Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Inward Perspective


Inward Perspective

By Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

It amazes me how humanity (myself included) has consistently missed the most important aspects of existence we should be following every second of every single day. That, which I am speaking of, is our Inner Spiritual Connection and our Inner Spiritual Reality and Truth. Every Spiritual Master and Prophet (the ones who sort out, found, and disseminate Divine Truth) took the time necessary to still themselves and hear from SPIRIT, and also come to know SPIRIT in a very personal and intimate way. Then and only then were they able to hear and receive the Divine Truths that SPIRIT intends for all of humanity to possess and benefit from in an abundant way, on a daily basis. Nevertheless, a major part of humanity has turned it’s back on, and has dishonored the Divine Gifts that were given. But a few have taken the appropriate time to go within, tap into, commune with, and maintain, so that their Spiritual Connection to that which is truly Divine in nature and in origin is benefited from and maintained. A few that casually knew and practiced the Divine Truths deceived and partially mis-educated those who had forgotten the Divine Truth. Subsequently, the partial and sometimes altered teachings were used to create a multitude of opposing religions. How could someone create a religion that is supposed to be the offspring of Divine Truth from mere fragments of Divine Truth? Even though the Divine Truths of SPIRIT received by us through the stillness within our Spirit, there still may be a major problem present. The Spiritual Masters, Prophets, and the entire human race are subject to various degrees of error, due to our extremely close allegiance and loyalty to our temporal physical human nature. Within our human abilities to hear, see, and comprehend that which SPIRIT reveals to us, resides a percentage of human error that is dependent upon our focus and allegiance to the physical realm. Being physically connected to the degree that we are, seeing ourselves for the most part as physical beings having occasional Spiritual experiences, many times gets in the way of Divine Reality and the gifts of true Spiritual Revelation and Sacred Understanding. Often times such a state of mind causes us to distort and/or filter out extremely important Spiritual Truths that we must have to see our existence in its True Spiritual Light, and carry ourselves in strict accordance with Divine Law.

We are all supposed to take the time necessary to still ourselves just as the Spiritual Masters and the Prophets of old have done, in order that we will receive the Divine Guidance and understanding needed to travel through this physical plane in a Spiritual state of being, so that we will be successfully as we are designed to be. There are many holy books in which we can draw some of our Spiritual direction. However, we are not to stop there, that is not the end of our Spiritual race, it is just the preliminaries, the process of stretching and warming up before the race actually gets started. We are supposed to check everything that comes to us against what is communicated to us by SPIRIT within our Spirit. Within our Spirit is the place where SPIRIT dwells and communicates with us. Many of us have lost our Sacred Spiritual dialog, because we no longer take the time to be still and hear the Small Still Voice of SPIRIT. Every answer and all of the understanding that we seek has been planted deep within our Spirit by SPIRIT ITSELF. People speak of many secrets and the chosen few who will lead and rule the world. There are no secrets and all of humanity has been chosen. Yes, every single one of us has been chosen, no human being stands above another. The only problem is found within us; we have forgotten who we are, and likewise we have forgotten about the Divine Power that resides within our Spirit. The Divine Power that resides within us is the Divine Power given to us by SPIRIT, and SPIRIT is none other than MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. The Divine Power given to us is eternally a part of our being, a part our Eternal Spirit. However, just as it is with our bank account, if we never make a withdrawal from our bank account we never benefit from that wealth in our daily life. Being abundantly blessed with wealth does us no good if we do not take advantage of that wealth in the proper way.

Speaking of the Divine Power that resides within us, brings me to what I affectionately have labeled Total Spiritual Re-Call. Total Spiritual Re-Call is the process that all of humanity must go through while taking this journey of enlightenment through the physical plane. We are just like a fully equipped computer, everything needed for the computer to function as designed is already within that computer, all we have to do is learn how to operate the computer properly and access the wealth of information that is within it. So in essence, all we have to do in life is learn how to be still, go within, and tap into the wealth of Spiritual knowledge that already dwells within our Spirit. We must learn how to re-call the Divine Reality that we are Spiritual Beings going through a physical experience, and stop unconsciously and sometimes even consciously believing the opposite. We were created by SPIRIT who is omniscient (all-knowing). Because SPIRIT is omniscient, and SPIRIT created us, we have been given everything that we need. When we pray for something and it comes to us, it comes to us from within. Yet, at the same time it can be said to come from SPIRIT, because SPIRIT placed it within us to draw from when we felt the need for it. This is part of the Spiritual Lessons that the Spiritual Masters came to remind us. Remember it is written that Jesus said: “The Kingdom of Heaven/the Kingdom of GOD is within us.” The Kingdom of GODDESS-GOD is the place that solely contains all-knowledge, all-truth, all-wisdom, all-understand, and all-reality. What else is there to desire, need, or want in life, when what we have been given is given to us by GODDESS-GOD? There is absolutely nothing to desire, need, or want in life. Total Spiritual Re-Call encompasses everything.

In the process of writing, this I picked up a book I have had since the early 1980’s that I have yet to read written by John Randolph Price. When I opened the book it was on the second page and this is what it said,

“You live in this world, but you are not from it. You are from a higher realm, with only a spark of remembrance in your deeper mind of all that you once were, and can be again. You must fan the spark. You must awaken to the Power within you ─ not only for yourself, but for the good of all mankind. The truth is, man by himself is simply a victim of circumstance, but when linked with the Power, all things are possible. He enters the realm of Energy that is so superior to his so-called human consciousness that his actions will stagger the imagination of the average person.”

There are no coincidences. It was brought back to my attention that I had this book when it was time for me to read it. I am in the process of reading it now so that I can see exactly what treasures it has in store for me at this place on my Path of Spiritual Remembrance. I hope and pray that what I have shared with you will assist you on your Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Nov. 20, 2008
(Revised June 8, 2010)