Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dwelling Place of Wisdom


Dwelling Place of Wisdom

We all are seeking wisdom of some sort, as we travel through this dense physical realm of our current existence. In order for the seeds of wisdom that I possess, seek, and acquire during this lifetime to be truly useful as intended by what I will call Divine Intelligence, I must provide those seeds of wisdom with the proper energetic fertile soil that is needed for them to grow tall and strong by divine plan. Doing so, they will be able to establish their roots in that energetic fertile soil, so that the precious life-energy of the plant that resides deep within the roots will stimulate growth in the way it was divinely designed. Then the plant can and must only be used in ways it originally designed to be used, so that it will bring abundant praise and honor to Divine Intelligence. However, if I contribute in any way to the degradation of either the seed or plant; or if I allow the energetic fertile soil in any way to become contaminated with unhealthy energies and other lifeless vibrations, it will surely cause the energy within the wisdom to become distorted, weaken and less than what it was created to be. Following that, the wisdom will cease to possess the power necessary to do what it was originally created to do. For example, if I plant a rose bush, and neglect to care for it as I should; that rose bush will get weak and have to struggle to barely stay alive. In such a state, there would be a probability that the rose bush would not produce any roses, and one day it would simply fade to the point of complete transition. That is just the pure and simple basic reality of reaping what one sows. This example is meant to point out how crucial it is that I learn how to go within and prepare my mind in the proper way, so that it will always be the valuable energetic fertile soil it was created to be, and must remain being in order that the seeds of wisdom will grow strong and tall, and serve the Whole of Creation which includes me as it should.

What is it that is sure to contaminate the precious energetic fertile soil of my mind? Past pain, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, and negativity of every sort are the multitudes of contaminants that spoil the precious energetic fertile soil of my minds consciousness. I ask that you please try to understand this very important and obvious part of reality I am sharing with you; unforgiveness is most definitely spiritual poison. Bitterness and resentment are also extremely dangerous energetic poisons that weaken and distort our spirituality. Proper reasoning and my true comprehension of this momentary journey, through this dense physical plane, and this temporary experience called life, are of the utmost importance. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for me to hold onto the energies of past injustices experienced, negative outlooks; and critical beliefs about others, life, and myself. If what I am holding onto, thinking about, believing in, focusing on, and practicing does not produce and radiate the Sacred Energies of Light, Love and Oneness, I must discard them; that is of course if I want to live a fulfilled radiant life of true spiritual comprehension and abundance. I can learn and retain lessons of the past without holding onto the negative energies that many of those experiences possessed and are driven by. Matter of fact, it is of the utmost importance that I retain in memory alone not energetically, small portions of my past experiences in order that I do not repeat the same mis-takes in the now as I sojourn through this dense physical plane. I am not designed to house within my being any form of negative energy such as bitterness or anger because it is contrary to my nature, which is Love.

I must always understand that I am a perfect creation right now. I am also a precious and sacred spiritual being, and negativity in its myriad forms of existence is to me in the non-fiction world, what kryptonite is to Superman in the fictitious world. Negativities affect on me causes me to create and experience a severely weakened spiritual reality. In addition to that, the constant remembrance and embracing of past negativity, clouds my ability to see things clearly, then I cannot see this experience called life as it truly is. When I live in that way, I poison the spiritual energetic fertile soil of my mind, making it less than desirable and what it needs to be to produce the kind of fruitful abundant life I am intended to have and live. How is it at all possible for me to say this with such conviction? It is possible for me to say all of this with absolute conviction, because I have personal firsthand experience with the poisoning of ones spiritual energetic fertile soil due to holding onto past negative actions and thoughts. Actually, I am still going through the process of replenishing the spiritual energetic fertile soil of my mind; which I had allowed to become depleted by all of the negativity that I invited in and entertained. In the past I have wondered and asked myself, why it takes so long to turn negative situations around in my life. The process was lengthy sometimes because I was guilty of allowing the negative filth of the past in, from time to time. Because of that, it sometimes takes a while for me to get to the place where I can cleanse myself of the filth I allowed to accumulate within me.

What is the solution to this mega-problem? The first step that must be taken in order to resolve this mega-problem is something that I did not use to believe in; and that is to fake it till I make it. Let me explain that in a little more detail. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between non-fiction and fiction, it simply picks up on and interprets the energy that is generated by that which is non-fictitious and fictitious as reality in the current moment. Here is an example. I am watching a movie that I know is strictly fictitious. Nevertheless, when watching a very sad scene in the movie I start to experience a deep sadness come over me, so much so that a few tears begin to trickle down my cheeks. What happened? Even though I knew without a shadow of doubt that it is not reality, I experienced that because my subconscious does not differentiate the energy behind reality and make believe. That understanding helped me to see and better understand how I can use the process of faking it till I make it to my benefit.

True Spiritual understanding delivered me to the doorstep of a very useful tool, that tool is called affirmation. If I affirm in thoughts, words, and even some of my actions what I know is best for me, even if I do not yet possess it, one day I will possess it if I do not waver in my beliefs. The power of affirmation rests within my sub-conscious mind. Another very important fact about my subconscious mind is as follows. My sub-conscious will take the negative life distorting thoughts, actions, and deeds in my life and turn them into my reality if I continue to focus on them. That is why it is said; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It has nothing to do with what I am told I deserve, or what I am told I do not deserve. I create my reality by way of what I focus on, think, believe, say, and do. It can’t possibly be that simple can it? Oh yes, it is that simple. The difficult task is the reprogramming of my current thoughts and beliefs, the acceptance of this Divine Reality. I think things must be difficult, I think that I must struggle and deny myself of things before I am worthy to live abundantly, so that is what I get. Some of us even believe that we cannot and will not live abundantly until we die and go to heaven. Guess what? We are not going to heaven or hell. We create both heaven and hell right here on earth in this current moment of time, we create heaven and hell right here in the now.

The ultimate conclusion is this; you and I are the creators of our reality, we are the creators of our surrounding worlds. Our surrounding worlds consist of our physical vehicles (our bodies) we have taken on to house our Eternal Spirits, also our surrounding auras of energy. Now, my aura which is the energy I have created that is held and maintain by way of my beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions influence and help to create my physical surrounding world, such as the places I have chosen to dwell, as well as my career and other activities that make up who I am. The surrounding world I have created tends to overlap with the surrounding worlds of others, that is how the world-at-large has become what it is today. If we work on re-creating our individual surrounding worlds, to make them what they should be, that will start the process of changing the world-at-large. When two surrounding worlds overlap each other, change will occur, with the positive usually but not always trumping the negative. That is why it is so important that we focus on only the positive, all that we think, say, and do. When they experience the positivity in our surrounding worlds, it is possible that they will be motivated to make needed changes in their surrounding worlds to open up to and bring in more positive energy. That is proof that one person can make a difference and assist in changing the world.

It is so important that we understand that we do not have time to focus on what others are doing in their lives, and focus on telling them what they need to do with their lives. We are not equipped to do such, because we do not know all of the experiences that have cause other people to end up in the positions they are in. All we have the time to do is work on ourselves. Then when others who are open and in need come in contact with us, and we have been diligently working on the process of refining ourselves spiritually, they will be motivated by the positive spiritual energy that is emanating from deep within our spirits. That is how true change is divinely orchestrated within us and shared with others for sure.

Baba-Kundi Ma’at-Shambhala

February 5, 2012
