Friday, July 30, 2010

To Chase Down a Dream!


To Chase Down a Dream!

Sorry I've been MIA but we just finished the movie, For Colored Girls, and I have to tell you, I have new respect for Ntozake Shange's 1975 writings. Listening to these words spoken through the voices of Phylicia Rashad, Kerry Washington, Tessa Thompson, Macy Gray, Kimberly Elise, Thandie Newton, Whoopi Goldberg, Janet Jackson and Loretta Devine, made me not only respect the brilliance of the material, but also pull out everything in me to do my best to give it the care and attention to detail that it deserved. Out of all that I've ever done in my life, nothing has taken

more out of me than this film. It is remarkable.

Being so drained, I decided to take a few days off. Yesterday I was hiking a mountain in Hawaii with a friend. I was laboring up this beautiful green pastured mountain, looking down at my feet trying to be sure of my footing, while at the same time trying to catch my breath from the altitude. At times, I would make big steps, sometimes all I could do was take small ones. The terrain was uneven and rough at times. It took a lot of effort and a lot of thought so, needless to say, I was getting really tired and at times wanted to stop or just turn back.

I got to one peak and I thought "I'm here, great, we can rest now" only to realize that just because I was at the top of one peak, that didn't mean I had arrived. There were more…more valleys to go through and more heights to reach. It was interesting to me, that in order to go higher, we usually had to go down through a valley, and it went on and on and up and up. I was tired and wanted to sit down but my friend said, "Come on, let's go a little higher." So, not to be outdone by a girl (lol), I dug my hiking boots in and went a little higher. We finally got to one of the highest points and she said to me, "This is the best part, now turn around." I turned around and behind me was the most amazing view that I had seen in my 40 years on this earth. As far as my eyes could see, beauty reigned. The Hawaiian Islands seemed to be leaping up out of the silver blue sea, stretching up to catch the dust of the sky. The clouds seemed close enough to catch in my hand and make a wish; rays of sunlight danced through them trying to find a path to show off their own glow and power. Not even Picasso could have out-painted the canvas that was before me. The heavens were declaring the glory of God. I saw Him in motion.

I said to my friend, "When did we get this high?", and she said, "It was in the climb." I couldn't help but think about life - mine and maybe even yours. I thought about how hard it had been for me chasing down my dream. I thought about how hard it can be to believe sometimes. I thought about the entire struggle, all of the pain, all of the hope, all of the doubt. I thought about the times I was working a dead end job, trying to believe; moving through day-to-day with my head down just taking one step at a time, some small, some big ones, wanting to give up; wanting to stop and sit for a while; wanting to lay in my sorrow; nobody believing in me; nobody thinking it would come to pass and never realizing that every step was taking me closer to higher. That hike was painful, it hurt, but through it all I was getting higher and had no idea how high I was. That's what it's like to chase down a dream.

Sometimes in life dreams are hard to follow, like that climb. You don't know how high you're going or even if you're moving, but every step, even when you can't see what's behind you, will take you closer to your goals. It's in the climb. I know you may be struggling right now, but you're in the climb; things may be hard right now, but you're in the climb; people may not believe in you, but it's part of the climb. They may take shots at you, but stay in the climb; you may have to stand alone, but you're in the climb. Even if you're not where you want to be right now, I want to say to you what she said to me, "This is the best part, now turn around." Look how far you've come. God has not brought you this far to leave you. Stay in the climb.

So thankful for all of you. Be well. Climb!

Tyler Perry

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Am the Phoenix Arisen


The Phoenix Bird

Author Unknown

Beneath the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise stood a rosebush. And here, in the first rose, a bird was born. His plumage was beautiful, his song glorious, and his flight was like the flashing of light. But when Eve plucked the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and she and Adam were driven from Paradise, a spark fell from the flaming sword of the angel into the nest of the bird and set it afire. The bird perished in the flames, but from the red egg in the nest there flew a new bird, the only one of its kind, the one solitary Phoenix Bird. The legend tells us how he lives in Arabia and how every century he burns himself to death in his nest, but each time a new phoenix, the only one in the world, flies out from the red egg.

The bird darts about as swift as light, beautiful in color, glorious in song. When a mother sits beside her infant's cradle, he settles on the pillow and forms a glory with his wings about the head of the child. He flies through the room of contentment and brings sunshine into it, and he makes the violets on the humble cupboard smell sweet.

But the phoenix is not a bird of Arabia alone. In the glimmer of the northern lights he flies over the plains of Lapland and hops amid the yellow flowers in the short Greenland summer. Deep beneath the copper mountains of Falun, and in England's coal mines, he flies in the form of a powdered moth over the hymnbook resting in the hands of the pious miner. He floats down the sacred waters of the Ganges on a lotus leaf, and the eye of the Hindu maid brightens when she beholds him.

Phoenix Bird! Don't you know him? The Bird of Paradise, the Holy Swan of song? He sat on the car of Thespis, like a chattering raven, flapping his black gutter-stained wings; the swan's red, sounding beak swept over the singing harp of Iceland; he sat on Shakespeare's shoulder, disguised as Odin's raven, and whispered, "Immortality!" into his ear; and at the minstrels' feast he fluttered through the halls of the Wartburg.

Phoenix Bird! Don't you know him? He sang the Marseillaise to you, and you kissed the feather that fell from his wing; he came in the glory of paradise, and perhaps you turned away from him toward the sparrow that sat with gold tinsel on its wings.

The Bird of Paradise-renewed each century-born in flame, dying in flame! Your portrait in a frame of gold hangs in the halls of the rich, but you yourself often fly around lonely and misunderstood-a myth only: "The phoenix bird of Arabia."

When you were born in the Garden of Paradise, in its first rose, beneath the tree of knowledge, our Lord kissed you and gave you your true name-poetry!

The End

I Am the Phoenix Arisen

by: Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

It is said that the phoenix arose from flames, ashes, and rose from death to life. I have risen from the sorrows, pains, disappointments, failures, illusions and the deceptions of this physical incarnation exactly as the Beloved Phoenix Bird has risen from flames and ashes, rose from the dust, rose from death. Nothing and no one can keep my Spirit from continually arising to the Spiritual heights set for me by GREAT SPIRIT, not even my delusional lower self can stop this process, because deep within my Spirit and Higher Self I am totally committed to and ruled by the Divine Will of SPIRIT ITSELF. SPIRIT rules supreme within my Spirit.

I had no choice but to go down into the abyss of this physical experience called life, before I could arise sound and true to the Divine Will of SPIRIT. I had to be purified by the fires and pressures of life’s challenges, what some call and know as hell, in order that I could begin the process of total separation from everything that is not pure and true to my Sacred Spiritual Path. Like the black piece of coal that had to go through extreme pressure so, it could become a Flawless Clear Sparkling Precious Diamond. I had no choice but to go through the dark pressures of life to consciously become the Eternal Spiritual Creation that I am, that I have always been deep within my Spirit. All of the pressures of life have set me free, now I can truly see, and be that which I was created to be.

What I thought were new expressions, new feelings, new experiences, new thoughts, new insights, new visions, new faith, and new hope, were merely remembered realities that have eternally been a part of my Divine Reality. I have risen from the flames and ashes and I am re-calling who I truly am. I am who I was created to be, I am all of my ancestors, I am you, I am one with the Whole of Creation. Ultimately, I Am One With MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. I have come to understand the true meaning of this human existence called life. No more abuse from myself, anyone else, or anything else. It is time for me to exclusively flow with the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love, which issues freely from SPIRIT to my Spirit. I have reached the beginning of my ultimate eternal destiny; I am an Ambassador of Unconditional Love.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

(a.k.a. Kevin William Naylor)

Copyright © July 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010




Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © June 2006

Revised 07.28.2010

I greet you on this Wonder-Full Day of Creation with the Sacred Energy and Divine Power of Peace, Light and Unconditional Love. Today I have a few questions to pose to you and myself. Who are you? Why are you here? My answers to these questions are; “I am one of the many Fruits of SPIRIT, and a seed of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. In addition to that, I Am One with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. That is exactly who I am.” Now the second question, why am I here? “I Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala, named at birth Kevin William Naylor incarnated into this physical realm on Earth Mother in 1954 to further my Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Re-call, and Spiritual Evolution. Moreover, I am here on this physical plane to experience Divine Reality and Creation from the other side of the Sacred Spiritual Veil. 

Collectively I believe that each human being is a seed of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, a seed that is transformed into one of the Precious Fruits of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. Since that is a major part of our currant reality, we are Divinely and Eternally cared for by SOURCE. Everything that is required to experience a successful journey through this dense physical plane and beyond comes to us as we begin to re-call and mature Spiritually. Everything we need is being provided for Divinely. Unconditional Love is the Sacred Foundation upon which we were created; and now the foundation upon which we must stand firmly. Unconditional Love is the foundation upon which The Universe was created, and Unconditional Love is the foundation upon which we must stand as we re-member how to be creators and as we create. MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD our Loving Eternal Parent is a part of everything that we do whether we are aware of that Divine Reality or not. We can never separate ourselves from GODDESS-GOD. Because that connection is a part of our Eternal Reality, we carry the SPIRIT and Energy of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD within our Spirit everywhere we go. The Sacred Energy of SPIRIT in some form is in everything that we do.

Beloved, I have one last question for us. What are we exposing SPIRIT to through as we go about living the remainder of our lives here on this physical plane? First, I must recognize that there is nothing whatsoever that I can think, say, or do that will have a negative affect upon SPIRIT. It is impossible for me, or anyone else to offend or tarnish SPIRIT in any way by anything that we create. However, I always want to do my best, go to the right places, be with the right people, and always carry myself in a way that reflects my conscious reality that I am a Spiritual Being who is One with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, and one with the Whole of Creation. In addition, as with my biological parents, I desire to take MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD to only the best places, and do the right things so that I will know that GODDESS-GOD is proud of me and pleased with me. As I think about MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD and Divine Reality, I understand that there is absolutely nothing I could ever do, that would ever cause MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD to see me in less then a positive favorable way. Absolutely nothing that I do will change MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD’S vision of me, because even though I may not fully understand and know, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD knows who and what I am.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © June 2006


“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” can be two very difficult questions to answer, especially when one is still in the process of recalling who they are, and why they are here. It is even more difficult when we have to use this limited human intellect, coupled with the limited languages we have to use to communicate to one another, in an attempt to express who we are and why we are here from a Spiritual standpoint. Every language known to humankind is limited when it boils down to being able to expressing who and what a Spiritual Beings such as you and I are. There are things that we believe and know are a part of our reality, energies that we possess, gifts that we have been blessed with, and Spiritual experiences and understanding that we have had that no language could ever begin to express.

Who am I? Through the limited expression that I have I will once again try to express to you who I believe myself to be. I am a Spiritual Being on a Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment, Inner Exploration, and Spiritual Expansion, one who is traveling through a dense physical plane, which I affectionately embrace and call my Earth Mother. I believe that one major reason for this sometimes-mysterious journey is to experience the other side of creation functioning through our free will to choose either that which originates from within the Light, or that which originates from within the darkness. I know deep within my Spirit that we are creators. You and I create our reality, and our surrounding worlds every second of every day. We are connected to and one with the Master Creator of everything known to humankind, and that Master Creator is none other then MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. There is no question in my mind or Spirit about that Divine Fact. We are One with each other, and most importantly we and the Whole of Creation are One with our Beloved Creator MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, the Master Architect and Creator of everything. Once we posses the unadulterated remembrance of who we truly are, and incorporate that Divine Knowledge in the daily routine we call life, there will be no discordant energy to be found within us. In addition, there will also be absolutely no insurmountable conflict we will be faced with in our surrounding worlds. Then and only then will we experience the never ending Peace and Joy of Paradise, and the euphoria of basking in the Powerful Crystal Light of Love, which is also known as the Life Giving Energy of SPIRIT’S Awesome Eternal Energy of Unconditional Love. 

In this physical incarnation, I am blessed to be what has been labeled multicultural and multiracial. In alphabetical order, I am a blend of African, Australian, Caucasian, and Native American heritage. Moreover, there could very well be other races in the mix that I am not aware. I am very fortunate to be aware of such a blended heritage because it has allowed me to know first hand that there is actually only one race of people, the human race. Everyone on the face of Earth Mother has been oppressed and misled in some way by someone. The role of humanity is not to point out others mistakes and differences, and then label those who make the mistakes and have differences inferior. In addition, it is not the role of anyone to force his or her misconceived superiority on another. Whenever you find someone operating through that type of energy, you automatically know he or she is functioning from the place of a very low self-esteem. Actually, they feel inferior to everyone else, and to combat that inferiority complex they try to turn the tables around and say that others are inferior to them. Divine reality teaches us that we are all equal; we are all One because of the Sacred Spirit of GODDESS-GOD that dwells within each of us. How would it be if my right leg felt superior to my left leg and it had a mind of its own, and decided to always go in the opposite direction of the left leg? I would find myself on my face every time I would try to walk. Basically, that is what happens to those of us who feel that we are superior to others. Every time we think that way we end up falling flat on our ego and step all over our pride. Have you ever known someone who knew pretty much who they are to the best of their ability? You never find them going around trying to prove to others who they are, and what they can do. They simply go about living their lives simply being who they are and doing what they know they are supposed to do, looking for no recognition and no fanfare.

Who am I? I Am GODDESS-GOD. Yes you heard me correctly, I did say that; “I Am GODDESS-GOD.” Please take a few minutes and give this some serious thought. You have a biological mother and father, they came together in the Sacred Physical Union of Love, the two became one in Spirit, Mind and Body through the Sacred Intimate Relationship of Love, and with the assistance of GODDESS-GOD they produce you, an actual living human being. The reality of that relationship is you are made up of an equal part of your biological mother and an equal part of your biological father. In essence, you are a derivative of your mother and father; you are your mother and your father. However, at the same time you are the individual you. It is the same thing with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, and us. Whoever or whatever SPIRIT is, we are also. The Christian religion teaches that we are created in the image and likeness of GOD. You and I are the fruits of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. Have you every heard this saying? You can tell a tree by the fruit it bares. That is Absolute Truth. An apple tree cannot bear lemons; neither can a lemon tree bear apples. You, the Whole of Creation, and me are the Precious Fruits of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. That makes all of us GODDESS-GOD.

How will you and I the Fruits of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD be critiqued? Are we fresh, sweet, full of flavor, and full of life? Are we stacked away in a cold dark place rotting and starting to stink? Are we causing our sweet savory flavor and life giving essence to become foul, bitter, and lifeless due to the negative energy we have allowed ourselves to be around, ingest, and produce? Are we allowing our energy to become foggy, dull, and dark because we are not focused on that which is Spiritual and Life Giving? Are we creating the proper atmosphere that will allow the Inner Light and Unconditional Love of SPIRIT to shine in us and through us brightly? No matter what our answers to those questions are, there is always hope for change and a brighter new dawn. We all miss the mark from time-to-time. Remember, we are all here to experience what I have affectionately termed Total Spiritual Re-Call, remembering our Spiritual Divinity and Spiritual Birth Right, the process that once again consciously enables you and I to become the Spiritual Beings and Spiritual Creators that we have always been, and always will be. Notice that I said; “once again consciously.” You and I have never stopped being the Divine Creation that we have always been, even before our physical creation and manifestation. We were created a Divine Creation and we will eternally be a Divine Creation.

In error, we stopped looking at the reality of SPIRIT within (the Spiritual), and allowed ourselves to focus on the outer physical world, which is the self-manufactured illusion of man’s limited human intellect. The physical realm is not our reality. You and I are not physical beings we are Spiritual Beings. That tells me that we must focus on that which is Spiritual in order to truly be who we are. How do we accomplish that? Simple, we ask SPIRIT for the ability, the understanding, the know how, and the direction to do it, and one day we will come to realize how to properly go about following the Sacred Path of Unconditional Love and Light, and we will finally recognize that we have everything that we need. Direction will come to us in many ways, through ideas, suggestions, dreams, hunches, a word from a stranger, and many other ways. One day we will finally realize without a shadow of doubt, that we have always had it, and we will never loose it.

There is one last thing we must know and understand right now. We must know and understand that we will not be able to explain everything that we experience, feel, believe, and know about MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD, many Spiritual experiences and Spiritual awakenings are not meant to be explained, they can only be experienced. To truly know most of the Spiritual insights that we must come to know, we have no choice but to experience them firsthand.


Is To Experience The Oneness of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © June 2006

Revised 07.28.2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

To Be Free

This is a very powerful video about freedom. When you watch it, you will inevitably find yourself reflecting on the state of the world today. Please give Love a chance. I Love You!

One Love To All, Unconditional!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala




When I have talked to some about faith, a few of them have said something similar to this. Faith, you need to get real. Faith is some of that religious crap that christians are always rambling about. We are living in the real world, not a fairytale make believe world. That reminds me of something that my ex-wife told me when I ended up unemployed after resigning from one job for another, and having the other job inform me of changes and they would not be taking me one day before I was to be hired. She said; you better get real, and stop all of that prayer and meditation and find a job, I am not taking care of another man; I have been there and done that. I told her that my praying and meditating was not interfering with me finding a job. If anything, prayer and meditation would help me. I would pray and meditate around 4:00 or 5:00 every morning, and later each morning I would start searching for work. I also shared with her that prayer and meditation gave me the peace I needed during this very difficult time, it also played a key role in strengthening my faith.

Humanity has gotten so disconnected from Spiritual Reality that anything associated with Spirituality seems unrealistic and like a fairytale. Faith is an integral part of our eternal existence and reality. Yes, faith is a major focus of the christian religion, and here is one of their most famous biblical verses. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen.” Another translation of that verse says; “Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.” Therefore, faith is the belief in, and devotion to GODDESS-GOD, trusting in something without logical proof, and allegiance or loyalty to someone and something that is much bigger than you and I and the entire Universe.

Whether faith is consciously believed or not, it is practiced by everyone throughout our lifetime more then anything else we do. We practice faith without consciously giving it a single thought, because faith is just that close to us. Faith is a very important major part of who we are. Whether we know it our not, we have a daily intimate relationship with faith. I will prove my point by asking you this. Do you give any thought to how to make the blood that carries the life force throughout your physical body, and what you must do to keep that blood flowing consistently through the veins at the proper rate that will keep you alive? Do you give any thought to inhaling and exhaling air? If you are in good health, do you give thought to whether or not you will wake up in the morning? I could go on and on, however I do not think that is necessary because my point has been made. If we measured it, we would see that we live on faith more then anything else. Here is one more example that I must share with you. Electricity and the light it produces are real, and so is the light switch that turns on that light. When we flip the light switch to the on position, we have faith that the light will come on in order that we can see where we are going in an otherwise dark room. When faith is accessed in our lives, it becomes the switch, the wire, the electricity, and the light that illuminates our surroundings and helps guide us through life safely. It is impossible to live a single minute of life without faith, period, end of story.

Speaking of living a minute of life without something, it is beyond the stretch of the wildest imagination, beyond reality to believe that we can live without GODDESS-GOD and Spirituality. We are Spiritual beings; it is just that plain and simple. Being Spiritual beings means it is natural for us to function in and through a state of Spirituality. It is possible for us to do some things in a semi-conscious state of existence. However, sooner or later we must recognize that we are Spiritual Beings that live by faith, and we must act accordingly. When we do that, life will be so much easier to deal with. Hear me well now; I did not say that life would be easy. I said; “… life will be so much easier to deal with.” Faith is what always sees us through our challenges, and faith is our strength and our companion through the darkest of times. Faith is such an integral part of life that we sometimes even choose to have faith in others. Faith in others can be risky, because we can let each other down sometimes, simply because we are still a work in progress. There are so many things to learn and work through such as faith and trust in GODDESS-GOD. Having faith in GODDESS-GOD is absolute; you can bet on it and bank on it. Having faith in GODDESS-GOD is a sure thing that will never fail us or come up short. I will bet on faith every single time.

Just about everything that I have acquired in life became a reality through having faith. When my faith was weak, it took longer to get what I wanted or needed. The stronger my faith, the quicker things or situation materialized in my surrounding world and within me. However, it is said that even a small amount of faith can produce great wonders, and that is true. "If your faith is the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." That was said to someone who did not believe in faith. In that case, it took just the smallest amount of faith. Our troubles and needs have become some of our mountains in life. Faith can move those mountains, transform them, or do whatever is needed and aligned perfectly with Divine Will. Many of our troubles in life seem like mountains when we are trying to deal with them without our faith in GODDESS-GOD as our provider. On the other hand, with faith the same situations that loamed over us as gigantic mountains now are seen, as they truly are, nothing but little anthills. They can be move out of our way, or we can step over them. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen.” By the way, the mustard seed is one of the smallest seed in the world, and it produces one of the largest trees in the world.

"If your faith is the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Another big problem we have is the show me mentality, to see it is to believe it. Yeah right! We are so caught up in this physical dimension, if we cannot physically see something; we say it must not be real. Actually, we can not see our true self because it is Spirit, and Spirit has no physical form because it is pure energy. Faith is invisible energy and our true self who is Spirit is invisible energy. Therefore, based on our intellectual wisdom and understanding of reality, we are not real, that is of course according to the definition of reality in the minds of many. According to our intellectual analogy of seeing something makes it real is wrong. We know that deep within us if we honestly think about it. Air cannot be seen, and it is as real as real can get. In addition, we cannot see sound; yet in reality we hear sound. Faith is real and likewise it cannot be seen. Without faith, there would be no you or me. Without faith, there would be no Universe, and without mustard seed faith, the Whole of Creation would vanish.

In times such as we are living in today, faith is an absolute necessity. Matter of fact, mustard seed faith times one hundred is necessary to get through the darkness of troubled times of today. To try to exist without faith is like trying to cross the desert without a drop of water, to do so is impossible. Therefore, since we know that we must have faith, we must go all out to be conscious of it as we live our lives through it. We must go all out to expand our faith as much as possible. Being faithful is not the same thing as being fanatical. Nevertheless, if being faithful was a sign of being fanatical, I will take an extra large portion of fanatical please. It is not about what others think, say, or believe. It is about us as individuals doing what we believe GODDESS-GOD would have us do. Faith is the Master Key that opens all of the doors that we must walk through in life that will facilitate the Spiritual process of Total Spiritual Re-Call, remembering who we are Spiritually. Faith is the water that we need that causes us to grow Spiritually as it quenches our Spiritual thirst. We must have faith so that we can break loose from the familiar and launch out into the deep. The familiar is the place we find ourselves today. The deep is that place of expansive Spiritual awakening, growth, and maturity. If we feel satisfied with where we are at right now, and we do not want more out of life, hold on to the familiar and stay right where you are. Moreover, the familiar is like stagnant water; it eventually starts to stink because there is no movement. However, if you want to grow, expand, and mature Spiritually, the deep is where you belong. As long as we are in physical form on this dense physical plane, we will break loose from the familiar and launch out into the deep many times. It is all about Growth, Expansion, and Spiritually Maturity, which is an ongoing process for us all as we sojourn through this physical plane.

If necessary, start by having faith the size of a mustard seed, which

is one of the smallest seed there is, it will move mountains for you.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © July 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Compassionate Communication


Compassionate Communication

I usually do not write about something like this. However, I am feeling that I should address this because it may help us all in some way. Therefore, I am moving forward and share with you what is on my heart.

The other day I received an e-mail sharing a video entitled These Are Sacred Days. When I went on the internet to watch the video it wasn’t there. I thought a mistake was made in the Youtube address so I tried to access the video by name; only to find out that it had been removed around the same time the e-mail went out inviting everyone to watch it. A few days later I received another e-mail saying there had been some issues with the music and the video was up and running again. I thought that maybe the music wasn’t playing because of technical issues. However, it turns out that the Wonderful Spirit that created the video made the mistake of using copyrighted music that she had not gotten permission to use. This is the web address of the new video These Are Sacred Days

The same day I was informed that the video was back up I received another e-mail explaining that the music in the original video was written by Tom Kenyon, and Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion had sent e-mails that reflected Tom and Judy’s disposition concerning the use of his music. I completely understand that what was done was wrong. Nevertheless, as an old saying points out so well, two wrongs do not make a right. Tom and Judy had no understanding that the Wonderful Spirit that had wrongfully used the music did so because she was honoring Tom’s music by using it in her video. She did not do solicit or get any money for making the video; she did it simply to spread Love and Light to everyone who views the video. She also did it to publicly honor the Spiritual work of the international Spiritual teacher Patricia Cota Robles. There in could be the major problem with the use of the music and the harsh rebuke issued. Nevertheless, to verbally assault the woman who made the video in the way that both Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion did, was uncalled for and without a shadow of doubt not Spiritual. Both Tom and Judy owe this Wonderful Spirit an apology. That is the proper thing to do after verbally slashing my Spiritual Sister.

I started to post the e-mails from Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion in this post; however, I decided that enough of that negative energy has already circulated around the internet in those e-mails. I hope and pray that we all stop being so self-centered, and start seeing beyond our selfish needs and desires, also beyond the surface of the words and actions of others. Most of the time, people mean no harm; they actually are trying to do what they believe to be the right thing to do. We must stop judging and condemning others and reach deep within, to the very core of our Spirit and pull out a humongous offering of Compassion, Tolerance, Sympathy, and Unconditional Love for others. We must remember that it is said and so true; Love Conquers All. Moreover, I would like to add one word to that very true and important age-old statement, which will cause it to energetically radiate with even more energy than it does, Unconditional Love Conquers All!

Someone may ask, who do you think you are saying this about Tom Kenyon? I am a Spiritual being traveling through this dense physical plane just like Tom. A Spiritual being that is neither above nor below him. I am his equal; just like every other human/Spiritual being on the face of Earth Mother is his equal. I have admired some of his work over the years and see him as my brother. However, sisters and brothers sometimes we misspeak and need to be spoken to in an effort to point out the error. That is of course if the objective is to spiritually maintain order, Light, and Love in everything that is done in life. Because of that, I sent Tom and Judy a personal e-mail after reading their e-mails to the Wonderful Spirit who created the video. We cannot put on and take off our Spirituality whenever we please, we are either Spiritual or not. Being Spiritual means that we are motivated and driven by Unconditional Love, and Unconditional Love comes to us through our conscious connection and communion with none other than DIVINE SPIRIT when we enter into the Sacred Dimension of Meditation. Compassion and Forgiveness are joined together with Unconditional Love as eternal companions. Within the situation at hand, we can find one or more lessons for all who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and an awakened conscious intellect to learn.

Compassionate Communication is what is missing in so many of our lives today. It is imperative that we find a way to reincorporate compassion into our every day communication with others. Compassionate Communication is simply communicating with others in and through the Sacred Energy and Omnipotent Vibration of Unconditional Love. Have we not learned from our past experiences and history dating back to the beginning of time that communicating any other way simply does not work?

Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion as well as you, me and everyone else must find a ways individually to forever do away with the ego that roars so loud, yet has no teeth. The ego is just a big bag of hot air. The only power the ego has is the power we give it. We give the ego power when we take ownership of people and things, also when we give the ego permission to rule our lives. All we have to do is say no more, turn our backs on the ego, and open our hearts wide to the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love.

I am Unconditionally Loving Tom and Judy by speaking from my heart Universal Truth. I am doing this in hopes that they will understand that in error they allowed their ego to speak to the situation and not their Higher Selves and the Omnipotent Vibration of Unconditional Love. We all make mistakes every now and then. However, the major question is this. Are we learning from our mistakes, never to repeat them? Give in to the ego and end up in the darkness of despair. On the other hand, yield to the Divine Will of Unconditional Love and we are transported into the Sacred Light and Presence of DIVINE SPIRIT.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

July 20, 2010