Is HOPE alive, active, and well in all that we do in our every day existence, or are we allowing HOPE to lie dormant in our individually created surrounding worlds, and leaning on fear and despair instead? We must Keep HOPE Alive within our Spirit, also within our surrounding worlds in the NOW. HOPE in the NOW, the current moment is our only reality. H.O.P.E Holding Onto Peace Eternal.
In today's commercial advertising world we are led to believe that beauty is having a slim or muscular build with long flowing straight hair and we are to get that by any means necessary. Do not get me wrong; those are only two of a multitude of forms of outward beauty. Nevertheless, beauty does not begin and end with our outer appearance and physical shape. Outward beauty manifests in all sizes, shapes and colors. However, the most pleasing and fulfilling beauty a person can project is the Inner and outer NaturalBeauty she or he is born with. The Divine Creation known as humanity is a complete perfect blessing that is made a part of the whole of creation by our Sacred Eternal Parent Mother-Father Goddess-God. We are created as different individuals for a Divine reason; everything created by Goddess-God is Divine, Sacred, and Perfect in every way just as it is. All of us outwardly are a different reflection and definition of that Divine, Sacred, and Perfect creation, and that is a very good thing. The bottom line to this story is. "We Are Individuals!" Because of that precious reality, we all look different, those differences in each individual is Absolutely Beauty-Full in every way. It does not matter what size, shape, or color our physical being is. Likewise, it does not matter what the color, texture, or style of our hair may be, we are still Beauty-Full and Radiant, the way we were born and the way we naturally age is the way Goddess-God intends.
In terms of our physical make-up, it is time that we come to the true understanding that our physical body is not created to withstand and tolerate all of the chemicals that we expose it to on a daily basis, or the physical manipulation we burden it with. That is why as the human race gets older our bodies experience more and more disease (dis-ease). Unnatural treatment causes unnatural results. When a chemical is used on our bodies, or ingested into our bodies, it distorts the Divine Natural Rhythm and Flow in an unhealthy and unnatural way. That means that we are harming the natural make-up of our temporary physical vehicles when you introduce them to un-natural chemicals and foreign manipulation. Over the years, it has been proven without a shadow of doubt that we absorb natural and un-natural substances through the pores of our skin at a very rapid rate; the skin is actually the largest organ of the body. That is why some medications are now being administered by way of skin patches.
If we seriously take all of that into consideration, and then couple it with the fact that our hair grows through the porous layer of skin on our head, which provides an even greater possibility of chemical absorption due to the openings of our hair shafts through our scalp. Our hair shafts provide another avenue for absorption of unnatural chemicals in the hair products we use into our bodies and blood streams. That is not good at all for our overall health. We must give a lot of serious thought to what we put on our hair, scalp, and skin. That is why a natural hairstyle without any man made chemical treatments is of the utmost importance to people of every hue and ethnicity in more ways then one.
It is really mind-boggling how humanity thinks and acts most of the time. Those with curly and courser hair are doing all they can to straighten their hair, and even change it's color. Then those who have fine straight hair are curling it and coloring it. Everyone is trying to be like and look like someone else. We should be completely content and happy with the Divine way each of us have been created, and accept the Awesome Natural Beauty we have been blessed with, as the individual we were created to be from birth. If all of us looked alike this would be a very dull world to live in. We would then do all we could to change the way we look to be different from everyone else. Human beings have turned into little fickle beings.
We should take the All EncompassingNatural Beauty that we already possess, and do all that we can to maintain it properly, which means Naturally. Naturally is how we make our Natural Beauty an even Greater More Radiant Natural Masterpiece. It does not matter what texture our hair is, there is a natural hairstyle for us that will enhance and fabulously showcase our limitless beauty. It is amazing what the right Natural Hair Style can do for a person’s appearance, and even enhance their self-esteem. Believe it or not, a natural hairstyle can increase your self-esteem and also changes the way that others look at you as well. However, it does not matter what others think or say about us. All that matters is this; we do only that which naturally enhances and supports who we are created to be. Think about all of this, and then take the appropriate actions and let your Natural Beauty Radiate from within your Spirit, through your Goddess/Godgiven Beauty-Full physical make-up, just the way it is Divinely Designed.
A spiritual shift is occurring. Many people around the world have found themselves on the verge of something vast, and their experiences cannot be explained. This film introduces the awakening and illustrates the unprecedented number of lives affected by this shift.
I am a Creator of my life and also my surrounding world; and I must have a Master Plan for my creations. One of my favorite songs is The Creator Has A Master Plan, by Pharoah Sanders, also done in a more contemporary style done by the Brooklyn Funk Essentials. Here are the lyrics to the song.
The Creator Has A Master Plan
There was a time, when peace was on the earth, And joy and happiness did reign and each man knew his worth In my heart how I yearn for that spirit's return And I cry, as time flies, Om, Om
There is a place where love forever shines And rainbows are the shadows of a presence so divine And the glow of that love lights the heavens above And it's free, can't you see, come with me
The creator has a master plan Peace and happiness for every man The creator has a working plan Peace and happiness for every man The creator makes but one demand Happiness through all the land
This song is so inspiring to me; it touches me deep within my Spirit, and places me in a state of a deeper relationship with GREAT SPIRIT. “There was a time when peace was on the earth.” I must bring peace back to the earth in everything that I think, say, and do. Peace comes by way of Unconditional Love, sincerity, reliability, honesty, dependability, consistency, and the reality of me being who and what I truly am, The Physical Manifestation of GREAT SPIRIT. In addition, I like to refer to The CREATOR as The DIVINE. Every day, to the best of my ability, I consciously do my part to bring peace to the world and the whole of creation. There once was a time when humanity collectively felt and totally embodied peace in all that was thought, said, and done. However, somehow and somewhere humanity lost it’s way. I cannot be held responsible for the whole of humanity. However, I am held responsible for my every action, and lack thereof. Therefore, I must consciously do everything within my power to be the full manifestation of peace in the world today. Peace can manifest when the energy being projected and received is that of Unconditional Love and Trust. Today, there is a severe lack of Unconditional Love and Trust in our relationship. Such a situation results in chaos and confusion on a grand global scale. Humanity and Earth Mother can not go on like this much longer. That is why we are seeing cataclysmic events such as we are seeing in the world today. All of which are controlled by my energy, and the energy of all of my brothers and sisters of the human race, being projected out into the atmosphere in the present moment. We can change the condition of the world through individual change. Yes, it is just as simple as that. If we want Peace, We Must Be Peace in all that we think, say, and do.
Next, I am focusing in on, the Joy and Happiness of our True Divine Reality reigning, and each woman and man knowing her and his Sacred Worth. How is it that we find ourselves and the Beautiful Abundant Creation I call Earth Mother, in a condition that is less than pleasing, and less than Pure Perfection with Joy and Happiness abounding in every part of this Fantastic Creation? We find it is such a condition because we have accepted and believe that this is how it is supposed to be. How can we believe any different, when we start out believing that we are imperfect beings that are born into this Fabulous Abundant Perfect Creation, as mere little filthy unworthy sinners. Being in such a lowly state of mind, makes us feel unworthy of experiencing Joy and Happiness. The nerve of anyone who believes that we are worthy of any form of abundance, especially the abundance of that which produces such Glorious Energy as Pure Joy and Pure Happiness. Beloved, I am exposing that deception, lie, and myth for what it is, a dark deceptive illusion designed to rob us of our Sacred Creative Power, Divine Birthright of Perfection, and Abundant Unconditional Love, which gives birth to every form of good imaginable. Human beings are not helpless imperfect beings, which are in need of a savior outside of ourselves in physical or other form, we have not been created and placed into this physical existence, as imperfect corruptible miserable sinners, we were created by PERFECTION ITSELF, so we can be no less than perfection in our total being. That tells me that Joy and Happiness has no choice but to be an integral part of our ongoing life existence and experience. In and of my Divine Being, my Eternal Spirit I Am Joy and I Am Happiness.
“In my heart how I yearn for that spirit's return.” As far as SPIRIT’S return goes, there is a correction needed here. GREAT SPIRIT has never left us, so there is no need for IT’Sreturn. However, there is a need for our return to the reality that GREAT SPIRIT is eternally with us. There is a need for our return to the Divine Reality that GREAT SPIRIT has always been with us and eternally will be with us, in and through the Divine Reality of our Spiritual Oneness. There may be a yearning in our hearts, however, that yearning is not for GREAT SPIRIT’S return. That yearning is for our return to GREAT SPIRIT. Humanity has turned it’s back on the Divine Reality of our Spiritual Oneness, we have turned our consciousness away from our Eternal Lifeline of Power. Humanity has turned its consciousness away from The DIVINE. Our hearts actually yearn for that Divine Connection. The ridiculous thing is, we are yearning for something that we eternally have. We are simply in the insidious state of grand denial. How does the old saying go? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. As for myself, I choose to drink continuously from the Living Waters of Divine Truth that I am speaking of here. Does anyone care to join me in a Sacred Toast to our Divine Spiritual Reality?
“I cry, as time flies.” I believe that the only tears we should be shedding are tears of relief, tears of joy and relief over our Spiritual Awakening and our longed for return to Divine Reality. However, many are crying due to their overwhelming ignorance of their Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT. In and through such ignorance we set ourselves up for all of the turmoil we are experiencing in the world today. God is not doing any of the horrendous things that are happening the humanity and occurring in the world today, man has, and is creating all of it. We are the creators of our reality, what a reality humanity has and is creating. Just look around the world and see what humanity has created. GREAT SPIRITcreated a Paradise for us all to share in together, in equal measure. Is that the reality humanity has created? Sadly, I must say no, humanity has created the opposite. Nevertheless, it is not to late to turn all of this around. We must go within our Spirit and tap into our Higher Selves, and get the Divine Direction needed to make the changes needed to turn all of this around. To start that process we must first come to grips with and recognize our Sacred Oneness with GREAT SPIRIT, and the Whole of Creation.
"There is a place where love forever shines, and rainbows are the shadows of a presence so divine, and the glow of that love lights the heavens above, and it's free, can't you see, come with me." The place where Love forever shines is the place within us, the place within our Spirit where we are one with The DIVINE, one withGREAT SPIRIT. Allowing such a Glorious Vortex of Sacred Energy to rule supreme in our lives, creates Rainbows of Sacred Energy and transforms the darkest most negative energies known to humanity. Then we are able to sit back and enjoy the Love Lights of Heaven that are all around and within us. Talk about freedom and seeing clearly, that is total freedom and clarity.
"The creator has a master plan, peace and happiness for every man." The CREATOR’S Master Plan for every woman, man, girl and boy is the Divine Oneness and Sacred Harmony of a Love Supreme, and a Love Supreme is none other than the free flowing energy of Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the author of Light, Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Oneness. Time and time again, men have totally overlooked and discounted the Universal Awesomeness and Power of Sacred Women, and the need to have them be an equal part of this thing called life. Sacred Women are not the footstools, exclusive servants, or the pleasure instruments of men. Sacred Women are definitely equal and valuable to GREAT SPIRIT as men are. What is the most outstanding difference between men and women? The most outstanding difference is physical strength. However, physical strength is only a temporal attribute of macho men. A major part of being a conscious positive creator is being able to see things as they truly are, and humanity has had Spiritual and reality vision deficiencies almost since the beginning of time. However, the first step towards recovery, is seeing things as they truly are. It is time for us men to collectively wake from the hellish nightmare of superiority. For that matter, it is time for everyone who feels superior to another in any way, to shake themselves and wake up from their nightmare of self-pride, fake alter ego, and insidious deception. No matter how much wealth we have, our occupation, religious or Spiritual beliefs, sexuality, or gender, is we are all equal on the scale of Divine Reality. The macho man bubble was burst the minute it was inflated with all of the masculine hot gas. The main reason why I say gas and not air, is that gas smells, and so does every form of a superiority complex.
"Peace and happiness for every man." When I meditate, I sometimes chant Om Shanti. The origins of Om are lost in the mists of time. Om is considered to be the primeval sound, the sound of the universe, the sound from which all other sounds are formed. Some believe and say that Om is the sound that was uttered by The DIVINE, and caused what we see as our physical reality to be. Om was the Divine Sound, the Divine Energy that created the universe and our Precious Earth Mother. Shanti simply means "peace". It is a beautiful meaning and also a very beautiful sound. There is Peace and Happiness for the whole of creation. Humanity has just neglected to grab hold of it and partake of its Amazing Wonder-Full Gifts. We have been enticed by those things which have no true substance at all. We have been following the direction created in the minds of those who are Spiritually derelict and morally deranged. We must stop trying to create peace and happiness through the energy and substance of our human intellect. Both the energies of Peace and Happiness are Spiritually based energies, they can only come to us and manifest in and through our lives from the Sacred Space within our Spirit. It is no way that we can manifest true Peace and Happiness by way of our human intellect, our limited human reasoning. Peace and Happiness is a part of our original state of perfection, and we must consciously re-connect with that part of our perfection, as we must do so with every other element of our Sacred Perfection. There is no doubt that we will. The only question is this. How many lifetimes and how much negativity will we have to experience before we choose the Sacred Path of Divine Spiritual Perfection?
“The creator has a working plan.” GREAT SPIRIT’Sworking plan for humanity and the whole of creation is always in motion; it is a plan that is always working and creating new Divine Beauty such as Earth Mother and the whole of creation through the Supreme All-Power-Full Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love. The Divine Working Plan is behind every form of creation there is. You will even find it in every negative creation humanity has produced, because GREAT SPIRIT’S Working Plan is the substance that holds everything together, even that which we classify as negative. There is absolutely no existence without it. Men in their ignorance have tried to ignore it and outright destroy it. However, it is eternal just like our Spirit is eternal. Our ignorance and our denial of something does not make that which is reality disappear and become non-existent. It simply shows how stupid we can be when we turn away from the Perfect Direction of GREAT SPIRIT.
Finally and most important; “The creator has but one demand, peace and happiness throughout the land.” That does not just mean peace throughout the physical land we know as the earth. It means peace and happiness within every human being. Beloved, that peace and happiness is within our Spirit, it has always been there because Peace and Happiness is a major part of our eternal existence. Humanity acting out in ignorance does not negate, or diminish in any way that Divine Reality. We are creators of our reality and other minor temporal things. Nevertheless, we cannot re-create that which GREAT SPIRIT has created. We can choose to act as if it does not exist, and act contrary to it in every way we can think of. However, we cannot change the Eternal Divine Reality that Peace and Happiness resides eternally within our True Selves, our Spirit. We are Eternal Spiritual Beings of Perfection, and we were created by none other than PERFECTIONITSELF, MOTHER/FATHER GODDESS/GOD.
When we are children, bluffing is one of our most valuable tools use to manipulate others, especially our parents to get that which we desire and need. However, we cannot live our lives in an authentic and productive way if we are trying to bluff our way through every life situation. To live an authentic life we must be honest and open about everything thing we say and do. We can only make it so far being a bluffer, because after a while of bluffing, those around us will catch on to what we are doing and refuse to give into our bluffs. Bluffs are actually lies. I have known a few such people who lived as professional bluffers/manipulators/users; eventually they were uncovered for who and what they truly are. When that happened they had to move on to live in another location, and set up camp there and continue to live a life bluffing in that new location as they had in numerous other locations.
For the most part, most children grow out of being perpetual bluffers. However, the remnants of bluffing usually remain with us, and we draw on that trickster skill from time-to-time. A child will sometimes bluff just to test the waters; let me see how this will work. They will tell their parents this or that just to see what happens. Here is one of the bluffs I have heard children use. I am going to run away from home because I am tired of always having to do what I am told. It is not fair; all of the rules in this house, I can’t do this, I can’t do that. I should have some say in what I do, because this is my house too.
The reason why I said it is a bluff I heard children use, because I did not ever think about using such a bluff with my mother and father. I knew what would be said if I tired to use that bluff. They would offer to help me pack my bags, and even go as far as offering me a ride somewhere. My parents were smart; they would call me on my bluffs all the time. However, most parents cave into their children’s bluffs. In addition, when we grow up and become adults, many of our partners, spouses, and friends likewise cave into our bluffs. Because of all of that, our lives become one big bluff, one big deception, one big manipulation, one big lie, and when we look in the mirror all we will see is the extremely soft vulnerable empty shell of a person. A bluff is no less then deception in disguise. When we bluff someone, we are deceiving and manipulating him or her with dark trickery; we are deceiving ourselves as well. That is humanities true reality.
This is a sad commentary but a true one; we have been taught to carry ourselves that way. Yes, that is part of our training when we are innocent little children in our formative years. One of many ways we have been taught to manipulate others is through bluffing them. We master controlling others through lies, what ifs, and threatening that we are going to do something. It is like someone telling others, I am going to commit suicide. If a person is really set on committing suicide, they do not talk about it, they are not going to broadcast it for all to know, because they do not want anyone to get in the way of what they are about to do; they do not want to be stopped. They just do it; they just simply do it. On the other hand, you will have those who say, I am going to commit suicide, or in some way do things that point towards making others aware of their plans before they go through with it. However, I would venture to go as far as saying, the majority of them want someone to step in and rescue them, so they would have someone to lean on and get attention from, many times it is just about getting attention. In addition to that and very sad to say, some of them slip through the cracks and are not rescued and actually end up committing suicide even though they really did not want to do so. I can tell you that from experience. I tried to commit suicide once in this lifetime. Actually as I think about it now, it was two times. I was committing another type of suicide, long-term suicide over a ten-year period, from 1969 to 1979 to be exact.
I was committing long-term suicide when I was strung out on drugs from 16 to 26 years of age. I am not talking about marijuana/herb, in which I smoked more then my share, I am talking about hardcore heroin. Yes, at 16 years of age I started using Heroin. When I think back on that, wow, it sends chills through my body. When I see a movie with a heroin addict in it, I think in bewilderment about me actually sinking to such a low point in my life. How could I have done such to myself? The first time I did it, I snorted it up my nose, the next day and for the next ten years I main-lined as they say, I shot heroin directly into my veins. Wow, that was my very own personal hell here on earth. I Thank GODDESS/GOD that I Am Now Consciously Living In My Very Own Personal Heaven Right Here on My Precious Earth Mother.
Back to suicide, I tried to commit suicide when I realized that I was losing my ex-wife. I did not tell anyone leading up to it, however, after taking a whole bottle of pain pills, and in a semi-conscious state of mind, I called my wife at work, and told her what I had done. Then I passed out on the telephone and she called my aunt who lived next door to tell my mother who was in the house with me, I had temporarily moved back home, and they had me rushed to the hospital by ambulance. I was serious about killing myself, and consciously I thought that I wanted to go through with it. However, my subconscious was not in agreement with me at all. If I had my choice, I would have chosen life and be with my wife rather than dying. Because of that small thought of a possible alternative choice, I was able to reach out in a semi-conscious state of mind, and call for help. I am so grateful to GODDESS/GOD for sparing my life. Because a few years following that, I met, my second wife and we had four Beauty-Full Children, the Pure Blessing of Love and Mercy. From the numerous drugs I did along with heroin, I should not have been able to have children, or at least not the Four Beauty-Full Healthy Whole Children we had. With many attempted suicides, people are showing others their hands in hopes that they will be rescued.
When someone is bluffing in a card game, they do so because they know that their opponent has a much better hand than they do. Nevertheless, they bluff their opponent into believing their hand is a much better hand than the one they have. Actually, being phony and living life as a perpetual bluff, has become a part of the every day lifestyle of many people. When we are being phony, we are unable to be our true authentic selves; that means that we are unable to allow our Higher Selves to guide us through the troubled waters of this lifetime. That also means that one day, bluffing could result in a drowning when the tsunami of truth and reality finally hits the scorched shores of deception in the life of the bluffer.
There is no time left to be complacent. The world is changing now. Not tomorrow. Be part of the change for good. The love. Not the fear. Let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new.
Unconditional Love Must Be Unveiled
Baba-Kundi Ma`at-Shambhala
Unconditional Love must be unveiled so that its transformative energy can radiate at full force, and then be used to turn this troubled world around. An authentic Love relationship is needed; it is always about Love and relationships. When we do not have, a proper Love Relationship with The DIVINE, and with each other, there is guaranteed turmoil. In addition, we get the exact same tumultuous results when we do not have a Love Relationship with Earth Mother. Life is supposed to be about sharing Unconditional Love with each other and the whole of creation. When that is not done, everything, and I do mean everything, is thrown out of balance, and when something is out of balance, it is impossible for it to run smoothly. In the world today, we are experiencing the lack of True Unconditional Love Relationships on the part of humanity. This can be a terminal condition for the human race if it is not dealt with in an immediate urgent way. Humanity being out of balance in the horrendous way that it is today, is even affecting the way that the animal kingdom is acting, because they are so sensitive to energy, they can feel, see, and hear energy in a way that we cannot even imagine. Our lack of Unconditional Love is tormenting the animal and plant kingdoms.
How much more suffering will it take to cause humanity
to wake from its hellish state of unconsciousness?
The only way our beloved world will be turned around is through a massive Inner Awakening of Unconditional Love within us, the human race. How long has humanity hoped for and waited on leaders, be they the many different religious leaders or the horde of governmental leaders of the countries of this world to turn things around in such a way that it would benefit the whole of creation? We have been waiting to long, to do something that we should have been doing. How much more suffering will it take to cause us to wake from our hellish state of unconsciousness? How many more times must it be reported in the news about the atrocities of companies, countries, religious and world leaders? I do not see myself as an American, I see myself as I truly am, a Spiritual being on a sojourn through a dense physical plane. If seen through the lens of Spiritual Reality, which is our only reality, we will see and know who we truly are, we are Spiritual Beings on a journey through a dense temporal physical plane that we are to charge with Unconditional Love, which is the Love that is responsible for creating us and the whole of creation.
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers of Unconditional Love. We can and must stand up and face the truth, in order to we will start the wheels of change in motion within us and all around us in our surrounding worlds. We create our own reality, which includes the immediate area around us that I call our surrounding world. If we change our surrounding world, when our surrounding world overlaps with other surrounding worlds, we change the entire world. There is a famous quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi that goes like this, “We must be the change that we seek.” How long ago was that said, and how many of us have taken heed to that voice of wisdom and reality? Here is another quote by Gandhi that stands high on my list of great quotes. “Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time. I must continue to bear testimony to truth even if I am forsaken by all. Mine may today be a voice in the wilderness, but it will be heard when all other voices are silenced, if it is the voice of Truth.” I do my best to speak what I know to be, and believe to be the truth. Life is so much more than most realize and understand. I believe that the truth about many things will be revealed in the very near future, and I hope that two of those truths are the following. The true agenda of all world leaders and their governments will be revealed. In addition, the truth of all truths be revealed that governs who and what we are, Eternal Spiritual Beings that must live in a Pure Spiritual Way at all times, the way of Unconditional Love.
We Must Stand Up In Unconditional Love and Transform the World.
As The Truth Is Reveal, Unconditional Love Will Be Unveiled.
I am one of many Spiritual Travelers who has chosen the Sacred Path of Unconditional Love and Total Spiritual Re-Call.
The Sacred Path of Unconditional Love is one of Loving without a single desire or demand in return. The Path of Total Spiritual Re-Call is the path that facilitates remembering who we are Spiritually, the path where one begins to consciously re-connect with her or his Eternal Spiritual Reality.
I am being awakened to my Eternal Spiritual Self with each passing second, my Higher-Self, my Inner-G (Inner Goddess-God) is made clearer to me as I travel this Sacred Path. My Higher Spiritual Self has never forgotten that it is One With Great Spirit, Mama-Baba Goddess-God.
Every human creation will eventually take this Divine Spiritual Journey of Awakening, and experience a Sacred Home Coming upon reaching Total Spiritual Re-Call. May you enjoy your sojourn through this dense physical realm.
One, Source, One Love, Unconditional!