Thursday, December 1, 2011

We Thrive When We Are Loved


We Thrive When We Are Loved

I do not believe that I could find anyone who would not say that we thrive when we are Loved. Well, I have something to share with you. We are Loved beyond measure every single day of our lives; every second of every day SPIRIT is telling us and showing us how much we are Loved. I have absolute proof of that, and I will share that proof with you right now. Every time our heart takes a beat, this is what SPIRIT is saying and backing up with actions: I Love You, I Bless You, I Give You Life. With every heart beat over and over every second of every day, I Love You, I Bless You, I Give You Life, I Love You, over and over again non-stop. In addition, when we stop receiving the Love, the Blessings, and Life from SPIRIT, then we are brought home to be with SPIRIT and we enter into the fullness of SPIRIT’S Divine Energy. That can only be done once we have given up physical form, because everything physical is so dense in make-up and nature, and the awesome Power of SPIRIT would totally consume all physical form. Because of that, we must lay down our physical bodies before we enter into the Full Nature of SPIRIT. However, until then we are continuously being bathed in Love, Blessings, and Life. Could we ever ask for or desire more? Of course we could not.

This was resonating within my heart and mind loud and clear when I awoke this morning and I had to share it with you. The Love that I have been seeking, and more Loved then I could ever imagine has been showering down on me for eternity. That means that I was Loved, Blessed, and filled with Life from before I entered this physical plane. I was Loved, Blessed, and given Life when I was in heaven (my mothers womb), and the Love, Blessings, and Life continues to flow as greatly as ever. The only problem with me was, I was focusing on everything outside of me and expecting to get what was already flowing to me within me. What I desired, and was seeking could never come to me from outside of me. Whenever my focus is off, so is my understanding of my reality. I am sure you know that when we see things in the wrong light, that does not change the reality of the situation, it merely changes what we are open to do and receive. If we feel that we are not worthy of something, we will never reach out to possess it. So because of our mental comprehension we suffer a state of lack. The lack that we experience has nothing at all to do with unworthiness, or SPIRIT withholding Blessing from us; it is all about our perception.

We have been functioning in this area of void for a long time now, so in most cases it will take some time to consciously turn things around. That is why we must do all things in a conscious state of mind. When we do not do everything in a conscious state of mind we tend to drift and allow our automatic pilot to engage, that is when we really end up in a mess. You see; our subconscious is the controller of our automatic pilot. If we were operating from the proper conscious frame of mind, and we were always looking within for direction, our subconscious mind would be programmed properly and our automatic pilot would be able to steer us safely. However, in the state of mind that most people are in today, allowing automatic pilot to take control is a very risky and dangerous thing to do.

There isn’t a single human being that can exist without Love. Not even the meanest, most hateful, arrogant, cruel, and self-centered person can exist without being Loved. Love is more vital to us than food, because Love feeds the whole person. When I found out that my ex-wife and I were going to be blessed with our first child, I did everything I could to prepare for that Wonder-Full gift. One thing I did was read everything I could get. I remember reading a book that was pointing out how important physical contact and Love is, and it was reinforced with an experiment that was done in Russia. They had two groups of twelve newborn babies; in each group of twelve they made sure that they had exactly the same amount of food, clothing, and there environment was exactly the same. The only difference was one group was touched as little as possible; they were only touched when they we changed and they were bathed lying down; they were not even held when being fed. That group started to get real thin and lethargic. The other group was healthy and gaining weight, because they were held and talked to as much as possible. The group that was seldom touched and never talked to declined even more. This is where the experiment became more than cruel. The first group got so sick that they started to die; they continued the experiment until all twelve babies in that group were dead. That is horrendous and beyond gruesome, but it showed me how important Love in all of its forms is to life. Even with the Awesome Sacred Love of SPIRIT, we also need Love from each other. Even the toughest guy around is Loved by someone, even if it is just a word of concern, that is a form of Love that nourishes our being. So let’s bask in the Awesome Sacred Love of SPIRIT, as we share Love with others in the multitude of ways that have been made available to us. You can share Love with someone by looking at them and envisioning Love flowing from your heart to their heart, and not even say a word, and most people won’t even know what you are doing, even though there may experience some what of a warm light feeling within. However, those who are sensitive to energy and awakened to Love will feel it right away.

We Are Love Beings; Because of That It Is Time That We Go Within and Flow With Love.

The saying “GOD Is LOVE” is more than a saying.

You Are Loved With Each Beat of Your Heart!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2011