Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Message



1. a prayer that offers thanks to The CREATOR of all life

2. an expression or an act of giving thanks

3. a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness




Happy Thanksgiving Day Beloved!

I was reading an e-mail this morning that pointed out something very important and true to me that we all should be aware of. What we focus on is what we get more of in our lives. Now that is without a shadow of doubt, Universal Law. On this day that is dedicated to giving thanks, dedicated to giving gratitude, we should focus on the All Powerful Energy of Unconditional LOVE. If we want the most out of this absolute Wonder-Full experience that we call life, we should offer up the exact same amount of thanksgiving today as we do every single day of our lives. We should, no we must, condition ourselves in such a way that every day that we wake up, the first thought that enters our mind should sound something like this. “Thank YOU! GODDESS/GOD, GREAT SPIRIT or whatever name you call the CREATOR of all things, I am in awe, and extremely grateful for being blessed by YOU, with another day of Abundant Life. I acknowledge that YOUR LOVE and Divine Grace is much more powerful than any other energy that is at work in the world today, or ever. I exclusively focus all of my attention on that which gives, and promotes life. That means that I focus on and give my energy completely to YOUR Sacred Energy of Unconditional LOVE. I completely give my energy to Unconditional LOVE because Unconditional LOVE is responsible for creating, maintaining, and nurturing the Whole of Creation. Most importantly, because YOU the CREATOR of all things are LOVE. Because YOU are LOVE and I am one With YOU, I Am also LOVE.”

In addition, we should verbalize and act on our Love in and through all that we do, in order that we empower that Love, others, and ourselves even more. We must consciously remember this, in this Beauty-Full physical realm the spoken word creates after its own energy, it has so much creative power that it transforms its surroundings and manifests into physical form the Radiant Glory of GREAT SPIRIT.

Beloved, I Give Thanks that this day you are a conscious part of my abundant life, We Are Truly One by way of GODDESS/GOD, who is the perfect personification of Eternal UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in all of its power and majesty. May each and every day of our existence here on Earth Mother be that of Thanksgiving and Gratitude, and may UNCONDITIONAL LOVE always be the never ending driving force in our lives and in the entire world. I pray that your life and my life is the reflection of A LOVE SUPREME.

“I Love You!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © November 2006



21: Finding The Essence of Tao

The greatest virtue is to follow the Tao;

how it achieves ! without contriving.

The essence of Tao is dark and mysterious,

having, itself, no image or form.

Yet through its non-being,

are found image and form.

The essence of Tao is deep and unfathomable,

yet it may be known by not trying to know.

Translated by Stan Rosenthal


21: Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

The greatest Virtue is to follow Tao and Tao alone.

The Tao is elusive and intangible.

Oh it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image.

Oh it is elusive and intangible, and yet within is form.

Oh it is dim and dark, and yet within is essence.

This essence is very real, and therein lies faith.

From the very beginning until now its name has never been forgotten.

Thus I perceive the creation.

How do I know the ways of creation?

Because of this

Translated by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English


21: The Omnipresent Virtue ...

The omnipresent Virtue will take shape

According only to the Way.

The Way itself is like some thing

Seen in a dream, elusive, evading one.

In it are images, elusive, evading one.

In it are things like shadows in twilight.

In it are essences, subtle but real,

Embedded in truth.

From of old until now,

Under names without end,

The First, the Beginning is seen.

How do I know the beginning of all,

What its nature may be?

By these!

Translated by Raymond B. Blakney



Meditations for Body and Spirit

The Spirit of Healing, like an infinite cloud

Takes the moment’s perfect form,

Yet is formless;

It can be seen, but not touched

Felt, but not held;

Light on the outside, dark within.

Yet even the darkness is teeming with life,

And failed knowledge bears the seeds of faith.

Therefore, allow faith to reveal;

In the last, the First is seen

In dis-ease, Wholeness

In a blade of grass, all of creation.

Translated by Haven Trevino




Eternal Thanksgiving, Honor, Praise, Gratitude, and Love.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © November 2006


"ONE LOVE, Unconditional!"


FROM WITHIN MY SPIRIT is an offering of LOVE from

Essence of Paradise Wholistic Health Center
