Monday, April 4, 2011

Black Mountain: Such Beauty-Full Energy


Such Beauty-Full Energy

Today after working for my old neighbor and very good friend Mike, he treated to a priceless experience, a wonder filled drive through one of many extremely beauty full mountainous areas of North Carolina not far from where I now live. I must say, it was one of the Most Beauty-Full experiences I have ever had. I was gifted with beholding the Awesome Majestic Natural Beauty of Earth Mother in all of Her glory and grandeur.

As I was being driven down the winding mountain roads, the following thought entered into my mind. If every human being had a chance to see the glory of this Divine Awesome Spell Bounding Majestic Beauty, and allowed it’s Sacred Creative Energy to fully penetrate deep within their Spirit, Mind and Body, humanity would not be able abuse Earth Mother and each other in the way they have been, and are doing to this day.

Everything that you see, touch, and hear is a major part of Earth Mother. Yes, every single thing around us is a part of the Whole of Creation. If this experience I was gifted with, was part of everyone’s life experience, they would feel and experience in a multitude of ways the Glory of Creation in its awesome, countless Spiritual and physical expressions of Love, Light, Oneness, Peace, Beauty, and Harmony. In addition, they would not even be able to think a single thought that was not in lock step, and in one accord with that which is responsible for all of the Beauty and Unconditional Love that surrounds us, and is within our Spirit eternally. The true comprehension of the Glory of Creation, would cause all to consciously experience the Eternal Unconditional Love of GREAT MYSTERY, and everything else that reflects, produces, and promotes Unconditional Love, Eternal Life, the Light of Creation, and every other manifestation of the Positive Creative Energy of the Creator of All Things, GREAT MYSTERY. Thanks Mike!

To GREAT MYSTERY goes all of the Glory!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

Copyright © April 2011