Creators of Our Reality
Is it true that you and I are the creators of our individual realities? Yes, you and I are the creators of our individual realities, however, it goes much deeper than that. We are actually the creators of humanities collective reality, we are collective creators of everything we see happening in the world around us today. A small percentage of the entire human race consciously creates what our reality is in our local governments and communities, and the same goes for the creative realities of the world at-larger. It does not take the majority of humanity to mold the form for the vibration of the reality of the world. That is a testament of the innate power and energy of an ordinary individual. Nevertheless, the power of a conscious positive creator is the most powerful creative energy known to humankind and the entire physical plane.
In the bible it says, “Five of you will chase a hundred of them, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand of them. You will defeat your enemies, and your families will be pleased.” It is said that with GOD all things are possible. Even though GOD seems to be exclusively associated with christian and other religious organization, this is humanities absolute individual and collective reality. Let us say it and look at it this way. GODDESS-GOD/SPIRIT within each of us, gives us the ability to create and change our current and possible future realities, through the positive and negative energies that we decide to open up to, yield to, produce, and radiated from within our being outwardly to our surrounding worlds. The best way that is done is by using the Positive All Powerful Selfless Universal Energy of Unconditional Love. The worst way that is done is by using the life distorting dark and negative energies of ego and selfishness. Everything that produces Pure Love, Life, Light, and Positivity must be done in and through the Energy of Unconditional Love, the Power of Unconditional Love Conquers All, when yielded to and allowed to create after its own kind.
Our saving grace while we sojourn through this dense physical realm is thus. A few enlightened positive people generating the All Powerful Positive Energy of Unconditional Love can transmute all negative situation created by those creating through dark negative sources. A few dedicated to Unconditional Love can cause thousands who mean the Whole of Creation no good to flee. The Ultimate Power of all resides with the Eternal Sacred Energy Of Unconditional Love.
Copyright © March 2010
The Journey Within