Wednesday, January 4, 2012



Special Note:

Today is January 4, 2012, this was originally written almost a year ago. I am revisiting it for the purpose of digesting it anew and to revise it according to what has taken place in my life between then and now; mostly because of what is taking place in my life right now. I was awakened around 4:30 this morning knowing that I had to share something with you, and this is it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Love In It’s Fullness

Yesterday I was introduced to a beautiful sister who teaches about living life to the fullest. I do not consciously know her that well. However, as I listened to her communicate with everyone, it seemed to me that she was doing a good job of communicating in and through compassion and love. However, there was a man who had an issue with her delivery. His issue with her was she never used the word Love as she proceeded to communicate on how people should do things to better themselves in life. She explained that she had consciously chosen not to use the word Love because of how it is misused by so many today. She also communicated that she had experienced just about every kind of abuse from her parents; and she had lived under that burden until she was 30 years old. This morning her experience with her parents spoke to me more than anything, it gave me more insight into why she felt the need to completely remove the word Love from her vocabulary. Many times in cases of sexual abuse, the abuser is saying to the one being abused; I love you. Therefore, experiencing decades of abuse, and being told I love you by the abuser in your life, is absolutely a horrendous experience to live through. Most of us would do just about anything we could to ease such pain. Maybe one of her ways of dealing with it was to remove the word love form her vocabulary and life experience completely.

When I was growing up I experienced abuse from a number of people, which included some family members and a few of my peers. However, I want it to be perfectly clear that my mother and father never abused me; they loved me to the best of their ability. My father had the greatest influence on my life, and the greatest input into molding me into the man I am today. That is because he was full of Love, and he was not afraid to show it and share it with everyone he met. My mother on the other hand, had a little difficulty showing and sharing her Love, because of early experiences in her life. Nevertheless, she did her best to show me she loved me. When I was in the 3rd grade, an older male cousin sexually abused me. I experienced his abuse maybe 3 or 4 times following the initial abusive encounter. However, I believe that due to the Love my dad so freely showered me with, those sexual abusive experiences did not scar me for life and turn me against people and Love as it has done to many. By the way of the awesome power and grace of Unconditional Love within my Spirit, I was able to forgive my cousin.

Love is the most powerful energy there is. Love is responsible for the creation of the Universe and everything in it. How can someone look at creation, and not see and feel endless Spiritual and physical examples of Divine Love? When one has been abused in the name of Love, they need to take an honest look at the whole of creation that is manifested all around them, and truly see and experience the endless flow of Love that radiates from the core of everything. I feel that we must do everything within our power to hold on to, and flow in and through the Eternal Transformative Awesome Power of Unconditional Love. Doing so will actually deliver us from the claws of a personal living hell; doing so will also cause us to rise far above the ashes of abuse of every kind, just like the Phoenix rose up majestically from the ashes of its very own hell.

I now know that I am an Ambassador of Love; I am also a Love Warrior. Because of my beliefs, currant spiritual stance, and the experiences I have had with Love; I understand that Love can and does conquer all things without exception. I know that True Unconditional Love is the most powerful energy known to mankind. In addition, if GODDESS/GOD the CREATOR of this Universe and all things could be defined in a single word, it word most definitely be LOVE. We cannot and must not let anyone or anything rob us of the most important gift we will ever receive in this physical or any other existence, and that gift is none other than the Eternal Unconditional LOVE of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

When I awoke and entered into my Sacred Time of Prayer and Meditation, this is what entered into my heart and mind; and I immediately knew I had to share this with everyone that I possibly could. I also thought about other things I had written on LOVE that I must share. Therefore, I am adding them along with this. I have not read them yet to refresh my memory of everything that was said in them. You see, sometimes things come to me and I do not always remember them in their entirety, it is almost as if they are channeled through me. I can read what I shared years ago and completely identify with it as a deep knowing within my Spirit, but not always recognize it as being something that I wrote. I do not know how that sounds to you or others, but that is part of my reality. Nonetheless, I am sure that what I wrote and am now sharing with you will speak directly to your heart and to this issue. If that were not so you would not be where you are, and reading this. I can say with great joy that it has and still does minister to me. Without a shadow of doubt, I know that what I am sharing with you today will be a blessing to you and everyone who reads it. I share all of this with you through the unlimited flow of Love that is springing forth from deep within the core of my Spirit. That is the Sacred Place where I Am One With LOVE. In other words, that is the place where I Am One With GODDESS/GOD.

This is something that I wrote a little while ago that was stimulated by an e-mail I received from a dear sister. I though it would be good to share it with you here. Maybe it will touch something deep within you as it does deep within me each time I say it.

Expect Only The Positive

Think On Only The Positive

Give Yourself To Only The Positive

Because You Are The Manifestation of Only The Positive!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

LOVE Is All There Is!

When it comes down to Loving others as deeply as we do, we sometimes forget reality and do what we know we should not do.

LOVE is so warn and generous, it makes us see through our Pure None-Judgmental Sight in the same way as SPIRIT; our connection to LOVE is complete and liberating, yet deception comes swiftly and tries to knock us off balance, because deception is ruthless, unreasonable, and pretty darn hard on everyone.

Why keep Loving, why keep trying, when all we seem to ever receive in return is pain? Because we are learning to be LOVE, and learning to give LOVE equally and completely to all, without pointing a single finger of blame at anyone for doing that which caused us pain.

We are to LOVE unconditionally, however we are not to submit to any cruel and self-centered abuse, because to do so would mean that we are not Loving ourselves. We must learn how to LOVE and let go, especially when all we are receiving is a systematic shower of abuse from someone who is spiritually unconscious, miserable, and one who has become a negative recluse; such people try to hurt us by way of their words and actions. Nonetheless, they are hurting themselves even more. That is why they need our LOVE, even if we have to share our LOVE with them from afar.

Hard troubling times stir up the worst in some people, and even though it may not seem so, that is a good thing, because everything that is done is meant to expose the darkness all around us and bring us into the Light of True Understanding. When we are finally able to see the darkness trying to hide in the small hidden crevasses of our psyche, we must bathe those areas thoroughly with the Divine Healing Energy and Sacred Light of Unconditional LOVE, that will cleanse and start to transform the areas where darkness tried to hide and plant all of it’s crops of stress, confusion, and worry.

We are LOVE, because we are created by LOVE. Humanity’s greed, deception, and its multiple shades of illusion have tripped us up many times, deceived us, and clouded our spiritual sight and understanding. Nevertheless, that is only a temporary condition, one day we all will recall that the LOVE that conquers all, still resides eternally within our Spirit and we most certainly can and must use it whenever we feel the need to do so.

Therefore, we must not be so hard on ourselves when deception misdirects us, and we start to experience pain down to the very core of our being because our LOVE has been abused. In such a situation we must still ourselves and call out for LOVE’S comforting embrace, and allow the Healing Balm of GODDESS-GOD’S Unconditional LOVE flowing to us and through us, and allow it to heal our mind, our emotions, our sight, our body, and our surrounding world.

The sad hard times, just like the Beauty-Full Joy-Full ones, visit us from time to time, to awaken us and bring us healing, restoration and an abundance of Unconditional LOVE. They also cause us to once again be able to see that we are and always have been full of Spiritual Perfection, and the Awesome Beauty of Unconditional LOVE. Each and every one of us is made whole through Divine Reconciliation, and the Precious Eternal LOVE of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

LOVE Is All There Is!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


LOVE is a subject that can never receive to much of our attention. MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD is LOVE, and we were created out of LOVE, and we also are LOVE because we are One With GODDESS/GOD. Did you know that LOVE can be applied to any problem and in doing so LOVE will assist us in bring a true solution to that problem? Yes, any problem we could ever be faced with in this lifetime can be turned around if we simply apply LOVE to that problem. As it is said and rightfully so; “LOVE Conquers All!” That is why I am completely committed to, and dedicated to being the LOVE Warrior and the Ambassador of LOVE that I know I am.

Below is my interpretation of something written by Marie T. Russell. I hope you can identify with it, and if not; please share with me why you don’t. I am always open to learn and to change, when learning and change is needed. Also, go out and enjoy this Beauty-Full Day of Creation we have been blessed with. Make sure that you add some of your Magnificent Life Giving Unconditional LOVE to the mix.

LOVE Sincerely and You Will Always Be At Peace Within Your Spirit, and With the Whole of Creation!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala




LOVE is neither a private nor a secret experience in life; LOVE is actually the glue that holds everything together. Therefore, when we think our world is falling apart, we must apply some of the glue of LOVE to it. We must LOVE ourselves, LOVE all of the people around us, and especially LOVE the people we incorrectly think we hate. What; did I say that we are to love the people we hate? Yes, we must LOVE those we think we hate because of who they truly are, perfect but temporarily confused children of LOVE. Remember, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD is LOVE. We must LOVE our sisters and brothers if for no other reason because of the Divine potential that resides within them; LOVE them in spite of their anger, fear, resentment, frustrations, abuse, and their overall negative behavior towards themselves and others.

We must LOVE them because LOVE is the greatest healer of all, and because our actions, words, and thoughts of LOVE could be that which saves them from their own little personal hell. Our smile, gracious and Loving attention could be the one thing they need to help them hang on to the hope that there is still a chance of a much better life. No one wants to be miserable, or wants to be the instrument that is used to make others miserable.

When we choose to remember that the essential ingredient for bringing about peace within ourselves, in our neighborhoods, and in the world is LOVE, we can also choose to remember to apply LOVE in every situations we are faced with, whether at work, home or in our interactions in public with strangers. LOVE most definitely makes the world go round, so lets give LOVE a try and get things spinning in the proper direction.

That was my interpretation of something I read by Marie T. Russell entitled; Looking For Love



There Is No Separation Between LOVE, The Whole of Creation and Me.

No Lack Can Be Found In Me, Because LOVE Dwells In Me As My Only Reality.

“I Am One With The Supreme Energy of LOVE, Which Is My Oneness With GODDESS/GOD!”

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala


Copyright © August 2006