. Open up your heart and Spirit and enjoy as you travel on her words of Light and Love. But first, I must share with you a little about this Precious Spirit.

Rev. Robin Tekwelus Youngblood, Okanagon/Tsalagi, minister of Church of the Earth, has been a student of her heritage for many years. She has studied with Indigenous elders of her own tribes, along with African, Siberian and Aboriginal leaders. Robin believes that the only way to create harmony and avoid disaster in these times is to learn to attune ourselves to our Earth Mother's natural rhythms through ritual, ceremony, chant and dance. "I love to sing, honor the ancestors, and share the ancient teachings with others. Please join me for Dreaming Shaman Workshops, Retreats and Ceremonies where together we can bring balance to Mother Earth and All Our Relations."


 In Lakesh

My love is a pillar of light
His eyes smoky crystalline pools
Radiant with love
He sees with the vision of the eagle
His scent is the musk of hibiscus
He is strong as the gentle ocean.

Together my love and I danced the stars
Turning cartwheels in the night sky
We spun the web of the universe
Gossamer light trailed from our touch.

My heart soars with love for him
My soul is awe-inspired
I open to him as a flower
Petal by soft shimmering petal.

He is wise with the knowledge
Of the ancient ones
Pure as a newborn child
His beauty is unsurpassed
And reflected in the many eyes
That look upon him.

He teaches me with each caress
I bask in the warmth of his honor
By acknowledging me so deeply
I become ever more fully myself.

My love is ÒIn LakeshÓ -
Another myself
Purest reflection of all
God/Goddess within.

We stand in the Garden
Consummate in our creation
And we are one
Our love-making waters the earth
Our joy transforms the universe
The heavens explode with our love.

I meet my love
With all that I am
And all that I have to give
That together we might serve.

This lover of mine
Is free as the rolling wave
And I, I am
The wind on the water.

Many times have his house
And mine been joined
We have traveled many
Worlds together
Where we walk on the path
Wildflowers bloom.

Will I see him again
In this lifetime?
My heart awaits his call
Yet always we are one.

For my love is In Lakesh
Forever a part of me
His presence lives within me
His light which is mine shines purely.

In Lakesh
XochiQuetzal   2/16/97
Robin Tekwelus Youngblood

   (Tsalagi for "Peace on Earth")
Rev. Robin Tekwelus Youngblood

Monday, March 15, 2010



Have you ever seen an eagle soaring across the sky with absolutely no effort at all, and no worries of the world? Wow! What a sight.

That is how my heart and soul, which is full of
Love, soars when I think of the awesome Love that created our beautiful universe.

Oh, how I
Love the Essence and Beauty of Creation.

Simply the thought of
Love immediately sends my mind, heart, and Spirit soaring above all the cares and worries of life, and likewise it causes me to wade in GREAT SPIRIT’S pools of forgiveness, compassion and Love.

I am born again on a daily basis with no past to remember or regret, only the luminous omniscient
Loving present moment of a sparkling and glorious infinite existence.

I can clearly see all of the tall and beautiful majestic trees reaching to the heavens as they are moved by the gentle life giving

My cheeks are lightly blushed with the brilliance of
A Love Supreme.

Soaring on my awakened inner energy of
Love is a Divine adventure of eternal joy, excitement, and glory that will never be surpassed.

My face shines every so brightly, full of
Peace, Love, and Light. This adventure is one that will last throughout eternity.

Unconditional Love of GREAT SPIRIT is so creative, smooth and delicate; that it gracefully ushers in the creation of many forms of new life each day.

Since I have experienced the freedom and delightful majesty of soaring on the
Wings of Unconditional Love, I will never be the same.

I gracefully and respectfully soar through the heavens on the
Wings of Unconditional Love into every new moment.

My heart is open and full of
Unconditional Love a gifted bestowed to me by GREAT SPIRIT.

Soaring On The Wings of Love.

Do You care to join me?

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2004
(Revised 03.14.10)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simply Being Me

Simply Being Me

Some have said that I am uneducated and common, and they looked down on me because of that. It may seem odd that I do not have a problem with what they say. By all American standards, I am uneducated and common, that is due to the fact unavoidable fact that the highest grade I completed when in school was the 9th grade. Nevertheless, I know and see myself as I truly am. I see myself as being frugal, easy going, simple, Spiritually grounded and balanced in the Sacred Transformational Energy of Unconditional Love. I do my best to continually stay in that state of being as I sojourn through this dense physical plane, and experience what is called living life.  Like many, I sometimes wish I had enough money to do some of the things I cannot afford to do at this moment in space. However, I do not let that rob me of the joy of living life. To Live is to Love, and to Love is to Live. Therefore, I am reaping the bountiful benefits of life because I am grateful for life and filled to the point of overflowing with the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. That is why  each and every single day of my life I Live and I Love unconditionally.

Being Me Sets Me Free; It Also Helps Me See What Life Is Meant To Be!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Is Your Focus?

What Universe Are You Focused On,
Inner or Outer?

The Inner Universe is you and I, and everything within our physical vessel. The energy behind our physical vessel is the most important part of our Universe. That Sacred Energy is supposed to be in total control of our Universe, and that controlling energy is none other than our Spirit, that which is Eternally One with GREAT SPIRIT/GODDESS-GOD. There is no doubt that we know what the outer universe is, in which the physical world and our physical bodies perceive to be living in. To change the outer world, we must first focus on our Inner Universe and its Divine Balance and Harmonizing Vibration. If that Divine Balance and that Harmonic Vibration is in a state of disharmony and out of synchronicity with SPIRIT, and is more aligned with the physical realm than the Spiritual, change is needed and most take place.

The physical realm is in the condition that we find it today because we have not maintained the proper Spiritual focused, or dealt with our Inner Universe as we should have and must do. Change always comes from within. Be it positive or negative change, change always comes from within the very core of our being. We must take control of the Universe/World we have been given dominion over, which is ourselves. You may want to read my thoughts entitled Dominion further along in this blog. The inner always feeds the outer. A good example of that is how a plant takes in water and nourishment through its roots. That water and nourishment enters into the inner most depths of the plant where it is transformed into the physical energy and substance that we eventually see in the outer physical realm as growth, beauty, and possible nourishment. That is the Sacred Cycle of the Divine Nature of existence. In our physical state of being, we take in food through our mouths, after that food enters our body it is transformed into our physical growth and beauty. Furthermore and most importantly, the proper things we take into our Spirit as energy by way of what we focus on, our thoughts, and our words causes our True Authentic Eternal Higher Selves to grow and radiate outwardly, into our true unsurpassed Spiritual Beauty and Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT. Once that happens, our immediate outer surrounding world starts to change and conform to the total vibration of our Inner Universe. What we produce within our Inner Universe will assuredly be duplicated in our outer world and universe. What are we focusing on right now? In addition, what will we totally commit to focus on for the rest of our sojourn here on Earth Mother?

As Above, So Below.
As Within, So Without.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Part 1

I believe that our only reality is as follows. We are Spiritual Beings on a sojourn through a dense physical plane that we many have mistakenly taken as our reality. Our true reality is not based in this physical realm; our true and only reality originates within the Sacred Realm of GREAT SPIRIT. We are Spiritual Beings because we come from and are a part of GREAT SPIRIT. That Divine Reality dictates the following; we are the complete, blemish free, perfect manifestation of nothing less than the Pure Perfected Spiritual Energy of GREAT SPIRIT who just so happens to be temporarily occupying a physical vessel we call our body. My beloved Spiritual family, we are perfect in every way, even though we are repeatedly told that we are not, we do not feel that perfection or comprehend it within our consciousness, yet we are still a perfected part of PERFECTION ITSELF. Conversely, we have become disconnected from that Sacred Awareness due to a multitude of manufactured deceptions and illusions designed to rob us of our Spiritual Awareness and Sacred Power for others to misuse. However, this wrongfully manipulated physical state of being is only a temporary condition that is being reversed second by second in those who are open to receive. Experiencing this thing called life in such a state of being is necessary in order that we can sojourn through this dense physical plane, and obtain and learn the vast number of valuable lessons that we need.

To Be Continued.............

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sacred Woman


Sacred Woman
(revised Dec. 20, 2011)

Please click on the blog address below to view the revised version

Monday, March 8, 2010

Change/Fade Away

Change/Fade Away

The relevance, stability, and validity of my words, thoughts, beliefs and feelings written at this moment in space, may possibly be seen as invalid at the time they are read. That should be our statement about everything that we think, say, do, feel, and believe in life. Comprehension, understanding, and what we see as reality is constantly changing day-by-day as we evolve Spiritually.

As we awaken and evolve Spiritually, we are given the ability to start to relate to and see things clearer, to relate to and see things in their True Light of Divinity. Until we have fully evolved, awakened, and have reached the place of Totally Spiritual Re-Call, our comprehension and understanding of whom we are, and our true purpose for being will remain somewhat cloudy. As long as we are partially conscious of our Spiritual Divinity, we will continue to see our existence and surrounding environment through somewhat of a haze, leaving us with a degree of uncertainty, doubt, and confusion. Everything that is not rooted in the firm foundation of SPIRIT/SOURCE is guaranteed to experience decay, and crumble and fade away into the void of nothingness when the Divine Light of Spiritual Reality shines on it.

So, we must not become to attached to what we now see as our reality, because every single bit of it is subject to change. Everything that is a part of this physical realm will eventually pass away.

Everything Is In Divine Order As We Follow Our Souls Melody!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2010