Monday, February 28, 2011
"Love" performed at The Agape International Spiritual Center by Rickie B...
Passive Creatures of Habit
Passive Creatures of Habit
It is a very sad commentary that the majority of humanity, leans on its apathy, solely based on the
habitual passivity of its individuality, which is created from its very own false repetitive reality.
I have been told a number of times over my lifetime, that it is foolish to repeatedly do something the seem way, and seriously expect that we will get a different result. Human beings are passive creatures of habit. We have become passive creatures of habit out of pure and simple laziness. I know this to be true from looking back on, and examining my own personal life, also through seeing the lives of those who have been and are close to me. This state of being is so old and repetitive, that we are programmed to be this way by those who truly Love us. Our parents and others do not know to do any better, because they do not know that they are doing it. They are simply habitually teaching us what they were taught, in the way they were taught. Actually, we all know better, we simply have not taken the time to tap into that Divine Knowing within our very own Spirit.
We start out in life rejecting just about everything that comes to us that is different from what we were taught, and even some of that which we have experienced in life; that is the beginning of my way is the only way syndrome. We exist within an extremely complicated and confusing dichotomy, we want to be free yet we seek the easy way out; we seek to be told what to do by others, and we want to be rescued from our dilemmas in life by everyone and everything outside of ourselves. Therefore, within our very limited human mentality, we go about looking for and creating saviors out of men, women, and Spirit Beings that will rescue us from us. In the meantime, we go about propagating the habitual process of self-abuse in our lives, also in everything that we do.
Here is one of the most prevalent forms of self-abuse that humanity is famous for creating. We allow ourselves to be abused by others simply because we want companionship. Many times, abuse surfaces in the form of self-abuse, of wanting to do for others at our personal expense. We do what others like and try to please them all of the time, while we neglect our wants and needs, and also neglect to make it clear that we have desires and needs that we need to have met as well. Such a set-up seems to be okay in the beginning. Nevertheless, in time, such relationships become old, and overtaxing on our psyche, and we begin to feel and exhibit resentment. Most off the time, due to the overwhelming reality that humanity lives purely from the place of a surface lifestyle; no true depth to our existence due to a dis-connect from that which is Spiritual, neither party knows what has happened upon one or more glances. Most of the time, when the cause of the disillusioned relationship is discovered, nothing is said or done. The relationship continues on its currant course because the abused party is too fearful to address the situation, also because he or she is more comfortable with what they know, even though it is negative and self-defeating. Rather than step out into the deep unfamiliar positive waters of what is right, they choose to stay in the shallow negative and predictable waters of despair. On the other hand, the party that is receiving all of the benefits is not going to say a word to upset the very comfortable, easy, undemanding lifestyle that is being offered.
I am fifty-seven years of age, and most of my relationships throughout this lifetime have been the way I just mentioned. I am a servant at heart, and most importantly, I am a Lover, one who Loves to share my Love. However, Loving to share my Love was a very big problem for me because I did not know the first step in being a Lover. I had not learned to Love numero-uno (myself), I had not learned to take care of my own interest, Love myself first. Because of my choices, because of what I did, I experienced all of the pain that could possibly be experienced in a relationship. Actually, doing as I did, also limited me from doing what was best for my partner; I simply fed my partners illusion of how life and relationships are supposed to be. We all were sinking deeper into being passive creatures of habits, bad habits at that. It is the old scenario of, the blind leading the blind. Walter Scott wrote something that I think is very apropos to what I am saying here. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Here is something I wrote that was stimulated by what Walter Scott wrote.
What a fickle web we weave, when we go through life and deceive, in our grand attempt to please, yet we are quickly brought to our knees, in the end not a single one is truly appeased, because our vision was to narrow to see, our True Sacred Reality.
It is past due time, that we stop being passive creatures of habit, and start deliberately creating our reality in a Most Positive Spiritual Productive Way. We are the creators of our reality. That means that we have been given the right to create our lives and surrounding worlds in the way we see fit. There is no one, and nothing that can force us to create anything in a particular way. We are totally free to create as we see fit, as long as we are not trying to force our beliefs and ways of doing things on others. Those times when we think we can and have made others change, we are wrong. When we tell someone to do something, and later we recognize that person did what we told him or her to do, we must understand that he or she did what was done through personal choice to do so. Sometimes we get so conceited, that we think within ourselves, we have the power to make others change and do anything we want them to do. However, we only have the power that others choose to give us, when it comes to how they think, say, and do things.
We are passive creatures of habit that are always trying to be aggressive when it comes to knowing what is best for others, and telling others what they should be doing. The sharing of my scripted words could be seen as such. However, that is not what my sharing is about at all. The difference in what I am doing in and through my scripted words is this. I am sharing with you what has come to me, for me, not for you. I simply share what is for me with whoever chooses to partake, because it is highly likely that some of what works for me, will also work for someone else. This brings to mind one of the habits that all of us either still have or once had. I am speaking of the habit of pointing a finger at another. We are very quick at seeing others errors, and pointing a finger at their shortcomings. Why is that the case so often, could it be by chance, that it takes the focus off what we are doing? I plead guilty of doing such.
I am committed to doing everything within my power, to be as aggressive as possible in living this gift of life to the fullest here on Earth Mother. Daily I seek a greater connection of Oneness first with GREAT SPIRIT, and then with the Whole of Creation. I recognize that I am not in this thing called life alone. As I stay in the Sacred Presence and the Divine Energy of GREAT SPIRIT, all of my perceived needs are always met in Divine Time. There is an old saying I heard many of my elders say while I was growing up; “I may not get what I want when I want it. However, God is always right on time.” The only form of lack there is, is our lack of belief in GREAT SPIRIT as our Ultimate Eternal Source of Abundant Supply, and that abundant supply is waiting for us to align with it, in order that we will receive the eternal flow of abundance that is rightfully ours. I am an Aggressive Creature of Divine Habit. The habit I am speaking of is the habit of being in tune and flowing with the Oneness and Unconditional Love of GREAT SPIRIT. There is no other way for me to be.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Could it possibly be, that everything that we see happening around the world today is simply an orchestrated form of manipulation, designed to lead the human race down the path of a one world controlled government and currency called The New World Order? The art of manipulation and deception has been stepped up to a degree that humanity has never seen before. That is possible due to the many forms of technology and mass communication being used in the world today. This high tech way of manipulation is easier then most believe is possible. You see, most people in the world believe what they are told, they believe the news accounts of situations, and the powers that be, know this and use it in there favor. They use ignorance, and the desire that many have to take the easy way through life, and manipulate the masses in such a way that they can hoard the abundant wealth of the world. Why would they do such a thing, when they cannot possibly use all of it? They do it out of self-centered ignorance, and the terminal sickness of their low self-esteem, which makes them feel inferior and molds them in such a way that they must prove to others that they are superior to everyone. The only reason why anyone would feel that way and do as they do is this. They have turned their backs on their true reality, which is, they are Eternal Spiritual Beings that must always yield to that which is Spiritual, and recognize the oneness and equality of the Whole of Creation. If they would recognize and yield to their Spirit within, they would be aware of their Eternal Sacred Connection to SPIRIT. However, in their current confused state of existence, they abide in the grand illusion of superiority, and the right to control the world and everything on and in it. An extremely rude awakening awaits them in the near future. Did you know that today in every country where there are major uprisings there is either oil an oil pipeline, or both? What a coincidence, considering the overwhelming need for oil in a country such as America, the major manipulator of people and the world today.
Ego’s Deception and Illusion
I have found that many people today are completely caught-up in, and totally submerged in the deception, illusion, and the consciousness manipulation produced by allowing the human ego to surface, take control, and run wild. People that live according to their ego, feel that everything revolves around them, and everyone should pay attention and allegiance to everything they say and do. Little do they know, they are in a destructive state of mind that is stopping them from being able to live an Authentic Productive Spiritual Life. The ego must be put to death forever, which sets the stage so that the Higher Self can be resurrected and given total control to live throughout eternity abundantly.
Baba-Kundi Ma'at-Shambhala
Copyright © July 1, 2010
What you and I need to manipulate in the world today is the mis-education and deception we have been programmed with, and manipulate with since our first year of life here in this physical plane. Self-manipulation strictly for a positive outcome, which will benefit the whole of creation, is what we all should be about right now. Today I believe that outside forces have orchestrated and manipulated the people of the East to rise up and over through those who have been in power for years, those who were assisted to get the power they now possess by one of the great manipulators of the world, America, England, Spain, or France. I see all of those supposed authorities as the cousins that they are, bent on taking over the entire world for selfish gain. In addition, if one is successful it will not think twice about manipulating the others and doing everything within their power to take them over as well. The beliefs they live by, are the most negative destructive energies known to humanity, which will devour others physically, mentally, emotionally, environmentally, and most importantly spiritually in order that they can control the people of the world. This old saying is so true; “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” We are talking about an evil creature with many heads, and each head is ready to devour everything that it possibly can, including its own body (us). The energy of evil, which is the opposite of live, which means death, totally possesses the victim that lets it in. Evil is without doubt, an all-consuming energy/power. However, evil is completely powerless until we give it our energy, which feeds it the power it needs to survive. Once a person gives evil a taste of its energy force, evil will do its best to suck all of the life force out of that person, and they will become a slave to evil, a zombie that is completely controlled by the negative energy that is the opposite of that which is life giving.
America, the country that I now live in is governed by the negative, destructive, deceptive energy of pure evil incarnate. Some may say, Baba-Kundi has lost his mind, what in the world is he talking about, he is not making sense. No, I have found my mind. I have found my mind by opening my eyes and ears. I am no longer walking around blind, deaf, and dumb as I used to. I now see with the Eternal Sight of Spirit, my Eternal Spirit within. No, I have not lost my mind I have regained it. No more manipulation and no more deception, I refuse to receive and accept such evil control, be it by a government, a people, or personal ignorance. I must stand on my own two feet so to speak, and be who I am created to be, a Spiritual Being of Unconditional Love and Everlasting Truth. I must and will only support that which yields to what is truly Spiritual, and so must all of us who seek reality. In doing so, we must question everyone and everything. If someone has a problem with being questioned, then something is wrong with what he or she is saying and/or doing. Truth will never have a problem with questions, because truth has nothing to hide. Deception, manipulation, and everything else negative and deceptive will buck fiercely when questioned. If we open up to that which we have already been given, a Divine Connection to SPIRIT through our spirit, we will have no problem seeing and hearing the truth. For some of us it will take a little time getting used to doing this, however if we practice connecting within on a daily basis, we will once again master this process. We have not lost the ability to control our lives; we have simply forgotten how to do so because it has been so long since we have done so. Do not take my word for it, try taking complete control of your life for yourself, and see what happens. However, you must be patient when doing so. It took humanity a long time getting stuck in the manipulative muck and mire it finds itself today, and it will take some time to get unstuck. Nevertheless, we will get unstuck if we apply ourselves completely in a Spiritual way. There is no time for any half stepping. It is all or none.
Here are some good examples of manipulation and deception on a grand scale perpetrated against us by the American System of Manipulation, we call the American government. “Michael Taylor a former top executive, lawyer and lobbyist with biotech giant Monsanto, was appointed the head of the FDA by Barrack Obama, while Michelle Obama pushes healthy eating, good nutrition for our children, and organic farming. Check this out; Michael Taylor worked for the FDA for the Clinton administration, he helped write the rules to allow rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) into the American food system and our children’s milk. Michael Taylor and Monsanto are responsible for subjecting this country and many others to the increased risk of breast cancer (7 times greater risk), prostate cancer and colon cancer because of what they did to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream with rBGH as well as to all the foods that rely on milk solids and other parts of milk. In addition to that appointment, Obama appointed a Monsanto shill, Tom Vilsack as USDA chief. Tom Vilsack has ties to Monsanto and other agri-business. As former Iowa Governor, Vilsack was deep into the pockets of Monsanto and passed a few agri-business bills that made it harder for small family farmers to do business in that state. Vilsack is also a huge supporter of genetically modified corn and soy-based biofuels, which are a good idea in theory but will deplete the world’s food supply in practice. Manipulation and deception, America has been saturated with its horrendous stench.” This information on Taylor and Vilsack comes from different source on the internet. If you search the internet you will find many sources that support what I have shared.
Only you and I can stop this manipulation and deception, and that starts with us being informed about everything that is going on in the world today. We can and must force change to take place. It is not about being popular or politically correct, it is about doing the right thing and exposing all of the manipulation, deception, and evil for what it truly is. We are talking about that which will affect our future, also the future of everyone to come. We must not be self-centered and think of only what we can temporarily benefit from right now, not giving any thought to how it will affect the worlds future. I do not mean to upset anyone speaking against America, Obama, and any other person or place. However, I will speak against what I believe to be detrimental to the whole of creation and myself, and point out those I come to know are a part of the manipulation. That is part of my responsibility and duty while in physical form. Hey, it is your responsibility and duty as well.
I refuse to be manipulated any further by outside negative energies.
I consciously choose to, and create my very own positive reality.
I do all of this with the Divine Support and Direction from Great Spirit.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
: an act of rebellion or revolt against an authority/thought to be an authority
: rise to a standing or elevated position
It is time for more uprisings in the world, especially non-violent uprisings that are steeped in our spiritual, moral, and environmental concerns of Earth Mother and the whole of creation. We have been reminded what a people united can do by the resent uprising in Egypt over the past few weeks. That uprising has stimulated other uprisings around the world on both a small and large scale. However, the media in American is not showing us the true focus of those uprisings, because such coverage could possibly cause Americans and others around the world, to start to awaken from their deep sleep of ignorance and apathy in a wholistic way.
A thought came to me this morning concerning the uprisings in the world today. I know it is possible that this and other governments could be involved in many ways concerning some if not all of the uprisings. Knowing how people who seek to control others orchestrate manipulation, dividing and conquering being one of their major weapons. Could the forces that are trying to control the world be stepping up their divide and conquer schemes, and using the discontent and outrage of the masses? Could it be that old leaders/puppets are being replace with new puppets? The old negative governments and old ways of doing things must be completely done away with. That is the only way we will experience the kind of change that is truly needed in the world today.
I am not at all proud to be classified as an American. This country has been more deceptive, and has done more harm to the world then all of the other countries combined. What a legacy for a country to possess, and most Americans do not have a clue of the magnitude of the wickedness of this country. They do not know that their country, which has united as part of its name, is not about unity at all, it is about dividing and conquering the entire world for selfish gain and control, and Obama the newly empowered leader is a major part of the American scheme. America is a major negative deceptive force here on Earth Mother, and its day of reckoning is on the horizon of the near future. It is sad to say, however true, that there is no hope for America, as we know it today.
We must open our eyes and ears, and honestly digest and fully comprehend the reality of the United States of America. This country should actually be called the United Fakes of America. Since this country was taken from the native people of what was known as Turtle Island, there has been nothing but an abundance of the Three D’s (Deception, Destruction, and Death) for the original inhabitants and all other people designated to be part of the inferior races, Deception, Destruction and Death, what a legacy for a country to possess. Without a doubt, I know that a great deal of karma has been accumulated, that must and will be paid, for such overwhelming atrocities against humanity, Earth Mother, and the Whole of Creation.
Humanity must open and yield fully to Unconditional Love and treat others, as we want to be treated. Such would reignite True Spiritually within our collective human psyche and consciously reconnect us as the Spiritual Beings that we are. Many feel that being Spiritual is being unrealistic in the physical world we live in today. They have it completely backwards. Being Spiritual is being who we truly are. We are Eternal Spiritual Beings going through a temporal physical experience, not the opposite way around. A Spiritual Uprising is our only deliverance from all of the troubles that have been created by men. This nightmare does not have to continue any further. I know it is hard to see clearly, humanity being in the awful state it finds itself. However, a Spiritual Uprising is just as much of a possibility as is the possibility of each of us waking up every morning to a new chance at life. Humanity is standing at the threshold of change, the threshold of a True Spiritual Revolution. We had better join the caravan that is governed by Eternal Spiritual Truth or we will be one of those who are left behind, and being left behind is most definitely not the place we want to find ourselves. You have not experienced hard times yet, be one of those who are left behind and you will surely find out what hard times are really all about.
Do not get me wrong, and misunderstand the overall message, this is not all about gloom and doom; it is primarily about the positive, about the actual resurrection of humanity as Spiritual Beings. This is about a bright and new beginning, about the hope of humanity becoming the enlightened reality it once was. The question is this. Are you willing to trade-in the currant dim and negative existence, our old familiar existence, for a New Bright Unconditional Love Filled Compassionate Future? I most definitely am willing to trade-in the currant dim and negative existence, for a New Bright Unconditional Love Filled Compassionate Future. I hope you are one of my companions on the path of creating this new future, which will be our reality once we start doing the right things, consciously resonating with and functioning through our Spirituality. It is simply yours and mine for the choosing and creating. We must take our existence in our own hands and create in such a way that it does not simply benefit us as individuals. However, that it benefits the whole of creation equally.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011

A cancerous tumor the size of a basketball brought Brandon to a point of truth and forgiveness
that would change her life forever.
‘… beyond the act of avoidance, beyond the stories of blame and beyond the experience of
acceptance exists the possibility of forgiveness.’
It is here that the truth would set her free.
Chow Down
This is a must see movie, it can be seen on Hulu (free) and Netflix.
Synopsis of Chow Down
One man’s struggle to reverse his severe heart disease .... with diet.
Charles, 45, devoted husband and father of two, is shocked to learn not only that he has cardiovascular disease but that the blockages in his heart are so severe that his surgeon refuses to operate. But Charles is a fighter and he’ll do whatever it takes to be around to see his kids grow up.
Just like Charles, millions of Americans are sick and they’re tired of the pills and operations. What if you could avoid it all, but nobody’s willing to tell you how?
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic is trampling the status quo to get the word out. He’s the director of one of the longest-running studies in the peer-reviewed scientific literature showing that a plant-based diet can reverse even late stage heart disease. If heart disease, the number one killer in America, can be stopped and often reversed with diet, why aren't people like Charles routinely given this information before being sent to the operating room?
With lighthearted animation and piercing expert interviews, CHOW DOWN exposes the three factors that fatally impact our country’s health: the medical community’s allegiance to the status quo, the government’s allegiance to the food industry, and Americans’ allegiance to cheap, convenient food.
Charles refuses to accept his doctor’s grim prognosis. With Dr. Esselstyn’s help, he resolves to not only treat his disease but to reverse it. We all know it’s easy to make resolutions, but sticking to them is the hard part. In Charles' case, it could be the difference between life and death. Root for Charles as he tries not only to save his life but also to end the cycle of cardiovascular disease in his family.
Much like 'Food, Inc.,' 'The Future of Food' and 'Super Size Me.'
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love
I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love
Love; I Love to Love, I am completely in Love with Love. At this moment in time there is but one question that I have concerning Love. What Sacred Woman will be led to open up to, and share in the abundance of Love that I possess and seek to share? I feel a need to share a song written by Van Morrison with you that I enjoy listening to. The song that I will one day share with the Beauty-Full Sacred Woman I will share the rest of my life with; “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?”
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
For the morning sun and all its glory
Meets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter, somehow you make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's defined
And it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the ONE, to the ONE
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
There's a love that's defined
And it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the ONE, to the ONE
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness, take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
I am a romantic, one who was taught in The Old School of Everlasting Love. Do you know that Love is the most powerful energy known to humanity? That is right, Love is the most powerful energy there is. Loving each other unconditionally is the ultimate way to acknowledge our oneness and commitment to each other. Love is not just an intimate relationship between a woman and a man. A Love relationship is the relationship two or more people share between each other in a pure selfless way. However, the Unconditional Love relationship between two individuals through intimacy is the ultimate in the gift of sharing Love. Such a wonderful relationship gives hope to the hopeless, it likewise gives life to the lifeless, and restores us to our Sacred State of being. Nevertheless, before we can experience such a Love, such a relationship, we must learn to Love ourselves in a pure unconditional way. I could not Love someone outside of myself when I have not learned the art of purely and sincerely Loving myself.
It took me many years to learn this very necessary and important lesson. I wondered many long years lost in the wilderness of loneliness and hopelessness, trying to Love and be Loved in return unsuccessfully, because I had missed the first very important step of all, Self Love. To Love ourselves is to Love GODDESS/GOD, is to Love the Pure Essence of LOVE ITSELF, because GODDESS/GOD is the Pure Essence of LOVE and we are one with GODDESS/GOD. Now that I am conscious of this Divine Reality, I am ready to Love honestly, openly, fully, and unconditionally. When I consciously became aware of this, I immediately opened up to, and received the major revelation that what I give will in turn be reciprocated back to me, in even a greater measure then I could ever give out. Everything in this experience we call life, is all about Love. If we think not, we deceive ourselves, and commit ourselves to living a life full of lack of every kind imaginable, as well as overwhelming confusion. Love is the answer; we must open up to Love before this lifetime reaches its end, because openly giving and receiving Unconditional Love, is one lesson we are to learn while here on this physical plane. I will never give up on Love.
As I stated before, I Love to Love, I am in Love with Love. Now the question for me is this; who will I share this Love with in an intimate way. Love and intimacy go together hand-in-hand, it is the natural progression of life. We do not fall in Love. To fall means that one is out of control. There is nothing out of control about Truly Loving another Sacred Being. When we Love another, we must consciously choose to Love that person. To Love another in the here and now, is to take what we have, the Eternal Will of Spiritual Love, and translate it in such a way that we can share the energy and experience of Love in its fullness with another precious being on this temporary physical plane. We have to find a way to give more of ourselves to the purity of Love in as many honorable ways as possible. I want to, and must give more of my Precious Love to GODDESS/GOD, I must also give as much of my Love as possible, to the Sacred Woman I will come to know as my Soul Partner, Friend, Companion, Lover, and Intimate Spiritual Mate, also to the Whole of Creation. Have you not noticed that the Glorious Sun of Love shines brightly on the cloudiest of days, just as it does on the clearest of days? There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that can stop the brightly Shining Light and Energy of Unconditional Love. We all can share in that Wonder-Full experience of Unconditional Love. The key to opening the door to doing so is to open up fully to Loving Ourselves Unconditionally, and without question, Loving Our Beloved Creator MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. This goes far beyond our intellectual awareness; it must be comprehended Spiritually, and become our overriding and abiding Spiritual Reality.
Love has been perverted for such a long time that many no longer see it as being the Sacred and Divine Experience that it is. Love is due the utmost reverence and the utmost respect. Love is no less then the Sacred Life-giving Waters of our Spirit that we must all drink. We will never truly experience life, if we have not quenched our thirst from the Sacred Life-giving Waters of Unconditional Love. We must awaken from our sleep; we must individually be shaken and awakened from the ongoing nightmare of life without True Unconditional Love. We must stop leaving our true reality behind. I remember how it felt to have my dad embrace me and say, I Love You Son. I desired that from my mother, however, for some reason she refused to surrender to Love. I believe it was out of fear. I know she Loved me, however, for some reason she just did not feel comfortable yielding to the awesome amount of Love that was within her Spirit, and share it with me freely. I Love You Mom!
I missed the Love from the most important Sacred Woman in this lifetime, my mother. However, I now open myself completely to experience Unconditional Love from the Sacred Woman that I am now ready to receive into the remainder of my life that will be spent here on Earth Mother. I do not know who she is, whether I have met her already or if she is about to enter into my life. Nevertheless, I believe deeply within my being, that we are going to consciously connect in the very near future. Then there will be a marriage between GREAT SPIRIT, Her Spirit and My Spirit. I am open to and ready for the beginning of this Sacred Relationship, which is Everything Divine. Then we will sail on the Wings of Glory, sail on the Wings of Unconditional Love. Which Sacred Woman is going to step forth and share this Sacred Love Relationship with me? I pledge to give more of myself through Love.
I Love to Love; I am in Love with Love.
My Most Beloved Sacred Woman, Come join me in Love.
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers, we must follow this Spiritual Path.
To Make Love Is To Partake in A Holy Experience.
I Am Living Inside of Love.
So It Is!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © Feb. 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
This is something that I wrote and put together in 2004. I wish to share with you now. Enjoy!
Word for Today: Perfection
1 : the quality or state of being perfect: as a : freedom from fault or defect : Flawlessness b : MATURITY c : the quality or state of being saintly 2 a : an exemplification of supreme excellence b : an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence 3 : the act or process of perfecting
Good Morning Beloved, Life is simply marvelous. For the benefit of the Whole of Creation, and ourselves we need to do everything that we possibly can to further our Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical growth. We Must Be All That We Have Been Created To Be!
The Power of Love Is Within Us.
We Must Not Waste It.
We Must Use It, Also Share It Freely and Openly.
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © 2004
A number of times I have shared with you that I reserve the right to change my mind concerning my beliefs as soon as I see that I have been in error. Well, this is one of those times. Yesterday a companion of mine helped me see perfection clearer and how it pertains to the entire human race. I used to believe and say, "We are not perfect; we are working our way back to the state of perfection, and the day that we reach that perfected state of being, we will no longer need to exist on this physical plane." I've also said the next statement many times, "We were originally created in a state of perfection, however due to all of the outside negative influences, and all of the negative programming mankind has received since the beginning of time, we lost our state of perfection." What I expressed both times was incorrect.
My second statement was partially accurate in that we were created in perfection. If people do not act like human beings, that does not mean that they are not human beings. It simply means that they do not know who they are, or they are in denial of who they are. If we were created in perfection, and we are, we are still a perfect creation no matter how out of character we may be acting. By acting out of character, we have covered up our Divine State of Perfection. SPIRIT did not make a mistake when creating us. We were not created in sin or any other state of being outside of Divine Perfection. The entire human race was created in the Divine Love Filled Image and Likeness of MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD. So, let me ask you a question. If we are created in the image and likeness of GODDESS/GOD, and GODDESS/GOD is the Pure Manifestation of Perfection in every sense of the word and energy, what does that make us? That makes us Manifested Perfection.
GODDESS/GOD not only does not make mistakes, GODDESS/GOD also never has to even think about changing what IT has created, because GODDESS/GOD is definitely without a doubt all seeing and all knowing (omnipotent), everything that is created by GODDESS/GOD was and is created in ands through perfection, and that includes you and me.
It is time that we start seeing ourselves in our true Light of Divine Perfection. Then we must start to lives our life in that same way. It may take a little time for us to get out from under all of the stuff we have been buried under for many lifetimes. However, we will be successful in doing so if we apply our entire being, Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit, to the greatly needed recovery process. The veil is being removed from the eyes of those truly wish to see. We have entered into a dimension where the truth is being brought to the surface rapidly and clearly. We must open our Spiritual eyes and ears so that we can align ourselves with our true Spiritual reality once again. We are created in the Image and Likeness of GODDESS/GOD. That makes us one with SPIRIT. Taking that one step further, that translates into our being a perfect creation in every sense of the word and energy.
In Light, Peace and Unconditional Love!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © 2004
Create A Beauty-Full and Prosperous Life.
One Day At A Time!
"I Love You!"
Baba Kundi
"Whatever your circumstances, always remember to analyze yourself so that you know what you are doing, and especially how you are doing it. For example, every day you are obliged to do certain tasks that are more or less interesting or pleasant. But, pleasant and interesting or not, they have to be done. So, observe carefully how you set about doing a job you do not like very much: you sigh, you grumble, and you go at it without conviction or love. You do not realize that your attitude makes the work even more difficult; and then, not only do the efforts you are required to make bring you nothing inwardly, but they destroy you. Whereas if you learn to consider things in another way, if you decide you are going to use this boring work as a chance to train yourself and to make progress, you will change your state of consciousness and the task will seem less hard."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
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When we love, we reap precious blessings for ourselves. Our bodies function better on all levels. Our natural healing processes can accelerate, causing the spontaneous remission of the most difficult of diseases. Love-inspired minds become clearer, lighter, and positively directed. Because love enhances flow, when we love all of our emotions come easier and we use our energy-in-motion well.
We can learn to purposefully and intentionally practice love. Love must become more than something that just happens to us, if we get lucky, or that we fall into and out of according to some unfathomable whimsy.
We can and must learn to actively make love: to cause love-energy to stir and swell and flow out into meaningful connection with others; to gratefully open to and receive love whenever it comes our way; and to create with others a world in which such conscious loving is the sole abiding reality.
Excerpted From: Connecting with Love
Michael Sky
In Every Sense of the Word and In Its Sacred Eternal Energy,
I Am a Perfect Creation!
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Copyright © 2004