The Flip Side of the Coin
People tend to fall for the same old tricks over, and over again. Most of the time when we think we are getting something different and new, it actually the same thing we were getting in the past. For example, many times when we see something that says on the package, New and Improved, it is exactly the same product. The only improvement and new thing with most products is the marketing and labeling. It is like looking at the flip side of a coin, and thinking that it is different in its content. It is the same coin it has always been, and it holds the same value. In essence it has not changed at all simply because the opposite side is being viewed.
When you have something with two sides or polarities, such as a battery, which has a positive and negative charge, you cannot say that the positive charge is better then the negative charge, and decide to remove the negative because you want only the positive; that which you see as good. What makes that which we see and classify as good, and what it truly ends up manifesting as? The perfect balance between both the positive and negative polarities makes it good, in other words, causes it to produce pleasant fruits designed for our delight. When someone or something becomes out of balance, we usually label them or what they do as bad or negative. That is not accurate, neither the negative nor the positive is bad, discordant, or something we should avoid and not want, the imbalance of energies is what we should avoid. The imbalance of energies is always the culprit.
We have been conditioned to be single vision beings. To be single vision beings is to give up our power and our inherited ability to create, control, and mold our individual lives into what they where created to be. We must stop seeing only that which we desire to see, and start to see the truth that is right in front of our eyes. We must stop trying to dissect everyone and everything, and make them into what we want them to be. I am especially talking about trying to dissect and make people into what we want them to be. When it comes to humanity, change only can come from within the individual human being, and that change must be motivated and desired by the individual, if not, the change will not take root and last.
To just see the flip side of a coin, just one side of a multifaceted individual, or to see just one part or one side of a single part of the Whole of Creation, as the totality of that which you are looking at, is to see it in complete error. Every member of the Whole of Creation and our body is an individual member, yet at the same time is also a part of the collective whole; I am speaking of the Divine Oneness of creation here. None of the members of our physical body stands alone, just as no individual member of the Whole of Creation stands alone. Until we, the self appointed stewards of Earth Mother wake from the nightmare of individuality, we will continue to create that which starts to rot the moment it is created, just like the dead food we choose to eat. There is no life in that which is dead or out of balance, and there is no balance when we neglect and/or completely over look the Spiritual side of things. Actually, that which is Spiritual should always merit our primary attention. That which is Spiritual, is that which carried the energy of life. The Spiritual contains and maintains the eternal inexhaustible energy that is found within and behind every form of creation there is, in both that which is Spiritual and physical, and that which is known and unknown.
I pledge to myself to stop judging a book by its cover, seeing and individual as only the one side I am seeing at any given moment. I do not look at an automobile and see it only as being the outer shiny shell that is most visible to me at first sight. If I cannot see or comprehend the whole, I must at least acknowledge that there is more substance than I see and am aware of at present. That being the case, restricts me from placing any judgment upon that which I am seeing. I also pledge to myself, if I think I see and know what I am observing, I will not form a judgment, because what I see and know may be in error. Because I do not possess absolute awareness and understanding while inhabiting this physical form, there is a possibility of me being in error in my judgment. Because of that reality, I do not have the right to judge anyone or anything. The reality of true life speaks of constant change and the continual evolution of what we see as our reality. I remain open to change, and adopt that change at the appropriate time.
Being open to and seeing the flip side of life, and seeing the whole, is of the
utmost importance on our Sacred Journey through this temporal physical plane.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 2010