Monday, January 9, 2012

The Path of 100%


The Path of 100%

Just before I sat down to write my thoughts on what I had received concerning the ongoing direction in my life which includes my personal relationship with Love; I received a message and link from one of my favorite female vocalist, Alison David entitled “Home”; it was performed live in England on the Winter Solstice 2011. Seeing the video this morning was confirmation of what I was hearing and feeling deep within my Spirit that I must do in this time and space. Here is my response to Alison’s video. Following that I will write in a little detail what I am receiving.


First I must start off by saying; you are a Sweet Angel. This morning I had made up my mind during my Sacred Time, that it was time for me to go on a journey that I have yet to travel fully; that journey is what I am calling, The Path of 100%; going within to commune with SPIRIT, in and through the Divine Eternal Energy of Love. My entire life I have been in search of Love, and for the most part I was searching for Love outside of myself from others, and that was surely the wrong place to look for and receive Love. I have learned over the 57 years I have lived, that the Love I am searching for cannot be found outside of myself. That is because until I learn to Love myself completely and unconditionally, I will never be able to draw to me the kind of Love that I desire from others. Continuing to do as I have done in the past will only draw to me the same experiences and individuals I have repeatedly drawn to me.

When I listened to and felt your energy when you were singing “Going Home” that was the icing on the cake for me; because it was pure confirmation that I am doing the right thing, by ending my search for Love outside of myself; and starting to focus the majority of my attention concerning Love, on the Love that dwells within my Spirit; and also focusing on Loving myself. I knew I was on the way to doing the right thing before hearing you sing. However, the confirmation by way of the video of you singing “Going Home” gave me the extra-added boost necessary to do this with even greater enthusiasm. I believe that every single human being on this planet is, or at some point in time has experience what I have been going through my entire lifetime, and since I have tried everything else in the 57 years I have lived, it is time to finally travel the Inner Path of Love. Actually, as I think about it more, I can see that I am way over due in doing such. Nonetheless, the good thing about this experience called life is, as long as there is breathe within our bodies, we can always completely turn things around. I am so glad that I am starting this new Path of Inner Love, The Path of 100% today. My birthday is coming up on next Monday, which means that I will be ending another year of my life in search of Love. Right here and right now I am affirming that from just three days before my 58 birthday and throughout the rest of my life, I Am committed to traveling the Path that was designed specifically for all humans to travel. I Am Going Home (the place where SPIRIT dwells within my very own Spirit) because I Am on The Path of 100%.

Thank You Sweet Angel I Love You!



Keep up the inspirational singing that you do so well, and continue to reach deep within your Spirit, and you will always find that which will assist you on your journey.

One Love, Unconditional!

Over the 57 years of my life, I have desired with all of my heart to love and be loved in return. I was very fortunate to have a father who was so in touch with love as he was; I found out as I grew up, that having a father so in touch with love like that is very unusual. Because of how in touch with love my father was, he was able to love me in such a way that it would help me feel comfortable sharing my love with everyone just as he did. However, I had to learn how to fully handle the very powerful energy of love in my life all by myself. Just as with most of the gifts and energies we possess, love is an energy and area of our lives that we must learn how to use and control first hand, such experience and wisdom can only come by way of our personal experiences. Nevertheless, if it had not been for my father teaching me love, through him being a living example and the embodiment of love in his life, and him sharing that with me, I would not be so comfortable and open when it comes to sharing my love as I do to this very day. However, there was one very important thing that I did not understand until much later in life; and that was that I first had to reach the place of being able to master self-love, before I could even begin to think about loving someone outside of myself. With that very important part of the puzzle of life missing, I wandered around aimlessly in the wilderness of failed love, from one relationship to another, experiencing all manner of emotional and physical pain. I was meeting people that were just like myself. Those I met were like me because they had not mastered the transformational art and power of self-love, just as I hadn’t. Because of that there was no way that we could have the relationship that we wanted, the relationship we needed, and the relationship we were working so hard to possess. Also because I had not experienced fully loving myself, I failed at loving my children as passionately as my father loved me. However, that in no way meant that I did not love my children who I call My Four Heart Beats, because I did, and still do, with everything that is within me.

This morning upon waking from a very troubled sleep, this insight within my Spirit was awaiting me. I need to completely surrender to SPIRIT by completely releasing everything that I am seeking outside of myself, and seek and rely wholeheartedly on the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE of SPIRIT within my very own Spirit. I was to give up on my search for a Sacred Woman to have an Intimate Love Relationship with, and for now to concentrate solely on loving SPIRIT and myself. I feel confident in doing so, because I know that all of my needs will be met when everything is in perfect alignment within my being. So in accordance with that, I have decided to end my search for my Sacred Woman (intimate partner), and commit myself completely to learning how to Love SPIRIT and myself, as I should. I thought I had overcome the hurdle of self-love a while ago. However, I was greatly mistaken; I had only begun the journey on the path of self-love. Well, now I am back on track and I will complete this lesson; because if I don’t, I will never experience giving or receiving love as intended, and as I desire to.

I am not saying that I am giving up on connecting in Love with the Sacred Woman I call my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Intimate Spiritual Mate, because I haven’t and I won’t. I am simply saying the way I was going about making that connection was like putting the cart before the horse. The Love I seek will come to me when the time is right. However, I have no idea when that will be, because I do not have a clue how much time it will take for me to accomplish the degree of inner love that is needed. I started writing this three days ago, and now it is the day of the year that I was born, January 9th. I see that as a very fitting day to finish this, and formally start my journey on the Path of Self Love, which I prefer to call The Path of 100%. No matter if it is a day, week, month, or even years, I know that I will accomplish that which I need to accomplish at the Divinely appointed time.

The Path of 100% will not only prepare me for, and open the door to my union with the right Sacred Woman, to share my life with; it will also set me more securely on the Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call; totally remembering who I am Spiritually. That is the most important thing that will occur on this path. I am looking forward to a Total Spiritual Transformation, a transformation that will benefit the Whole of Creation. How is that so? That is so because when one member of the Whole of Creation steps into Total Spiritual Balance, it changes the vibration in which we are all a part of, and charges the Oneness with more Sacred Power that can be used by all. We have a vast unlimited amount of Spiritual Power at our disposal. Nonetheless, we are only using a minute amount of our Spiritual Power, due to the reality that many like myself have not yet learned how to fully maintain, and consistently walk The Path of 100%. However, it is never to late to wake up completely, and start the conditioning needed to begin the journey of Total Spiritual Transformation. I am 58 years old today, and I am starting the journey, that just goes to prove that age, the amount of mistakes of which I have made my share, make no difference. Whether we are young or old, all we have to do is simply turn from our mis-guided ways, see the Light and Direction of DIVINE INTELLIGENCE and follow it.

So from this point forward throughout eternity, I am consciously committed to following The Path of 100%. I know without a shadow of doubt that this is the path of me. I also know that it is the path of all of my sisters and brothers of humanity. It may be called something altogether different by others and that is fine, all that truly matters is we each have our very own Intimate Love Relationship with SPIRIT, our Sacred Parent MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. That is the first intimate relationship we must have, in order that we will properly set the tone for every other intimate relationship we enter into. Without that Sacred Foundation every single intimate relationship we enter into will crumble to dust, and it does not matter how loving, kind, and giving both individuals are; believe me, I know from past experience. If you are one who says, I don’t believe in all of this spiritual stuff, and even if I did, I do not know how or if I have time to do this. I would say this to you; you cannot afford not to do this; that is of course if you want to experience Love to the fullest and you want to live a fulfilled life. However, if you are content in just almost making it in all that you do, and you like falling flat on your face over and over again like I did, keep doing what you have been doing. There is a song that says, love don’t live here no more. Well that is not only incorrect grammar; it is also incorrect when it comes to our ongoing reality. Love will always live within our Spirit’s because it is an eternal part of us. So, the only question is this; will we do what we must do to fully realize and completely utilize the Precious Gift of Love SPIRIT has blessed us with?

We Must Do Everything We Do In A Spiritually Conscious Way!

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala
