. Addictive Nature
I was born with or some how acquired an additive nature very early in life. Because of that, I experienced the hellish experience of being strung-out on drugs for ten years. That experience began at the age of 16 years old, and extended through the age of 26 years of age. Throughout that ten-year period, I experience some of the worst years of my life. However, at the same time those worst years opened the doors to change and the best years of my entire life. I had to taste of the bitter, to truly appreciate the sweet. There was a time in my life when I would have cursed my experiences during that ten-year period. However, now I am overwhelmingly thankful for it. All of my life experiences have work together in unison to waken me, in order that I could be the Conscious Spiritual Being that I am today. The order of Divine Will always prevails. Where we think there is absolute chaos, there rest Divine Order, Peace, and an abundance of Unconditional Love. We simply need the Spiritual sight to see it. Due to the fact, that I was able to be delivered from such a pervasive controlling experience early on in life, there is absolutely no reason why I cannot overcome whatever comes my way at any time in my life. All I have to do is remind myself of what I was able to overcome in the past, that is where I will get the inspiration needed for what is possible in the now. GREAT SPIRIT took my hand and guided me completely out of my self-imposed hell. As soon as I was willing to let go and let GODDESS/GOD lead the way, I was saved from my very own ignorance. I celebrated 31 years of freedom from that hellish experience of drug addiction this past September. Thankfully, I have not once revisited or even desired to revisit that experience over those 31 years.
To have an additive nature is to have the condition of being prone to being addicted to a particular substance, thing, activity, or person. Now it is time for me to open up to, and take that same Sacred Energy that helped me overcome my addictions of the past, and overcome two more hurdles in my life once and for all. The hurdles I am speaking of are financial lack in my life, and becoming financially secure, also overcoming having to experience the precious gift of life without a partner, connecting with who I know within my spirit to be My Soul Partner, Friend, Lover, Companion, and Intimate Spiritual Mate. Nothing, absolutely nothing that is within the Divine Will of GREAT SPIRIT is out of my reach, the rest of my life is full of Infinite Possibilities, in which I will take advantage. This day I am completely delivered from lack of any sort in my life, and I draw everything to me that is meant for me. I Am One with the TWIN NATURE of CREATION, One with MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.
I Am One with GODDESS/GOD There Is No Lack In Me.
All of My Needs Are Met Daily Because GODDESS/GOD Dwells In Me We Are One.
Now I Can See, I Have Been Set Free. I Am Set Free To Truly Be Me!
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011