To be successful in life I believe that we should follow the Sacred Path of Simplicity. Everything that SPIRIT asks of us is simple in nature, it is far from being difficult or impossible to do. So where does all of the difficulty enter in? Whenever difficulties and impossibilities enter into the picture, it has to do with human creation, human understanding, and something conceived in the limited human intellect. The difficulty arises and starts to dictate our course of action when humanity entwines faulty beliefs and limited understanding with that which SPIRIT has already blessed with simplicity, abundance, and natural flow. Not a single thing needs to be added to what SPIRIT has created and showered down on us as blessings. The only thing each of us must do to receive the abounding blessings of SPIRIT, is to simply accept them as they are, and then flow with them in the trusting way that SPIRIT intends for us to. If we do not know how SPIRIT intends for us to use the blessings, all we have to do is ask for SPIRIT'S guidance through the Intimate Communion of Prayer and Meditation.
Everything that we do should be done in a simplistic way. Living in America has its benefits, but it also has its disadvantages. The energy in America is that of over indulgence, in error some refer to it as abundance. Nevertheless, what many wealthy Americans are flaunting as abundance is pure greed and selfish hoarding, because true abundance blesses all, not just one or an individuals select group. True abundance does not produce abuse of any kind, or end in any form of waste or misuse. The American way is founded in greed. It dictates that we should aspire to always have more and bigger things, even if more and bigger things are not needed and it hurts others and the environment. I find that many Americans gather things to the point of becoming systematic hoarders. They hoard so much that they cannot possibly use everything that has been hoarded. However, they cannot bring themselves to sharing their wealth with others. What good is a household full of rarely or never used stuff? What good is a refrigerator that is full of so much food that a great deal of it spoils before anyone can eat it? That is a common occurrence in many American households. How many people do you know that will throw a meal away because they do not like to eat leftovers?
To live a simple life is to acquire and use only that which we needed and can use. In addition, if by some chance there is something left over, it should be passed on to one or more people who will make good use of it. It is said that a cluttered house is the outward reflection of an inner cluttered life. It can also be the refection of a cluttered Spiritual state of existence. Our outer environment reflects of our inner state of being. Everything we experience in life is created through the energy we hold and maintain, and what we allow that energy to create. If the energy we are holding within ourselves and around ourselves is less than desirable, we can and must change that energy as quickly as we notice it is in such an unnatural state being. Harmony and balance is our natural state of being, hoarded and rotting abundance is far from being harmonic and balanced. It is never to late to make necessary changes in our lives. We create our reality; we create our surrounding worlds on a daily basis. In essence, we are born again with the rising of each new day. As I have heard said by many people over and over again throughout my life, “Today is the begging of the rest of our life.” Without a doubt, I know that each day is a new beginning; each new day offers us an opportunity to re-create our surrounding worlds. When I say we create our surrounding worlds, I am speaking of our immediate surrounds such as our living space. More importantly, I am speaking of the energy field that you and I manufactured within our spirit, the energy fields that simultaneously generates and manifests outwardly around our physical bodies and in our immediate environments. The invisible outer energy field around our bodies is called our aura. We are continuously creating on multi levels of existence, many levels of which we are not even least bit aware. Even though we may not be aware of our multifaceted existence and creations, we can contribute to all of them through our Conscious Spiritual Focus in the here and now, and do all that we can to positively maintain that which we are aware of.
It is now Spring Time, and one of the first duties of Spring Time is Spring-Cleaning. Doing Spring-Cleaning means getting rid of the old to make room for the new. A major part of my finishing touches of my Spring-Cleaning are, making a firm commitment to myself to simplify every area of my life, and then maintain that state of simplicity. If we study the lifestyles of true Spiritual Masters, we will see that they lived simple lives. Their lives were not steeped in hoarded wealth and things that had no use outside of just holding on to them just so others could see the wealth they possessed. Either everything the Spiritual Masters possessed was used or going to be given to someone who could use it. I am not saying that we should not have wealth, because we should. However, what good is wealth if all we do with it is store it so that we can brag about how wealthy we are; how foolish is that? A good example of having something but not using it just came to mind. When I was growing up my mother and aunt bought beautiful new sofas. They each had the sofas covered with plastic slipcovers. Those sofas were off limit to me and everyone else in our family; we were not allowed to sit on them unless we had special guest. What good was it to have a beautiful sofa when the only time anyone could sit on it was when a special guest visited. Please note that I said a special guest. I understand the reasoning behind that, however it was still a waste.
Lets give some serious thought to the way we live our lives and the things we feel a need to get and do. Are all of the bells and whistles really necessary? On the other hand, are they just ways that advertisers and producers of products us to have us spend more money on that which we surely do not need? Gas has gone over $3.00 per gallon in some areas already, and there is a gas station in Washington, DC that is selling regular gasoline for $3.44 per gallon. If we had truly gotten and understood the message that was being transmitted to us years ago when we had the first so-called energy crisis and all of the gas lines, we would have continued to buy economically correct and environmentally safer vehicles that are not gas guzzlers and waste enormous amounts of petroleum. We would have also continued down the environmentally conscious road of solar energy and other alternative sources of energy that would preserve our beautiful planet. We should have continued further down the path of the simplicity. Also, do not be confused and believe the hype that coal is an alternative environmental safe source of energy, and there is such a thing as clean coal. Do not fall for that okie-doke. Beloved; “Simplicity Must Be A Necessity.” The longer it takes us to get that, the more we will have to pay and suffer. We can live a simple life and still enjoy the many pleasures of life. Simplicity Is A Necessity.
Everything that we do should be done in a simplistic way. Living in America has its benefits, but it also has its disadvantages. The energy in America is that of over indulgence, in error some refer to it as abundance. Nevertheless, what many wealthy Americans are flaunting as abundance is pure greed and selfish hoarding, because true abundance blesses all, not just one or an individuals select group. True abundance does not produce abuse of any kind, or end in any form of waste or misuse. The American way is founded in greed. It dictates that we should aspire to always have more and bigger things, even if more and bigger things are not needed and it hurts others and the environment. I find that many Americans gather things to the point of becoming systematic hoarders. They hoard so much that they cannot possibly use everything that has been hoarded. However, they cannot bring themselves to sharing their wealth with others. What good is a household full of rarely or never used stuff? What good is a refrigerator that is full of so much food that a great deal of it spoils before anyone can eat it? That is a common occurrence in many American households. How many people do you know that will throw a meal away because they do not like to eat leftovers?
To live a simple life is to acquire and use only that which we needed and can use. In addition, if by some chance there is something left over, it should be passed on to one or more people who will make good use of it. It is said that a cluttered house is the outward reflection of an inner cluttered life. It can also be the refection of a cluttered Spiritual state of existence. Our outer environment reflects of our inner state of being. Everything we experience in life is created through the energy we hold and maintain, and what we allow that energy to create. If the energy we are holding within ourselves and around ourselves is less than desirable, we can and must change that energy as quickly as we notice it is in such an unnatural state being. Harmony and balance is our natural state of being, hoarded and rotting abundance is far from being harmonic and balanced. It is never to late to make necessary changes in our lives. We create our reality; we create our surrounding worlds on a daily basis. In essence, we are born again with the rising of each new day. As I have heard said by many people over and over again throughout my life, “Today is the begging of the rest of our life.” Without a doubt, I know that each day is a new beginning; each new day offers us an opportunity to re-create our surrounding worlds. When I say we create our surrounding worlds, I am speaking of our immediate surrounds such as our living space. More importantly, I am speaking of the energy field that you and I manufactured within our spirit, the energy fields that simultaneously generates and manifests outwardly around our physical bodies and in our immediate environments. The invisible outer energy field around our bodies is called our aura. We are continuously creating on multi levels of existence, many levels of which we are not even least bit aware. Even though we may not be aware of our multifaceted existence and creations, we can contribute to all of them through our Conscious Spiritual Focus in the here and now, and do all that we can to positively maintain that which we are aware of.
It is now Spring Time, and one of the first duties of Spring Time is Spring-Cleaning. Doing Spring-Cleaning means getting rid of the old to make room for the new. A major part of my finishing touches of my Spring-Cleaning are, making a firm commitment to myself to simplify every area of my life, and then maintain that state of simplicity. If we study the lifestyles of true Spiritual Masters, we will see that they lived simple lives. Their lives were not steeped in hoarded wealth and things that had no use outside of just holding on to them just so others could see the wealth they possessed. Either everything the Spiritual Masters possessed was used or going to be given to someone who could use it. I am not saying that we should not have wealth, because we should. However, what good is wealth if all we do with it is store it so that we can brag about how wealthy we are; how foolish is that? A good example of having something but not using it just came to mind. When I was growing up my mother and aunt bought beautiful new sofas. They each had the sofas covered with plastic slipcovers. Those sofas were off limit to me and everyone else in our family; we were not allowed to sit on them unless we had special guest. What good was it to have a beautiful sofa when the only time anyone could sit on it was when a special guest visited. Please note that I said a special guest. I understand the reasoning behind that, however it was still a waste.
Lets give some serious thought to the way we live our lives and the things we feel a need to get and do. Are all of the bells and whistles really necessary? On the other hand, are they just ways that advertisers and producers of products us to have us spend more money on that which we surely do not need? Gas has gone over $3.00 per gallon in some areas already, and there is a gas station in Washington, DC that is selling regular gasoline for $3.44 per gallon. If we had truly gotten and understood the message that was being transmitted to us years ago when we had the first so-called energy crisis and all of the gas lines, we would have continued to buy economically correct and environmentally safer vehicles that are not gas guzzlers and waste enormous amounts of petroleum. We would have also continued down the environmentally conscious road of solar energy and other alternative sources of energy that would preserve our beautiful planet. We should have continued further down the path of the simplicity. Also, do not be confused and believe the hype that coal is an alternative environmental safe source of energy, and there is such a thing as clean coal. Do not fall for that okie-doke. Beloved; “Simplicity Must Be A Necessity.” The longer it takes us to get that, the more we will have to pay and suffer. We can live a simple life and still enjoy the many pleasures of life. Simplicity Is A Necessity.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
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Copyright © 2007