Monday, November 29, 2010

From Within My Spirit


From Within My Spirit

What I share with you here on Essence Blogesphere comes from deep within my Spirit, within my Higher Self. I document parts of my life and share it openly because I believe that is what I am supposed to do. Maybe in some small way even my errors will stimulate someone to take a deeper look at their lives, and see what they can change, or what they must continue to do. I am not trying to change anyone, even though it may seem like I am sometimes. There are times when old programming tries to kick back in and resume its old place of control in my consciousness, and way of existing. Nevertheless, experiences such as that are becoming distant memories of the past, as I consciously continue on this Precious Spiritual Journey of Awakening.

One hope that I have in sharing is this, that someone who thinks change is impossible will se that if change can take place in someone who was headed down a dark destructive path such as myself could change, that it would give them a little hope. No matter what I share here, please remember this, it came to me because I needed it. What I share did not come to me because I felt that you needed it. Our needs may be similar from time to time, however, for the most part our needs are individualized, because of our individualized life experiences. Not one of us has had all of the same experiences, neither has any of us lived the exact same lifestyle. Our lives may be very similar, however; we are individualized manifestations of DIVINE ONENESS. We are members of the same Spiritual Body and family, yet at the same time we are individual members that perform different task within that Spiritual Body.

I cannot say that in the past I have not tried to change others because I felt that what I was doing, and where I was headed was the only way to go, I was guilty of doing that. In addition, sometimes I still have to stop myself from doing that. However, I am so glad that I was and am continually being made aware of my errors. It is all a part of what I call, “Total Spiritual Re-Call!” For those of you who are not aware of the term Total Spiritual Re-Call, it is the process of completely remembering who we are and our purpose for being Spiritual Beings incarnating in physical form. I believe that once we reach the point of Total Spiritual Re-Call, we will no longer need the physical vehicles we are now using. In addition, we may not need to revisit this dense physical plane again, due to our Spiritual Awakening. This is what I believe at this precious Now-Moment in time. However, I reserve the right to change my mind in a split second. That is of course if I find out, that I have believed something in error, or did something in error. So please do not get upset and/or believe that I am a hypocrite because I am doing and saying one thing today, and doing and saying something altogether different tomorrow. That just happens to be a part of my physical path through this dense physical plane known by some as the School of Spiritual Awakening, also the School of Life, in other words in the simplest of terms, Real Life.

In closing, I must reiterate this to make sure it is perfectly clear for one, and all. I am not here to change or point a finger at you. I am simply here to share my Love and Life with you unconditionally.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © Nov. 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are We Truly Living Life?


Are We Truly Living Life?

Are we truly living life, as we should be? The answer to this very important question according to my life experiences is this. Without equivocation, we are absolutely not living life as we should be. The proof that we are not living life as we should, is in the way we go about our lives each and every day here on our Beloved Earth Mother. That is perfectly clear to us if we look at that which we have made our overriding priorities. Additional proof is what we have accepted as our truths, and the paths we have chosen to follow outside of our True Eternal Spiritual Reality. We are giving the majority of our energies to all of the wrong things; also, we desire all of the wrong things and make them intricate parts of our daily practice and existence. In essence, the way we live our lives is the opposite of, and the equivalent of committing physical suicide. I am speaking of a temporary condition I have labeled PSS, Propensities of Spiritual Suicide. We focus in on, and do that which is not meant to be, and cannot be a part of our Eternal Abundant Spiritual Existence. We associate and live in unnatural, unbalanced, unproductive, and unrealistic ways, yielding our allegiance to that which is physical and material in origin and nature. Our lives are motivated and regulated by work, the acquisition material things, and money; one of man’s biggest vises and claims to fame, all of which are manufactured out of Earth Mothers natural resources, to Her and our detriment. However, those natural resources in their natural state of being were truly valuable. Because of all of the self-manufactured distortions in our lives, we act as if we are physical beings, which could not be further from the truth. We are Eternal Spiritual Beings, not the temporal physical vehicles we are using to sojourn through this dense physical plane.

It is believed and/or accepted by most, that we must live by the sweat of our brow, and our primary focus must be on making money, the financial and material support of our families, ourselves, and our man-made institutions. We are so focused on that inaccuracy, that we end up neglecting our physical health, our relationships and most detrimental to our being, we neglect our Spirit and Spiritual health, all of that is done in the name of security. Most do not comprehend, that one day, everything material will rot and return to the void of nothingness, from which it came. Our only true security rests within our Personal Spirituality, and our Sacred Relationship with DIVINE SPIRIT. If we put our Spirituality first as we sojourn through this dense physical plane, everything that we feel we need, will open up to our consciousness and existence in a balanced and productive way. That will happen without detracting from our quality of life. Because of its life giving energies, it can only add to our quality of life during our temporary existence as we travel through life in these physical vehicles, we call and relate to so affectionately as our body. That is the True Revelation, and True Revolution every Spiritual Master came to this physical plane to teach and show us. That is Divine Truth!

Are we truly living life? We are not truly living life if we are not primarily driven by our Higher Selves, and always prioritizing that which is Spiritual to come first. To truly live life to the fullest, we must first understand that we are Spiritual Beings, then we must do all that we can to feed and sustain ourselves Spiritually. As I am always saying, everything we need is within us and all around us, yet we are seeing lack of every kind all around us, and we fail to see the ever-present abundance that is a part of our existence, and has always been, here on Earth Mother as a major part of our reality. We are constantly working towards acquiring that which we have already been given. We are creating many counterfeit realities when we already have that which is authentic, within us as well as all around us. We choose to ride the Merry-go-round of life we have created, and it makes us dizzy and unable to enjoy all of the Blessings we have been gifted since the beginning of time. How much more can we take? That is the question. If we continue to live this lie, we might as well look for our supply in the by-and-by. Live your true reality, and Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance of every conceivable and unconceivable kind is freed to be a part of our overall reality. Do we have to plant and maintain the forest? No, of course we do not have to plant and maintain the forest. Likewise, we do not have to live our lives in the way we have been living them to survive.

We must change our focus if we want to truly live life as intended. We are Royalty, because we are one with GREAT SPIRIT, and no good thing is out of our reach, or can be kept away from us. So why do we go around acting like paupers, working for, and going out and paying for that which has already been given to us? We have been hoodwinked and bamboozled over and over again, and we cannot even see it. We must change our ways. Matter of fact, we will change our ways, either now or later. When the change takes place is totally left up to us.

I choose to live life fully and make that which is Spiritual my only priority.

I Remember That I Am An Eternal Spiritual Being.

I Am Love, I Am One With SPIRIT!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © Nov. 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Message



1. a prayer that offers thanks to The CREATOR of all life

2. an expression or an act of giving thanks

3. a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness




Happy Thanksgiving Day Beloved!

I was reading an e-mail this morning that pointed out something very important and true to me that we all should be aware of. What we focus on is what we get more of in our lives. Now that is without a shadow of doubt, Universal Law. On this day that is dedicated to giving thanks, dedicated to giving gratitude, we should focus on the All Powerful Energy of Unconditional LOVE. If we want the most out of this absolute Wonder-Full experience that we call life, we should offer up the exact same amount of thanksgiving today as we do every single day of our lives. We should, no we must, condition ourselves in such a way that every day that we wake up, the first thought that enters our mind should sound something like this. “Thank YOU! GODDESS/GOD, GREAT SPIRIT or whatever name you call the CREATOR of all things, I am in awe, and extremely grateful for being blessed by YOU, with another day of Abundant Life. I acknowledge that YOUR LOVE and Divine Grace is much more powerful than any other energy that is at work in the world today, or ever. I exclusively focus all of my attention on that which gives, and promotes life. That means that I focus on and give my energy completely to YOUR Sacred Energy of Unconditional LOVE. I completely give my energy to Unconditional LOVE because Unconditional LOVE is responsible for creating, maintaining, and nurturing the Whole of Creation. Most importantly, because YOU the CREATOR of all things are LOVE. Because YOU are LOVE and I am one With YOU, I Am also LOVE.”

In addition, we should verbalize and act on our Love in and through all that we do, in order that we empower that Love, others, and ourselves even more. We must consciously remember this, in this Beauty-Full physical realm the spoken word creates after its own energy, it has so much creative power that it transforms its surroundings and manifests into physical form the Radiant Glory of GREAT SPIRIT.

Beloved, I Give Thanks that this day you are a conscious part of my abundant life, We Are Truly One by way of GODDESS/GOD, who is the perfect personification of Eternal UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in all of its power and majesty. May each and every day of our existence here on Earth Mother be that of Thanksgiving and Gratitude, and may UNCONDITIONAL LOVE always be the never ending driving force in our lives and in the entire world. I pray that your life and my life is the reflection of A LOVE SUPREME.

“I Love You!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © November 2006



21: Finding The Essence of Tao

The greatest virtue is to follow the Tao;

how it achieves ! without contriving.

The essence of Tao is dark and mysterious,

having, itself, no image or form.

Yet through its non-being,

are found image and form.

The essence of Tao is deep and unfathomable,

yet it may be known by not trying to know.

Translated by Stan Rosenthal


21: Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

The greatest Virtue is to follow Tao and Tao alone.

The Tao is elusive and intangible.

Oh it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image.

Oh it is elusive and intangible, and yet within is form.

Oh it is dim and dark, and yet within is essence.

This essence is very real, and therein lies faith.

From the very beginning until now its name has never been forgotten.

Thus I perceive the creation.

How do I know the ways of creation?

Because of this

Translated by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English


21: The Omnipresent Virtue ...

The omnipresent Virtue will take shape

According only to the Way.

The Way itself is like some thing

Seen in a dream, elusive, evading one.

In it are images, elusive, evading one.

In it are things like shadows in twilight.

In it are essences, subtle but real,

Embedded in truth.

From of old until now,

Under names without end,

The First, the Beginning is seen.

How do I know the beginning of all,

What its nature may be?

By these!

Translated by Raymond B. Blakney



Meditations for Body and Spirit

The Spirit of Healing, like an infinite cloud

Takes the moment’s perfect form,

Yet is formless;

It can be seen, but not touched

Felt, but not held;

Light on the outside, dark within.

Yet even the darkness is teeming with life,

And failed knowledge bears the seeds of faith.

Therefore, allow faith to reveal;

In the last, the First is seen

In dis-ease, Wholeness

In a blade of grass, all of creation.

Translated by Haven Trevino




Eternal Thanksgiving, Honor, Praise, Gratitude, and Love.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © November 2006


"ONE LOVE, Unconditional!"


FROM WITHIN MY SPIRIT is an offering of LOVE from

Essence of Paradise Wholistic Health Center


Monday, November 22, 2010

Free Will, Our Master Key


Free Will, Our Master Key

Our free will is our Master Key, which unlocks all of the doors to our only True Reality. Over the years, I have come to realize something that is vital for my journey through this dense physical plane. I have learned that everything that we believe we are in need of, and seek has already been provided for us, and I do mean everything. The reason why we feel that we are in need, and we actually are not, is due to the undeniable fact that we are not consciously and fully connected to DIVINE SOURCE, as we should be, which is our Divine Supply. We lack nothing, however there are things that we must do to unlock and access that which we need and desire. Our Free Will is the Master Key, which opens all of the doors we need to walk through to get that which we are in need. However, using the Master Key of Free Will is only the beginning, the first step. Because using the Master Key only opens the door. Once the door is open, we must enter into the room that we have been given access to. Depending on the door we have opened, determines what our next action will be, and that will be made clear to us soon after we have entered the room.

In the rooms of Divine Supply, we will find everything under lock and key, but not to worry, our Master Key of Free Will is designed in such a way that it will unlock everything that we need to access. Unlike the physical keys we use in this dense physical realm, the Master Key of Free Will opens both large locks (major things on our sojourn through the earth plane), and small locks (minor things on our sojourn through this earth plane). However, there is one thing that we must learn, and hold dear to us. That one thing is Divine Truth. Before we will be allowed to pick up the Master Key of Free Will, which is connected to our beliefs and the unwavering knowing that this is our Divine Reality through our Higher Self, we must be at the place of comprehending Divine Truth personally. If we do not believe that all things have been provided for us since before the foundation of the earth was laid, we will not be aware of the Master Key of Free Will so that we can pick it up and use it as intended. Some things in our physical life experience, simply happens without our conscious participation. While other things require our participation, undivided attention, and individualized action. We do not have a genie in a bottle or a magician, which can miraculously cause things to materialize for us. Because we are not fully aware of our Divine Potential when we tap into the Divine Energy of DIVINE SOURCE and change takes place, we tend to believe that a miracle has happened, not so! We have simply tapped into our Divine Reality that can, and does move mountains, and that is normal for a Spiritual Being, such as you and I on a dense physical plane. Spiritual beings create physical substance and physical reality.

In error, we try to have others such as our Spirit Guides, parents, elders, teachers, authors, leaders, gurus, swamis, religious teachers, and even those who have passed on and are now our ancestors, open doors of understanding and supply for us. However, we cannot have another open a single lock of awareness or action for us, so that we may enter a room of Spiritual awakening, understanding, and/or revelation, not even DIVINE SOURCE. We are a part of the Whole of Creation, and we are all a part of Divine Oneness. However, simultaneously we have individual things that we must do because of our individualized duties, which we must perform as the individual member of the Whole of Creation that we are. Each member of the Body of the Whole of Creation must do its part, so that everything flows smoothly as it is designed to do, just as with our physical human bodies and it’s many different members. Everything that we do as an individual becomes a part of that Sacred Whole. In doing so we Create A Beauty-Full Life, One Second at A Time!

This may seem like a very hard thing to do, but in actuality, it is very simple if we consciously choose to tap into our faith in The DIVINE. There is a song that I Love which says, The Beauty of Simplicity Can Be So Wonderful. That statement is absolute truth. Simplifying my life and everything I do is what I have been feeling I need to do for many years. We humans make life hard and difficult when we fail to go within and get the direction we need, and everything else from DIVINE SOURCE within our very own Spirit. Here are the lyrics to the song.

The Beauty of Simplicity Can Be So Wonderful

The Beauty of Simplicity can be so Wonderful,

Like the winter snowflakes drifting down in the night,

with the glowing moon giving us its light

The Beauty of Simplicity can be so Wonderful,

Like the flowers blossoming in spring,

that’s what the Beauty of Simplicity brings

The Beauty of Simplicity can be so Wonderful,

Like the warmth of the summer sunset,

the warmth that you just could never forget

The Beauty of Simplicity can be so Wonderful,

Now you listen to this song and you can see,

what the beauty of simplicity can be

The Beauty of Simplicity, can be so Wonderful

The Simplicity of Wonder, can be so Wonderful

The Wonder of Beauty, can be so Simple

The Simplicity of Beauty, can be so Wonderful

The Beauty of Wonder, can be so Simple

The Wonder of Simplicity, can be so Beautiful

The Beauty of Simplicity, can be so Wonderful

Have you ever notice, sometimes when you first do something it seems very hard to do? However, after you have done it a few times, that same thing seems so easy to do. Did that which you were doing change? Of course, it did not change; you changed in your perception of what you were doing. Everything we are called to do is simple, because we have been given everything we need to do, whatever comes our way, we just think things are hard because we have forgotten that we are connected to DIVINE SOURCE, and in and through DIVINE SOURCE, we can do all things with Simplicity. As the song adequately says, The Beauty of Simplicity Can Be So Wonder-Full.

So this day, and every day that follows, I reacquaint myself with my Master Key of Free Will, and know that whatever door I am supposed to walk through, will open without hesitation when I use my Master Key of Free Will. You also have a Master Key of Free Will that you must reacquaint yourself with, and use to walk through all of the doors of opportunity that are opened to you in the fullness of supply, as you journey through this Precious Experience we know as life. I pray that you go within and seek Divine Direction, and in the simplicity in which that Divine Direction is presented, you will follow its direction, which will cause you to be successful in that which you do. If a door is closed to you, you will not get discouraged. Because you will know if a door is closed to you, it is not meant for you to walk through that door. On the other hand, it is not the ordained time for you to walk through it, and when the time is right, your Master Key of Free Will without hesitation will open the time lock on that door.

We must not make things more difficult than they are. We tend to want to do more than we need to do, because we feel that more is always better, that is not at all so. There is an old saying, to much of a good thing can be bad for you, and that is true. We must remember that DIVINE SOURCE does not have to warm up, or work ITS way up to what IT is waiting to do for us. When we consciously plug into the Divine Energy of DIVINE SOURCE, the Sacred Spiritual Current starts to flow instantly. Sometimes we do not think it does, because of the differing rates of flow for different things and different situations. Many times, we are not prepared to receive that which we seek all at once. Because the full capacity of such Sacred Energy would be far too much to handle for the physical vehicle we are temporarily housing. Therefore, for our sake, the energy is stepped down, or slowly distributed to us for our safety.

Here is an example of downloading to much Sacred Energy at one time. In the sixties and early seventies psychedelic drugs were used to force a Spiritual Awakening. However, many people lost their minds and ended up in mental institutions, because they could not handle what was shown to them in the parallel realities they accessed. It was the equivalent of trying to put 1000 watts of electricity, into a 40-watt light bulb. Such an action would completely destroy the 40-watt light bulb. Some times, we must wait for the complete manifestation of something to totally manifest while we are being consciously prepared, and expanded to be able to house the increase of Divine Energy. When we plug into DIVINE SOURCE through Prayer and Meditation, we immediately start to receive the Sacred Currant of DIVINE SOURCE at whatever rate is appropriate for us at the time we are tapping into it. It is like flipping a light switch. As soon as we flip the switch, the appropriate currant flows through the circuitry and lights up the light bulb.

I believe that the very second that we enter into Prayer and Meditation, what we are seeking is provided to us in that second if we enter in properly. To enter into that Sacred Space properly, is to enter into it knowing that everything that we seek has already been given to us. However, in our human comprehension, intellect, and human feelings, we feel that it must be more complicated then that, we believe that we must tarry for long periods of time to connect to DIVINE SOURCE to get what we need, not so. That is not to say that it is a waste of time to Pray and Meditate for a half hour or longer, if we have a personal need for such a practice, because it is not a waste of time. Nothing that we do is a waste of time because we learn from everything that we experience. However, when we access DIVINE SOURCE, when we enter into that Sacred Space of Prayer and Meditation, we immediately have accomplished what we set out to accomplish, in that very first second. Actually, we have accomplished it the second we believed it is Divine Will, and we understand that we are worthy of having Divine Will manifest fully in us, and through us.

Have You Used Your Master Key Lately?

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010




Faye Hueston

Fluoride is a highly toxic industrial waste product. It is used in industry for etching glass, Uranium refinement, semi-conductor industries, and it is the active ingredient in some pesticides. It is a 23% solution of the highly toxic industrial waste, hydrofluorosilicic acid, removed from the smokestacks of the fertilizer and aluminum industries. The acid is also contaminated with small traces of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, sulfates, iron and phosphorous.

There is a reason why strong vested interests have made us believe this toxic substance is "good for our teeth." It requires an expensive disposal process. They make more money if it is used, instead of being disposed of, so it is sold to municipalities throughout the country, to be added to our water supplies. The government ignores the environmental cost, because the military has an overriding interest in uranium refinement.

This is why the three major interests—uranium, aluminum, steel, and now DuPont, with their artificial fibers—combined to mount a disinformation campaign, that continues to this day. Scientific studies showing the dangers of fluorine in bone formation, tooth discoloration and formation, osteosarcoma, etc., were ruthlessly suppressed, bogus studies flooded the journals, and scientists who tried to look into the real story were frozen out of their jobs.

Researches have warned that intake of too much fluoride can cause skeletal and dental fluorisis (severe weakening of the bones, muscles, joints, and tooth enamel), bone fractures, and lethal poisoning. It also affects the brain. A recent year-long, low-dose (1ppm) rat study published in Brain Research, found that fluoride facilitated the uptake of aluminum into the brain and produced the kind of amyloid deposits (tangles in the brain) associated with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

One of the most serious effects of fluoride is its ability to displace iodine from the thyroid gland, thus attacking and reducing the secretion of thyroxin. Even Salmon avoid fluoridated waters when they can.

Fluoride is a Weapon of Mass Medication. For our government to mandate that the entire population be medicated with an industrial pollutant is criminal and counter to freedom of choice. Those who want fluoride can have it. Those who don't can't avoid it.

When the Icelandic volcano erupted in April, 2010, an Associated Press article about the grit that was disrupting air travel for days reported: "The ash is toxic—the fluoride causes long-term bone damage that makes teeth fall out and bones break." So why is this substance being put on teeth and in our drinking water supply?

The only sure way to get rid of fluoride and render your water safe to drink or bathe in is by steam distillation.

Fluoride Action Network

Tel: (802) 338-5577

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Should I Trust That Which is Within or Without?


Should I Trust That Which is Within or Without?

Watchman Nee a christian minister, teacher, and author is one of the first christian authors I read. When I was solely a practitioner of the Christian faith, Watchman Nee’s writings made sense and ministered to me. His teachings that rang true to me within my Spirit did so because I believe that everyone is supposed to have a Personal Intimate Relationship with GOD, and the way to do that is through our true self, our Higher Self, our Precious Spirit within. Back then I saw GOD as FATHER GOD, and HE, purely masculine in nature as most do. However, now I can see clearer and that has awakened me to the point that I now recognize that GOD is not only our Heavenly Sacred FATHER but also our Heavenly Sacred MOTHER, both feminine and masculine in energetic vibration, that is why it is taught that both women and men are created in the image of The DIVINE. Woman is just as much a part of The DIVINE as man is. Therefore, in my state of Divine Awakening, I now mostly refer to GOD as SPIRIT, The DIVINE MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, GODDESS/GOD, or GREAT SPIRIT. Our connection to Divine reality, the only reality there is can only be reached through our Spirit within. Therefore, when we are looking for truth and the answers to our problems, our focus should first be directed within to our very own Higher Self/Spirit, not to any man or woman, and most definitely not to any man made religion.

We can never accept that which comes to us externally as automatically being true or coming to us from SPIRIT, simply because we are told it does, or because it seems like it does. We must examine that which comes to us externally against the Divine Truth and Divine Insight that has always resided within our Spirit. That Divine Insight is a safeguard, a part of the Spiritual System of checks and balances that was given to us by GREAT SPIRIT, before our physical incarnation here on Earth Mother. It is the number one safeguard we have been blessed with, and we should always be quick to use. Most of our problems arise from a lack of inner consultation with GODDESS/GOD within our very own Spirit. When we receive and examine that which comes to us from a place of feelings and/or emotions, we are limited in true comprehension, which is due to the fact, that we are dealing from a crude limited level of intellect and awareness that is connected to our limited human mentality. We need to always examine that which comes to us, against the All-Knowing, Unlimited, and Almighty Power of the Sacred Energy of GREAT SPIRIT that dwells within our very own Spirit.

Create A Beauty-Full Life, One Day At A Time!

Love, Cherish and Support All Life!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © March 2008

Revised Nov. 2010