Thursday, February 10, 2011




Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

Most things associated with our existence here on this dense physical plane, must undergo some form of change from time to time. For example, when an engine runs for long periods, many of its moving parts tend to shift or wear out a little. For the engine to run with maximum efficiency and reduced wear and tear, and avoiding the possible complete breakdown of the engine, the shifting and wearing must be corrected. Such a situation could call for the immediate attention of recalibration and/or the replacement of some of the engine parts. I believe that it is exactly the same thing when it comes to what I relate to as my wholistic working parts, which are comprised of my Spirit, Mind, and Body. The precise function between my Spirit, Mind, and Body is of the utmost importance if I truly seek to exist in a Spiritually Conscious, alive, and awakened state of existence. Moving back to the semi-rural part of North Carolina, which I now live in is a major part of my re-calibration process. On one hand, many of us are not at all conscious of the need to re-calibrate ourselves. On the other hand, some of those who are conscious of it are not doing anything to deal with this very important issue. I am speaking of the primary maintenance of our existence as Spiritual Beings going through a physical existence, here on this physical plane, which I affectionately embrace and relate to as my Earth Mother.

When I moved from North Carolina back to Washington DC, due to the economic situation at the time, I had to readjust to the energy and lifestyle in the Nations Capital. That was a very difficult and unpleasant transition for me. I was born in Washington DC, nevertheless it never felt like home to me. Yet, when I moved to Columbus North Carolina, I felt the connection to Earth Mother I had longed for my entire life. I now know that I did not have to move from North Carolina. My mis-take was; I did not recognize that wholistically I needed to re-calibrate my connection between my Spirit, Mind, and Body. I had allowed myself to start to sink deep into the quicksand of gloom and doom of the media news programs, which are designed to keep the masses in a state of overwhelming fear and confusion, because that is the easiest way to control large groups of people. It is not just divide and conquer, it is instill fear, confuse, and then divide and conquer. Because of what I had yielded the majority of my time and attention to, I began to live from a state of fear. When the level of fear reached its crescendo, I felt that I must go back to DC where I had family, just in case I ended up with no means of support. You see I had been working my way back from a divorce and illness that completely wiped me out financially and emotionally. When I moved to North Carolina things were starting to come together for me. However, when the economy started to crash, so did the financial rebuilding process that was taking place in my life. Fear is a very debilitating energy, fear must not be allowed the smallest crack, because once it gets in, it will try to destroy everything in its path. Nevertheless, everything works together for our ultimate good, when we open up and allow it to. I created an affirmation that expresses that. Everything Is In Divine Order, As I Follow My Souls Melody! I do mean everything. Even that which may seen to be negative, can and does have a positive influence on us when we allow it to.

I allowed myself to get so caught up in all of the hype and fear propagated by the news media, that I did not keep up the daily wholistic maintenance of my being (Spirit, Mind, and Body), in which the Spiritual piece was of the utmost importance. However, now I do not watch any broadcast media, the only time I see it is if I am visiting a friend and they have a TV on, even then, it is minimal, because I refuse to be sucked back into the mindless boob tube. I select very carefully what I watch on TV (DVD’s and on-line streaming video), also, what I listen to and watch on the computer. I am not saying that I avoid the truth, because that would be foolish. I am saying that I choose what I believe is best for me, however, if I find out that what I believe is in error, I will change my direction and beliefs in a split second. So, do not be confused or upset with me if I believe and profess one thing today, and something all together different tomorrow. I would rather find out that I am in error, and correct that error immediately, than to continue to ride pride and ego and stay the course only to save face. I still want others to see me in a good light; however, I cannot afford to be weighed down with the opinions that others have of me because of the path in life I have chosen to follow.

Part of my re-calibration at this point in my life, is to reduce my concern over what others think of me. How others saw me, and how they felt about me, was my driving force in life from birth deep into my adult years. Because of that, I lived the life others felt I should live and directed me to live. Thankfully, I woke up one day and started to go within and find out what I needed to do to start to follow the Spiritual Path that is best suited for me, through tapping into GREAT SPIRIT by way of my very own Spirit. One major awakening within me was, finding out there are many Paths to the Eternal Sacred Spiritual Destination we are all headed. At twenty-six years of age, I was fully indoctrinated into Christianity. That is when I was taught that the Christian way of accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior was the only way; all else was of the devil. Christianity is simply one of humanity’s many limited and somewhat feeble attempts at understanding our True Spiritual State of Being. As I see it, the major problem with the way of Christianity is as follows. Humanity’s big mistake, and utter misconception, is to look outside of our very own Spirit for answers and help. Within our Spirit is to be found the greatest place for our intimate connection and communion with GREAT SPIRIT. Within our Spirit is the place, where all of the answers to all of the questions to life are answered adequately and appropriately. Looking for a savior, outside of our very own Spirit to save us from the harm of others, and ourselves, is proof that we are in a state of Spiritual ignorance of who we are and why we are here on Earth Mother.

Here are some of the most important areas within my currant existence, which I must re-calibrate on a regular basis.

· Re-calibrate my sense of being a Spiritual Being and not a human being.

· Re-calibrate my Spiritual beliefs and practices.

· Re-calibrate my surrender to, and flow with Unconditional Love.

· Re-calibrate my lower self (human nature) with my Higher Self (Spiritual Nature).

· Re-calibrate my energy, because it attracts fellow travelers on the same Spiritual Path.

· Re-calibrate my vision for my life in the Here and Now.

· Re-calibrate my balance between my Spirit, Mind and Body.

· Re-calibrate my Oneness and Divine Flow with GREAT SPIRIT and the Whole of Creation.

All of this is necessary if I want to be all that I am created to be Spiritually. There is no room for any short cuts, because a short cut will through my Spiritual Compass out of balance, and that in turn will cause me to miss my Divine Destination by a long shot. Not only is it necessary for me to maintain a consistent re-calibration routine, it is absolutely necessary for every human being to do the same. As I have said repeatedly over the years, we can bring about change in the entire world if we would but work on changing ourselves in the way that GREAT SPIRIT wants.

When I Spiritually Re-calibrate,

I Am Set Free To Eternally Celebrate.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011