Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why Natural? (repost)


Why Natural?

Revised 03.26.2011

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

In today's commercial advertising world we are led to believe that beauty is having a slim or muscular build with long flowing straight hair and we are to get that by any means necessary. Do not get me wrong; those are only two of a multitude of forms of outward beauty. Nevertheless, beauty does not begin and end with our outer appearance and physical shape. Outward beauty manifests in all sizes, shapes and colors. However, the most pleasing and fulfilling beauty a person can project is the Inner and outer Natural Beauty she or he is born with. The Divine Creation known as humanity is a complete perfect blessing that is made a part of the whole of creation by our Sacred Eternal Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God. We are created as different individuals for a Divine reason; everything created by Goddess-God is Divine, Sacred, and Perfect in every way just as it is. All of us outwardly are a different reflection and definition of that Divine, Sacred, and Perfect creation, and that is a very good thing. The bottom line to this story is. "We Are Individuals!" Because of that precious reality, we all look different, those differences in each individual is Absolutely Beauty-Full in every way. It does not matter what size, shape, or color our physical being is. Likewise, it does not matter what the color, texture, or style of our hair may be, we are still Beauty-Full and Radiant, the way we were born and the way we naturally age is the way Goddess-God intends.

In terms of our physical make-up, it is time that we come to the true understanding that our physical body is not created to withstand and tolerate all of the chemicals that we expose it to on a daily basis, or the physical manipulation we burden it with. That is why as the human race gets older our bodies experience more and more disease (dis-ease). Unnatural treatment causes unnatural results. When a chemical is used on our bodies, or ingested into our bodies, it distorts the Divine Natural Rhythm and Flow in an unhealthy and unnatural way. That means that we are harming the natural make-up of our temporary physical vehicles when you introduce them to un-natural chemicals and foreign manipulation. Over the years, it has been proven without a shadow of doubt that we absorb natural and un-natural substances through the pores of our skin at a very rapid rate; the skin is actually the largest organ of the body. That is why some medications are now being administered by way of skin patches.

If we seriously take all of that into consideration, and then couple it with the fact that our hair grows through the porous layer of skin on our head, which provides an even greater possibility of chemical absorption due to the openings of our hair shafts through our scalp. Our hair shafts provide another avenue for absorption of unnatural chemicals in the hair products we use into our bodies and blood streams. That is not good at all for our overall health. We must give a lot of serious thought to what we put on our hair, scalp, and skin. That is why a natural hairstyle without any man made chemical treatments is of the utmost importance to people of every hue and ethnicity in more ways then one.

It is really mind-boggling how humanity thinks and acts most of the time. Those with curly and courser hair are doing all they can to straighten their hair, and even change it's color. Then those who have fine straight hair are curling it and coloring it. Everyone is trying to be like and look like someone else. We should be completely content and happy with the Divine way each of us have been created, and accept the Awesome Natural Beauty we have been blessed with, as the individual we were created to be from birth. If all of us looked alike this would be a very dull world to live in. We would then do all we could to change the way we look to be different from everyone else. Human beings have turned into little fickle beings.

We should take the All Encompassing Natural Beauty that we already possess, and do all that we can to maintain it properly, which means Naturally. Naturally is how we make our Natural Beauty an even Greater More Radiant Natural Masterpiece. It does not matter what texture our hair is, there is a natural hairstyle for us that will enhance and fabulously showcase our limitless beauty. It is amazing what the right Natural Hair Style can do for a person’s appearance, and even enhance their self-esteem. Believe it or not, a natural hairstyle can increase your self-esteem and also changes the way that others look at you as well. However, it does not matter what others think or say about us. All that matters is this; we do only that which naturally enhances and supports who we are created to be. Think about all of this, and then take the appropriate actions and let your Natural Beauty Radiate from within your Spirit, through your Goddess/God given Beauty-Full physical make-up, just the way it is Divinely Designed.

We Are The Perfect Creation of The DIVINE!

Why Natural?

Natural because of the damage a perm does to you in so many different ways. This is a picture of a women's scalp that was severely damaged from the chemicals that are in perms.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala


Copyright © March 1998

Revised 03.26.11