Monday, May 31, 2010



This is a response to a friend who recently experienced the loss of a friends son, followed by the loss of her friend, the son’s mother. I am posting this her because it may be what someone else needs to hear.

Making Transition

My Precious Sister,

I know your pain, and I pray for your peace and understanding as you confront the lost of two loved ones. It is natural to grieve the lost of those we Love when they leave us behind. However, we must focus on the unseen as well as the seen. Just as life is ordained by a SUPREME FORCE that is far greater and far wiser than we are, so is the return of that life to SOURCE. The things that really get us when it comes down to death is how and when the person died. If the death seems to be really traumatic and painful, it causes us more pain and grief. If the death comes at a young age, we feel that they died before their time and that causes us more pain as well.

My Beloved Sister, we must pull ourselves away from the grief and sorrow, so that we can see death for what it truly is. Death is a new beginning, death is taking a step into a new and different realm, and death is also a graduation, an acceleration to a higher level of existence. I believe that sometimes the way that those we Love experience death is used to shake us and awaken us from Spiritually sleepwalking. Death is used to get us to face the reality that the time we have here on this physical plane is very precious, and we should be living it in a conscious productive way. Most humans being are functioning on automatic pilot, they are simply existing and not truly living. We must open up and learn to live life to the fullest, and that does not mean spending money like crazy and going from here to there all of the time. When we truly enjoy something, we take it in very slowly and savor every second of the experience because we want it to last as long as possible. After we have done that we can honestly say, that was a real pleasure, I gave all of myself to it and received as much as I possible could in return.

Sis, right now I am going to share part of something with you I wrote to my friends when they lost their son in 1995, whose adult life had just begun. He was in his early twenties and one of the gentlest Spirits I have ever known. He was so considerate of all life that he avoided walking on grass whenever he could. In this letter I call death transition, because that is all death is, a transition from one realm to another.

Dear ____,

My Love goes out to you, your husband, and your entire family. I know it is hard to stay focused on the Light when an unforeseen shock such as transition comes your way. At times like this, Spiritually you might not see things clearly because of the natural feelings of loosing a loved one. However, the lost we are experiencing in reality is an illusion. You know we are Spiritual beings, and Spirit is eternal, it never dies. We are not our physical body. We have just gotten so caught up in this physical realm that if we are not careful we fall prey to almost all of the trappings and all of the illusions of this dense physical realm.

I choose to believe that before we enter into this physical realm when we were Pure Spirit, we chose the parents we were going to come through, we also choose what life experiences would best suite us with our Spiritual growth and evolution. Our main goal is to learn the needed lessons that will allow us to consciously evolve into the Divine Spirit we are called to be. We take on a physical body to clothe our Spirit to properly travel this physical realm, just as we put on a coat to go outside on a cold winter day. Nevertheless, there comes a time when we have to remove our clothing so that we can change into something else that suites the change of season and the place we are going next.

When it comes to our loved ones, be it a son, daughter, mother, father, or someone else we Love dearly, we must keep in mind that no matter who they are, they are only on lone to us, and one day we will have to release them to a higher calling than our relationship. However, they will always be with us in Spirit. We simply must get accustom to experiencing them on a different level. Nevertheless, on this level they are with us always. Experiencing this loss while you are sincerely following the Path of Light and Love as you are, can and will aid you in your evolution to the Higher Spiritual Plane of Divine Understanding and Acceptance. You may not see that at this time in space, or even want to see right now, but shortly you will. GODDESS-GOD will never leave you or forsake you, this I know without a shadow of doubt, and so do you deep down within your Spirit.

Concerning the pain he experienced, you must accept that he chose this path in life for his Personal Spiritual Growth and Evolution and it may even be possible that he also chose it to pay off some of his karmic debt. In any event, the life he lived was consciously created by him with the help of Divine Spiritual Insight before he even entered this physical plane. It is even possible that he chose to experience life this way to be of some assistance to you and your Spiritual growth. These are reasons why you have to stand tall in your Spirit, even in this time of bereavement. It is more than natural for you to feel grief over the transition of your son. Nevertheless, remember this, everything and everyone has their own season.

Now is the time to call on, lean on, and completely trust MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD more than ever before. GODDESS-GOD is faithful to provide us with exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. We may not think that what is given to us is what we need at the moment it is given, however later when we can look at it in a different light, and from a different angel, we will see that it was exactly what we needed, given at the right time.

My sister, do not hesitate to ask anything of me. I am here to serve you and your family in whatever way I can. We are all One, in and through SPIRIT. No matter how hard it seems the LIGHT is there with all of you. Also, no matter how you feel, spend as much time as you possibly can alone with SPIRIT, because that is where your strength, rest peace, understanding, compassion, and Love come from. It is written that GODDESS-GOD said; “ I will never leave you our forsake you.” Please make sure that you do not turn away from or leave GODDESS-GOD in your time of grief. Think about this. You would do everything within your power to help your son whenever he was experiencing pain, right. GODDESS-GOD does the same and more for you. You know that GODDESS-GOD is All-Powerful, so stay with the Light and Love of GODDESS-GOD through the communion of Prayer and Meditation. GODDESS-GOD will meet every single one of your needs during this hard time.

I know this from experience. GODDESS-GOD did just that for me when I lost my first son who did not get to live one whole day outside of the Heaven of his precious mother’s womb, and I was but a teenager that was totally lost and confused when that happened. In addition, when I lost my father, the man that was the world to me, he was my hero, my role model, and the only person in the world that I looked up to and trusted completely. My father was the only one in the world that understood me and Loved me unconditionally. Then the lost of my mother at the time I was starting to feel that she was opening up to me and allowing herself to Love and be Love. She had experienced so much pain at an early age that she was closed to Love out of fear she would loss those she loved. The transitions of my son, father and mother were very hard on me, but SPIRIT helped me through it all, and caused me to reach the place of seeing the deeper meaning of life and death. That is not to say that I have all of the answers now, because I do not. What I have is greater than knowing everything, I have a place where I can commune with LOVE ITSELF and be completely comforted even when I do not have all of the answers. Hey, even when I do not have any of the answers for that matter.

I thought it was impossible to continue with life after my son made transition, subconsciously I set out to kill myself through drug addition. I also thought it was so unfair that he was not allowed to live at least a few years so I could hold him and Love him. To this day, that is the hardest experience I have ever gone through. However, MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD helped me through it and gave me Pure Peace concerning it. Now I can commune with my son Spirit-to-Spirit. GODDESS-GOD met my needs in those traumatic times of loss, and I was eventually able to experience Love like never before because of those experiences of transition. My eyes and heart were opened to the Pure Unconditional Love of GODDESS-GOD. Absolute good came out of what human outlook and physical sight saw as being negative, bad, and painful. GODDESS-GOD was and still is with me and with you and your family my sister, and so is your Beloved Son. Let your sons Beauty-Full Spirit sail on in Peace, Light, and Love, knowing that you are alright and safe in and through your communion with MOTHER-FATHER GODDESS-GOD. I hope and pray that I have allowed SPIRIT to speak clearly through me to you and your family and bring you some peace.

I Love You!

Your Brother Always!


My Sister, I hope that sharing this with you has given you some level of comfort during this very challenging time. Please know that I am here for you also my Sister. If you research our rich history, you will find that we used to celebrate the transition of our Loved Ones and not morn it. Morning transition is not a part of our original culture. It is time that we understand transition for what it truly is and once again celebrate it as our ancestors did.

Everything is in Divine Order as We Follow Our Souls Melody!

One Love, Unconditional!

Your Brother Baba

Sunday, May 30, 2010



What I am about to share with you is what has been going around within my psyche for many, many years. It is so complex that I did not believe that I had what I believed to be the proper words to convey what I was hearing and feeling deep within my Spirit, so I could not write or talk about it and feel that what I would convey would be understood. Nevertheless, this morning as I awoke from my sleep it was heavy on my mind. As I thought about it for a half hour or so, I decided it was time to do my best and put what I was hearing and feeling within my Spirit to words. Therefore, I am offering you these words in an attempt to share my inner most feelings. Please bear in mind that these are my beliefs, this is what I am hearing within my Spirit. If it does not resonate within your Spirit and understanding, simply toss these words and beliefs out and continue on your path of personal understanding, as you travel through this dense physical plane and experience we call life. Furthermore, please feel free to share with me your thoughts and beliefs on what I have shared. We need each other to grow and expand Spiritually. We are both the student and the teacher; yes you and I, and everyone else.

We are individuals yet, We Are One!

Each One Reach One!

Each One Teach One!

Each One Love One!

Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala

May 2010


· an organization providing care for people

· an established organization having an important role in the life of a people

· an organization founded and united for a specific purpose

· a place for the care of person

· a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture

· an authoritative rule or precedent

The First Institution

The first institution known to humanity was composed of everything that we needed; there was absolutely no lack. That institution was orchestrated in and through complete perfection, it had everything that humanity is seeking and longing for this very day. The saddest thing about this situation is this. That which we are searching has never been taken away from us, neither has it left us, it has been with us since the beginning of time, and it remains within us right here right now. The only difficulty we are faced with is this. We have completely turned our hearts, minds and consciousness on this institution of perfection. Doing so has diminished its power within us, and its ability to give us what we so grievously seek, and so desperately need. Just as with most things, this institution is dual in nature. This institution is actually made up of dual parts. That is based on the currant reality we are a part of on this temporal physical plane. Right now we are a part of this physical realm, but we are also a part of the Eternal Spiritual realm. The Spiritual is actually the creator of the physical, which makes them one, even though one of them is limited in its scope and existence. For us, at this point in time the physical and Spiritual make up the Divine Whole. Ultimately, all parts must and will be rejoined together with SOURCE, (the one many choose to call GODDESS and/or GOD) which will create the ultimate union of all, the Wholly Trinity. We have been force feed so much inaccurate information about the Wholly Trinity that it has become merely empty words.

The First Institution/First Union I am speaking of here today originates from within the very core of the Wholly Trinity. The Sacred Institution/First Union is made up of the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man. The true union between the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man completely joined together with SOURCE generates the power that unlocks the man made chains of bondage, and releases us from all of the worldly woes we are experiencing in all of our relationships in the world today. Before I going any further with this, I must point out that every woman and every man is Sacred, which was and is our original eternal state of being and it has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. The First Institution/First Union of the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man is what the church was created to replace in a deceptive way. When the original institution was distorted and the religious counterfeit was set in it’s place humanity created a void that distorted the very essence and nature of creation. In turn, humanity has produced all manner of negative life distorting chaos between the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man, and likewise throughout the entire world and the universes at-large. Repeatedly humankind has unsuccessfully tried to improve on what SOURCE created since the beginning of time. It is highly likely that free will clouded our understanding to the fact that everything SOURCE creates is Pure Perfection. Everything includes the Sacred Woman and the Sacred Man. Nothing can be added or taken away from if we want it to remain whole and be able to consciously possess what has been gifted to us since before the beginning of time. The very moment we subtract from or add to Divine Creation is the moment we distort it, and cause it to seem like it is something that has been totally distorted and completely corrupted, lifeless, and void of the Divine Energy of SOURCE. That is the equivalent of adding oil or some form of waste to pure water, which in it’s originally form is a life supporting, life giving, and life promoting substance, and turning it into a life draining and a life distorting substance.

A work still in process, more to come in future days………………………..

Friday, May 28, 2010



Key Word(s) : Listen

1. to concentrate on hearing somebody or something

2. to pay attention to something and and take it into account





Greetings Beloved, before I get into listen, I must touch on something else that is pacing back and forth through my mind at this moment. As I was thinking on how we humans communicate with each other, the lyrics to the old song Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is came to mind. The song says; “Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care?” and; “I was walking down the street one day being pushed and shoved by people trying to beat the clock...” The bottom line is this, most people have become so self indulgent that there is no concern for anyone or anything but themselves. Caring about someone else's feelings, needs, and concerns seems to be a thing of the past. “Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care? It is time for us to change our ways and realize that what affects one affects the whole, because the whole of creation is one huge body with many different but connected and extremely vital members. We are all in this thing called life together. This human experience we call life is like a big pond, the energy from one pebble (the pebble being an individual thought, problem, action) thrown into the pond troubles the water of the entire pond, and the energy ripples from that pebble will to some degree be felt by the entire pond. The ones closest to the entry point of the pebble (those closet to the one who is troubled) will experience the most turmoil from that pebble. Beloved, it is time for a major change in mass Spiritual Consciousness; it is time for the personal Spiritual awakening of every individual human being on the face of Earth Mother. We must start caring about, and caring for one another again as the humanity originally did. As we care for each other we are actually caring for ourselves, we are also creating a positive future for our children through the output of our caring positive energy.

It is now time to move on to the topic listen. Last Friday I took the day off from work so that I could be home to let a telephone technician in to resolve two issues with my service. I got up early as I usually do to enjoy my Sacred Time. Then I began to get myself together for the new day of creation I had been Blessed with. As I was getting my herbal tea that small still voice within me said; “call to verify today’s appointment”, so that is what I did. When I finally got through to a live person, I was informed that I was not scheduled for a service call. To make a long story short, after being talked at by seven or eight different people, not a conversation with them, I was informed that there was no way that I could get serviced that day. When the original service call was set up, I was told that they only make service calls Monday thru Friday. Nevertheless, then I was given a new service date for the following Sunday. Out of the seven or eight people that I had contact with only two of them partially heard what I was saying. Because they listened to me partially and did not completely focusing on themselves, a resolution to the situation was reached.

I shared all of that with you to make this very important point. We all need to learn how to communicate with each other in a more attentive way. We need to stop talking to and at people, and start speaking with each other. We need to give as much time and attention listening to others as we give to talking to them and listening to ourselves. When we do that, we are actually communicating with others and not to them, or at them. Incorrectly talking to someone is the first stage to the complete breakdown of communication, and a breakdown of communication can cause us to end up in a very desolate place. Please join me in being more focused on truly having communion with everyone we speak. Thank YOU SOURCE for this simple, yet extremely essential understanding.



I Speak With, and Understand My Sisters and Brothers

We Communicate One With The Other

I Look Forward To Our Communion

I Love My Sisters and Brothers

We Are One!

Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala

(Kevin William Naylor)

Copyright © April 2008


