Wednesday, January 11, 2012




If in essence I am a Spiritual Being, what does that translate into? As I see it that translates into everything that I do, and everything that I take part in and create has to be of like manner, of like vibration; that means it has to be Spiritual in nature. That being the case tells me this; the entire human race has been in error in our actions, and overall comprehension of our existence in the world today. Many people believe that we are supposed to be the stewards of the earth; if that is so I must ask the following question. Is the human race practicing good stewardship over the earth? I would have to answer that question in this way. We cannot be good stewards over ourselves, much less good stewards over the entire earth and everything on and in it, when we are blind to the reality that every form of creation is Spiritual. The proofs of our mis-conceptions are all around us staring us right in the face. However, do not be dismayed, all of our mis-takes and contrary actions can be turned around.

We can and must correct everything in the world that we have distorted, and that can and must be done by way of the proper alignment of our consciousness and our actions. We are Spiritual beings going through a temporary physical experience, and everything that we think, say, and do must be a reflection of the Divine Reality that we are Spiritual Beings. If everything that we think, say, and do is not Spiritually based, then we will always end up in a big mess like we find ourselves today. The biggest omission that we make is this; most of what we do, and almost everything that we see in the world around us is not seen as it truly is; Spiritual. Yes, everything on, in and around this beautiful planet is Spiritual in nature. Everything that has been created is given its existence and supported by Sacred Spiritual Energy. Even if you espouse the belief of evolution, everything started with Pure Spiritual Substance. I call that Pure Spiritual Substance, Sacred Love. I know deep within the core of my being, which is my Spirit; that the All-powerful Sacred Love I am speaking of originates within THE DIVINE, and THE DIVINE gives everything on this physical plane form and life. That reality alone makes every single thing on the physical plane Spiritual.

What is a person doing when he or she is living outside of reality? That person is living in a fantasy world, living in a state of make-believe; and in such a state everything is unreal and does not conform to the true natural laws that govern reality. A person that lived life in such a way would be classified as mentally unstable, and placed in an institution. Well, because we are all Spiritual Beings, humanity as a whole must not just be classified as being mentally unstable, we must be classified both as Spiritually and mentally unstable. Nonetheless, we do not have to be institutionalized; we simply must start to see ourselves as we truly are, Spiritual Beings. Once we take the first step of seeing ourselves as we truly are, all of the other changes that must take place will be revealed to us, and we will be shown how to implement them all, and turn the Paradise we have been blessed with, back to its original state of being; Spiritual Paradise. Once we place the train of our True Spiritual Existence back on the tracks, we will stop going around in the vicious circle of destruction, and restart our direct Sacred Journey to our Divinely Appointed Destination.

Because we are Spiritual Beings, we must see everything for what it truly is, Spiritual. If we functioned as such there would be no need of governments and police, because we would govern ourselves appropriately, and there would be no need for police. Spiritual Beings that follow their true nature only create peace and harmony. We have been journeying through the physical plane with our eyes wide shut. You can ride down the highway distracted with your eyes focused on something other than the road for only a short time and not have an accident. We the human race; have been driving down the highway of this physical existence completely distracted by the illusion that we must separate church and state. Therein is another big problem. We have once again misinterpreted something else. Most people tend to translate Spiritual as religious, which is one of the biggest errors ever. The creation of religion is another one of man’s feeble attempts of defining and seeing that which is eternal and beyond the physical, through something that is extremely limited, the human intellect. That is like trying to learn how to fly an airplane using the directions designed for operating a dishwasher. We need to drop everything that is based on and follows human understanding, and start to do as we used to do and go within, and get all of our direction directly from SOURCE.

We need to allot ourselves a certain amount of time each day, to be still and go within, to hear from THE DIVINE within our Spirit. When we first start to go within, we may not seem to be doing anything but just sitting there being quite, but that is not so. Many times things are actually happening on such a deep inner level that we do not sense it. Sometimes it takes us time to be prepared for our Spiritual Communion with THE DIVINE. It is similar to getting our eyes prepared for bright light after being in the dark for a long time. Actually, that is exactly what is happening. We have been dwelling in the darkness of our human intellect for such a long time, that we are not able to enter into the Presence of THE DIVINE without the proper preparation. It is like trying to put ten million watts of energy into a ten-watt light bulb, such power would destroy the bulb immediately. We must be gradually conditioned for the amount of Spiritual Power that will be generated in and through us. If you haven’t used a car in years it gets all dusty and dirty, because of that before it is used it must be cleaned, lubricated and a host of other things to be operated accurately and safely. Well, it is the same thing with us reconnecting Spiritually; we have a lot of old faulty virus infected programs that first must be dealt with. The part of our human intellect called common sense should understand that.

We must first turn ourselves around, and then we can turn the world around. All we have to do is fully connect to the proper energy source; and that is THE DIVINE; it is SOURCE ITSELF. As we work on our restoration, we must maintain patience because it took us a long time to get to the place we now find ourselves. If we do this the proper way, everything will be in Divine Order, because we will be following our Souls Original Melody. That is when we will start to hear the Sacred Music of SPIRIT, ringing out harmonically within us. You see everything is energy, and the energy from the Divine Harmonic Melodies playing in our Spirit, is enough to transform us and the world.

Everything we have done, and everything we are trying to do through technology, is only mimicking that which we used to do within ourselves without any exterior aids. We are trying to reproduce the gifts we have within our Spirits; gifts that we have forgotten how to use because of our separation from our main frame, we separated ourselves from SOURCE and have forgotten who we are and what we are supposed to be doing. We create computers in an effort to duplicate what our minds do. There has never been, and never will be a computer created that can store half as much information as our minds without a single serviceable part, and no need to be upgraded every week; or accurately run as many programs as our minds; and I am not even talking about the use of 100% of our mental capacity; I am only speaking of 8 to 10% of our mental abilities. We are at the place where we must open our eyes before we have a fatal crash.

Here is another question I must ask you and myself. If we had $300,000.00 in our very own bank accounts, and it was free and clear to use in whatever way we needed, would we be living on the street as homeless people do begging for food and money? Of course we wouldn’t. Well, we are doing that on an even grander scale, when we live as if we are not Spiritual Beings who are without a doubt One With THE DIVINE. Our Spiritual Bank Account is full to the point of overflowing, and we have been wandering around as if we are needy, hungry, and homeless. That sounds like someone who is insane to me, and we are all guilty of acting like that at some point in our existence, if not still at the present moment. What will it take for humanity to wake from its deep nightmare of fear, fear of its Unlimited Power and Oneness with THE DIVINE? I want it to be clear that when I speak of humanity I am including myself; I am just as guilty as everyone else. We can and must turn this around.

How can we turn things around? We must take the time to learn to consistently on a daily basis be still and go within, and tap into the Sacred Wisdom of THE DIVINE. That is the only place we can get the direction we need. It is time that we stop looking outside of ourselves for direction, everything that we need has always been within our Spirit; we just never took the time to be still and hear and see it. Be Still and Know That I Am God. That means, Be Still and Know That We Are Gods. Yes, You and I Are Gods of Our Surrounding Worlds; You and I Alone Are The Creator of Our Very Own Reality. We must not only do this for ourselves, we must also do this for our children and our children's children. Life Is Spiritual!

I Am One With THE DIVINE, There Is Absolutely No Lack In Me.

All of My Needs Are Met Daily, Because THE DIVINE Dwells In Me, Now I Can See.

I Have Been Set Free To Be Me, and That Is Exactly What I Choose To Be, Free!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

January 11, 2012
