Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sacred Union



The Uniting of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine

There has to be a conscious deliberate re-union of the Sacred Feminine, and the Sacred Masculine, in order for humanity to experience the kind of lasting Spiritual Revolutionary Change that is needed in the world today. All of us must once again start the process of honoring both the GODDESS and GOD ENERGY that resides within each of our Spirits, in and through all of our actions and not just use our empty words and talk about what should and can be done. Through the Divine Balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine within each of us, we will not only on an individual basis cause a complete change to take place within ourselves, we will collectively cause a complete change to start to manifest and take place throughout the entire world. For those of you who are Christians; I must point out that your bible teaches that we (all women and all men) are made in the image and likeness of GOD; actually it should have said; we are made in the image and likeness of GODDESS/GOD. That means that GODDESS/GOD’S energy can only be a combination/balance of both the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Energies; both energies reside in an equally balanced measure within the Majestic All-Powerful Sacred Being of GODDESS/GOD, that is the true and total Essence of The DIVINE; or more appropriately stated the total Essence of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. That being the unmitigated truth, tells us that the balance of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine in us is our total essence as well.

The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine have been and eternally will be one; and we must reflect that oneness in all that we think, say, and do. There is no way around the Divine Reality of that Oneness, that is of course unless you seek to be weak, fragmented, and scattered in all that you think, say, and do; additionally unless you want the world to remain in the utter state of dismay and chaos that we find it in today or even worst. The only way we can accomplish this paramount task is to consciously work on this individually, and then come together and work on it collectively. The Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies reside in equal measure within every female and every male; that translates into everyone being Sacred and Divine in Nature. It is time that all of us start to follow that Divine Eternal Spiritual Blueprint within our Spirit. Then and only then can we say that we are being true to ourselves as well as being true to the Whole of Creation.

I invite you to join in with me and find the way that works best for each of us, in personally accomplishing this awesome yet attainable essential goal of Sacred Oneness. We must find our own individualized way of accomplishing this task and bringing True Unconditional Love back into our lives, our relationships, and ultimately back into the reality of the world in its fullest capacity. I have absolutely no doubt that this can and will be accomplished. Then and only then, will the Unconditional Love of our Higher Selves, which is the Unconditional LOVE of GODDESS/GOD within us, rule supreme in us, and through us, and in everything that we think, say, and do, as it was originally designed to do by the combination of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD within our Spirit’s.

Peace, Light, and Unconditional Love!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala