Monday, May 2, 2011




"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Mahatma Gandhi

Celebrating Murder?

Are Americans So Lost That Murder Is Celebrated?

America is now celebrating murder. This is one more nail in the coffin of America. I hope you noticed that I said, "… in the coffin of America." That means that America is already dead, and in the process of being buried. That is why we are witnessing the collapse across the board in America, and also the collapse of Americas standing around the world.

The taking of any life is horrendous and not something to be celebrated, not even when the person killed is Osama Ben Laden. I have heard people say; God Bless Obama and America for this murder, also justice has been done. That shows that there is pure ignorance concerning who and what God is. People want God's blessings to be given for taking another life? Do you think God should be out of balance and insane like human beings, and bless people for death and destruction? That is insanity at it's worst. You do not do away with evil by committing the same evil act, even when that evil is done in the name of God, as America always does. The so-called United States of America has turned another corner of darkness.

There is absolutely nothing to celebrate whether Ben Laden was killed or not. Once again the energy that governs the nation that is called the United States is exposed and seen for exactly what it is. America has once again been exposed for what it has always been, one nation that depresses others, and inflicts all manner of pain and death on those who look, think, and act differently then America dictates. You think we live in a democracy, like hell we do. We live under dictatorship that wants to rule the world.

The most horrendous thing is, everything done by the American government is done in the name of God. In God We Trust? There is not a single speck of God's Divine Energy, which is Love in the purest sense, in what America is and stands for, or in what America has done and continues to do in the name of God. The big question is, who dances in the streets over killing another, heathens, unenlightened people that's who.

America The Beautiful, absolutely not, it is America The Oppressor and Murderer!

May God Have Mercy On America, For It Knows Not What It Does.

One Love, Unconditional!

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

May 2, 2011