Thursday, January 5, 2012

Within Us All


Within Us All

Did you know that within you and the entire human race is the most sacred, precious, and valuable gift that is ever to be found throughout the entire physical plane? The gift I speak of is responsible for the creation of everything, it is also responsible for maintaining everything which includes the power to heal all manner of dis-ease and it is the sustenance behind of all life; that which I am speaking of is Love, Pure Unadulterated Unconditional Love. All of the wealth of the world cannot even come close to comparing with the Love that dwells eternally within our spirits. Love is SPIRIT, our Eternal Sacred Parent MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. With such wealth, why are we running all around the world and even out into space looking for that which we can call valuable and priceless? That is like me scrounging around everywhere I can, to get enough money for a meal when my bank account has a balance of thousands of dollars; to do such is insanity. Well, all of us humans have proven with out a doubt that we are not living a conscious life. If we were living a conscious life, me included; we would not be looking for satisfaction of any type anywhere but within our very own spirit. In addition, we would not be looking anywhere outside of ourselves for anything, or looking to anyone to create the change that is needed in the world today. As Mahatma Gandhi so eloquently said, We need to be the change we wish to see in the world”. Matter of fact, if we were living the life we are created to live, change would not be needed in the world; because everything would be perfect as it was originally created. Everything we seek is to be found within the Precious Gift of Love, and we all possess the Precious Gift of Love in equal measure. Will humanity ever fully awaken to this Divine Reality?

Here I am going to share a poem written by one who understood this Divine Reality. His name is Mattie J.T. Stepanek; he was truly an angel that dwelt amongst us.

A Perfect Fit

God Created everything, and

God created everyone.

God created all the birds,

And, all the fish, and all the plants.

God created all the animals, and

God created all the people.

And, God made something

Very, very special inside the people —

It’s in the middle of the people,

But a little to the left —

And it’s called a “heart.”

Hearts come in red and pink and gold

And black and brown and white.

Hearts come in all these colors

And all the colors in between.

Some of them are my favorite colors,

And that is as special as a heart.

A heart is special because

It is where we feel and love.

A heart is where our body and spirit

Touch while we are alive.

The more we love,

The bigger our heart gets.

But God made sure that

No matter how big our heart gets from love,

It still fits perfectly, right where it is,

Inside all of the people.

Mattie J.T. Stepanek

January 1996

This was written by one we would call a child. However, this child was a wise old soul. I Love You Mattie; you will never be forgotten. Thank You for taking the short amount of time you had her on Earth Mother to teach us what life is truly all about, Unconditional Love. Mattie, you are my role model.

Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a well-respected poet and peace activist, lived a life that was brief in length but powerfully blessed with depth. Born on July 17, 1990, Mattie began creating and sharing “Heartsongs” at the young age of 3. He explained that Heartsongs are “gifts that reflect each person’s unique reason for being.” Mattie ultimately published six collections of his “Heartsongs” poetry books and one collection of “Just Peace” essays and e-mail correspondence between Mattie and Former President Jimmy Carter. All seven of Mattie’s books became New York Times Bestsellers and touched millions of lives around the world.

Mattie gave inspirational speeches to a variety of audiences; was a frequent guest on shows like Oprah, Larry King Live, and Good Morning America; and he served as a three-term National Goodwill Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. His philosophy for life was “Remember to play after every storm!” and he wanted to be remembered as “a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher who played.” Mattie died on June 22, 2004 due to complications of the rare neuromuscular disease that caused him to rely on a ventilator and wheelchair much of his life.