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"I Love You! "
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Truly Experiencing the Fullness of Life
All of the events experienced in our lives are designed specifically to trigger our Eternal Spiritual Consciousness. They are also designed to teach us and to cause us to expand Spiritually as much as possible while we are traveling through this dense physical plane in these temporal physical vehicles. The not so pleasant events that we experience in our lives, at their very core are Spiritual challenges designed to enhance our growth on every level of our existence, in which illness is included. We have the choice of growing from our challenges, or to be sidetracked and derailed from our true Spiritual Reality. There are positive meaningful experiences and lessons in the darkest of situations. We must fully receive and accept every experience that presents itself to us, whether they are thought to be positive or negative. After fully accepting them, we must learn everything that we possibly can from them, and continue to move on through the Spiritual awakening and growth process that I have affectionately labeled Total Spiritual Re-Call.
The accelerated energy of this day and time is designed to assist us in the process of Total Spiritual Re-Call. We must stop qualifying ourselves by our physical makeup and abilities, and lack thereof. There are those who are classified as being physically handicapped in one or more ways, who are consciously flowing with a Spiritual Awareness and understanding that enables them to reach heights of Spiritual Awareness and Spiritual Achievements in which those who are classified as physically whole have yet to reach. We must stop forgetting that we are Spiritual Beings and not physical being. At all times we must yield to the Eternal Power and Omniscient Wisdom of DIVINE SOURCE. That can only be accomplished through ongoing one-on-one Spiritual Communion with our one and only Spiritual Parent and Sacred Teacher, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. This is essential if we plan to be the Spiritual Creators of Unconditional Love and Divine Oneness that we are.
Every road we travel has fluctuations in its terrain; every road has its ups and its downs. Likewise, it is with our journey called life we are taking through this dense physical plane. True Spiritual conscious acceptance of all experiences precipitates the Spiritual awakening, remembrance, growth, and elevation that we seek, desire, and so desperately need. Life provides us with shocking situations because we need such stimulus to awaken us from sleepwalking when we should be awake and completely conscious Spiritually and mentally. It does not matter if we are Spiritually and mentally conscious or unconscious, we will still be held responsible for our every action, and lack thereof. Does that seem to be unfair? Even if it seems unfair, it is not, because we have been given everything we need to live a conscious aware Spiritual life. If we believe and say that we do not have everything needed, that simply means that we are not seeing the handwriting on the wall of life right in front of our faces, and we still have a lot of inner and outer Spiritual work that needs to be done. We simply must rollup our Spiritual sleeves and get busy searching out answers and ways of acquiring that which we need to make this experience called life, what it is intended to be. All things are possible with the Divine Guidance and Loving Help of MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD.
We Must Open Up Fully and Experience All Life Experiences
With Great Joy, Anticipation, Thanksgiving and Gratitude.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © April 6, 2010