Learning To Be Me, Without Any Hesitancy
Over the fifty-six years that I have lived this present lifetime, I have learnt and am learning, how to be me without hesitancy. Doing so, entails being open to receive and follow the Divine Direction that comes to me by way of SPIRIT, within my Spirit. We humans have gotten so out of touch with that which is truly spiritual, that we now see the Spiritual as being spooky, weird, and outright crazy. To see that which is truly spiritual, in less than a Divine way, is extremely detrimental to our overall survival and existence as conscious beings.
As I think back on my life, and review experiences when I was led here and there by others, and a multitude of outside influences of every sort, I can see the imbalance in me, that was caused by such actions. I can also see the pain brought on by such choices. I believe that everything that has happened in my life, happened exactly how it had to happen in order that I would truly appreciate being who I am and experience the True Blessing of being me, and living life without any hesitancy. My true self, which is my Higher Self, has always been connected and yielded to SPIRIT. Nevertheless, that has not been a part of my daily comprehension, because I had many valuable lessons to learn in the School of Life, through my experiences. Some very valuable lessons have been learned; with there are many more lessons to come. Nonetheless, what I have already learned, has blessed me tremendously. I no longer worry about what people think of me, or believe about me, none of that really matters to me any more. Actually, none of that ever really mattered; I just thought it did, because of my mis-education and disconnection from SPIRIT, my disconnection from my higher conscious of Absolute Divine Reality.
At present, I still must monitor myself to make sure I am not loosing footing and slipping back into the old ways of thinking, believing, feeling, seeing, and doing things. Sometimes old programs can be hard to break away from, especially when we allow ourselves to operate on automatic pilot, as humanity has done for to long now. Going through life on automatic pilot is not, and has never been a workable option for anyone. I am to do everything, and experience everything, in a conscious state of being. I am to be conscious of every thought, word, belief, and action, that is a part of my present now time reality. Along with that, I am to consciously stay focused on only that which is a part of the now, a part of the present moment. Why is that so? That is so because, that is all there is for me at this conscious junction in my present development and existence. The only way I am not able to be free, not able to be me without hesitancy, is to trust that being me is the way the SPIRIT designed me to be, and then simply be.
I am not to be led around by outside influences, especially not led around by the outside influences of what others say SPIRIT has told them is the direction I should follow, because they are one of the chosen ones humanity must go through to get to The DIVINE. My only savior comes in the form of me, through my Personal Intimate Relationship with The DIVINE. That means that I am hearing and comprehending the Divine Direction from my Sacred Relationship with The DIVINE, and following that direction to the tee. Now, what does follow it to the tee mean? To me, following it to the tee means, following it to the Cross of Divine Reality. The Cross of Divine Reality I am speaking of is the original cross that represents life, which has and opening like the eye of a needle, that cross is called an Ankh. It is the Sacred Symbol of the Eternal Truth of Humanities Divine Oneness, through our Sacred Spiritual and physical manifestation, it represents the Divine Union of the Woman, the top opening of the Ankh, the Man, the vertical shaft of the Ankh, and the child, the horizontal cross member of the Ankh. The Divine Truth of life is this, we are all one by way of our Sacred Relationship with GODDESS/GOD The DIVINE and each other. If I cannot fully comprehend that reality, I am unable of knowing any reality whatsoever. In recognizing my True Self, my Higher Self, coupled with recognizing my Oneness with GODDESS/GOD The DIVINE, means that I must also recognize the need to be me, to be who I am created to be, and my Eternal Oneness with the Whole of Creation. That Sacred Reality is eternally a conscious part of my reality.
“I Have Learned To Be Me, Without Any Hesitancy.”
Baba-Kundi Ma`at Shambhala