Sunday, February 5, 2012

Belief and Knowing


Belief and Knowing

The following scripted words were stimulated by something said to me by a Facebook friend Jack, after discussing with him the reason why genetically modified foods must be stopped. I shared with Jack how genetically modified foods crops are killing bees and other insects that help pollinate the crops; and without them there is no us.

Jack: “You really sound like you believe what you’re talking about; I think you have studied more than I have before you speak. So I enjoy listening to you. I love hearing other people’s opinions. You are right about the bees, all the insects are here for a reason. I always said that when they take enough oil out of the earth, it will throw the earth off its axes. I believe that oil is there for a reason.”

I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, speak that which I believe in and know, also that which comes to me by way of my hearts wisdom. I also speak from that which I have experienced and studied over my 58 years of life. However, what I know is minuscule compared to all there is to know about life and creation. I am joyfully learning new things every day. Understanding comes to me when I am truly open to receive it from all sources. I stand tall and strong on what I believe in. However, I have learned to always be open to change when I am shown a better way. That is why I always reserve the right to change my mind in a split second when I am shown I am in error. That is likewise why I tell people the following; do not get upset with me if I am saying one thing today and something altogether different tomorrow. That is what living life is all about; change. How long was it professed by the scholars that the earth was flat? One day that was changed. Truth, belief, and change all stand together as being extremely beneficial and necessary in our lives.

Now concerning what we are doing to Earth Mother. Oil is housed within Earth Mother for many reasons, most of which we are yet to understand. I call oil, Earth Mothers blood. It is a very simple comprehendible fact, that a void is created when all of the oil is removed from the core of Earth Mother. It is the same thing when it comes to man removing the water that is within Earth Mother. If humans had not polluted just about all of the pure surface water, and had not started to unnaturally deform the structure and environment of Earth Mother, as it continually is doing to this very day, there would absolutely be no need to drain the water out of the core of Earth Mother, for any reason whatsoever. We are out of balance, and in turn we are burdening Earth Mother with our negative energy. Please believe me when I say this; we cannot afford to continue to do as we have been doing; that is of course if we want life to continue here as it should. If we do not change our ways, the environment will no longer be able to remain as it is; and that means that it will no longer be able to support human life.

When we create a void by removing oil, water, and all of the other precious substances that we remove from Earth Mother, we create the energy for sinkholes to form, along with other forms of trauma to Earth Mother's core; that results in an upsurge of earthquakes and a host of other very serious avoidable situations. It would be different if humanity weren't so greedy and did not always try to take all of which it finds, and simply take that which it needs; if what they say they need is a true need after all. Even when all of that which is found is known to not be needed, and cannot possibly be used, many of us still take it all, or at least try to. Humans seem to almost always take that which it finds to simply hoard, not to use or share with those in true need of what they possess. Humanity in its greedy self-centered egotistical state of mind, and existence is making our Beloved Earth Mother extremely sick. We had better stop our assault on Earth Mother before it is to late, and she starts to completely purge her system of the vicious infectious virus, which is known as humanity; because we are surely guilty of infecting her with our filthy negativity and causing her so much dis-ease, illness, and pain. For our own sake all human beings on Earth Mother, better wake up real soon, and right all of our wrongs, and completely turn from our wicked ways forever. If not, we might as well kiss this Paradise that was gifted to us to enjoy, and eternal good-bye.

I am not one who is only speaking gloom and doom; I am speaking the truth; and ultimately saying the following. The human race has scripted and created a big mess; nonetheless there is still hope, because it is a mess that can and must be cleaned up by us. However, we do not have a whole lot of time to do what must be done. We must stop seeing ourselves as being to small and to insignificant, to do what is needed to correct all of the problems we have created in the world today. Here is what needs to be done by each of us. If we individually work on ourselves; meaning Loving and Respecting ourselves as being the Spiritual beings that we truly are, and stop seeing ourselves as being less than One with our Beloved Spiritual Parent, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE, we can do whatever we are called to do. If all of us honestly worked on ourselves, we would once again consciously become the Eternal Spiritual Beings that we have always been, and then we would be able to radiate outwardly from within our Spirits the Transformative Energy of Divinity to our surrounding worlds. Someone may be asking, what are our surrounding worlds? Our surrounding worlds for the most part are the energetic aura that surrounds us. However, it also consists of that which we have created and drawn to us; that which we have influence over such as the place where we live. If we all did our due diligence, and followed the Divine Direction that is coming to us from within our Spirits, everything would be in Divine Order at all times. I know that some will say, everything is in Divine Order right now; because it that were not so things would not be the way that they are. I respectfully disagree; Oneness, Love, Peace, Harmony, and Unimpeded Spiritual Flow is the state of Divine Order that we are supposed to be living in, not the state of chaos we find the world in today. Hope is still alive and doing very well within our Spirits. So we must now tap into that hope and weave it into that which the world and all of us needs.

Here is the very first thing I believe we all must do; we must start to always see ourselves as we truly are, Spiritual Beings, going through a temporary physical experience. For that to happen as it should, we must go through the process that I have labeled, Total Spiritual Re-Call. Here is what Total Spiritual Re-Call is; it is the Sacred Process of fully remembering who we truly are, and living as such. If we open our First Eye as wide as possible, and view everything through that Sacred Vessel of Divine Sight as we should, we will see clearly that we the human race have been sleepwalking through this experience we call life, for thousands upon thousands of years. What I prefer to call our First Eye, because it is everyone’s first and Eternal Spiritual Avenue of seeing reality. However, most everyone else calls it her or his Third Eye. Nothing that we use which is physical is first or eternal, because of that, I always yield to that which is Eternally Spiritual, and One with our Eternal Existence. Due to our zombie like state of being, we must go through the process of re-calling who we truly are; that is due to how deeply rooted we are in the deceptive human programming that we must overcome. We have willingly become a part of the Matrix of Deception and Control. However, it is only constructed of smoke and mirrors. We can clear the smoke, and break all of the mirrors in many different ways; two of which are Prayer (talking to The DIVINE), and Meditation (being still and feeling and hearing from The DIVINE). We can and must rewrite the script we have been following during this and many past lifetimes. I know all of this to be Absolute Truth.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 5, 2012
