Restoration and Reconciliation
My definition of Restoration and Reconciliation in relationship to what I have been focusing on, dealing with, and praying and meditating on follows.
· the conscious return of my Spirit to its original condition
· the return of my conscious Spiritual hereditary state of existence and power
· restore friendly relations and acceptance between my Spirit, body, and mind
· make compatible and cause coexistence in harmony within my being
· make consistent settle disagreement; the ending of inner conflict
Lately I have been thinking a lot about life. That is due in part to the undeniable reality that I am now fifty-six years of age, and once again having to start the process of completely rebuilding many areas of my life. The areas of my life I am speaking of, happen to be:
1. financial possessions, which include where I will reside, and a means to continually take care of all of my financial responsibilities
2. my intimate relationship, connecting with the Sacred Woman I call my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Intimate Spiritual Mate
3. reliable transportation, a vehicle that is in overall good working condition and looks presentable
I have traveled this path before during this lifetime, because of choices made, and many lessons I had to learn, at the moment I was going through the process of rebuilding in the past, I did not always see the Light, Love and positivity of the situation. For the most part, I could only see disappointment and failure, and many other things that were energized with negativity. That was not a good place to be in. However, some lessons are harder to learn than others. I can now say this, I am extremely grateful for every lesson, and every experience that has been a part of this lifetime. I am who I am today because of everything I have experienced. Furthermore, I Love, Honor, and Completely Respect who I am, because I now know that who I am today, and who I was in the past is the same Perfect Spiritual Being that I have been eternally. Yes, that is correct, I Am Perfect. I know, how can I say that with all of the mis-takes I make, of which I just name a few. Through my human state of being, errors have and will be made. However, Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala the human being is not who I truly am. I am an Eternal Spiritual Being, I Am Love. That is were Divine Perfection resides in its fullness.
That brings me back to Restoration and Reconciliation. Because of the many life lessons I have experienced, I have learned that which has begun to restore my Spiritual Consciousness. I call the process of restoration and reconciliation the process of Total Spiritual Re-Call, which is the remembrance of who I truly am, A Spiritual Being on a sojourn through the physical plane. Through my limited human intellect at this point in time and space, I have consciously returned to my True Original State of Spiritual Being, and I am consciously claiming the Spiritual Inheritance that is rightfully mine. Within that Spiritual Inheritance is housed the power of Creation. I am learning how to harness and use that power properly, not just for myself, equally for the benefit of the Whole of Creation. I have also accepted the Spiritually Balanced Relationship between the Trinity of My Spirit, Mind, and Body. Nevertheless, it does not end there, I have also accepted and given myself totally to, my responsibility of flowing with, and maintaining the Sacred Oneness between the Whole of Creation and my Higher Self. I am now in the Restoration and Reconciliation phase of my existence here on this physical plane.
I am in the process of getting clarity on the rebuilding of my life, which includes my up and coming relocation. I moved here to my hometown of Washington DC to staying with my cousin almost three years ago, when the economy took a nosedive. I was living on a Beauty-Full piece of land in Columbus North Carolina that was a little piece of Paradise. However, it was a Universe of Beauty to me. Living there was the very first time I truly felt that I was at home. I almost had everything I dreamed of, I was surrounded by the life of Earth Mother in her array of Natural Beauty, and shared in what she had given birth to, all of the plant life, and all of the animal and insect life, it was Truly Amazing. The only thing I did not have was a life companion to share everything. When I kept my focus on The DIVINE, and the abundance that had already been provide for the Whole of Creation and me, there was a continuous flow of resources needed to survive. However, as soon as I started to focus on the woe-is-me mentality that was being broadcast on the media, I started to sink in every area of my life. I went for almost a year with very little work. Eventually I had to move and leave my dream of buying that little piece of Paradise behind. Consciously recognizing the need for restoration and reconciliation within my being, and doing everything I know to facilitate such, will restore me to the place that I can once again enjoy the abundance and power to create that resides within my True Higher Self, which is none other than my Eternal Spirit. This return to DC was just one of many pit stops here on the physical plane that was created to house the School of Spiritual Awakening and Remembrance.
Below is the scripted words I wrote while living on the little piece of Paradise I was allowed to live on and experience in 2003, it’s entitled; The Seven R’s The Path of Total Spiritual Re-call.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
1. Recognition
To be all that we have been created to be, we must first enter into the state of Spiritual Recognition. In that state of Divine being and knowing we start to recognize that we are not this physical body that our Spirit inhabits. We will also come to know that this physical body is simply a vehicle we are using to temporarily house our Spirit as we travel through this dense physical plane of lower vibrational energy. One day we all will fully recognize that “We Are One With SPIRIT and we are likewise one with each other.”
Recognition is our 1st step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
2. Reconciliation
To be in Divine Order we must be restored to our original State of Spiritual Harmony. That does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we think and do, while we travel through this physical plane. However, it does means that we are perfect in our knowing and understanding that we are Spiritual Beings, and we are one with SPIRIT, which is the same as being one with GODDESS/GOD. After entering into that Divine Reality, we must start the very important work of resolving all of our Spiritual mis-education and all of our Spiritual mis-conceptions, and enter into complete agreement and oneness with Divine Truth and Divine Reality. That means that we must submit to SPIRIT’S Divine Will in every area of our lives.
Reconciliation is the 2nd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
3. Restoration
To see and hear as we should we must make allowances for the re-instatement of Divine Law in our lives and affairs. Divine Law must rein Supreme in every area of our lives, which comes through the restoration of Divine Truth within. Divine Truth comes through restoring ourselves to an un-impaired state of Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Reception, and Spiritual Submission. We must re-instate our Higher Self to its rightful place of authority on our inner throne and allow it to rule supreme over everything that we think, say, and do, without any exceptions.
Restoration is the 3rd step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
4. Rectification
To set right, remedy, correct and counteract all of the deception we have been taught over the many lifetimes we have existed, and rectify ourselves Spiritually. For rectification to fully take place within us, we must purify our Spirits and Spiritually re-calibrate ourselves so that we can see, speak, hear, feel, and function in the way we were created to. We will set things right on the Spiritual plane within ourselves. At first it may seem to be to great of a task for us to accomplish, however that is definitely not the case. Whenever SPIRIT calls us to do something, we can rest assure that we are already fully equipped to carry out the task that is set before us. We do not always see that clearly because we tend to react to that which we are faced with, and when we react to something that blurs our vision and understanding. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we take time each and every day to be still and quite our noisy minds. We must learn to gently, gracefully, and sometimes even force ourselves to go with the flow and allow SPIRIT to guide us safely to our Divinely appointed destination.
Rectification is the 4th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
5. Rejuvenation
To function as the Vibrant Spiritual individuals that we are, we must follow the Divine Sacred Guidance of SPIRIT, and fully take on and live through our youthful childlike nature. No matter what our age, we must find new vigor within ourselves, that vigor can be found deep within our Spirit. We must step completely out of the illusion and all of the deceptions created by the human intellect, and once again consciously enter into the Divine Flow of SPIRIT. We must find as many ways as possible to stimulate all of our Spiritual Gifts so that we can help uplift our sisters and brothers and ourselves, when we have the need to be uplifted.
Rejuvenation is the 5th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
6. Resurrection
To be Spiritually alive we must shake ourselves and wake up that dormant being within us that has been sleeping for to long inside the physical shell that we call our body and identify so well with. We must literally raise ourselves from the dead. Spiritually we are the walking dead when we are not consciously connected to and flowing the Divine Guidance of SPIRIT. We must raise ourselves from Spiritual inactivity and start to walk amongst the living (those who are Spiritually awake) once again. After we are resurrected from the dead, we will enter into the Divine State of True Spiritual Enlightenment.
Resurrection is the 6th step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
7. Relationship
Now is the time for everyone to enter into the state of Divine Relationship. It is time for us to consciously enter into the ultimate union known to the human race, our Divine union with SPIRIT. We are now ready for the Divine Marriage between SPIRIT and Spirit. This is the marriage between SPIRIT and our true self, Spiritually known as our Higher Self. Following our marriage comes the Sacred Time to consummate our relationship by consciously entering into an Intimate Relationship with SPIRIT. After the marriage and the consummation, we once again find ourselves consciously woven together with SOURCE/SPIRIT. Now we can say that we have once again entered into the Divine State of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the place where we can fully recognize who we are on every plane of existence.
Relationship is the 7th and final step on our Sacred Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
Our Only True Mission In The Existence Is To
Consciously Complete The Process of Total Spiritual Re-Call.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Aug. 2003
(Revised 2010)