Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Donna Summer - State Of Independence

Seasons Greetings

State of Independence

Donna Summers

State of life, may I live, may I love
coming out the sky, I name me a name
coming out silver word for what it is
it is very nature of the sound, the game

Shablamidi, shablamida
shablamidi, shablamida
shablamidi, shablamida

Siamese, Indonese, to Tibet treat the life
as a game, if you please (hey)
coming up Caribee such a freedom
derives from a meditative state
movin' on, believe that's it, call it magic
third world, it is, I only guessed it

Shablamidi, shablamida
shablamidi, shablamida
shablamidi, shablamida

Shablimidi, shablamida
shablimidi, shablamida
shablimidi, shablamida

Shot to the soul the flame of Oroladian
(the) essence of the word
the state of independence

Sounds like a signal from you
bring me to meet your sound
and I will bring you to my heart

Love, like a signal you call
touching my body, my soul
bring to me, you to meet me here

Home, be the temple of your heart
home, be the body of your love
just like holy water to my lips
(hey, hey)

Yes, I do know how I survive
yes, I do know why I'm alive
to love and be with you
day by day by day by day

Time, time again, it is said
we will hear, we will see
see it all in His wisdom hear

His truth will abound the land
this truth will abound the land
this state of independence shall be
this state of independence shall be

Say, yeah -e-yay, yeah-e-yo
yeah-e-yay, yeah-e-yo...
be the sound of higher
love today
yeah-e-yeah (hey, hey)

Time, time again, it is said
we will hear, we will see
see it all in His wisdom hear

His truth will abound the land
this truth will abound the land
this state of independence shall be
this state of independence shall be
this state of independence shall be
this state of independence shall be
this state of independence shall be...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Heaven, An Inside Job


Heaven, An Inside Job

Did you know that heaven is an inside job? Yes, we have been duped into believing that heaven is out there somewhere in the by-and-bye, in our very distant future, and heaven is only available to those who follow certain christian principles. I do not know the origin of that lie, however I do know that it is just that, a lie. Our first conscious experience with heaven through our human consciousness was in the heaven of our mother’s womb. Yes, our mother’s womb is one of the most precious places known as heaven. I may not know the origin of this lie, however I do know the reason for this lie. We are taught the lie that heaven and God is somewhere off in the bye-and-bye, that lie was designed and told to us to rob us of our Precious Sacred Innate Spiritual Creative Power. We are told that we should look to heaven, look to the sky for the Divine Guidance we seek and need. I agree 100% that we should look to heaven, or in other words look to the sky for Divine Guidance. However, the heaven and sky I am speaking of is, the heaven and sky that is within our Spirit. The heaven within us is the Sacred Place where The DIVINE our most Sacred MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD dwells.

“SACRED WOMAN, Your Womb Is Heaven, and every human being must enter into this physical realm through the “Gates of Heaven.” Every SACRED WOMAN that has forgotten this Divine Reality is being shaken and awakened to it, as we all enter into this Divinely appointed Age of Spiritual Awakening.”

This excerpt comes from: Sacred Woman (A Sacred Man’s Perspective)

The reason why we are experiencing life in the way that we are today is very simple. We have unplugged ourselves, from our most Precious and Omnificent Sacred Power Source, the most Precious Omnificent Sacred Power Source I am speaking of is none other than the Divine Intelligence of GREAT SPIRIT that resides within our very own Spirit. Within our very own Spirit is the only authentic Spiritual dwelling place. Once again, I am speaking of Heaven the place of Divine Reality. We must embark on a Sacred Journey of the Heart, our Spiritual Sojourn, and consciously return to that Sacred Dwelling Place that we call and know as Heaven.

When it comes to that which is Spiritual, that which houses our True Inner Inexhaustible Spiritual Power, we have been sold a boatload of partial truths, and a form of pure deception. That deception is, we are sinners in need of a savior, and we can do nothing for ourselves outside of submitting to that savior which is outside of ourselves. We have accepted the following. We are powerless little beings waiting to be saved from our ugly sinful selves by the coming Christ. A major deception that totally derails our journey through this dense physical realm is as follows. We need to confess and accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior to save us. Then we must wait for his physical return. What we are taught about the Christ is an intentional deceptive half-truth, which was specifically designed for the sole-purpose of disempowering us, robbing us of our Spiritual Awareness and Creative Power. If a thing is not whole, it is impossible for it to be what it was created to be, and impossible for it to function in the way it was intended to function. That is why humanity and the world is in the condition we find it here in the year 2010.

We have been taught by some, that God is out of reach of us while we are in physical form here on this physical plane. That is one of the main reasons why Jesus had to come to earth. God in the form of a man come to earth to commune with its human creation. A very important thing was left out. A creation will always be a part of its creator, especially when the creator is the Eternal Spiritual Energy known to us as GREAT SPIRIT, the Oneness between the Creation and The CREATOR goes far beyond being Precious and Powerful, in its nature alone it is DIVINE. This reminds me of something written in chapter 24 of the book, oneness the teachings, a book that I believe everyone should read.

The inclination to place the concept of God in an exalted position within the framework of a personal philosophy is at the root of all that holds one back in one’s experience of God. For God is not within you to be worshipped, or feared, or even to be understood, but rather, to be experienced and known. The very act of the exultation of the Divine creates a delineation between that Divine presence and oneself—a state of separation that constitutes a barrier to the very connection that one most fervently wishes to realize.

The God within all life does not seek to be placed on a pedestal, but hopes to be discovered as the source of one’s own essence. The God to whom you pray and from whom you beg mercy or miracles is no more capable of manifesting the answer to your prayers than you are. The only difference between you and God is that God knows it—and you don’t.

This excerpt comes from: oneness the teachings

To exalt The DIVINE above ourselves is just as bad as placing The DIVINE far off out of reach somewhere in the bye-and-bye. The DIVINE is not above us or outside of us, because we are one with The DIVINE. Just as it is so clearly points out in the book oneness the teachings. The DIVINE is not within us to be worshiped or feared. GODDESS/GOD is LOVE and because LOVE is the most powerful of all, it can have no association whatsoever with the negative inadequate energy known as fear. So that tells me that the teaching that we are to have the fear of God in our hearts, is a false teaching, designed specifically to mislead and disempower us. There are similar faulty teachings such as the wrath of God, and the vengeance of God. All of that nonsense, as well as other things like that, can only be associated with limited physical human characteristics and the finite human intellect. Humanity has tried its best through its shortsighted feeble human mentality to define GODDESS/GOD in such a way. Self-centered human beings are the only creatures that seek to be placed on a pedestal above all other forms of creation. Take a close look at nature in its vast array of forms and you will see how nature fully embraces oneness. If you ever find a part of nature that does not embrace oneness, it is due to the unnatural influence of humanity upon it.

Human beings go around seeking, praying for, and begging for that which is already a part of us. To paraphrase what I shared with you from the book oneness, the only difference between GODDESS/GOD and you and me, is as follows. GODDESS/GOD resides in the Divine State of the Oneness of the Whole of Creation. However, even though that is our Divine reality, we humans still seek oneness while we are smack-dab in the middle of the Sacred Relationship of Oneness. Such an attitude is reflected in almost everything that we think, say, and do. We go around feeling needy, because we are not focusing on the eternal abundance that has always been a part of our eternal being. If we are part of the Oneness of The DIVINE, we are part of the Unlimited Spiritual Abundance that is within our Spirit, as well as the physical abundance that is all around us.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2010

* This is a work in process, more to come..........

Monday, December 13, 2010




My Beloved Sisters and Brothers; recently I have had a couple of my sisters voice some concern about my scripted words. They were concerned whether I was going through something because of what they said they were feeling in my writings. What I shared entitled The Simple Life happens to be one of such that aroused a few concerns and responses here lately. I want you all to know this, and I am sure many of you already know this. I am very passionate about everything that I do. Because of my inner passion, I truly feel and experience to some degree everything I share with you, as well as everything that I think, say, and do. You should know this about me. Some of what I share with you here on Essence Blogesphere is what I wrote a number of years ago when I was sending out daily inspirational e-mails. When I feel the urge to share something I wrote in the past, I do so. Sometimes I even revise the older scripted words that I share with you, and the energy you feel is my passion from the past when I originally wrote it, and/or my passion from the present revision. However, whatever energy you feel it is a good thing, because opening up and releasing through different forms of communication is a good thing.

Many times people tend to feel that the sharing of something that is less then positive, such as sharing your anger or something that you dislike that has been done to another or ones-self is not befitting of someone who is supposed to be on the Spiritual Path. However, that could not be further from what we should do. Our emotions are natural occurrences, and we should express them in ways that do not hurt others. However, if we suppress our less then pleasant emotions and hold them in, we will surely harm ourselves in some way because it will cause stress within our Spirit. Our emotions are signals that we must acknowledge and deal with, and avoiding to speak them and address them is not the proper way to acknowledge them. We must remember this; it takes a perfect balance between the positive and the negative for things to flow smoothly as they are designed to do. There is a proper way to express everything that is a part of this experience called life. Our individual duty is to find the proper way to do such, a way that will honor SPIRIT, those who are a part of our lives, the Whole of Creation, and us. Avoiding an emotion because of what people may think or say is definitely not the way to go.

One of the major problems humanity has developed is becoming emotionally disconnected from life, when a person disconnects emotionally, that person looses his or her passion for Love and life. The saddest thing about that is, true passion is the Sacred Energy that fuel our Spirit. Passion is the Sacred Energy that makes our dreams come true, it is also the Sacred Energy that provides us with the needed atmosphere for the miraculous to happen. Can you imagine being in Love and not being passionate about that Love? There is no Love without passion. The lost of passion is one major reason why many Love relationships eventually reach the end of their road. We should, no, we must always be passionate about everything that we do, if there is no passion in what we are doing, we should not be doing that which we are doing. This experience called life is all about passion; a passion for life is a necessity.

Therefore, I will always be passionate about my life and everything that is a part of my life. However, within your passion for a true and honest relationship with me, please do not hesitate to say something to me when you feel that my passion needs tweaking. I will always be passionate about that which I do; however, I cannot say that I will always be correct in everything that I do. Yes, we must be passionate about what we do. However, we must do that which is proper. Again, it is proper to express in a passionate way that I dislike something. However, my passion must not be malicious.

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Simple Life


The Simple Life

I long to live the simple life, a life minus all of the human deception, selfishness, and all of the unnatural control issues mankind orchestrates under the guise of our best interest. I have had my absolute fill of man’s self-centered corrupt ways of living and manipulating each other and the Whole of Creation. I have not given up hope on the human race. However, I am feed up with the way we humans act as if the entire universe is supposed to exist to serve our limited narrow desires. The human race has misused almost everything it has been entrusted with, especially and our kindred family we share this physical realm with, the beloved Animal Kingdom. What will it take to wake up the human race? The Animal Kingdom must watch us in complete disgust and absolute horror as we destroy just about everything we touch and lay our eyes on, including each other. We have lost our Divine Connection to Oneness. The Oneness I am speaking of is the Oneness of the Whole of Creation. For humanity to think it is about all other forms of creation is one of the biggest mis-takes it has made. In the past, I was just as guilty as everyone else. But I am so grateful to GREAT SPIRIT that Unconditional Love remained alive and well within my Spirit and one day, years ago my eyes where opened and I started to clearly see my error in the way I was relating to and living life. The simple life is the only life. Yet, humankind continues to do all that it can to compromise and complicate our existence her on Earth Mother, this fabulous piece of Paradise.

Will humanity as a whole ever wake up? I really do not know if humanity will wake up or not. Sometimes as I watch what is done in the name of God and humanity, I do not think it will ever wake up. Nevertheless, I know this. We will not be allowed to destroy the Wonder-Full Creation that was gifted to us by LOVE ITSELF. We must not be so ignorant; the human race does not possess such power. Humankinds big problem is, its ass is on its shoulders. When I say; “Humankinds big problem is, its ass is on its shoulders,” I mean that the human ego, which is the foulest odor of all odors, has been placed in control of their lives, and that foul ego is bent on destroying everything in its path, even its own family. The only thing that has value to them is material possessions. The real sad thing is this; humanity thinks it is superior to all other forms of creation. Hey, even a rock is more intelligent and more connected to GREAT SPIRIT then such a confused human being.

Humanities Only Salvation Is Spiritually Based. Individually, we must find a way to go within and tap into GREAT SPIRIT, and be transformed back into who and what we truly are, a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. Humanity believes that it has been given dominion over the earth because it is a superior being. If that is so, why are human beings destroying this planet and even the universe? If the animal and mineral kingdoms were left alone minus all human beings, this physical realm would once again be Simply Divine. It is sad but true, very nearly all human beings are mostly concerned with, is getting more and more stuff they can’t even use adequately, just to show off to other human beings. You know the old saying, that points out clearly what they are doing, trying to keep up with the Jones’s. You know what? The Animal Kingdom is looking at us and saying, I feel sorry for those ignorant human fools. Human beings in such a state of mind are destroying and wasting very precious natural resources. In addition, the human institutions such as governments and religions are leading the way down the road of sure and absolute self-destruction. Yes, humanity is headed for self-destruction. If I could get a transfer out of this mess today, I would take it without hesitation. Nevertheless, as long as I am here, I am here to learn and move forward. My individual path is that of Total Spiritual Re-Call, the full awakening and surrender to my Eternal Spiritual Nature. Humankind has nothing to offer me, that is anywhere near that Divine Reality. I do not want anything man has created that he wants to offer me, and never will I, all Thanks and Praise be to GREAT SPIRIT - GODDESS/GOD.

My Greatest Desire is an on-going Day-By-Day Deeper Inner Spiritual and Outer Natural Communion with GREAT SPIRIT, Earth Mother, and the Whole of Creation. Humanity as a whole must stop living out of balance with that which is Spiritual. The handwriting on the wall is all around us; of course, I am speaking of those who have eyes to see. If you are one who says, what I am saying is nonsense. You are simply telling the Whole of Creation and myself, I am not one with the Spiritual Sight needed to see and understand who I am, why I am here, and the true reality of life and existence here on this physical plane. The Simple Life is the life we are supposed to be living. The Simple Life is the life of True Spiritual Awareness, and it is void of all selfish ego.

“Every thought we think, every word we speak, and every action we take, becomes part of our present moment reality. It also becomes a part of the collective reality of Whole of Creation. That is why we must be extremely careful of what we create, because it surely will become a part of our surrounding world and also our Collective Consciousness and our Collective Oneness.”

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010




Over the years, it has gotten progressively clearer to me that I should not be impulsive in my actions. I have learned that it is best that I am very deliberate in what I think say and do. Doing so will produce more of a flow, and produce more harmony in what I am doing. To act impulsively, is to react and to be sudden in my actions, and many times that means that I am forcing things to happen, instead of allowing things to flow in the way that they should. I should be spontaneous in what I do from time to time, sometimes life calls for spontaneity. However, not everything that I do should be solely driven by the energy of spontaneity. Most of what I do should be thought through and planned out to maximize a beneficial outcome. Life must have some order, it must be planned out to avoid chaos, and assist in producing harmony and natural flow.

I find that living today verses a few decades ago; just about everything is expected to happen instantly, patience is becoming a thing of the past. The state of patience, being a state of virtue is quickly fading because human beings are forcing and rushing just about every life experience. I must always envision this experience called life, as it truly is, a part of a greater whole. As I drive through the streets of Washington, DC the Nations Capital, I witness how self-centered most people have become. I have even noticed that same condition within myself. That is one reason why I must not be impulsive, because being impulsive usually means being selfish, thinking only of my personal needs, and not the needs of other and the Whole of Creation. If what I do is based in what is pest for the Whole of Creation, not only will I benefit, the whole will benefit.

I believe that living life from a collective perspective, recognizing the Oneness of the whole, is the original and only way I should be living, because everything that I do affects everyone and everything around me. In addition, living life from a collective perspective puts form to my thoughts and words of Love for the Whole of Creation. When I live life in and through Divine Oneness, which is collective living, I am showing my family of creation that I Love them and I recognize my Oneness with them. I believe that two of the most important things I am here on this physical plane to do, are to project Unconditional Love and Sacred Harmony to the Whole of Creation in everything that I think, say, and do. Those are the two most valuable and most tangible things I could ever offer.

As I focus on, and avoid being impulsive, I balance it off with not becoming a procrastinator. Because being a procrastinator is the other extreme, it is the opposite of being impulsive. They are two extremes; nevertheless, there is a fine line between the two. Over the 56 years of my precious life here on Earth Mother, I have found that it is very easy to go from one extreme to the other. Talking about living in a time when everything is instant, I have gone from one extreme to the other in a split second. Talking about going from one extreme to the other simply shows that every thought we think, every word we speak, and every action we take becomes part of our present moment reality. It also shows that it becomes a part of the collective reality of Whole of Creation. I must be careful what I create, because it surely will become a part of our Collective Consciousness, it will become a part of the Collective Oneness. If I am going to be impulsive about something, I am going to be impulsive about sharing my Unconditional Love with the Whole of Creation, and that includes being impulsive about Loving You. “I Love You We Are One!”

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala


Copyright © Dec. 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010




Key Word(s): renovatio & renovat

1. rebirth, resurrection, reawakening, renewal, regeneration; revitalization, rejuvenation a spiritual renascence/revival
2. the process of being reincarnated or born again
1. ‘made new again,’ from the verb renovare, from re- ‘back, again’

+ novus ‘new.’


To see everything as it truly exists, is to be completely free consciously and most importantly, to be free Spiritually. Can I truly feel, believe, say, and know that I see reality as it truly is, and know that I am truly free, if I am not facing and accepting the reality that I am a Perfect Eternal Spiritual Being in my original created form that is Wonder-Fully and Divinely Created? No, I cannot say that and stand tall with complete confidence of that, if I am not continually communing with and always open to PERFECTION ITSELF, The Creator of All Things GREAT SPIRIT. However, I can say that I stand tall with complete confidence that “I am an Eternal Evolving Perfect Spiritual Being” because of my ongoing conscious connection and daily communion with GREAT SPIRIT. I am speaking of a Holy Communion and Sacred Relationship that take place within my Spirit every second of every day, as I sojourn through this dense physical plane here on Earth Mother. Such an experience is discounted drastically by us when we try to convey it to others through our very limited human mentality and vocabulary. An experience such as this is so awesome, and so powerful, that it can only be tapped into and understood completely, by way of first hand experience, Spirit to SPIRIT, in what I call our Sacred Personal Intimate Relationship with MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. To be completely free within ourselves, we first must reach the Divine State of Conscious Spiritual Oneness, through our connection with DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, which only comes through our Conscious Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT. How is that accomplished? That is accomplished through the awakening of our spiritual consciousness that teaches us that there is absolutely no separation between GREAT SPIRIT and humanity, no matter what trials and tribulations we may have experienced, or find ourselves in the midst of. That is the only way we can tap into our Original Pristine State of Eternal Spiritual Sacredness, and be able to fully relate to being the Eternal Spiritual Beings that we were created as, and will always be no matter what.

To Clearly See, Consciously and Spiritually Be Free,

That Is Our Only True State of Eternal Reality.

Sometimes this journey we call life gets very difficult and confusing. However, that is only due to what we have been taught, due to what we have exposed ourselves to, also that which we have pledged our allegiance to consciously and/or subconsciously. You may say if we pledged our allegiance to something that would lead us astray subconsciously through a lack of knowledge, how can we be held accountable for such an unconscious action? We simply did not know any better because we did not have the proper information. That seems very logical, nonetheless it is far from being a part of our reality. Try this on for size and see what you think. Every time I do something that brings me less than desirable results, and I looked back on the situation to examine it for errors, I clearly see where I had been directed in the proper way to go, however I failed to heed the direction. The error rested solely on my shoulders. I was not listening as intently as I should have been, or I just refused to follow the direction coming to me, because I wanted and went after something I should not have gone after. The direction I am speaking of usually comes to all of us by way of that Still Small Voice of SPIRIT within our Spirit. Many times, we are guilty of mistaking the Still Small Voice for common thoughts and chatter floating around in our minds. That is a major mistake that many of us make repeatedly. We experience such mistakes repeatedly, because we no longer take the time necessary to commune with SPIRIT as we should and must do. If we want to live life to the fullest, be blessed, and be a blessing to others, and the Whole of Creation, we must find our way back to original Holy Communion with SPIRIT. Plainly said, we had better lean how to talk with SPIRIT. In addition, we must perfectly understand, it has absolutely nothing to do with religion or any other man made and controlled organization. However, it does have everything to do with the Holy Temple that is found within our own Sacred Spirit, the Sacred Dwelling Place of our Spiritual Parent and Creator MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

Our original problem as human beings is the breaking off our Sacred Communion with SPIRIT. We cannot have a meaningful relationship with anyone without stepping forward and initiating formal communication. Our relationships do not happen by way of Spiritual Osmosis, which is the gradual unconscious absorption of Spiritual Knowledge, as we just hang around those who are Spiritually Conscious. At this point in our life experience, almost everything that we receive that is of any Spiritual significance on this physical plane usually must come to us through the communion of our personal experiences on a Spiritual basis. Could we honestly say that we have a relationship with our biological mother and father if we never sat down and communicated with them? It would be ludicrous for us to say we have a relationship with them or anyone else for that matter, if we never spoke with them and never listened to them speak with us in return. That is exactly what we do when it comes down to our relationship with SPIRIT. We must tear our fake facades down completely. How can we completely tear down and destroy the fake façades we have proudly worn for such a long time? Here is what I truly believe will surely destroy those fake façades and rescue us, from ourselves, once and for all. We must open up fully so that we can receive the Spiritual Energy that is necessary to start the process of our Spiritual Rebirth, Resurrection, Reawakening, Renewal, Regeneration, Revitalization, and Total Spiritual Restoration within us. In addition, we must allow all of that to facilitate the Spiritual Renaissance that needs to take place within us that will assist us in functioning in the way we were created to function.


So Within, So Without,
the Reality of Which There Is Absolutely No Doubt.

“ Plant the Seed and It Will Grow!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright ©03.27.07

Revised 12.04.10


Friday, December 3, 2010




I believe that my only motivation behind giving Love should be for the purpose of sharing Sacred Energy with another, the energy which is the life giving force that is behind every living creation on this physical plane. In addition, giving Love should be for the unselfish purpose of sharing joy with another person, or whatever living creature it may be I am communing. Sharing Love with another should not be for the purpose of what I can get in return. The foundation that my Love for another should rests upon, must not be the flimsy foundation of what the other person has, will come into possession of, or who I want to change them into. The giving of my Precious Love energy must be an unconditional gift, with absolutely no strings attached. Today people are embracing and projecting what has become the selfish predominate energy of hoarding. The energy of hoarding has been found to be so prevalent in the world today. Such energy makes it difficult and almost impossible to Love unconditionally. Nevertheless, I can and must find a way to do away with that type of selfishness, and find a way to always Love unconditionally. Because of the energy and collective mindset of those, I call conscious energy and material vampires; those who try to suck all of life and material possessions from us. I must slow down, stay focused, and do everything within my power, in a deliberate conscious way, so that I do not fall into their very elaborate traps of deception and illusion.

Sometimes it is easy to live life in a perpetual state of unconscious existence, and be robotic in our Love relationships, as well as our daily affairs. I must consciously stay connected to Unconditional Love, to be free from the distorted human manufactured matrix of illusion, which is designed to completely deceive, control us, and keep us away from the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. When a relationship is based on sexual performance and material possessions, it is doomed to fail from the very beginning, because everything changes with time. It is sad to say, however it is so true, most relationships are based on sexual appearance and performance, as well as material possessions. In such relationships, if the sexual appearance and performance decreases for whatever reason, the relationship is in jeopardy of completely falling apart. In addition, if the material gain decreases or is lost completely, the relationship is likewise in jeopardy. How sad but true that is.

Who I am, and the lifestyle I have chosen to live, are both living examples and the Full Manifestation of the Blessings and the Grace of my Beloved Eternal Parent MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. When I completely tap into, connect to SPIRIT as I should always be, I immediately create through the Holy Peace and Transformative Power of The DIVINE that resides within my Spirit, enough positive energy to turn any situation completely around, and turn it into a testimony of the Divine Grace of The DIVINE. I am Divinely cared for as you and the Whole of Creation is. Nevertheless, the difference in some and me is as follows. I am conscious of the fact that I am Divinely Created, Divinely Cared for, and always open to receive Divine Guidance. By allowing Divine Calm and Peace to reign supreme in my life, I have consciously chosen the Path of Light and Unconditional Love, instead of the path of darkness, and everything that is housed within that energy.

SPIRIT is the only motivating force that I need. SPIRIT stimulates us all in every positive way. SPIRIT provides us with a never-ending source of Sacred Energy. SPIRIT provides all of the lessons that we need to trigger the memory of our Divinity. SPIRIT gives us the incentive that we need to hold on that extra mile so that we make it to the end of the race and receive our rightfully deserved reward. SPIRIT is the driving force behind our existence. I know that it is impossible for anything to exist in any way, shape, or form without the Unconditional Love and Divine Presence of SPIRIT. The Motivating Force behind our eternal existence is none other than SPIRIT.

I pray for the strength needed to always be in the Divine Sacred Space that will allow SPIRIT to flow to me and through me freely. I pray for that in order that those who are going through difficult times can at least see the Mighty Healing Power and the Unconditional Love of SPIRIT that dwells and manifests within me and through me. The Unconditional Love of SPIRIT always flows to us and through us. As I continue to receive the Precious Gift of Unconditional Love, I pray that I always understand and fully comprehend without a shadow of doubt, that the Sacred Gifts of the DIVNE come directly from YOU MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD, the Eternal SOURCE of all good things.

After receiving the Blessing of Unconditional Love, I maintain the Divine Flow of Unconditional Love by continually passing the baton off to others, as we run this race called life together in the oneness of The DIVINE.

My Only Motivation In Life Is The Unconditional Love

Of SPIRIT That Flows To Me And Through Me.


No Matter What Experiences This Lifetime Brings To Me,

I Diligently Hold On To The Unconditional Love Of SPIRIT.

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © 2005

Revised 12.03.10

•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.•*•.¸¸.• *•.¸¸.•

* This is something else I found on motivation that I wrote at a different time on motivation.


What should the motivation behind everything that I do be? Everything that I do should be motivated and supported by none other then the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love. The Divine Energy of Unconditional Love carries every positive attribute there is. Through Unconditional Love, I can build up everything. In and through Unconditional Love I can disassemble that which needs to be disassembled without causing any destruction. Whatever I do should be motivated by the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love. Making sure that Unconditional Love is the energy behind everything that I do, guarantees that the end result will be what it should be. It will be an end results that compliments the Whole of Creation

Many people see Unconditional Love as being a weakness. Seeing Unconditional Love as being a weakness is one of the biggest mistakes one could ever make. Unconditional Love is the most Power-Full and adaptable energy there is. Unconditional Love can be passive when a person is not prepared to receive its energy in its full capacity. However, Unconditional Love can also be extremely strong, forceful, and stern when that is the energy that is needed. The Energy of Unconditional Love is not a weak push over energy. Unconditional Love is an energy that you do not want to pick a fight. Remember, Love conquers all. That is Unconditional Love of course.

Love is the Divine Energy that our mothers and/or grandmothers bathed us in when our feelings were hurt. They also bathed us in Unconditional Love when we had physical pain. Some are blessed with having a father and/or grandfather who is in touch with the Awesome Power-Full Energy of Unconditional Love within their Spirit, and they likewise bathed us in Unconditional Love. I was blessed with having such a father, who to this very day is my hero, role model, best friend, and everything else a father is supposed to be. Unconditional Love can soothe all manner of pain; it can even mend a broken heart. Unconditional Love can heal a troubled mind; it can also make our enemies our best of friends. The Whole of Creation was created from the Pure Unconditional Love of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.

We must do everything within our power to share the Unconditional Love that dwells within us freely and openly with each other and the Whole of Creation. We must Unconditionally Love those who try to do things to us in hopes that it will control us and hurt us. That does not mean that we have to go directly to them and say I Love You. We can simply focus on the Unconditional Love that we possess within our Spirit, and concentrate on sending that Unconditional Love to them from our Higher Self to their Higher Self. Our Love will reach them and witness its Divine Power to their Spirit, and one day when they are ready to fully open up to our Unconditional Love, it will spring forth in all of its glory within their consciousness and bless them beyond measure.

Unconditional Love is never be shared in vain. It may seem that way at times, because before the effects of it can be seen on the surface there is a lot of work that must take place within them. Sometimes it will manifest miraculously, however most of the time it will take time for the results to appear outwardly. All we must do is plant the seeds of Unconditional Love and allow them to grow at their own pace, with a little additional watering from time to time by sending them more Unconditional Love by way of our Higher Selves. Our Unconditional Love must always be given freely, with no strings attached and no expectations.

To Unconditionally Love, Is To Live Life Fully.

To Live Life Fully, Is To Love Unconditionally!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

Copyright © 2005

Revised 12.03.10