Sunday, February 19, 2012



I wrote this in 2011 but I am just getting around to posting it.


Hypocrite: one who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise.

During your lifetime, have you ever felt like you were guilty of being hypocritical? At this moment I am feeling somewhat hypocritical. The following has been said to me by a number of people that know me; you have a wealth of knowledge, you are very wise, you have a broad understanding of many things, and you are a very mature spiritual man. I have also been told that I am one of the most loving and patient people they have ever known. All of that sounds great; however that means absolutely nothing, if the knowledge, wisdom, understanding, patience, spiritual maturity, and love within me, does not cause me to be a living example of that which I possess. If all of that is not being put to practical every day use, and creating my surrounding world and my ongoing reality accordingly, it is as dirty rags. Knowledge must be put to use in such a way that it benefits the individual that possesses it, as well as benefiting the whole of creation. I deeply enjoy reading to acquire knowledge and understanding, as well as doing other things to gain insight into a wide variety of beneficial things in life. However, I am the same as the christians I have criticized in the past, for not practicing that which they preach and teach. It is of the utmost importance that I express what I am sharing with you in perfect clarity. I do not feel hypocritical because I devised a plan to deceive others, or planned on living a life contrary to that which I know and believe in. I feel hypocritical due to the fact that many times, I struggle unsuccessfully to fully translate that which I know to be Divine Truth and Divine Direction consistently into a part of my tangible physical surrounding world, as frequently as I should.

My mission in life is to be all that I am created to be, to serve others, to love and bring some degree of joy into the lives of everyone I encounter as I sojourn through this physical plane. That is my mission, and that is what truly makes me happy. I must do everything that I possibly can think of to love and assist others. When I am unable to do that which I know and feel I should be doing for others and myself for whatever reason, the end result is always the same; me ending up in a place of great disappointment and overwhelming need, coupled with intense struggle and heavy anxiety. Many times I have been ignorant in how to implement that which I know, nonetheless in my ignorance I have not tried to intentionally deceive, hurt, or abuse others in any way for selfish gain. Due to my current spiritual awakened state of being, I could never intentionally do such to another, and I never will be able to do such to another. I know of people who have intentionally done such, have attained great wealth by doing so. However, I would rather die of starvation, thirst and utter loneliness before I would do as they have done. A few years ago an older woman who was very interested in me, propositioned me with taking care of all of my needs; all she wanted from me was for me to move in with her and satisfy her physically and emotionally. I did not love her in that way, so I could not be with her intimately. To be with her just for her money would say that everything that I profess and believe in, were just empty words. If I did what she wanted, I would have been communicating to the entire universe that I am no more than a prostitute and user; I would have also been an abuser of the most precious gift ever given to humanity, and that is the Precious Gift of Love.

So, today as I sit back and look over my entire lifetime and everything that my Beloved Earth Mother is being put through by humanity; I grieve over all of the abuse and negativity humanity produces in each passing moment; what am I to do about it? As far back as five years of age I have been asking the following questions. What must I do to make things better, and what must I do to give Love and be Loved in return? Year after year throughout this lifetime, I have asked over and over again for divine direction, in order that I could correct all of the horrendous problems that have been assaulting me since childhood. Nevertheless, as some can see, the saga of unrelenting suffering continues in my life. Yet I must continue to move forward doing all that I know to do, with whatever energy I can muster up to stay afloat in my current temporal physical world of reality. Hope has kept me alive and given me the ability to hold on and know that I am worthy of so much more than I have received from this lifetime. I used to totally discount the following saying; “Keep Hope Alive!” That was a major error on my part. Because, if hope is not kept alive within my being, I can do absolutely nothing successfully, I must keep hope alive and connect it with faith. That is the only way the energies of the Universe of Abundant Life can be set in place within my spirit, to create in a positive way from that which I have been blessed with over the years, the acquisition of spiritual and intellectual knowledge. I must be word in action, and not just word in knowledge. My intention is to fully live life in the way that completely reflects Divine Truth at all times, and not be the hypocritical person who says and lives life the following way; “do as I say and not as I do”. I know that I am placed here on this physical plane to be A Living Example of Divine Truth, and that is exactly what I am doing.

There is an old saying that goes like this; “either you are a part of the solution, or a part of the problem”. I am a part of the solution not part of the problem, because I am a part of, and one with Universal Intelligence, and I am completely committed to all of the direction I receive from Universal Intelligence. Because of that, hypocrisy can no longer be a part of me.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © June 2011

My Sacred Declaration


My Sacred Declaration
My Formal Statement

Universal Infinite Source, Creator of all things, You are Sacred and Divine in every way. I bow down within my Spirit before You and offer You my undivided Love, Devotion, Honor, and Praise.
You are Benevolent and Glorious in every way. Your Sacred Energy is made real within my Spirit; because of that I live within Your Sacred Presence Eternally.
Your Divine Energy, Perfect Will, and Sacred Precepts reside deep within my Spirit, and Your truth and fullness is made manifest in and through all that I am, and all that I do.
Your Perfect Will is personified within my Spirit, and within my Heart and Soul, and within my entire being.
Universal Infinite Source, You have abundantly blessed me, and I am humbled and eternally grateful for Your blessings. Through Your Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love, I openly receive Your Divine Provisions in abundance, as they meet my every desire and need.
Daily You show me that I Am One with You and likewise one with the Whole of Creation. Further more, You forgive me and Love me even when I do not forgive and Love myself, and when I fall short of Your Divine yet reachable goals.
Because I Am One with You, I mirror Your Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to my sisters, brothers, the Whole of Creation, and most importantly to myself.
Your Divine Wisdom and Guidance shields me from the permanent damage that could be caused by the illusions, temptations, and deception that is found in overwhelming abundance on this physical plane.
Because of Your Divine guidance, I can never be tempted to the point of total failure; nor am I fooled in any way to continue to follow that which looks good at first glance, but does not produce the Sacred and Precious Fruits of Unconditional Love, and Abundant Everlasting Life.
Following Your Divine Guidance is how I get to Paradise; and Paradise is the Promised Land where You my Glorious Spiritual Parent Mama-Baba Goddess-God, and the Sacred Energies of Peace, Divine Light, Sacred Power, Unconditional Love, and Inexhaustible Radiant Spiritual Glory reside and Rules Supreme throughout Eternity.
Paradise Is Your Eternal Sacred Dwelling Place within my Spirit, It Is Our One and Only Sacred Place on this physical plane of Unparalleled Oneness and Unconditional Love.
Universal Infinite Source, my Eternal Reality rests within Your Glorious Presence.
Mama-Baba Goddess-God I Surrender All To You!
So It Eternally Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © November 8, 2006
(Originally My Sacred Petition - Revised Feb. 18, 2012)