Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Day ~ A New Way


A New Day ~ A New Way

I have reached the following conclusion. As of this day, I will no longer celebrate birthdays, and neither will I celebrate holidays as I have in the past. On this, the first day of the year of 2011, I Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala, have reached a decision based on a very strong inner conviction and knowing. I should and will celebrate and honor every single day of my life, with everything that is within me, as if it were a Holy Day and the last day of my life. I pledge to The DIVINE to welcome every day for exactly what it is, a New Day, a New Beginning, a Resurrection, and the Now, which is all there truly is. Also, I want to make it absolutely clear, that in no way am I saying that everyone should do as I am doing, and not celebrate birthdays and holidays. Everyone should and must follow the path that they feel is right for them. Everyone must follow their heart and especially what they believe SPIRIT is guiding them to do. I honor and respect every individual choice, even those choices that are different from mine. Each and every day that I awake from my sacred sleep, I resurrect anew, I am born again. Each new day is a Sacred Journey of Gratitude and a daily resurrection from the ashes of the past, just like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of death, which is my daily destiny as long as I exist in physical form.

My prayer for my two-legged clan is this. I pray that more of my sisters and brothers of the hu-man race will open up completely to, and yield wholeheartedly to, the blessings of life we are gifted with on a daily basis, and we will celebrate with great gratitude and vigor, the awesome gift of life. I also pray that we will stop judging others and ourselves by the amount of material possessions we accumulate, and we will start to see the abundant wealth that is generated within and through the Magnificent Transformational Power of Unconditional Love that resides within our very own Spirit. There is no greater wealth than what is found within the Sacred Eternal Energy of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the energy of The DIVINE that created and sustains all things.

I believe to say a new day and a new way is not exactly accurate. However, to those of us who have not been practicing this reality it is new. I believe that celebrating each day of our lives in this way is exactly the way life is designed to be lived, by every single individual human being. Every single moment, and every single day is full of the blessing of Unconditional Love. I believe that Unconditional Love is the only thing that is holding this entire creation we know as the physical realm together. Without Unconditional Love, there would be no you or me, and there would likewise be no physical plane. Simply because of that fact alone, we should show daily gratitude for the daily blessing of Unconditional Love, as well as for our daily blessing of life. As for me, showing gratitude and celebrating something or someone are one in the same.

Today is January 9, 2011; I was born on January 9, 1954. I prefer to say that January 9, 1954 is my Earthday, the day I physically entered into this dense physical realm through the Sacred Gates of Heaven. In 1999, I wrote about heaven, and it’s gates in what I entitled, Sacred WomanA Sacred Man’s Perspective.

SACRED WOMB-MAN, your womb is our Heavenly Realm. Your womb is the place where human life is conceived, Loved, and nurtured. Your womb is also the Divine place where our physical body takes on its form, and we begin the ongoing process of Total Spiritual Re-Call, our Spiritual Awakening. Within heaven, which is your womb, is also the Divine place were our temporary physical vessel is implanted with our true nature, our Eternal Spirit of Love.

I believe that our first physical heaven is within our mother’s womb, the place of our Sacred physical development. Because of that divine reality, we should always respect and honor all of our beloved Sacred Women. In addition, since we come from such a Sacred Source that in turn makes us all Sacred as well. Therefore, we should respect and honor all human life for what it is, Sacred and Spiritual. We should likewise honor every form of creation, it all comes from and is one with The DIVINE.

We have been duped to believe that we are less than what we truly are, and we are imperfect, and that everything good is outside of ourselves. In addition, we are taught that sacred times and sacred things only exist at certain times, which is not so at all, every moment of our existence her on Earth Mother is Sacred. Energy wise, everything that we do should be a part of our Sacred State of Being. However, that is only possible if we are in the right Spiritual frame of mind. That is why the lies and deception of our Spiritual disconnect and separation is so devastating to our existence during this physical manifestation, in this physical realm. We must shake ourselves and wake ourselves from this deceptive sleep of separation. Beloved, there is, never has been, and never will be such a separation. If it were possible for such a separation, we would cease to exist all together. It is absolutely impossible for anyone or anything to exist outside of the Sacred Spiritual Realm of Perfection. Everything that we see and experience in the here and now, is a part of SPIRIT. The icing on the cake is this, if everything is a Sacred Part of SPIRIT, everything is a part of perfection personified.

We have been tricked into limiting just about everything that is good, and everything that empowers us. That is done by those who are sent her to teach and test us. Remember, everything comes from, and is a part of, Sacred Perfection, a part of SPIRIT. Therefore, that means that everything is in Divine Order, and everything is a part of the Sacred Orchestration, and the Sacred Melody of GREAT SPIRIT. In perfect harmony with that Sacred Oneness, is our Sacred Communion with SPIRIT, and our Sacred Communion with SPIRIT must be continual, not just a few fleeting moments a day, or one day out of a week.

There is absolutely no existence whatsoever, outside of our connection and oneness with GREAT SPIRIT. Since our connection to and oneness with SPIRIT is our only true reality, we must live in and through that Sacred Connection and Divine Consciousness. Religion is not what it is made out to be, just as a review of a book is not the book, no matter how comprehensive the review may be. What are religions? Religions are only limited personal reviews of True Spirituality; religions are only human interpretations of what one person, or a group of people, think SPIRIT is. To be totally open and honest with you, religions are incomplete, and some are intentionally deceptive, and that which is incomplete and deceptive will never guide us to the proper destination. Without ceasing, we must practice True Spirituality. Our foundation during this sojourn through the physical plane must be constructed totally of that which is Spiritual. So, Saturday, Sunday or any other day is not adequate for our time of acknowledging and honoring SPIRIT. We must acknowledge and honor SPIRIT throughout every day, we are responsible to do such, each and every single day of our lives.

I remember once being told by someone I loved with all of my heart and soul, that I need to get real. All of the Spiritual stuff, the prayer and meditation you are doing will not get you a job or pay your bills. I agree that we cannot sit, pray, and meditate all day long and do nothing else and expect our physical needs to be met. However, we cannot expect our physical needs to be met, if we do not have perfect balance between that which is Spiritual, and that which is physical. Our true self who is our Higher Self is total Spirit. However, while we are in this temporal physical state of being, we must have balance between our higher nature, which is Spiritual, and our lower nature, which is physical. If we negate or belittle either one, we will find ourselves in big trouble.

I have entitled these scripted words, A New Day ~ A New Way. Actually, it is A New Day, however it is not A New Way. The way we are called to live life here on this physical plane has never changed and will never change. It is the way we have chosen to live life here on this physical plane that must change. We have been living life out of balance, living outside of the perfect Blue Print of Abundant Life. However, not to worry, resurrection and restoration are Spiritual Gifts we have been given for such a time as this. We must swallow our pride, bury our ego, re-focus, and re-commit ourselves to following and doing that which we are eternally called to follow and do. The beginning of this journey starts with recognizing our Oneness with SPIRIT and the Whole of Creation, and recognizing the reality that we are Perfect Spiritual Beings, that are going through a temporary physical experience we call and know as life.

Sometimes things may seem so difficult that we may think, what is the use, it is impossible to correct all of the wrongs in our life and the world. That is not how it is. Nothing is to difficult to deal with, because we have the Ultimate Power of powers, a power that conquers all, you and I have the All Powerful Conquering Power of Unconditional Love. It is said that Love conquers all, and I am here to tell you from experience, that Love does conquer all. Many are coming to know this very important reality. However, they are still not using the conquering power of Love to its fullest degree. Many of us have yet to apply the conquering power of Love to our lives. Many of us have become proficient in limiting and forgetting about our needs. Sometimes that is due to the faulty program we have allowed to run in the background call unworthiness, which is linked to the lie of original sin, you know the story of being created a sinner. We are taught that we where created by GOD, which is PERFECTION ITSELF. Yet, we are taught that we are an imperfect creation that is full of imperfection, or in other words, we are a creation that is full of sin. How can an Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnificent CREATOR create something that is imperfect? That is outrageously impossible. Therefore, our first step is to consciously enter into the Divine Realm and Reality that SPIRIT is our Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnificent CREATOR. Because of that Divine Realm and Reality, that makes us one SPIRIT’, that means that we are a Perfect Creation indeed.

Therefore, as for the whole of creation and me, consciously and motivationally it is definitely

A New Day ~ A New Way

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

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