Honesty, The Best Policy
By Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
I remember hearing this saying when I was growing up; “Honesty is the best policy.” However, I do not remember who I heard it from first, however, my parents and others echoed it throughout my younger years and it took root. Like all children, I tried the game of lying a few times. However, I never felt good telling a lie and my face always told the truth. No matter how elaborate, detailed, and convincing my lie was, I simply could not continue venturing down that path and live with myself. Even when my lies were believed, I just could not live with the thought of deceiving others. On top of all of that, keeping up the phony façade was just beyond me. Honesty was not only the best policy, honesty was a major part of me, and it still is and eternally will be.
Most people do not understand how hard it is to maintain a lie. They also do not know that even the best maintain lie can and usually is revealed by the liar, which usually happens by accident. You may ask, how is that so? That is so because the truth simply flows freely, and when the liar fails to keep watch at the gate of his or her lies, the truth simply flows smoothly out of the mouth of the liar. The truth flows smoothly out of our mouths just as a stream flows freely through the wilderness. Nevertheless, when a free flowing stream is blocked, it will go around that blockage and once again start to flow smoothly. We can never stop the flow of the truth forever; it will regain its momentum and do as it is created to do, bring the undeniable truth.
Here is another saying that is paramount in my life; “… the truth will set you free.” What will the truth set me free from; the truth will set me free from the bondage and unnatural control of the total deception and the outrageous illusion that has come to permeate the lives of all who participate in the unnatural practice of lying. To lie is to do something that is absolutely useless, because a lie cannot change the reality of a situation. Through a lie, we may be able to deceive one or more people, however reality is what it is no matter what we say or do. Lying makes our personal reality more difficult. Because it stops the free flowing progress of the existence, we call life. The bottom line is this; lies have caused all of the confusion we see in the world today. Have you ever benefited from a lie, I mean truly benefited from a lie. We may get something that we think has benefited us from lying, but in the long run the lie will cost us far more then telling the truth would have cost us. Rather than tell a lie, we should avoid saying anything until we have mustered up enough overall fortitude to tell the absolute truth.
Below I am sharing with you something I wrote entitled Honesty back in 2006. I hope it speaks to you and helps you see and experience this gift called life as we all should.
“Every thought we think, every word we speak, and every action we take becomes part of our present moment reality. It also becomes a part of the Collective Reality of The Whole of Creation. We must be extremely careful what we create, because it sure to become a part of our Collective Consciousness.”
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Key Word(s) : HONESTY
1. the quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, just, truthful, and morally upright
2. truthfulness, candor, or sincerity
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Good Morning Beloved,
I pray that we will be fully conscious this day and every other day of our lives, of the awesome Unconditional Love and Light of GREAT SPIRIT, and we will allow it to fill our conscious and unconscious existence alike. When our sojourn reaches it’s end here on Earth Mother, I believe that you and I will totally merge with GREAT SPIRIT, what a glorious experience that will be. At that point in time, we will experience the complete saturation of the Divine Presence and the Sacred Energy of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD in our lives, just as we did before our physical incarnation on this dense physical plane. At that point, we will consciously experience Total Oneness with our Omnificent Guardian, Master Teacher, Sacred Parent MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, the Origin of Unconditional Love.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Today the key word is honesty. So in line with the word honesty I am going to share with you what I am feeling deep down within my Spirit, in a complete and honest way. Today I am feeling a little disappointed in myself because I do not feel that I have reached the place in my life Spiritually and financially that I should have by now. I know that it is said that we are our worst critic, and that we can be to hard on ourselves most of the time. Nevertheless, I believe that being hard on ourselves sometimes is a very good thing. If we are hard on ourselves in a proper and balanced way, that will motivate us to move on to higher heights Spiritually, and become even stronger and more determined in all that we do.
My desires, dreams, and visions today are much different from my desires, dreams, and visions of even a year ago, and I am very proud of that. I am proud of that because everything that I desire and seek to do today is intimately connected to my Spiritual Path, and my relationship with GODDESS/GOD. I am concerned whether or not what I do is good for the whole and not just for me, or just for whom I am in a relationship with. Most of the time in the past, I did things because I was concerned about what others wanted, needed, desired, and thought, occasionally my wants, needs, and desires were a part of the equation. Now it is no longer about my selfish needs or the needs of others. Because, I understand that I am a part of something much bigger, I am a part of the Whole of Creation, and everything I do affects the whole. That is one reason why it concerns me so, that I am not at the place I feel I should be Spiritually and financially. Like most, I do not wish to owe anyone a single penny. Nevertheless, it has been very hard trying to change that part of my present day reality. Most of my debtors think they should be first in line to be reimbursed in full. They do not care whether my bare necessities such as housing and food are taken care of. I guess they may also think that I just do not care about repaying them. Some even believe that I have money and I just refuse to take care of the debt and make things right. That is not so, I do not want to be indebted to anyone. I do not want to be the slave of any lender.
Some people say that we should not be concerned with being wealthy, because the Love of money is the root of all evil, the love of money, not money itself is the root of all evil. To Love and worshiping money is one of many roots of evil. To Love and worship money robs us of our balance of that which is Spiritual and Divine, it robs us of our natural connection to SOURCE, our Sacred Parent MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. However, to have money in abundance is not evil in and of itself; that is of course, if money is handled properly. Having an abundance of finances frees us from the burden of worrying about how we will take care of that which we are responsible. Having an abundance of wealth will allow me to do a great deal of the Spiritual and other work that I know I am called to do, to do my part in setting up the proper Spiritual atmosphere that is needed in these troubled times. Having an abundance of wealth will allow me to make the vision of Essence of Paradise Wholistic Spiritual and Health Center, to become a part of the reality that I have envisioned. However, without adequate finances, it cannot be what I believe GREAT SPIRIT wants it to be.
Living life the way that man has structure it to be is impossible if we are seeking true Spiritual balance in our lives. Man has setup the system in such a way that most will always be in debt and worried about how they will make ends meet. One of the main reasons this is the case is a lack of true openness and education on what life is really all about. I must not omit laziness. We have not been, and in most cases are not being educated to be Spiritual beings, which is our true Higher Selves, and how to be able to Spiritually and financially stand on our own. We are only taught to work hard so that we can make just enough to get by, and if anything happens to come up unexpectedly we are taught to borrow what we need if we want to make it. When we live life like that, we begin to dig a whole of debt that usually gets deeper and deeper with each passing day. It is impossible to live in America comfortably and just about any other country on the face of the earth without a substantial amount of money. If we do not take care of our needs for ourselves, no one else will take care of them for us.
There was a time when humankind did what he or she was skilled at doing and his or her products and/or services were bartered. Then man came up with the bright idea that he would take ownership of the precious planet Earth Mother, place value on different substances and create currency, and charge for that which GODDESS/GOD had blessed everyone with freely and equally. Then man recorded in his so-called holy book that a man should live, survive and work by the sweat of his brow. He also put in his holy book that everyone was to pay Caesar what Caesar is due (taxes). Actually, Caesar was and is due absolutely nothing, because the land and the riches therein belong to no man. The riches of the land are for the Whole of Creation to use freely, and the Whole of Creation belongs only to GREAT SPIRIT. Nevertheless, since we have gotten so far away from the original plan of existence, we must do the best that we can with the system we find ourselves stuck under at this time.
We, the daughters and sons of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD must look out for ourselves. We must find ways to make money and support ourselves because the government of this country only cares about how much it can take more from us, and also how much it can take from Earth Mother. It is sad to say, however the government does not even care about how many of us live, or how many of us die from a lack of bare necessities such as food, water, clothing and housing. That is why this government can send our sons, daughters, husbands, and wives off to war to die for the control of the people of the world, and all of the world’s natural resources/riches also. The Government of the United States does not care about its people. The US Government only cares about getting as much wealth as it can, also controlling the masses by any means necessary. This government’s motto should be and actually is in a deceptive way the following statement.
Submit, Submit, Obey, Obey. At Any Cost To You and Your Family Each and Every Day. You Must Be Patriotic That Is The Only Way. If You Are Not You Can Count On Us Finding A Way To Make You Pay.
That is truly, what this government is about in totality. On the American dollar it says, In God We Trust. The god that statement is referring to is the finite god of mammon, and all other material gain, which is as far as you can get from the GODDESS/GOD given eternal abundant supply given to the Whole of Creation.
Now back to the subject of honesty and my disappointment with myself, and currant place I hold in life at this time. I am a little disappointed with myself in the way I have done things over the years, causing me to be in the position that I find myself today. However, I cannot change the past, I must make the best out of what I have right here in the now. Even though I know that, from time-to-time I still get a little disappointed with myself. Nevertheless, at the same time, I am also filled with gratitude and Love because GREAT SPIRIT has always been with me every step of the way, continuing to bless me tremendously in many ways, especially through the lessons learned from making the mis-takes I have made. GREAT SPIRIT has taken all of my shortcomings, mistakes, and my outright failures, and allowed them to stimulate me enough to get to the place in life that I find myself right now. “I Love Life!” Even though I desire to be able to do much more than I can do at the present moment. I am committed to doing all that I can with my life to make this world a better place, using what I have at my disposal right now. “I Love Life!” and I am extremely grateful for every life experience throughout my life.
Now is the time for me to do all that I can to make my life what it should be. I must open up totally to the multitude of abundance of every sort, which has been given to me from before I even took on this physical form, and all of my life experiences. I do not desire to live in a mansion with a garage full of expensive cars and money to buy things that really serve no real purpose in life. I am happy living in the house that I live in now, and having only one vehicle for transportation. I want the abundance to flow freely so that I can help bring about change in the world today. I want to help give a little more hope to the hopeless, and teach people what I have learned so they do not have to make the same mistakes I have made. In doing so, we all will move forward Spiritually and in Oneness as we should.
I seek to learn from my sisters and brothers, because I know that we are both student and teacher. The bottom line is this. I seek to be able to give and receive Love in as many ways as I am are supposed to. This is a very good time in my life, because my eyes are being opened wider on a daily basis to everything. Life is composed of both positive and negative energies, ups and downs, good times and not such good times, Light and darkness, the polarities of life breed Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Balance. What I am experiencing today is part of my process of regulating Divine Growth and Balance within my entire being. It is the part of me that helps motivate me and causes me to eventually rise above all of the adversities in life. All is well with my Soul, because GREAT SPIRIT is always with me.
I thank you for allowing me this avenue and opportunity to share with you from my heart. I also thank you for being open enough to receive from me and for giving me the feedback that you have over the years. Receiving feedback from you is a part of the growing process that I must go through in this lifetime. Essence of Paradise is one of a number of sources that I receive Spiritual understanding and guidance. By sharing with you through this avenue called Essence of Paradise, I receive from GREAT SPIRIT. When I share with you, I am pouring out a part of myself. When I pour out a part of myself, it makes room for more Spiritual Insight, and more Spiritual Maturity to fill my Spirit. So I pour out, I give, I open up, and I receive.
There are so many people in the world today doing selfish and negative things on a grand scale. Is it possible for me to do something that is beneficial for the Whole of Creation on a grand scale also? Yes, It Is More Than Possible! I Can! I Am! The Process Has Already Begun. So It Is!
I Am Doing All I Know, To Assist The Process of Changing The World Today.
Please Step In and Join Me!
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 2006
I Am Being Directed and Used By SPIRIT
Each and Every Day, Every Step Of The Way.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Oct. 2006